
store.h: Reuse the sdb_metric_store_t type for a metric's store field.
[sysdb.git] / src / frontend / query.c
1 /*
2  * SysDB - src/frontend/query.c
3  * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Sebastian 'tokkee' Harl <>
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8  * are met:
9  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
10  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
11  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
12  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
13  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
14  *
26  */
28 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
29 #       include "config.h"
30 #endif
32 #include "sysdb.h"
34 #include "core/plugin.h"
35 #include "frontend/connection-private.h"
36 #include "parser/ast.h"
37 #include "parser/parser.h"
38 #include "utils/error.h"
39 #include "utils/proto.h"
40 #include "utils/strbuf.h"
42 #include <errno.h>
43 #include <ctype.h>
44 #include <string.h>
46 /*
47  * metric fetcher:
48  * Implements the callbacks necessary to read a metric object.
49  */
51 typedef struct {
52         char *type;
53         char *id;
54 } metric_store_t;
56 static int
57 metric_fetcher_host(sdb_store_host_t __attribute__((unused)) *host,
58                 sdb_object_t __attribute__((unused)) *user_data)
59 {
60         return 0;
61 } /* metric_fetcher_host */
63 static int
64 metric_fetcher_metric(sdb_store_metric_t *metric, sdb_object_t *user_data)
65 {
66         metric_store_t *st = SDB_OBJ_WRAPPER(user_data)->data;
68         if ((! metric->store.type) || (! metric->
69                 return 0;
71         st->type = strdup(metric->store.type);
72         st->id = strdup(metric->;
73         if ((! st->type) || (! st->id))
74                 return -1;
75         return 0;
76 } /* metric_fetcher_metric */
78 static sdb_store_writer_t metric_fetcher = {
79         metric_fetcher_host, NULL, metric_fetcher_metric, NULL,
80 };
82 /*
83  * private helper functions
84  */
86 static char *
87 sstrdup(const char *s)
88 {
89         return s ? strdup(s) : NULL;
90 } /* sstrdup */
92 static size_t
93 sstrlen(const char *s)
94 {
95         return s ? strlen(s) : 0;
96 } /* sstrlen */
98 static int
99 exec_query(sdb_ast_node_t *ast, sdb_strbuf_t *buf, sdb_strbuf_t *errbuf)
101         sdb_store_json_formatter_t *f;
102         int type = 0, flags = 0;
103         uint32_t res_type = 0;
104         int status;
106         switch (ast->type) {
107         case SDB_AST_TYPE_FETCH:
108                 type = SDB_AST_FETCH(ast)->obj_type;
109                 res_type = htonl(SDB_CONNECTION_FETCH);
110                 break;
111         case SDB_AST_TYPE_LIST:
112                 type = SDB_AST_LIST(ast)->obj_type;
113                 flags = SDB_WANT_ARRAY;
114                 res_type = htonl(SDB_CONNECTION_LIST);
115                 break;
116         case SDB_AST_TYPE_LOOKUP:
117                 type = SDB_AST_LOOKUP(ast)->obj_type;
118                 flags = SDB_WANT_ARRAY;
119                 res_type = htonl(SDB_CONNECTION_LOOKUP);
120                 break;
121         default:
122                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(errbuf, "invalid command %s (%#x)",
123                                 SDB_AST_TYPE_TO_STRING(ast), ast->type);
124                 return -1;
125         }
127         f = sdb_store_json_formatter(buf, type, flags);
128         sdb_strbuf_memcpy(buf, &res_type, sizeof(res_type));
129         status = sdb_plugin_query(ast, &sdb_store_json_writer, SDB_OBJ(f), errbuf);
130         if (status < 0)
131                 sdb_strbuf_clear(buf);
132         sdb_store_json_finish(f);
133         sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(f));
134         return status;
135 } /* exec_query */
137 static int
138 exec_store(sdb_ast_store_t *st, sdb_strbuf_t *buf, sdb_strbuf_t *errbuf)
140         char name[sstrlen(st->hostname) + sstrlen(st->parent) + sstrlen(st->name) + 3];
141         sdb_metric_store_t metric_store;
142         int type = st->obj_type, status = -1;
144         switch (st->obj_type) {
145         case SDB_HOST:
146                 strncpy(name, st->name, sizeof(name));
147                 status = sdb_plugin_store_host(st->name, st->last_update);
148                 break;
150         case SDB_SERVICE:
151                 snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s", st->hostname, st->name);
152                 status = sdb_plugin_store_service(st->hostname, st->name, st->last_update);
153                 break;
155         case SDB_METRIC:
156                 snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s", st->hostname, st->name);
157                 metric_store.type = st->store_type;
158        = st->store_id;
159                 status = sdb_plugin_store_metric(st->hostname, st->name,
160                                 &metric_store, st->last_update);
161                 break;
163         case SDB_ATTRIBUTE:
164                 type |= st->parent_type;
166                 if (st->parent)
167                         snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s.%s",
168                                         st->hostname, st->parent, st->name);
169                 else
170                         snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.%s", st->hostname, st->name);
172                 switch (st->parent_type) {
173                 case 0:
174                         type |= SDB_HOST;
175                         status = sdb_plugin_store_attribute(st->hostname,
176                                         st->name, &st->value, st->last_update);
177                         break;
179                 case SDB_SERVICE:
180                         status = sdb_plugin_store_service_attribute(st->hostname, st->parent,
181                                         st->name, &st->value, st->last_update);
182                         break;
184                 case SDB_METRIC:
185                         status = sdb_plugin_store_metric_attribute(st->hostname, st->parent,
186                                         st->name, &st->value, st->last_update);
187                         break;
189                 default:
190                         sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "store: Invalid parent type in STORE: %s",
191                                         SDB_STORE_TYPE_TO_NAME(st->parent_type));
192                         return -1;
193                 }
194                 break;
196         default:
197                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "store: Invalid object type in STORE: %s",
198                                 SDB_STORE_TYPE_TO_NAME(st->obj_type));
199                 return -1;
200         }
202         if (status < 0) {
203                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(errbuf, "STORE: Failed to store %s object",
204                                 SDB_STORE_TYPE_TO_NAME(type));
205                 return -1;
206         }
208         if (! status) {
209                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(buf, "Successfully stored %s %s",
210                                 SDB_STORE_TYPE_TO_NAME(type), name);
211         }
212         else {
213                 char type_str[32];
214                 strncpy(type_str, SDB_STORE_TYPE_TO_NAME(type), sizeof(type_str));
215                 type_str[0] = (char)toupper((int)type_str[0]);
216                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(buf, "%s %s already up to date", type_str, name);
217         }
219         return SDB_CONNECTION_OK;
220 } /* exec_store */
222 static int
223 exec_timeseries(sdb_ast_timeseries_t *ts, sdb_strbuf_t *buf, sdb_strbuf_t *errbuf)
225         metric_store_t st = { NULL, NULL };
226         sdb_object_wrapper_t obj = SDB_OBJECT_WRAPPER_STATIC(&st);
227         sdb_ast_fetch_t fetch = SDB_AST_FETCH_INIT;
228         sdb_timeseries_opts_t opts = { 0, 0 };
229         sdb_timeseries_t *series = NULL;
230         int status;
232         if ((! ts) || (! ts->hostname) || (! ts->metric))
233                 return -1;
235         fetch.obj_type = SDB_METRIC;
236         fetch.hostname = strdup(ts->hostname);
237 = strdup(ts->metric);
238         opts.start = ts->start;
239         opts.end = ts->end;
241         status = sdb_plugin_query(SDB_AST_NODE(&fetch),
242                         &metric_fetcher, SDB_OBJ(&obj), errbuf);
243         if ((status < 0) || (! st.type) || (! {
244                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Failed to fetch time-series '%s/%s' "
245                                 "- no data-store configured for the stored metric",
246                                 ts->hostname, ts->metric);
247                 status = -1;
248         }
249         if (status >= 0) {
250                 series = sdb_plugin_fetch_timeseries(st.type,, &opts);
251                 if (series) {
252                         uint32_t res_type = htonl(SDB_CONNECTION_TIMESERIES);
253                         sdb_strbuf_memcpy(buf, &res_type, sizeof(res_type));
254                         sdb_timeseries_tojson(series, buf);
255                         sdb_timeseries_destroy(series);
256                 }
257                 else {
258                         sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Failed to fetch time-series '%s/%s' "
259                                         "- %s fetcher callback returned no data for '%s'",
260                                         ts->hostname, ts->metric, st.type,;
261                         status = -1;
262                 }
263         }
265         free(fetch.hostname);
266         free(;
267         if (st.type)
268                 free(st.type);
269         if (
270                 free(;
271         return status;
272 } /* exec_timeseries */
274 static int
275 exec_cmd(sdb_conn_t *conn, sdb_ast_node_t *ast)
277         sdb_strbuf_t *buf;
278         int status;
280         if (! ast) {
281                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "out of memory");
282                 return -1;
283         }
285         buf = sdb_strbuf_create(1024);
286         if (! buf) {
287                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "Out of memory");
288                 return -1;
289         }
291         if (ast->type == SDB_AST_TYPE_STORE)
292                 status = exec_store(SDB_AST_STORE(ast), buf, conn->errbuf);
293         else if (ast->type == SDB_AST_TYPE_TIMESERIES)
294                 status = exec_timeseries(SDB_AST_TIMESERIES(ast), buf, conn->errbuf);
295         else
296                 status = exec_query(ast, buf, conn->errbuf);
298         if (status < 0) {
299                 char query[conn->cmd_len + 1];
300                 strncpy(query, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf), conn->cmd_len);
301                 query[sizeof(query) - 1] = '\0';
302                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: failed to execute query '%s'", query);
303         }
304         else
305                 sdb_connection_send(conn, status,
306                                 (uint32_t)sdb_strbuf_len(buf), sdb_strbuf_string(buf));
308         sdb_strbuf_destroy(buf);
309         return status < 0 ? status : 0;
310 } /* exec_cmd */
312 /*
313  * public API
314  */
316 int
317 sdb_conn_query(sdb_conn_t *conn)
319         sdb_llist_t *parsetree;
320         sdb_ast_node_t *ast = NULL;
321         int status = 0;
323         if ((! conn) || (conn->cmd != SDB_CONNECTION_QUERY))
324                 return -1;
326         parsetree = sdb_parser_parse(sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf),
327                         (int)conn->cmd_len, conn->errbuf);
328         if (! parsetree) {
329                 char query[conn->cmd_len + 1];
330                 strncpy(query, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf), conn->cmd_len);
331                 query[sizeof(query) - 1] = '\0';
332                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Failed to parse query '%s': %s",
333                                 query, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->errbuf));
334                 return -1;
335         }
337         switch (sdb_llist_len(parsetree)) {
338                 case 0:
339                         /* skipping empty command; send back an empty reply */
340                         sdb_connection_send(conn, SDB_CONNECTION_DATA, 0, NULL);
341                         break;
342                 case 1:
343                         ast = SDB_AST_NODE(sdb_llist_get(parsetree, 0));
344                         break;
346                 default:
347                         {
348                                 char query[conn->cmd_len + 1];
349                                 strncpy(query, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf), conn->cmd_len);
350                                 query[sizeof(query) - 1] = '\0';
351                                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_WARNING, "frontend: Ignoring %zu command%s "
352                                                 "in multi-statement query '%s'",
353                                                 sdb_llist_len(parsetree) - 1,
354                                                 sdb_llist_len(parsetree) == 2 ? "" : "s",
355                                                 query);
356                                 ast = SDB_AST_NODE(sdb_llist_get(parsetree, 0));
357                         }
358         }
360         if (ast) {
361                 status = exec_cmd(conn, ast);
362                 sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(ast));
363         }
364         sdb_llist_destroy(parsetree);
365         return status;
366 } /* sdb_conn_query */
368 int
369 sdb_conn_fetch(sdb_conn_t *conn)
371         sdb_ast_node_t *ast;
372         char hostname[conn->cmd_len + 1];
373         char name[conn->cmd_len + 1];
374         uint32_t type;
375         int status;
377         if ((! conn) || (conn->cmd != SDB_CONNECTION_FETCH))
378                 return -1;
380         if (conn->cmd_len < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
381                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Invalid command length %d for "
382                                 "FETCH command", conn->cmd_len);
383                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "FETCH: Invalid command length %d",
384                                 conn->cmd_len);
385                 return -1;
386         }
388         /* TODO: support other types besides hosts */
389         hostname[0] = '\0';
391         sdb_proto_unmarshal_int32(SDB_STRBUF_STR(conn->buf), &type);
392         strncpy(name, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf) + sizeof(uint32_t),
393                         conn->cmd_len - sizeof(uint32_t));
394         name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';
396         ast = sdb_ast_fetch_create((int)type,
397                         hostname[0] ? strdup(hostname) : NULL,
398                         -1, NULL,
399                         name[0] ? strdup(name) : NULL,
400                         /* full */ 1, /* filter = */ NULL);
401         status = exec_cmd(conn, ast);
402         sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(ast));
403         return status;
404 } /* sdb_conn_fetch */
406 int
407 sdb_conn_list(sdb_conn_t *conn)
409         sdb_ast_node_t *ast;
410         uint32_t type = SDB_HOST;
411         int status;
413         if ((! conn) || (conn->cmd != SDB_CONNECTION_LIST))
414                 return -1;
416         if (conn->cmd_len == sizeof(uint32_t))
417                 sdb_proto_unmarshal_int32(SDB_STRBUF_STR(conn->buf), &type);
418         else if (conn->cmd_len) {
419                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Invalid command length %d for "
420                                 "LIST command", conn->cmd_len);
421                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "LIST: Invalid command length %d",
422                                 conn->cmd_len);
423                 return -1;
424         }
426         ast = sdb_ast_list_create((int)type, /* filter = */ NULL);
427         status = exec_cmd(conn, ast);
428         sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(ast));
429         return status;
430 } /* sdb_conn_list */
432 int
433 sdb_conn_lookup(sdb_conn_t *conn)
435         sdb_ast_node_t *ast, *m;
436         const char *matcher;
437         size_t matcher_len;
439         uint32_t type;
440         int status;
442         if ((! conn) || (conn->cmd != SDB_CONNECTION_LOOKUP))
443                 return -1;
445         if (conn->cmd_len < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
446                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Invalid command length %d for "
447                                 "LOOKUP command", conn->cmd_len);
448                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "LOOKUP: Invalid command length %d",
449                                 conn->cmd_len);
450                 return -1;
451         }
452         sdb_proto_unmarshal_int32(SDB_STRBUF_STR(conn->buf), &type);
454         matcher = sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf) + sizeof(uint32_t);
455         matcher_len = conn->cmd_len - sizeof(uint32_t);
456         m = sdb_parser_parse_conditional((int)type,
457                         matcher, (int)matcher_len, conn->errbuf);
458         if (! m) {
459                 char expr[matcher_len + 1];
460                 char err[sdb_strbuf_len(conn->errbuf) + sizeof(expr) + 64];
461                 strncpy(expr, matcher, sizeof(expr));
462                 expr[sizeof(expr) - 1] = '\0';
463                 snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Failed to parse lookup condition '%s': %s",
464                                 expr, sdb_strbuf_string(conn->errbuf));
465                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: %s", err);
466                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "%s", err);
467                 return -1;
468         }
470         ast = sdb_ast_lookup_create((int)type, m, /* filter = */ NULL);
471         status = exec_cmd(conn, ast);
472         if (! ast)
473                 sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(m));
474         sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(ast));
475         return status;
476 } /* sdb_conn_lookup */
478 int
479 sdb_conn_store(sdb_conn_t *conn)
481         sdb_ast_node_t *ast = NULL;
482         const char *buf = sdb_strbuf_string(conn->buf);
483         size_t len = conn->cmd_len;
484         uint32_t type;
485         ssize_t n;
486         int status;
488         if ((! conn) || (conn->cmd != SDB_CONNECTION_STORE))
489                 return -1;
491         if ((n = sdb_proto_unmarshal_int32(buf, len, &type)) < 0) {
492                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Invalid command length %zu for "
493                                 "STORE command", len);
494                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf,
495                                 "STORE: Invalid command length %zu", len);
496                 return -1;
497         }
499         switch (type) {
500                 case SDB_HOST:
501                 {
502                         sdb_proto_host_t host;
503                         if (sdb_proto_unmarshal_host(buf, len, &host) < 0) {
504                                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf,
505                                                 "STORE: Failed to unmarshal host object");
506                                 return -1;
507                         }
508                         ast = sdb_ast_store_create(SDB_HOST, /* host */ NULL,
509                                         /* parent */ 0, NULL, sstrdup(, host.last_update,
510                                         /* metric store */ NULL, NULL, SDB_DATA_NULL);
511                 }
512                 break;
514                 case SDB_SERVICE:
515                 {
516                         sdb_proto_service_t svc;
517                         if (sdb_proto_unmarshal_service(buf, len, &svc) < 0) {
518                                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf,
519                                                 "STORE: Failed to unmarshal service object");
520                                 return -1;
521                         }
522                         ast = sdb_ast_store_create(SDB_SERVICE, sstrdup(svc.hostname),
523                                         /* parent */ 0, NULL, sstrdup(, svc.last_update,
524                                         /* metric store */ NULL, NULL, SDB_DATA_NULL);
525                 }
526                 break;
528                 case SDB_METRIC:
529                 {
530                         sdb_proto_metric_t metric;
531                         if (sdb_proto_unmarshal_metric(buf, len, &metric) < 0) {
532                                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf,
533                                                 "STORE: Failed to unmarshal metric object");
534                                 return -1;
535                         }
536                         ast = sdb_ast_store_create(SDB_METRIC, sstrdup(metric.hostname),
537                                         /* parent */ 0, NULL, sstrdup(, metric.last_update,
538                                         sstrdup(metric.store_type), sstrdup(metric.store_id),
539                                         SDB_DATA_NULL);
540                 }
541                 break;
542         }
544         if (type & SDB_ATTRIBUTE) {
545                 sdb_proto_attribute_t attr;
546                 const char *hostname, *parent;
547                 int parent_type;
548                 if (sdb_proto_unmarshal_attribute(buf, len, &attr) < 0) {
549                         sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf,
550                                         "STORE: Failed to unmarshal attribute object");
551                         return -1;
552                 }
553                 if (attr.parent_type == SDB_HOST) {
554                         hostname = attr.parent;
555                         parent_type = 0;
556                         parent = NULL;
557                 }
558                 else {
559                         hostname = attr.hostname;
560                         parent_type = attr.parent_type;
561                         parent = attr.parent;
562                 }
563                 ast = sdb_ast_store_create(SDB_ATTRIBUTE, sstrdup(hostname),
564                                 parent_type, sstrdup(parent), sstrdup(attr.key),
565                                 attr.last_update, /* metric store */ NULL, NULL,
566                                 attr.value);
567         }
569         if (! ast) {
570                 sdb_log(SDB_LOG_ERR, "frontend: Invalid object type %d for "
571                                 "STORE COMMAND", type);
572                 sdb_strbuf_sprintf(conn->errbuf, "STORE: Invalid object type %d", type);
573                 return -1;
574         }
576         status = sdb_parser_analyze(ast, conn->errbuf);
577         if (! status)
578                 status = exec_cmd(conn, ast);
579         sdb_object_deref(SDB_OBJ(ast));
580         return status;
581 } /* sdb_conn_store */
583 /* vim: set tw=78 sw=4 ts=4 noexpandtab : */