1 #define __SP_PATH_C__
3 /*
4 * SVG <path> implementation
5 *
6 * Authors:
7 * Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
8 * David Turner <novalis@gnu.org>
9 *
10 * Copyright (C) 2004 David Turner
11 * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Lauris Kaplinski
12 * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
13 *
14 * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
15 */
17 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 # include <config.h>
19 #endif
21 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
23 #include <display/curve.h>
24 #include <libnr/n-art-bpath.h>
25 #include <libnr/nr-path.h>
26 #include <libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h>
28 #include "svg/svg.h"
29 #include "xml/repr.h"
30 #include "attributes.h"
32 #include "sp-path.h"
34 #define noPATH_VERBOSE
36 static void sp_path_class_init(SPPathClass *klass);
37 static void sp_path_init(SPPath *path);
38 static void sp_path_finalize(GObject *obj);
39 static void sp_path_release(SPObject *object);
41 static void sp_path_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr);
42 static void sp_path_set(SPObject *object, unsigned key, gchar const *value);
44 static Inkscape::XML::Node *sp_path_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags);
45 static NR::Matrix sp_path_set_transform(SPItem *item, NR::Matrix const &xform);
46 static gchar * sp_path_description(SPItem *item);
48 static void sp_path_update(SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags);
50 static SPShapeClass *parent_class;
52 /**
53 * Gets the GType object for SPPathClass
54 */
55 GType
56 sp_path_get_type(void)
57 {
58 static GType type = 0;
60 if (!type) {
61 GTypeInfo info = {
62 sizeof(SPPathClass),
64 (GClassInitFunc) sp_path_class_init,
66 sizeof(SPPath),
67 16,
68 (GInstanceInitFunc) sp_path_init,
69 NULL, /* value_table */
70 };
71 type = g_type_register_static(SP_TYPE_SHAPE, "SPPath", &info, (GTypeFlags)0);
72 }
73 return type;
74 }
76 /**
77 * Does the object-oriented work of initializing the class structure
78 * including parent class, and registers function pointers for
79 * the functions build, set, write, and set_transform.
80 */
81 static void
82 sp_path_class_init(SPPathClass * klass)
83 {
84 GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
85 SPObjectClass *sp_object_class = (SPObjectClass *) klass;
86 SPItemClass *item_class = (SPItemClass *) klass;
88 parent_class = (SPShapeClass *)g_type_class_peek_parent(klass);
90 gobject_class->finalize = sp_path_finalize;
92 sp_object_class->build = sp_path_build;
93 sp_object_class->release = sp_path_release;
94 sp_object_class->set = sp_path_set;
95 sp_object_class->write = sp_path_write;
96 sp_object_class->update = sp_path_update;
98 item_class->description = sp_path_description;
99 item_class->set_transform = sp_path_set_transform;
100 }
103 gint
104 sp_nodes_in_path(SPPath *path)
105 {
106 SPCurve *curve = SP_SHAPE(path)->curve;
107 if (!curve) return 0;
108 gint r = curve->end;
109 gint i = curve->length - 1;
110 if (i > r) i = r; // sometimes after switching from node editor length is wrong, e.g. f6 - draw - f2 - tab - f1, this fixes it
111 for (; i >= 0; i --)
112 if (SP_CURVE_BPATH(curve)[i].code == NR_MOVETO)
113 r --;
114 return r;
115 }
117 static gchar *
118 sp_path_description(SPItem * item)
119 {
120 int count = sp_nodes_in_path(SP_PATH(item));
121 return g_strdup_printf(ngettext("<b>Path</b> (%i node)",
122 "<b>Path</b> (%i nodes)",count), count);
123 }
125 /**
126 * Initializes an SPPath. Currently does nothing.
127 */
128 static void
129 sp_path_init(SPPath *path)
130 {
131 new (&path->connEndPair) SPConnEndPair(path);
132 }
134 static void
135 sp_path_finalize(GObject *obj)
136 {
137 SPPath *path = (SPPath *) obj;
139 path->connEndPair.~SPConnEndPair();
140 }
142 /**
143 * Given a repr, this sets the data items in the path object such as
144 * fill & style attributes, markers, and CSS properties.
145 */
146 static void
147 sp_path_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
148 {
149 sp_object_read_attr(object, "d");
151 /* d is a required attribute */
152 gchar const *d = sp_object_getAttribute(object, "d", NULL);
153 if (d == NULL) {
154 sp_object_set(object, sp_attribute_lookup("d"), "");
155 }
157 /* Are these calls actually necessary? */
158 sp_object_read_attr(object, "marker");
159 sp_object_read_attr(object, "marker-start");
160 sp_object_read_attr(object, "marker-mid");
161 sp_object_read_attr(object, "marker-end");
163 sp_conn_end_pair_build(object);
165 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build) {
166 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build(object, document, repr);
167 }
168 }
170 static void
171 sp_path_release(SPObject *object)
172 {
173 SPPath *path = SP_PATH(object);
175 path->connEndPair.release();
177 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release) {
178 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release(object);
179 }
180 }
182 /**
183 * Sets a value in the path object given by 'key', to 'value'. This is used
184 * for setting attributes and markers on a path object.
185 */
186 static void
187 sp_path_set(SPObject *object, unsigned int key, gchar const *value)
188 {
189 SPPath *path = (SPPath *) object;
191 switch (key) {
192 case SP_ATTR_D:
193 if (value) {
194 NArtBpath *bpath = sp_svg_read_path(value);
195 SPCurve *curve = sp_curve_new_from_bpath(bpath);
196 if (curve) {
197 sp_shape_set_curve((SPShape *) path, curve, TRUE);
198 sp_curve_unref(curve);
199 }
200 } else {
201 sp_shape_set_curve((SPShape *) path, NULL, TRUE);
202 }
203 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
204 break;
205 case SP_PROP_MARKER:
209 sp_shape_set_marker(object, key, value);
210 object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
211 break;
215 path->connEndPair.setAttr(key, value);
216 break;
217 default:
218 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->set) {
219 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->set(object, key, value);
220 }
221 break;
222 }
223 }
225 /**
226 *
227 * Writes the path object into a Inkscape::XML::Node
228 */
229 static Inkscape::XML::Node *
230 sp_path_write(SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags)
231 {
232 SPShape *shape = (SPShape *) object;
234 if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) {
235 repr = sp_repr_new("svg:path");
236 }
238 if ( shape->curve != NULL ) {
239 NArtBpath *abp = sp_curve_first_bpath(shape->curve);
240 if (abp) {
241 gchar *str = sp_svg_write_path(abp);
242 repr->setAttribute("d", str);
243 g_free(str);
244 } else {
245 repr->setAttribute("d", "");
246 }
247 } else {
248 repr->setAttribute("d", NULL);
249 }
251 SP_PATH(shape)->connEndPair.writeRepr(repr);
253 if (((SPObjectClass *)(parent_class))->write) {
254 ((SPObjectClass *)(parent_class))->write(object, repr, flags);
255 }
257 return repr;
258 }
260 static void
261 sp_path_update(SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, guint flags)
262 {
264 flags &= ~SP_OBJECT_USER_MODIFIED_FLAG_B; // since we change the description, it's not a "just translation" anymore
265 }
267 if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update) {
268 ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->update(object, ctx, flags);
269 }
271 SPPath *path = SP_PATH(object);
272 path->connEndPair.update();
273 }
276 /**
277 * Writes the given transform into the repr for the given item.
278 */
279 static NR::Matrix
280 sp_path_set_transform(SPItem *item, NR::Matrix const &xform)
281 {
282 SPShape *shape = (SPShape *) item;
284 if (!shape->curve) { // 0 nodes, nothing to transform
285 return NR::identity();
286 }
288 /* Transform the path */
289 NRBPath dpath, spath;
290 spath.path = SP_CURVE_BPATH(shape->curve);
291 nr_path_duplicate_transform(&dpath, &spath, xform);
292 SPCurve *curve = sp_curve_new_from_bpath(dpath.path);
293 if (curve) {
294 sp_shape_set_curve(shape, curve, TRUE);
295 sp_curve_unref(curve);
296 }
298 // Adjust stroke
299 sp_item_adjust_stroke(item, NR::expansion(xform));
301 // Adjust pattern fill
302 sp_item_adjust_pattern(item, xform);
304 // Adjust gradient fill
305 sp_item_adjust_gradient(item, xform);
309 // nothing remains - we've written all of the transform, so return identity
310 return NR::identity();
311 }
314 /*
315 Local Variables:
316 mode:c++
317 c-file-style:"stroustrup"
318 c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
319 indent-tabs-mode:nil
320 fill-column:99
321 End:
322 */
323 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :