1 #define __SP_STAR_C__
3 /*
4 * <sodipodi:star> implementation
5 *
6 * Authors:
7 * Mitsuru Oka <oka326@parkcity.ne.jp>
8 * Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
9 * bulia byak <buliabyak@users.sf.net>
10 *
11 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
12 * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
13 *
14 * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
15 */
17 #include "config.h"
19 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
21 #include "svg/svg.h"
22 #include "attributes.h"
23 #include "display/curve.h"
24 #include "xml/repr.h"
26 #include "sp-star.h"
28 static void sp_star_class_init (SPStarClass *klass);
29 static void sp_star_init (SPStar *star);
31 static void sp_star_build (SPObject * object, SPDocument * document, Inkscape::XML::Node * repr);
32 static Inkscape::XML::Node *sp_star_write (SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags);
33 static void sp_star_set (SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value);
34 static void sp_star_update (SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags);
36 static gchar * sp_star_description (SPItem * item);
37 static void sp_star_snappoints(SPItem const *item, SnapPointsIter p);
39 static void sp_star_set_shape (SPShape *shape);
41 static SPShapeClass *parent_class;
43 GType
44 sp_star_get_type (void)
45 {
46 static GType type = 0;
48 if (!type) {
49 GTypeInfo info = {
50 sizeof (SPStarClass),
52 (GClassInitFunc) sp_star_class_init,
54 sizeof (SPStar),
55 16,
56 (GInstanceInitFunc) sp_star_init,
57 NULL, /* value_table */
58 };
59 type = g_type_register_static (SP_TYPE_SHAPE, "SPStar", &info, (GTypeFlags)0);
60 }
61 return type;
62 }
64 static void
65 sp_star_class_init (SPStarClass *klass)
66 {
67 GObjectClass * gobject_class;
68 SPObjectClass * sp_object_class;
69 SPItemClass * item_class;
70 SPPathClass * path_class;
71 SPShapeClass * shape_class;
73 gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
74 sp_object_class = (SPObjectClass *) klass;
75 item_class = (SPItemClass *) klass;
76 path_class = (SPPathClass *) klass;
77 shape_class = (SPShapeClass *) klass;
79 parent_class = (SPShapeClass *)g_type_class_ref (SP_TYPE_SHAPE);
81 sp_object_class->build = sp_star_build;
82 sp_object_class->write = sp_star_write;
83 sp_object_class->set = sp_star_set;
84 sp_object_class->update = sp_star_update;
86 item_class->description = sp_star_description;
87 item_class->snappoints = sp_star_snappoints;
89 shape_class->set_shape = sp_star_set_shape;
90 }
92 static void
93 sp_star_init (SPStar * star)
94 {
95 star->sides = 5;
96 star->center = NR::Point(0, 0);
97 star->r[0] = 1.0;
98 star->r[1] = 0.001;
99 star->arg[0] = star->arg[1] = 0.0;
100 star->flatsided = 0;
101 star->rounded = 0.0;
102 star->randomized = 0.0;
103 }
105 static void
106 sp_star_build (SPObject * object, SPDocument * document, Inkscape::XML::Node * repr)
107 {
108 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build)
109 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build (object, document, repr);
111 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:cx");
112 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:cy");
113 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:sides");
114 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:r1");
115 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:r2");
116 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:arg1");
117 sp_object_read_attr (object, "sodipodi:arg2");
118 sp_object_read_attr (object, "inkscape:flatsided");
119 sp_object_read_attr (object, "inkscape:rounded");
120 sp_object_read_attr (object, "inkscape:randomized");
121 }
123 static Inkscape::XML::Node *
124 sp_star_write (SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags)
125 {
126 SPStar *star = SP_STAR (object);
128 if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) {
129 repr = sp_repr_new ("svg:path");
130 }
132 if (flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_EXT) {
133 repr->setAttribute("sodipodi:type", "star");
134 sp_repr_set_int (repr, "sodipodi:sides", star->sides);
135 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:cx", star->center[NR::X]);
136 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:cy", star->center[NR::Y]);
137 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:r1", star->r[0]);
138 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:r2", star->r[1]);
139 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:arg1", star->arg[0]);
140 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "sodipodi:arg2", star->arg[1]);
141 sp_repr_set_boolean (repr, "inkscape:flatsided", star->flatsided);
142 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "inkscape:rounded", star->rounded);
143 sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "inkscape:randomized", star->randomized);
144 }
146 sp_star_set_shape ((SPShape *) star);
147 char *d = sp_svg_write_path (SP_CURVE_BPATH(((SPShape *) star)->curve));
148 repr->setAttribute("d", d);
149 g_free (d);
151 if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write)
152 ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write (object, repr, flags);
154 return repr;
155 }
157 static void
158 sp_star_set (SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value)
159 {
160 SVGLength::Unit unit;
162 SPStar *star = SP_STAR (object);
164 /* fixme: we should really collect updates */
165 switch (key) {
167 if (value) {
168 star->sides = atoi (value);
169 star->sides = CLAMP (star->sides, 3, 1024);
170 } else {
171 star->sides = 5;
172 }
173 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
174 break;
176 if (!sp_svg_length_read_ldd (value, &unit, NULL, &star->center[NR::X]) ||
177 (unit == SVGLength::EM) ||
178 (unit == SVGLength::EX) ||
179 (unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)) {
180 star->center[NR::X] = 0.0;
181 }
182 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
183 break;
185 if (!sp_svg_length_read_ldd (value, &unit, NULL, &star->center[NR::Y]) ||
186 (unit == SVGLength::EM) ||
187 (unit == SVGLength::EX) ||
188 (unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)) {
189 star->center[NR::Y] = 0.0;
190 }
191 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
192 break;
194 if (!sp_svg_length_read_ldd (value, &unit, NULL, &star->r[0]) ||
195 (unit == SVGLength::EM) ||
196 (unit == SVGLength::EX) ||
197 (unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)) {
198 star->r[0] = 1.0;
199 }
200 /* fixme: Need CLAMP (Lauris) */
201 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
202 break;
204 if (!sp_svg_length_read_ldd (value, &unit, NULL, &star->r[1]) ||
205 (unit == SVGLength::EM) ||
206 (unit == SVGLength::EX) ||
207 (unit == SVGLength::PERCENT)) {
208 star->r[1] = 0.0;
209 }
210 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
211 return;
213 if (value) {
214 star->arg[0] = g_ascii_strtod (value, NULL);
215 } else {
216 star->arg[0] = 0.0;
217 }
218 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
219 break;
221 if (value) {
222 star->arg[1] = g_ascii_strtod (value, NULL);
223 } else {
224 star->arg[1] = 0.0;
225 }
226 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
227 break;
229 if (value && !strcmp (value, "true"))
230 star->flatsided = true;
231 else star->flatsided = false;
232 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
233 break;
235 if (value) {
236 star->rounded = g_ascii_strtod (value, NULL);
237 } else {
238 star->rounded = 0.0;
239 }
240 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
241 break;
243 if (value) {
244 star->randomized = g_ascii_strtod (value, NULL);
245 } else {
246 star->randomized = 0.0;
247 }
248 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
249 break;
250 default:
251 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->set)
252 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->set (object, key, value);
253 break;
254 }
255 }
257 static void
258 sp_star_update (SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags)
259 {
260 if (flags & (SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG |
263 sp_shape_set_shape ((SPShape *) object);
264 }
266 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update)
267 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update (object, ctx, flags);
268 }
270 static gchar *
271 sp_star_description (SPItem *item)
272 {
273 SPStar *star = SP_STAR (item);
275 // while there will never be less than 3 vertices, we still need to
276 // make calls to ngettext because the pluralization may be different
277 // for various numbers >=3. The singular form is used as the index.
278 if (star->flatsided == false )
279 return g_strdup_printf (ngettext("<b>Star</b> with %d vertex",
280 "<b>Star</b> with %d vertices",
281 star->sides), star->sides);
282 else
283 return g_strdup_printf (ngettext("<b>Polygon</b> with %d vertex",
284 "<b>Polygon</b> with %d vertices",
285 star->sides), star->sides);
286 }
288 /**
289 Returns a unit-length vector at 90 degrees to the direction from o to n
290 */
291 static NR::Point
292 rot90_rel (NR::Point o, NR::Point n)
293 {
294 return ((1/NR::L2(n - o)) * NR::Point ((n - o)[NR::Y], (o - n)[NR::X]));
295 }
297 /**
298 Returns a unique 32 bit int for a given point.
299 Obvious (but acceptable for my purposes) limits to uniqueness:
300 - returned value for x,y repeats for x+n*1024,y+n*1024
301 - returned value is unchanged when the point is moved by less than 1/1024 of px
302 */
303 static guint32
304 point_unique_int (NR::Point o)
305 {
306 return ((guint32)
307 65536 *
308 (((int) floor (o[NR::X] * 64)) % 1024 + ((int) floor (o[NR::X] * 1024)) % 64)
309 +
310 (((int) floor (o[NR::Y] * 64)) % 1024 + ((int) floor (o[NR::Y] * 1024)) % 64)
311 );
312 }
314 /**
315 Returns the next pseudorandom value using the Linear Congruential Generator algorithm (LCG)
316 with the parameters (m = 2^32, a = 69069, b = 1). These parameters give a full-period generator,
317 i.e. it is guaranteed to go through all integers < 2^32 (see http://random.mat.sbg.ac.at/~charly/server/server.html)
318 */
319 static inline guint32
320 lcg_next(guint32 const prev)
321 {
322 return (guint32) ( 69069 * prev + 1 );
323 }
325 /**
326 Returns a random number in the range [-0.5, 0.5) from the given seed, stepping the given number of steps from the seed.
327 */
328 static double
329 rnd (guint32 const seed, unsigned steps) {
330 guint32 lcg = seed;
331 for (; steps > 0; steps --)
332 lcg = lcg_next (lcg);
334 return ( lcg / 4294967296. ) - 0.5;
335 }
337 static NR::Point
338 sp_star_get_curvepoint (SPStar *star, SPStarPoint point, gint index, bool previ)
339 {
340 // the point whose neighboring curve handle we're calculating
341 NR::Point o = sp_star_get_xy (star, point, index);
343 // indices of previous and next points
344 gint pi = (index > 0)? (index - 1) : (star->sides - 1);
345 gint ni = (index < star->sides - 1)? (index + 1) : 0;
347 // the other point type
348 SPStarPoint other = (point == SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2? SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1 : SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2);
350 // the neighbors of o; depending on flatsided, they're either the same type (polygon) or the other type (star)
351 NR::Point prev = (star->flatsided? sp_star_get_xy (star, point, pi) : sp_star_get_xy (star, other, point == SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2? index : pi));
352 NR::Point next = (star->flatsided? sp_star_get_xy (star, point, ni) : sp_star_get_xy (star, other, point == SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1? index : ni));
354 // prev-next midpoint
355 NR::Point mid = 0.5 * (prev + next);
357 // point to which we direct the bissector of the curve handles;
358 // it's far enough outside the star on the perpendicular to prev-next through mid
359 NR::Point biss = mid + 100000 * rot90_rel (mid, next);
361 // lengths of vectors to prev and next
362 gdouble prev_len = NR::L2 (prev - o);
363 gdouble next_len = NR::L2 (next - o);
365 // unit-length vector perpendicular to o-biss
366 NR::Point rot = rot90_rel (o, biss);
368 // multiply rot by star->rounded coefficient and the distance to the star point; flip for next
369 NR::Point ret;
370 if (previ) {
371 ret = (star->rounded * prev_len) * rot;
372 } else {
373 ret = (star->rounded * next_len * -1) * rot;
374 }
376 if (star->randomized == 0) {
377 // add the vector to o to get the final curvepoint
378 return o + ret;
379 } else {
380 // the seed corresponding to the exact point
381 guint32 seed = point_unique_int (o);
383 // randomly rotate (by step 3 from the seed) and scale (by step 4) the vector
384 ret = ret * NR::Matrix (NR::rotate (star->randomized * M_PI * rnd (seed, 3)));
385 ret *= ( 1 + star->randomized * rnd (seed, 4));
387 // the randomized corner point
388 NR::Point o_randomized = sp_star_get_xy (star, point, index, true);
390 return o_randomized + ret;
391 }
392 }
395 #define NEXT false
396 #define PREV true
398 static void
399 sp_star_set_shape (SPShape *shape)
400 {
401 SPStar *star = SP_STAR (shape);
403 SPCurve *c = sp_curve_new ();
405 gint sides = star->sides;
406 bool not_rounded = (fabs (star->rounded) < 1e-4);
408 // note that we pass randomized=true to sp_star_get_xy, because the curve must be randomized;
409 // other places that call that function (e.g. the knotholder) need the exact point
411 // draw 1st segment
412 sp_curve_moveto (c, sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, true));
413 if (star->flatsided == false) {
414 if (not_rounded) {
415 sp_curve_lineto (c, sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, 0, true));
416 } else {
417 sp_curve_curveto (c,
418 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, NEXT),
419 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, 0, PREV),
420 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, 0, true));
421 }
422 }
424 // draw all middle segments
425 for (gint i = 1; i < sides; i++) {
426 if (not_rounded) {
427 sp_curve_lineto (c, sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, true));
428 } else {
429 if (star->flatsided == false) {
430 sp_curve_curveto (c,
431 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, i - 1, NEXT),
432 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, PREV),
433 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, true));
434 } else {
435 sp_curve_curveto (c,
436 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i - 1, NEXT),
437 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, PREV),
438 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, true));
439 }
440 }
441 if (star->flatsided == false) {
443 if (not_rounded) {
444 sp_curve_lineto (c, sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, i, true));
445 } else {
446 sp_curve_curveto (c,
447 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, i, NEXT),
448 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, i, PREV),
449 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, i, true));
450 }
451 }
452 }
454 // draw last segment
455 if (not_rounded) {
456 sp_curve_lineto (c, sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, true));
457 } else {
458 if (star->flatsided == false) {
459 sp_curve_curveto (c,
460 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT2, sides - 1, NEXT),
461 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, PREV),
462 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, true));
463 } else {
464 sp_curve_curveto (c,
465 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, sides - 1, NEXT),
466 sp_star_get_curvepoint (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, PREV),
467 sp_star_get_xy (star, SP_STAR_POINT_KNOT1, 0, true));
468 }
469 }
471 sp_curve_closepath (c);
472 sp_shape_set_curve_insync (SP_SHAPE (star), c, TRUE);
473 sp_curve_unref (c);
474 }
476 void
477 sp_star_position_set (SPStar *star, gint sides, NR::Point center, gdouble r1, gdouble r2, gdouble arg1, gdouble arg2, bool isflat, double rounded, double randomized)
478 {
479 g_return_if_fail (star != NULL);
480 g_return_if_fail (SP_IS_STAR (star));
482 star->sides = CLAMP (sides, 3, 1024);
483 star->center = center;
484 star->r[0] = MAX (r1, 0.001);
485 if (isflat == false) {
486 star->r[1] = CLAMP (r2, 0.0, star->r[0]);
487 } else {
488 star->r[1] = CLAMP ( r1*cos(M_PI/sides) ,0.0, star->r[0] );
489 }
490 star->arg[0] = arg1;
491 star->arg[1] = arg2;
492 star->flatsided = isflat;
493 star->rounded = rounded;
494 star->randomized = randomized;
495 SP_OBJECT(star)->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
496 }
498 /* fixme: We should use all corners of star (Lauris) */
500 static void sp_star_snappoints(SPItem const *item, SnapPointsIter p)
501 {
502 if (((SPItemClass *) parent_class)->snappoints) {
503 ((SPItemClass *) parent_class)->snappoints (item, p);
504 }
505 }
507 /**
508 * sp_star_get_xy: Get X-Y value as item coordinate system
509 * @star: star item
510 * @point: point type to obtain X-Y value
511 * @index: index of vertex
512 * @p: pointer to store X-Y value
513 * @randomized: false (default) if you want to get exact, not randomized point
514 *
515 * Initial item coordinate system is same as document coordinate system.
516 */
518 NR::Point
519 sp_star_get_xy (SPStar *star, SPStarPoint point, gint index, bool randomized)
520 {
521 gdouble darg = 2.0 * M_PI / (double) star->sides;
523 double arg = star->arg[point];
524 arg += index * darg;
526 NR::Point xy = star->r[point] * NR::Point(cos(arg), sin(arg)) + star->center;
528 if (!randomized || star->randomized == 0) {
529 // return the exact point
530 return xy;
531 } else { // randomize the point
532 // find out the seed, unique for this point so that randomization is the same so long as the original point is stationary
533 guint32 seed = point_unique_int (xy);
534 // the full range (corresponding to star->randomized == 1.0) is equal to the star's diameter
535 double range = 2 * MAX (star->r[0], star->r[1]);
536 // find out the random displacement; x is controlled by step 1 from the seed, y by the step 2
537 NR::Point shift (star->randomized * range * rnd (seed, 1), star->randomized * range * rnd (seed, 2));
538 // add the shift to the exact point
539 return xy + shift;
540 }
541 }