1 #define __SP_TREF_CPP__
3 /** \file
4 * SVG <tref> implementation - All character data within the referenced
5 * element, including character data enclosed within additional markup,
6 * will be rendered.
7 *
8 * This file was created based on skeleton.cpp
9 */
10 /*
11 * Authors:
12 * Gail Banaszkiewicz <Gail.Banaszkiewicz@gmail.com>
13 *
14 * Copyright (C) 2007 Gail Banaszkiewicz
15 *
16 * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
17 */
19 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
20 # include "config.h"
21 #endif
23 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
25 #include "attributes.h"
26 #include "document.h"
27 #include "sp-object-repr.h"
28 #include "sp-text.h"
29 #include "sp-tspan.h"
30 #include "sp-tref.h"
31 #include "style.h"
32 #include "text-editing.h"
33 #include "uri.h"
35 #include "display/nr-arena-group.h"
36 #include "libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h"
37 #include "xml/node.h"
38 #include "xml/repr.h"
41 //#define DEBUG_TREF
42 #ifdef DEBUG_TREF
43 # define debug(f, a...) { g_message("%s(%d) %s:", \
44 __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__); \
45 g_message(f, ## a); \
46 g_message("\n"); \
47 }
48 #else
49 # define debug(f, a...) /**/
50 #endif
53 static void build_string_from_root(Inkscape::XML::Node *root, Glib::ustring *retString);
55 /* TRef base class */
57 static void sp_tref_class_init(SPTRefClass *tref_class);
58 static void sp_tref_init(SPTRef *tref);
59 static void sp_tref_finalize(GObject *obj);
61 static void sp_tref_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr);
62 static void sp_tref_release(SPObject *object);
63 static void sp_tref_set(SPObject *object, unsigned int key, gchar const *value);
64 static void sp_tref_update(SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags);
65 static void sp_tref_modified(SPObject *object, guint flags);
66 static Inkscape::XML::Node *sp_tref_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags);
68 static void sp_tref_bbox(SPItem const *item, NRRect *bbox, Geom::Matrix const &transform, unsigned const flags);
69 static gchar *sp_tref_description(SPItem *item);
71 static void sp_tref_href_changed(SPObject *old_ref, SPObject *ref, SPTRef *tref);
72 static void sp_tref_delete_self(SPObject *deleted, SPTRef *self);
74 static SPObjectClass *tref_parent_class;
76 GType
77 sp_tref_get_type()
78 {
79 static GType tref_type = 0;
81 if (!tref_type) {
82 GTypeInfo tref_info = {
83 sizeof(SPTRefClass),
85 (GClassInitFunc) sp_tref_class_init,
87 sizeof(SPTRef),
88 16,
89 (GInstanceInitFunc) sp_tref_init,
90 NULL, /* value_table */
91 };
92 tref_type = g_type_register_static(SP_TYPE_ITEM, "SPTRef", &tref_info, (GTypeFlags)0);
93 }
94 return tref_type;
95 }
97 static void
98 sp_tref_class_init(SPTRefClass *tref_class)
99 {
100 GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) tref_class;
101 SPObjectClass *sp_object_class = (SPObjectClass *)tref_class;
103 tref_parent_class = (SPObjectClass*)g_type_class_peek_parent(tref_class);
105 sp_object_class->build = sp_tref_build;
106 sp_object_class->release = sp_tref_release;
107 sp_object_class->write = sp_tref_write;
108 sp_object_class->set = sp_tref_set;
109 sp_object_class->update = sp_tref_update;
110 sp_object_class->modified = sp_tref_modified;
112 gobject_class->finalize = sp_tref_finalize;
114 SPItemClass *item_class = (SPItemClass *) tref_class;
116 item_class->bbox = sp_tref_bbox;
117 item_class->description = sp_tref_description;
118 }
120 static void
121 sp_tref_init(SPTRef *tref)
122 {
123 new (&tref->attributes) TextTagAttributes;
125 tref->href = NULL;
126 tref->uriOriginalRef = new SPTRefReference(SP_OBJECT(tref));
127 new (&tref->_delete_connection) sigc::connection();
128 new (&tref->_changed_connection) sigc::connection();
130 tref->_changed_connection =
131 tref->uriOriginalRef->changedSignal().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(sp_tref_href_changed), tref));
132 }
135 static void
136 sp_tref_finalize(GObject *obj)
137 {
138 SPTRef *tref = (SPTRef *) obj;
140 delete tref->uriOriginalRef;
142 tref->_delete_connection.~connection();
143 tref->_changed_connection.~connection();
144 }
147 /**
148 * Reads the Inkscape::XML::Node, and initializes SPTRef variables.
149 */
150 static void
151 sp_tref_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
152 {
153 if (((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->build) {
154 ((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->build(object, document, repr);
155 }
157 sp_object_read_attr(object, "xlink:href");
158 sp_object_read_attr(object, "x");
159 sp_object_read_attr(object, "y");
160 sp_object_read_attr(object, "dx");
161 sp_object_read_attr(object, "dy");
162 sp_object_read_attr(object, "rotate");
163 }
165 /**
166 * Drops any allocated memory.
167 */
168 static void
169 sp_tref_release(SPObject *object)
170 {
171 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(object);
173 tref->attributes.~TextTagAttributes();
175 tref->_delete_connection.disconnect();
176 tref->_changed_connection.disconnect();
178 g_free(tref->href);
179 tref->href = NULL;
181 tref->uriOriginalRef->detach();
183 if (((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->release)
184 ((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->release(object);
185 }
187 /**
188 * Sets a specific value in the SPTRef.
189 */
190 static void
191 sp_tref_set(SPObject *object, unsigned int key, gchar const *value)
192 {
193 debug("0x%p %s(%u): '%s'",object,
194 sp_attribute_name(key),key,value ? value : "<no value>");
196 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(object);
198 if (tref->attributes.readSingleAttribute(key, value)) { // x, y, dx, dy, rotate
199 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
200 } else if (key == SP_ATTR_XLINK_HREF) { // xlink:href
201 if ( !value ) {
202 // No value
203 g_free(tref->href);
204 tref->href = NULL;
205 tref->uriOriginalRef->detach();
206 } else if ((tref->href && strcmp(value, tref->href) != 0) || (!tref->href)) {
208 // Value has changed
210 if ( tref->href ) {
211 g_free(tref->href);
212 tref->href = NULL;
213 }
215 tref->href = g_strdup(value);
217 try {
218 tref->uriOriginalRef->attach(Inkscape::URI(value));
219 tref->uriOriginalRef->updateObserver();
220 } catch ( Inkscape::BadURIException &e ) {
221 g_warning("%s", e.what());
222 tref->uriOriginalRef->detach();
223 }
225 // No matter what happened, an update should be in order
226 SP_OBJECT(tref)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
227 }
229 } else { // default
230 if (((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->set) {
231 ((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->set(object, key, value);
232 }
233 }
236 }
238 /**
239 * Receives update notifications. Code based on sp_use_update and sp_tspan_update.
240 */
241 static void
242 sp_tref_update(SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags)
243 {
244 debug("0x%p",object);
246 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(object);
248 if (((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->update) {
249 ((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->update(object, ctx, flags);
250 }
252 if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
254 }
258 SPObject *child = tref->stringChild;
259 if (child) {
260 if ( flags || ( child->uflags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG )) {
261 child->updateDisplay(ctx, flags);
262 }
263 }
266 }
268 static void
269 sp_tref_modified(SPObject *object, guint flags)
270 {
271 SPTRef *tref_obj = SP_TREF(object);
273 if (flags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
275 }
279 SPObject *child = tref_obj->stringChild;
280 if (child) {
281 g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(child));
282 if (flags || (child->mflags & SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG)) {
283 child->emitModified(flags);
284 }
285 g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(child));
286 }
287 }
289 /**
290 * Writes its settings to an incoming repr object, if any.
291 */
292 static Inkscape::XML::Node *
293 sp_tref_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags)
294 {
295 debug("0x%p",object);
297 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(object);
299 if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) {
300 repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:tref");
301 }
303 tref->attributes.writeTo(repr);
305 if (tref->uriOriginalRef->getURI()) {
306 gchar *uri_string = tref->uriOriginalRef->getURI()->toString();
307 debug("uri_string=%s", uri_string);
308 repr->setAttribute("xlink:href", uri_string);
309 g_free(uri_string);
310 }
312 if (((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->write) {
313 ((SPObjectClass *) tref_parent_class)->write(object, xml_doc, repr, flags);
314 }
316 return repr;
317 }
319 /**
320 * The code for this function is swiped from the tspan bbox code, since tref should work pretty much the same way
321 */
322 static void
323 sp_tref_bbox(SPItem const *item, NRRect *bbox, Geom::Matrix const &transform, unsigned const /*flags*/)
324 {
325 // find out the ancestor text which holds our layout
326 SPObject *parent_text = SP_OBJECT(item);
327 for (; parent_text != NULL && !SP_IS_TEXT(parent_text); parent_text = SP_OBJECT_PARENT (parent_text));
328 if (parent_text == NULL) return;
330 // get the bbox of our portion of the layout
331 SP_TEXT(parent_text)->layout.getBoundingBox(
332 bbox, transform, sp_text_get_length_upto(parent_text, item), sp_text_get_length_upto(item, NULL) - 1);
334 // Add stroke width
335 SPStyle* style=SP_OBJECT_STYLE (item);
336 if (!style->stroke.isNone()) {
337 double const scale = transform.descrim();
338 if ( fabs(style->stroke_width.computed * scale) > 0.01 ) { // sinon c'est 0=oon veut pas de bord
339 double const width = MAX(0.125, style->stroke_width.computed * scale);
340 if ( fabs(bbox->x1 - bbox->x0) > -0.00001 && fabs(bbox->y1 - bbox->y0) > -0.00001 ) {
341 bbox->x0-=0.5*width;
342 bbox->x1+=0.5*width;
343 bbox->y0-=0.5*width;
344 bbox->y1+=0.5*width;
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 }
351 static gchar *
352 sp_tref_description(SPItem *item)
353 {
354 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(item);
356 SPObject *referred = tref->getObjectReferredTo();
358 if (tref && tref->getObjectReferredTo()) {
359 char *child_desc;
361 if (SP_IS_ITEM(referred)) {
362 child_desc = sp_item_description(SP_ITEM(referred));
363 } else {
364 child_desc = g_strdup("");
365 }
367 char *ret = g_strdup_printf(
368 _("<b>Cloned character data</b>%s%s"),
369 (SP_IS_ITEM(referred) ? _(" from ") : ""),
370 child_desc);
371 g_free(child_desc);
372 return ret;
373 } else {
374 return g_strdup(_("<b>Orphaned cloned character data</b>"));
375 }
376 }
379 /* For the sigc::connection changes (i.e. when the object being refered to changes) */
380 static void
381 sp_tref_href_changed(SPObject */*old_ref*/, SPObject */*ref*/, SPTRef *tref)
382 {
383 if (tref)
384 {
385 // Save a pointer to the original object being referred to
386 SPObject *refRoot = tref->getObjectReferredTo();
388 tref->_delete_connection.disconnect();
390 if (tref->stringChild) {
391 sp_object_detach(SP_OBJECT(tref), tref->stringChild);
392 tref->stringChild = NULL;
393 }
395 // Ensure that we are referring to a legitimate object
396 if (tref->href && refRoot && sp_tref_reference_allowed(tref, refRoot)) {
398 // Update the text being referred to (will create a new string child)
399 sp_tref_update_text(tref);
401 // Restore the delete connection now that we're done messing with stuff
402 tref->_delete_connection = SP_OBJECT(refRoot)->connectDelete(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&sp_tref_delete_self), tref));
403 }
405 }
406 }
409 /**
410 * Delete the tref object
411 */
412 static void
413 sp_tref_delete_self(SPObject */*deleted*/, SPTRef *self)
414 {
415 SP_OBJECT(self)->deleteObject();
416 }
418 /**
419 * Return the object referred to via the URI reference
420 */
421 SPObject * SPTRef::getObjectReferredTo(void)
422 {
423 SPObject *referredObject = NULL;
425 if (uriOriginalRef) {
426 referredObject = SP_OBJECT(uriOriginalRef->getObject());
427 }
429 return referredObject;
430 }
433 /**
434 * Returns true when the given tref is allowed to refer to a particular object
435 */
436 bool
437 sp_tref_reference_allowed(SPTRef *tref, SPObject *possible_ref)
438 {
439 bool allowed = false;
441 if (tref && possible_ref) {
442 if (tref != possible_ref) {
443 bool ancestor = false;
444 for (SPObject *obj = tref; obj; obj = SP_OBJECT_PARENT(obj)) {
445 if (possible_ref == obj) {
446 ancestor = true;
447 break;
448 }
449 }
450 allowed = !ancestor;
451 }
452 }
454 return allowed;
455 }
458 /**
459 * Returns true if a tref is fully contained in the confines of the given
460 * iterators and layout (or if there is no tref).
461 */
462 bool
463 sp_tref_fully_contained(SPObject *start_item, Glib::ustring::iterator &start,
464 SPObject *end_item, Glib::ustring::iterator &end)
465 {
466 bool fully_contained = false;
468 if (start_item && end_item) {
470 // If neither the beginning or the end is a tref then we return true (whether there
471 // is a tref in the innards or not, because if there is one then it must be totally
472 // contained)
473 if (!(SP_IS_STRING(start_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(start_item)))
474 && !(SP_IS_STRING(end_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(end_item)))) {
475 fully_contained = true;
476 }
478 // Both the beginning and end are trefs; but in this case, the string iterators
479 // must be at the right places
480 else if ((SP_IS_STRING(start_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(start_item)))
481 && (SP_IS_STRING(end_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(end_item)))) {
482 if (start == SP_STRING(start_item)->string.begin()
483 && end == SP_STRING(start_item)->string.end()) {
484 fully_contained = true;
485 }
486 }
488 // If the beginning is a string that is a child of a tref, the iterator has to be
489 // at the beginning of the item
490 else if ((SP_IS_STRING(start_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(start_item)))
491 && !(SP_IS_STRING(end_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(end_item)))) {
492 if (start == SP_STRING(start_item)->string.begin()) {
493 fully_contained = true;
494 }
495 }
497 // Same, but the for the end
498 else if (!(SP_IS_STRING(start_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(start_item)))
499 && (SP_IS_STRING(end_item) && SP_IS_TREF(SP_OBJECT_PARENT(end_item)))) {
500 if (end == SP_STRING(start_item)->string.end()) {
501 fully_contained = true;
502 }
503 }
504 }
506 return fully_contained;
507 }
510 void
511 sp_tref_update_text(SPTRef *tref)
512 {
513 if (tref) {
514 // Get the character data that will be used with this tref
515 Glib::ustring charData = "";
516 build_string_from_root(SP_OBJECT_REPR(tref->getObjectReferredTo()), &charData);
518 if (tref->stringChild) {
519 sp_object_detach(SP_OBJECT(tref), tref->stringChild);
520 tref->stringChild = NULL;
521 }
523 // Create the node and SPString to be the tref's child
524 Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(tref));
526 Inkscape::XML::Node *newStringRepr = xml_doc->createTextNode(charData.c_str());
527 tref->stringChild = SP_OBJECT(g_object_new(sp_repr_type_lookup(newStringRepr), NULL));
529 // Add this SPString as a child of the tref
530 sp_object_attach(SP_OBJECT(tref), tref->stringChild, tref->lastChild());
531 sp_object_unref(tref->stringChild, NULL);
532 sp_object_invoke_build(tref->stringChild, SP_OBJECT(tref)->document, newStringRepr, TRUE);
534 Inkscape::GC::release(newStringRepr);
535 }
536 }
540 /**
541 * Using depth-first search, build up a string by concatenating all SPStrings
542 * found in the tree starting at the root
543 */
544 static void
545 build_string_from_root(Inkscape::XML::Node *root, Glib::ustring *retString)
546 {
547 if (root && retString) {
549 // Stop and concatenate when a SPString is found
550 if (root->type() == Inkscape::XML::TEXT_NODE) {
551 *retString += (root->content());
553 debug("%s", retString->c_str());
555 // Otherwise, continue searching down the tree (with the assumption that no children nodes
556 // of a SPString are actually legal)
557 } else {
558 Inkscape::XML::Node *childNode;
559 for (childNode = root->firstChild(); childNode; childNode = childNode->next()) {
560 build_string_from_root(childNode, retString);
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 }
566 /**
567 * This function will create a new tspan element with the same attributes as
568 * the tref had and add the same text as a child. The tref is replaced in the
569 * tree with the new tspan.
570 * The code is based partially on sp_use_unlink
571 */
572 SPObject *
573 sp_tref_convert_to_tspan(SPObject *obj)
574 {
575 SPObject * new_tspan = NULL;
577 ////////////////////
578 // BASE CASE
579 ////////////////////
580 if (SP_IS_TREF(obj)) {
582 SPTRef *tref = SP_TREF(obj);
584 if (tref && tref->stringChild) {
585 Inkscape::XML::Node *tref_repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(tref);
586 Inkscape::XML::Node *tref_parent = sp_repr_parent(tref_repr);
588 SPDocument *document = SP_OBJECT(tref)->document;
589 Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = sp_document_repr_doc(document);
591 Inkscape::XML::Node *new_tspan_repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:tspan");
593 // Add the new tspan element just after the current tref
594 tref_parent->addChild(new_tspan_repr, tref_repr);
595 Inkscape::GC::release(new_tspan_repr);
597 new_tspan = document->getObjectByRepr(new_tspan_repr);
599 // Create a new string child for the tspan
600 Inkscape::XML::Node *new_string_repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(tref->stringChild)->duplicate(xml_doc);
601 new_tspan_repr->addChild(new_string_repr, NULL);
603 //SPObject * new_string_child = document->getObjectByRepr(new_string_repr);
605 // Merge style from the tref
606 SPStyle *new_tspan_sty = SP_OBJECT_STYLE(new_tspan);
607 SPStyle const *tref_sty = SP_OBJECT_STYLE(tref);
608 sp_style_merge_from_dying_parent(new_tspan_sty, tref_sty);
609 sp_style_merge_from_parent(new_tspan_sty, new_tspan->parent->style);
612 SP_OBJECT(new_tspan)->updateRepr();
614 // Hold onto our SPObject and repr for now.
615 sp_object_ref(SP_OBJECT(tref), NULL);
616 Inkscape::GC::anchor(tref_repr);
618 // Remove ourselves, not propagating delete events to avoid a
619 // chain-reaction with other elements that might reference us.
620 SP_OBJECT(tref)->deleteObject(false);
622 // Give the copy our old id and let go of our old repr.
623 new_tspan_repr->setAttribute("id", tref_repr->attribute("id"));
624 Inkscape::GC::release(tref_repr);
626 // Establish the succession and let go of our object.
627 SP_OBJECT(tref)->setSuccessor(new_tspan);
628 sp_object_unref(SP_OBJECT(tref), NULL);
629 }
630 }
631 ////////////////////
633 ////////////////////
634 else {
635 GSList *l = NULL;
636 for (SPObject *child = sp_object_first_child(obj) ; child != NULL ; child = SP_OBJECT_NEXT(child) ) {
637 sp_object_ref (SP_OBJECT (child), obj);
638 l = g_slist_prepend (l, child);
639 }
640 l = g_slist_reverse (l);
641 while (l) {
642 SPObject *child = SP_OBJECT (l->data);
643 l = g_slist_remove (l, child);
645 // Note that there may be more than one conversion happening here, so if it's not a
646 // tref being passed into this function, the returned value can't be specifically known
647 new_tspan = sp_tref_convert_to_tspan(child);
649 sp_object_unref (SP_OBJECT (child), obj);
650 }
651 }
653 return new_tspan;
654 }
657 /*
658 Local Variables:
659 mode:c++
660 c-file-style:"stroustrup"
661 c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
662 indent-tabs-mode:nil
663 fill-column:99
664 End:
665 */
666 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :