
Moved ListTest from main root to a tests directory.
[gosa.git] / tests / ListTest / 1 / index.php
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>Blubb</title>
5 <style type="text/css">@import url('../ObjectListViewport.css');</style>
6 <script language="javascript" src="../ObjectListViewport.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
7 </head>
8 <body>
9 <button onclick='updateObjectListViewportSize();'>Tester</button>
10 <a href="?d=hf">No Footer &amp; Header</a> - 
11 <a href="?d=f">No Footer</a> - 
12 <a href="?d=h">No Header</a> - 
13 <a href="?d=">Normal</a> 
14 <?php
16 /* This is good for testing... */
17 error_reporting (E_ALL | E_STRICT);
19 /* Escape all preg_* relevant characters */
20 function normalizePreg($input)
21 {
22   return (addcslashes($input, '[]()|/.*+-'));
23 }
26 /* Initiate autoloader... */
27 require_once("../../include/");
28 restore_error_handler();
29 try {
31         /* Get new test instance of the Configuration */
32         $cr= Registry::getInstance("ConfigManager");
33         $cr->load("../../gosa.conf");
35         /* Get a new test instance of ObjectListViewports */
36         $vp= new ObjectListViewport("plugin/sample");
37         if(isset($_GET['d']) && preg_match("/f/",$_GET['d'])){
38                 $vp->enableFooter(FALSE);
39         }
40         if(isset($_GET['d']) && preg_match("/h/",$_GET['d'])){
41                 $vp->enableHeader(FALSE);
42         }
43         $content= $vp->render();
45 } catch (Exception $e) {
46         echo "\n-GOsa Exception-----------------------------------------------------------\n\n".
47                  $e->__toString().
48                  "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
49 }
51 ?>
52     <table style='height:90%;width:90%;background-color: rgb(170, 170, 170);' cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0>
53         <tr>
54             <td>
55                <?php echo $content; ?>
57             </td>
58         </tr>
59     </table>
60 </body>
61 </html>