
3DBox tool: snap the first point of the drag action
[inkscape.git] / src / sp-image.cpp
1 /*
2  * SVG <image> implementation
3  *
4  * Authors:
5  *   Lauris Kaplinski <>
6  *   Edward Flick (EAF)
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Authors
9  * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Ximian, Inc.
10  *
11  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
12  */
14 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
15 # include "config.h"
16 #endif
18 // This has to be included prior to anything that includes setjmp.h, it croaks otherwise
19 #include <png.h>
21 #include <cstring>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h>
24 #include <libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h>
25 #include <libnr/nr-translate-matrix-ops.h>
26 #include <libnr/nr-scale-translate-ops.h>
27 #include <libnr/nr-convert2geom.h>
28 #include <2geom/rect.h>
30 //#include <gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.h>
31 #include "display/nr-arena-image.h"
32 #include <display/curve.h>
33 #include <glib/gstdio.h>
35 //Added for preserveAspectRatio support -- EAF
36 #include "enums.h"
37 #include "attributes.h"
39 #include "print.h"
40 #include "brokenimage.xpm"
41 #include "document.h"
42 #include "sp-image.h"
43 #include "sp-clippath.h"
44 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
45 #include "xml/quote.h"
46 #include <xml/repr.h>
47 #include "snap-candidate.h"
48 #include "libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h"
50 #include "io/sys.h"
52 #include "color-profile-fns.h"
53 #include "color-profile.h"
54 //#define DEBUG_LCMS
55 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
58 #define DEBUG_MESSAGE(key, ...)\
59 {\
60     g_message( __VA_ARGS__ );\
61 }
63 #include "preferences.h"
64 #include <gtk/gtkmessagedialog.h>
65 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
66 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
67 /*
68  * SPImage
69  */
71 // TODO: give these constants better names:
72 #define MAGIC_EPSILON 1e-9
73 #define MAGIC_EPSILON_TOO 1e-18
74 // TODO: also check if it is correct to be using two different epsilon values
76 static void sp_image_class_init (SPImageClass * klass);
77 static void sp_image_init (SPImage * image);
79 static void sp_image_build (SPObject * object, SPDocument * document, Inkscape::XML::Node * repr);
80 static void sp_image_release (SPObject * object);
81 static void sp_image_set (SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value);
82 static void sp_image_update (SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags);
83 static void sp_image_modified (SPObject *object, unsigned int flags);
84 static Inkscape::XML::Node *sp_image_write (SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags);
86 static void sp_image_bbox(SPItem const *item, NRRect *bbox, Geom::Matrix const &transform, unsigned const flags);
87 static void sp_image_print (SPItem * item, SPPrintContext *ctx);
88 static gchar * sp_image_description (SPItem * item);
89 static void sp_image_snappoints(SPItem const *item, std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const *snapprefs);
90 static NRArenaItem *sp_image_show (SPItem *item, NRArena *arena, unsigned int key, unsigned int flags);
91 static Geom::Matrix sp_image_set_transform (SPItem *item, Geom::Matrix const &xform);
92 static void sp_image_set_curve(SPImage *image);
95 static GdkPixbuf *sp_image_repr_read_image( time_t& modTime, gchar*& pixPath, const gchar *href, const gchar *absref, const gchar *base );
96 static GdkPixbuf *sp_image_pixbuf_force_rgba (GdkPixbuf * pixbuf);
97 static void sp_image_update_canvas_image (SPImage *image);
98 static GdkPixbuf * sp_image_repr_read_dataURI (const gchar * uri_data);
99 static GdkPixbuf * sp_image_repr_read_b64 (const gchar * uri_data);
101 static SPItemClass *parent_class;
104 extern "C"
106     void user_read_data( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length );
107     void user_write_data( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length );
108     void user_flush_data( png_structp png_ptr );
113 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
114 extern guint update_in_progress;
115 #define DEBUG_MESSAGE_SCISLAC(key, ...) \
116 {\
117     Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();\
118     bool dump = prefs->getBool("/options/scislac/" #key);\
119     bool dumpD = prefs->getBool("/options/scislac/" #key "D");\
120     bool dumpD2 = prefs->getBool("/options/scislac/" #key "D2");\
121     dumpD &&= ( (update_in_progress == 0) || dumpD2 );\
122     if ( dump )\
123     {\
124         g_message( __VA_ARGS__ );\
126     }\
127     if ( dumpD )\
128     {\
129         GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new(NULL,\
130                                                    GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, \
131                                                    GTK_MESSAGE_INFO,    \
132                                                    GTK_BUTTONS_OK,      \
133                                                    __VA_ARGS__          \
134                                                    );\
135         g_signal_connect_swapped(dialog, "response",\
136                                  G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy),        \
137                                  dialog);                               \
138         gtk_widget_show_all( dialog );\
139     }\
141 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
143 namespace Inkscape {
144 namespace IO {
146 class PushPull
148 public:
149     gboolean    first;
150     FILE*       fp;
151     guchar*     scratch;
152     gsize       size;
153     gsize       used;
154     gsize       offset;
155     GdkPixbufLoader *loader;
157     PushPull() : first(TRUE),
158                  fp(0),
159                  scratch(0),
160                  size(0),
161                  used(0),
162                  offset(0),
163                  loader(0) {};
165     gboolean readMore()
166     {
167         gboolean good = FALSE;
168         if ( offset )
169         {
170             g_memmove( scratch, scratch + offset, used - offset );
171             used -= offset;
172             offset = 0;
173         }
174         if ( used < size )
175         {
176             gsize space = size - used;
177             gsize got = fread( scratch + used, 1, space, fp );
178             if ( got )
179             {
180                 if ( loader )
181                 {
182                     GError *err = NULL;
183                     //g_message( " __read %d bytes", (int)got );
184                     if ( !gdk_pixbuf_loader_write( loader, scratch + used, got, &err ) )
185                     {
186                         //g_message("_error writing pixbuf data");
187                     }
188                 }
190                 used += got;
191                 good = TRUE;
192             }
193             else
194             {
195                 good = FALSE;
196             }
197         }
198         return good;
199     }
201     gsize available() const
202     {
203         return (used - offset);
204     }
206     gsize readOut( gpointer data, gsize length )
207     {
208         gsize giving = available();
209         if ( length < giving )
210         {
211             giving = length;
212         }
213         g_memmove( data, scratch + offset, giving );
214         offset += giving;
215         if ( offset >= used )
216         {
217             offset = 0;
218             used = 0;
219         }
220         return giving;
221     }
223     void clear()
224     {
225         offset = 0;
226         used = 0;
227     }
229 private:
230     PushPull& operator = (const PushPull& other);
231     PushPull(const PushPull& other);
232 };
234 void user_read_data( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length )
236 //    g_message( "user_read_data(%d)", length );
238     PushPull* youme = (PushPull*)png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr);
240     gsize filled = 0;
241     gboolean canRead = TRUE;
243     while ( filled < length && canRead )
244     {
245         gsize some = youme->readOut( data + filled, length - filled );
246         filled += some;
247         if ( filled < length )
248         {
249             canRead &= youme->readMore();
250         }
251     }
252 //    g_message("things out");
255 void user_write_data( png_structp /*png_ptr*/, png_bytep /*data*/, png_size_t /*length*/ )
257     //g_message( "user_write_data(%d)", length );
260 void user_flush_data( png_structp /*png_ptr*/ )
262     //g_message( "user_flush_data" );
266 static bool readPngAndHeaders( PushPull &youme, gint & dpiX, gint & dpiY )
268     bool good = true;
270     gboolean isPng = !png_sig_cmp( youme.scratch + youme.offset, 0, youme.available() );
271     //g_message( "  png? %s", (isPng ? "Yes":"No") );
272     if ( isPng ) {
273         png_structp pngPtr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
274                                                      0, //(png_voidp)user_error_ptr,
275                                                      0, //user_error_fn,
276                                                      0 //user_warning_fn
277             );
278         png_infop infoPtr = pngPtr ? png_create_info_struct( pngPtr ) : 0;
280         if ( pngPtr && infoPtr ) {
281             if ( setjmp(png_jmpbuf(pngPtr)) ) {
282                 // libpng calls longjmp to return here if an error occurs.
283                 good = false;
284             }
286             if (good) {
287                 png_set_read_fn( pngPtr, &youme, user_read_data );
288                 //g_message( "In" );
290                 //png_read_info( pngPtr, infoPtr );
291                 png_read_png( pngPtr, infoPtr, PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY, 0 );
293                 //g_message("out");
295                 /*
296                   if ( png_get_valid( pngPtr, infoPtr, PNG_INFO_pHYs ) )
297                   {
298                   g_message("pHYs chunk now valid" );
299                   }
300                   if ( png_get_valid( pngPtr, infoPtr, PNG_INFO_sCAL ) )
301                   {
302                   g_message("sCAL chunk now valid" );
303                   }
304                 */
306                 png_uint_32 res_x = 0;
307                 png_uint_32 res_y = 0;
308                 int unit_type = 0;
309                 if ( png_get_pHYs( pngPtr, infoPtr, &res_x, &res_y, &unit_type) ) {
310 //                                     g_message( "pHYs yes (%d, %d) %d (%s)", (int)res_x, (int)res_y, unit_type,
311 //                                                (unit_type == 1? "per meter" : "unknown")
312 //                                         );
314 //                                     g_message( "    dpi: (%d, %d)",
315 //                                                (int)(0.5 + ((double)res_x)/39.37),
316 //                                                (int)(0.5 + ((double)res_y)/39.37) );
317                     if ( unit_type == PNG_RESOLUTION_METER )
318                     {
319                         // TODO come up with a more accurate DPI setting
320                         dpiX = (int)(0.5 + ((double)res_x)/39.37);
321                         dpiY = (int)(0.5 + ((double)res_y)/39.37);
322                     }
323                 } else {
324 //                                     g_message( "pHYs no" );
325                 }
327 /*
328   double width = 0;
329   double height = 0;
330   int unit = 0;
331   if ( png_get_sCAL(pngPtr, infoPtr, &unit, &width, &height) )
332   {
333   gchar* vals[] = {
334   "unknown", // PNG_SCALE_UNKNOWN
335   "meter", // PNG_SCALE_METER
336   "radian", // PNG_SCALE_RADIAN
337   "last", //
338   NULL
339   };
341   g_message( "sCAL: (%f, %f) %d (%s)",
342   width, height, unit,
343   ((unit >= 0 && unit < 3) ? vals[unit]:"???")
344   );
345   }
346 */
348 #if defined(PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED)
349                 {
350                     int intent = 0;
351                     if ( png_get_sRGB(pngPtr, infoPtr, &intent) ) {
352 //                                         g_message("Found an sRGB png chunk");
353                     }
354                 }
355 #endif // defined(PNG_sRGB_SUPPORTED)
357 #if defined(PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED)
358                 {
359                     double white_x = 0;
360                     double white_y = 0;
361                     double red_x = 0;
362                     double red_y = 0;
363                     double green_x = 0;
364                     double green_y = 0;
365                     double blue_x = 0;
366                     double blue_y = 0;
368                     if ( png_get_cHRM(pngPtr, infoPtr,
369                                       &white_x, &white_y,
370                                       &red_x, &red_y,
371                                       &green_x, &green_y,
372                                       &blue_x, &blue_y) ) {
373 //                                         g_message("Found a cHRM png chunk");
374                     }
375                 }
376 #endif // defined(PNG_cHRM_SUPPORTED)
378 #if defined(PNG_gAMA_SUPPORTED)
379                 {
380                     double file_gamma = 0;
381                     if ( png_get_gAMA(pngPtr, infoPtr, &file_gamma) ) {
382 //                                         g_message("Found a gAMA png chunk");
383                     }
384                 }
385 #endif // defined(PNG_gAMA_SUPPORTED)
387 #if defined(PNG_iCCP_SUPPORTED)
388                 {
389                     char* name = 0;
390                     int compression_type = 0;
391                     char* profile = 0;
392                     png_uint_32 proflen = 0;
393                     if ( png_get_iCCP(pngPtr, infoPtr, &name, &compression_type, &profile, &proflen) ) {
394 //                                         g_message("Found an iCCP chunk named [%s] with %d bytes and comp %d", name, proflen, compression_type);
395                     }
396                 }
397 #endif // defined(PNG_iCCP_SUPPORTED)
399             }
400         } else {
401             g_message("Error when creating PNG read struct");
402         }
404         // now clean it up.
405         if (pngPtr && infoPtr) {
406             png_destroy_read_struct( &pngPtr, &infoPtr, 0 );
407             pngPtr = 0;
408             infoPtr = 0;
409         } else if (pngPtr) {
410             png_destroy_read_struct( &pngPtr, 0, 0 );
411             pngPtr = 0;
412         }
413     } else {
414         good = false; // Was not a png file
415     }
417     return good;
420 static GdkPixbuf* pixbuf_new_from_file( const char *filename, time_t &modTime, gchar*& pixPath, GError **/*error*/ )
422     GdkPixbuf* buf = NULL;
423     PushPull youme;
424     gint dpiX = 0;
425     gint dpiY = 0;
426     modTime = 0;
427     if ( pixPath ) {
428         g_free(pixPath);
429         pixPath = 0;
430     }
432     //buf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file( filename, error );
433     dump_fopen_call( filename, "pixbuf_new_from_file" );
434     FILE* fp = fopen_utf8name( filename, "r" );
435     if ( fp )
436     {
437         {
438             struct stat st;
439             memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
440             int val = g_stat(filename, &st);
441             if ( !val ) {
442                 modTime = st.st_mtime;
443                 pixPath = g_strdup(filename);
444             }
445         }
447         GdkPixbufLoader *loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new();
448         if ( loader )
449         {
450             GError *err = NULL;
452             // short buffer
453             guchar scratch[1024];
454             gboolean latter = FALSE;
456             youme.fp = fp;
457             youme.scratch = scratch;
458             youme.size = sizeof(scratch);
459             youme.used = 0;
460             youme.offset = 0;
461             youme.loader = loader;
463             while ( !feof(fp) )
464             {
465                 if ( youme.readMore() ) {
466                     if ( youme.first ) {
467                         //g_message( "First data chunk" );
468                         youme.first = FALSE;
469                         if (readPngAndHeaders(youme, dpiX, dpiY))
470                         {
471                             // TODO set the dpi to be read elsewhere
472                         }
473                     } else if ( !latter ) {
474                         latter = TRUE;
475                         //g_message("  READing latter");
476                     }
477                     // Now clear out the buffer so we can read more.
478                     // (dumping out unused)
479                     youme.clear();
480                 }
481             }
483             gboolean ok = gdk_pixbuf_loader_close(loader, &err);
484             if ( ok ) {
485                 buf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf( loader );
486                 if ( buf ) {
487                     g_object_ref(buf);
489                     if ( dpiX ) {
490                         gchar *tmp = g_strdup_printf( "%d", dpiX );
491                         if ( tmp ) {
492                             //g_message("Need to set DpiX: %s", tmp);
493                             //gdk_pixbuf_set_option( buf, "Inkscape::DpiX", tmp );
494                             g_free( tmp );
495                         }
496                     }
497                     if ( dpiY ) {
498                         gchar *tmp = g_strdup_printf( "%d", dpiY );
499                         if ( tmp ) {
500                             //g_message("Need to set DpiY: %s", tmp);
501                             //gdk_pixbuf_set_option( buf, "Inkscape::DpiY", tmp );
502                             g_free( tmp );
503                         }
504                     }
505                 }
506             } else {
507                 // do something
508                 g_message("error loading pixbuf at close");
509             }
511             g_object_unref(loader);
512         } else {
513             g_message("error when creating pixbuf loader");
514         }
515         fclose( fp );
516         fp = 0;
517     } else {
518         g_warning ("Unable to open linked file: %s", filename);
519     }
521 /*
522     if ( buf )
523     {
524         const gchar* bloop = gdk_pixbuf_get_option( buf, "Inkscape::DpiX" );
525         if ( bloop )
526         {
527             g_message("DPI X is [%s]", bloop);
528         }
529         bloop = gdk_pixbuf_get_option( buf, "Inkscape::DpiY" );
530         if ( bloop )
531         {
532             g_message("DPI Y is [%s]", bloop);
533         }
534     }
535 */
537     return buf;
540 GdkPixbuf* pixbuf_new_from_file( const char *filename, GError **error )
542     time_t modTime = 0;
543     gchar* pixPath = 0;
544     GdkPixbuf* result = pixbuf_new_from_file( filename, modTime, pixPath, error );
545     if (pixPath) {
546         g_free(pixPath);
547     }
548     return result;
555 GType
556 sp_image_get_type (void)
558     static GType image_type = 0;
559     if (!image_type) {
560         GTypeInfo image_info = {
561             sizeof (SPImageClass),
562             NULL,       /* base_init */
563             NULL,       /* base_finalize */
564             (GClassInitFunc) sp_image_class_init,
565             NULL,       /* class_finalize */
566             NULL,       /* class_data */
567             sizeof (SPImage),
568             16, /* n_preallocs */
569             (GInstanceInitFunc) sp_image_init,
570             NULL,       /* value_table */
571         };
572         image_type = g_type_register_static (sp_item_get_type (), "SPImage", &image_info, (GTypeFlags)0);
573     }
574     return image_type;
577 static void
578 sp_image_class_init (SPImageClass * klass)
580     GObjectClass * gobject_class;
581     SPObjectClass * sp_object_class;
582     SPItemClass * item_class;
584     gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
585     sp_object_class = (SPObjectClass *) klass;
586     item_class = (SPItemClass *) klass;
588     parent_class = (SPItemClass*)g_type_class_ref (sp_item_get_type ());
590     sp_object_class->build = sp_image_build;
591     sp_object_class->release = sp_image_release;
592     sp_object_class->set = sp_image_set;
593     sp_object_class->update = sp_image_update;
594     sp_object_class->modified = sp_image_modified;
595     sp_object_class->write = sp_image_write;
597     item_class->bbox = sp_image_bbox;
598     item_class->print = sp_image_print;
599     item_class->description = sp_image_description;
600     item_class->show = sp_image_show;
601     item_class->snappoints = sp_image_snappoints;
602     item_class->set_transform = sp_image_set_transform;
605 static void sp_image_init( SPImage *image )
607     image->x.unset();
608     image->y.unset();
609     image->width.unset();
610     image->height.unset();
611     image->aspect_align = SP_ASPECT_NONE;
613     image->trimx = 0;
614     image->trimy = 0;
615     image->trimwidth = 0;
616     image->trimheight = 0;
617     image->viewx = 0;
618     image->viewy = 0;
619     image->viewwidth = 0;
620     image->viewheight = 0;
622     image->curve = NULL;
624     image->href = 0;
626     image->color_profile = 0;
627 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
628     image->pixbuf = 0;
629     image->pixPath = 0;
630     image->lastMod = 0;
633 static void
634 sp_image_build (SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
636     if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build) {
637         ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->build (object, document, repr);
638     }
640     sp_object_read_attr (object, "xlink:href");
641     sp_object_read_attr (object, "x");
642     sp_object_read_attr (object, "y");
643     sp_object_read_attr (object, "width");
644     sp_object_read_attr (object, "height");
645     sp_object_read_attr (object, "preserveAspectRatio");
646     sp_object_read_attr (object, "color-profile");
648     /* Register */
649     sp_document_add_resource (document, "image", object);
652 static void
653 sp_image_release (SPObject *object)
655     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE(object);
657     if (SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT (object)) {
658         /* Unregister ourselves */
659         sp_document_remove_resource (SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT (object), "image", SP_OBJECT (object));
660     }
662     if (image->href) {
663         g_free (image->href);
664         image->href = NULL;
665     }
667     if (image->pixbuf) {
668         gdk_pixbuf_unref (image->pixbuf);
669         image->pixbuf = NULL;
670     }
673     if (image->color_profile) {
674         g_free (image->color_profile);
675         image->color_profile = NULL;
676     }
677 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
679     if (image->pixPath) {
680         g_free(image->pixPath);
681         image->pixPath = 0;
682     }
684     if (image->curve) {
685         image->curve = image->curve->unref();
686     }
688     if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release) {
689         ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release (object);
690     }
693 static void
694 sp_image_set (SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value)
696     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE (object);
698     switch (key) {
699         case SP_ATTR_XLINK_HREF:
700             g_free (image->href);
701             image->href = (value) ? g_strdup (value) : NULL;
702             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_IMAGE_HREF_MODIFIED_FLAG);
703             break;
704         case SP_ATTR_X:
705             if (!image->x.readAbsolute(value)) {
706                 /* fixme: em, ex, % are probably valid, but require special treatment (Lauris) */
707                 image->x.unset();
708             }
709             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
710             break;
711         case SP_ATTR_Y:
712             if (!image->y.readAbsolute(value)) {
713                 /* fixme: em, ex, % are probably valid, but require special treatment (Lauris) */
714                 image->y.unset();
715             }
716             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
717             break;
718         case SP_ATTR_WIDTH:
719             if (!image->width.readAbsolute(value)) {
720                 /* fixme: em, ex, % are probably valid, but require special treatment (Lauris) */
721                 image->width.unset();
722             }
723             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
724             break;
725         case SP_ATTR_HEIGHT:
726             if (!image->height.readAbsolute(value)) {
727                 /* fixme: em, ex, % are probably valid, but require special treatment (Lauris) */
728                 image->height.unset();
729             }
730             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
731             break;
733             /* Do setup before, so we can use break to escape */
734             image->aspect_align = SP_ASPECT_NONE;
735             image->aspect_clip = SP_ASPECT_MEET;
736             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_OBJECT_VIEWPORT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
737             if (value) {
738                 int len;
739                 gchar c[256];
740                 const gchar *p, *e;
741                 unsigned int align, clip;
742                 p = value;
743                 while (*p && *p == 32) p += 1;
744                 if (!*p) break;
745                 e = p;
746                 while (*e && *e != 32) e += 1;
747                 len = e - p;
748                 if (len > 8) break;
749                 memcpy (c, value, len);
750                 c[len] = 0;
751                 /* Now the actual part */
752                 if (!strcmp (c, "none")) {
753                     align = SP_ASPECT_NONE;
754                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMinYMin")) {
755                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMIN;
756                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMidYMin")) {
757                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMIN;
758                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMaxYMin")) {
759                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMIN;
760                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMinYMid")) {
761                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMID;
762                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMidYMid")) {
763                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMID;
764                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMaxYMid")) {
765                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMID;
766                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMinYMax")) {
767                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMAX;
768                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMidYMax")) {
769                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMAX;
770                 } else if (!strcmp (c, "xMaxYMax")) {
771                     align = SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMAX;
772                 } else {
773                     break;
774                 }
775                 clip = SP_ASPECT_MEET;
776                 while (*e && *e == 32) e += 1;
777                 if (*e) {
778                     if (!strcmp (e, "meet")) {
779                         clip = SP_ASPECT_MEET;
780                     } else if (!strcmp (e, "slice")) {
781                         clip = SP_ASPECT_SLICE;
782                     } else {
783                         break;
784                     }
785                 }
786                 image->aspect_align = align;
787                 image->aspect_clip = clip;
788             }
789             break;
791         case SP_PROP_COLOR_PROFILE:
792             if ( image->color_profile ) {
793                 g_free (image->color_profile);
794             }
795             image->color_profile = (value) ? g_strdup (value) : NULL;
796 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
797             if ( value ) {
798                 DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsFour, "<image> color-profile set to '%s'", value );
799             } else {
800                 DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsFour, "<image> color-profile cleared" );
801             }
802 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
803             // TODO check on this HREF_MODIFIED flag
804             object->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG | SP_IMAGE_HREF_MODIFIED_FLAG);
805             break;
806 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
807         default:
808             if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->set)
809                 ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->set (object, key, value);
810             break;
811     }
813     sp_image_set_curve(image); //creates a curve at the image's boundary for snapping
816 static void
817 sp_image_update (SPObject *object, SPCtx *ctx, unsigned int flags)
819     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE(object);
820     SPDocument *doc = SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT(object);
822     if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->update) {
823         ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->update (object, ctx, flags);
824     }
826     if (flags & SP_IMAGE_HREF_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
827         if (image->pixbuf) {
828             gdk_pixbuf_unref (image->pixbuf);
829             image->pixbuf = NULL;
830         }
831         if ( image->pixPath ) {
832             g_free(image->pixPath);
833             image->pixPath = 0;
834         }
835         image->lastMod = 0;
836         if (image->href) {
837             GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;
838             pixbuf = sp_image_repr_read_image (
839                 image->lastMod,
840                 image->pixPath,
841                 object->repr->attribute("xlink:href"),
842                 object->repr->attribute("sodipodi:absref"),
843                 doc->base);
844             if (pixbuf) {
845                 pixbuf = sp_image_pixbuf_force_rgba (pixbuf);
846 // BLIP
848                 if ( image->color_profile )
849                 {
850                     int imagewidth = gdk_pixbuf_get_width( pixbuf );
851                     int imageheight = gdk_pixbuf_get_height( pixbuf );
852                     int rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride( pixbuf );
853                     guchar* px = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels( pixbuf );
855                     if ( px ) {
856 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
857                         DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsFive, "in <image>'s sp_image_update. About to call colorprofile_get_handle()" );
858 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
859                         guint profIntent = Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_UNKNOWN;
860                         cmsHPROFILE prof = Inkscape::colorprofile_get_handle( SP_OBJECT_DOCUMENT( object ),
861                                                                               &profIntent,
862                                                                               image->color_profile );
863                         if ( prof ) {
864                             icProfileClassSignature profileClass = cmsGetDeviceClass( prof );
865                             if ( profileClass != icSigNamedColorClass ) {
866                                 int intent = INTENT_PERCEPTUAL;
867                                 switch ( profIntent ) {
868                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC:
869                                         intent = INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC;
870                                         break;
871                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION:
872                                         intent = INTENT_SATURATION;
873                                         break;
874                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC:
875                                         intent = INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC;
876                                         break;
877                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL:
878                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_UNKNOWN:
879                                     case Inkscape::RENDERING_INTENT_AUTO:
880                                     default:
881                                         intent = INTENT_PERCEPTUAL;
882                                 }
883                                 cmsHPROFILE destProf = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
884                                 cmsHTRANSFORM transf = cmsCreateTransform( prof,
885                                                                            TYPE_RGBA_8,
886                                                                            destProf,
887                                                                            TYPE_RGBA_8,
888                                                                            intent, 0 );
889                                 if ( transf ) {
890                                     guchar* currLine = px;
891                                     for ( int y = 0; y < imageheight; y++ ) {
892                                         // Since the types are the same size, we can do the transformation in-place
893                                         cmsDoTransform( transf, currLine, currLine, imagewidth );
894                                         currLine += rowstride;
895                                     }
897                                     cmsDeleteTransform( transf );
898                                 }
899 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
900                                 else
901                                 {
902                                     DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsSix, "in <image>'s sp_image_update. Unable to create LCMS transform." );
903                                 }
904 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
905                                 cmsCloseProfile( destProf );
906                             }
907 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
908                             else
909                             {
910                                 DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsSeven, "in <image>'s sp_image_update. Profile type is named color. Can't transform." );
911                             }
912 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
913                         }
914 #ifdef DEBUG_LCMS
915                         else
916                         {
917                             DEBUG_MESSAGE( lcmsEight, "in <image>'s sp_image_update. No profile found." );
918                         }
919 #endif // DEBUG_LCMS
920                     }
921                 }
922 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
923                 image->pixbuf = pixbuf;
924             }
925         }
926     }
927     // preserveAspectRatio calculate bounds / clipping rectangle -- EAF
928     if (image->pixbuf && (image->aspect_align != SP_ASPECT_NONE)) {
929         int imagewidth, imageheight;
930         double x,y;
932         imagewidth = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (image->pixbuf);
933         imageheight = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (image->pixbuf);
935         switch (image->aspect_align) {
936             case SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMIN:
937                 x = 0.0;
938                 y = 0.0;
939                 break;
940             case SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMIN:
941                 x = 0.5;
942                 y = 0.0;
943                 break;
944             case SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMIN:
945                 x = 1.0;
946                 y = 0.0;
947                 break;
948             case SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMID:
949                 x = 0.0;
950                 y = 0.5;
951                 break;
952             case SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMID:
953                 x = 0.5;
954                 y = 0.5;
955                 break;
956             case SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMID:
957                 x = 1.0;
958                 y = 0.5;
959                 break;
960             case SP_ASPECT_XMIN_YMAX:
961                 x = 0.0;
962                 y = 1.0;
963                 break;
964             case SP_ASPECT_XMID_YMAX:
965                 x = 0.5;
966                 y = 1.0;
967                 break;
968             case SP_ASPECT_XMAX_YMAX:
969                 x = 1.0;
970                 y = 1.0;
971                 break;
972             default:
973                 x = 0.0;
974                 y = 0.0;
975                 break;
976         }
978         if (image->aspect_clip == SP_ASPECT_SLICE) {
979             image->viewx = image->x.computed;
980             image->viewy = image->y.computed;
981             image->viewwidth = image->width.computed;
982             image->viewheight = image->height.computed;
983             if ((imagewidth*image->height.computed)>(image->width.computed*imageheight)) {
984                 // Pixels aspect is wider than bounding box
985                 image->trimheight = imageheight;
986                 image->trimwidth = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(imageheight) * image->width.computed / image->height.computed);
987                 image->trimy = 0;
988                 image->trimx = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(imagewidth - image->trimwidth) * x);
989             } else {
990                 // Pixels aspect is taller than bounding box
991                 image->trimwidth = imagewidth;
992                 image->trimheight = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(imagewidth) * image->height.computed / image->width.computed);
993                 image->trimx = 0;
994                 image->trimy = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(imageheight - image->trimheight) * y);
995             }
996         } else {
997             // Otherwise, assume SP_ASPECT_MEET
998             image->trimx = 0;
999             image->trimy = 0;
1000             image->trimwidth = imagewidth;
1001             image->trimheight = imageheight;
1002             if ((imagewidth*image->height.computed)>(image->width.computed*imageheight)) {
1003                 // Pixels aspect is wider than bounding boz
1004                 image->viewwidth = image->width.computed;
1005                 image->viewheight = image->viewwidth * imageheight / imagewidth;
1006                 image->viewx=image->x.computed;
1007                 image->viewy=(image->height.computed - image->viewheight) * y + image->y.computed;
1008             } else {
1009                 // Pixels aspect is taller than bounding box
1010                 image->viewheight = image->height.computed;
1011                 image->viewwidth = image->viewheight * imagewidth / imageheight;
1012                 image->viewy=image->y.computed;
1013                 image->viewx=(image->width.computed - image->viewwidth) * x + image->x.computed;
1014             }
1015         }
1016     }
1017     sp_image_update_canvas_image ((SPImage *) object);
1020 static void
1021 sp_image_modified (SPObject *object, unsigned int flags)
1023     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE (object);
1025     if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->modified) {
1026       (* ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->modified) (object, flags);
1027     }
1029     if (flags & SP_OBJECT_STYLE_MODIFIED_FLAG) {
1030         for (SPItemView *v = SP_ITEM (image)->display; v != NULL; v = v->next) {
1031             nr_arena_image_set_style (NR_ARENA_IMAGE (v->arenaitem), object->style);
1032         }
1033     }
1036 static Inkscape::XML::Node *
1037 sp_image_write (SPObject *object, Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr, guint flags)
1039     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE (object);
1041     if ((flags & SP_OBJECT_WRITE_BUILD) && !repr) {
1042         repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:image");
1043     }
1045     repr->setAttribute("xlink:href", image->href);
1046     /* fixme: Reset attribute if needed (Lauris) */
1047     if (image->x._set) {
1048         sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "x", image->x.computed);
1049     }
1050     if (image->y._set) {
1051         sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "y", image->y.computed);
1052     }
1053     if (image->width._set) {
1054         sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "width", image->width.computed);
1055     }
1056     if (image->height._set) {
1057         sp_repr_set_svg_double(repr, "height", image->height.computed);
1058     }
1059     repr->setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", object->repr->attribute("preserveAspectRatio"));
1060 #if ENABLE_LCMS
1061     if (image->color_profile) {
1062         repr->setAttribute("color-profile", image->color_profile);
1063     }
1064 #endif // ENABLE_LCMS
1066     if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write) {
1067         ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->write (object, xml_doc, repr, flags);
1068     }
1070     return repr;
1073 static void
1074 sp_image_bbox(SPItem const *item, NRRect *bbox, Geom::Matrix const &transform, unsigned const /*flags*/)
1076     SPImage const &image = *SP_IMAGE(item);
1078     if ((image.width.computed > 0.0) && (image.height.computed > 0.0)) {
1079         double const x0 = image.x.computed;
1080         double const y0 = image.y.computed;
1081         double const x1 = x0 + image.width.computed;
1082         double const y1 = y0 + image.height.computed;
1084         nr_rect_union_pt(bbox, Geom::Point(x0, y0) * transform);
1085         nr_rect_union_pt(bbox, Geom::Point(x1, y0) * transform);
1086         nr_rect_union_pt(bbox, Geom::Point(x1, y1) * transform);
1087         nr_rect_union_pt(bbox, Geom::Point(x0, y1) * transform);
1088     }
1091 static void
1092 sp_image_print (SPItem *item, SPPrintContext *ctx)
1094     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE(item);
1096     if (image->pixbuf && (image->width.computed > 0.0) && (image->height.computed > 0.0) ) {
1097         guchar *px = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(image->pixbuf);
1098         int w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(image->pixbuf);
1099         int h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(image->pixbuf);
1100         int rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(image->pixbuf);
1101         int pixskip = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(image->pixbuf) * gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample(image->pixbuf) / 8;
1103         Geom::Matrix t;
1104         if (image->aspect_align == SP_ASPECT_NONE) {
1105             /* fixme: (Lauris) */
1106             Geom::Translate tp(image->x.computed, image->y.computed);
1107             Geom::Scale s(image->width.computed, -image->height.computed);
1108             Geom::Translate ti(0.0, -1.0);
1109             t = s * tp;
1110             t = ti * t;
1111         } else { // preserveAspectRatio
1112             Geom::Translate tp(image->viewx, image->viewy);
1113             Geom::Scale s(image->viewwidth, -image->viewheight);
1114             Geom::Translate ti(0.0, -1.0);
1115             t = s * tp;
1116             t = ti * t;
1117         }
1119         if (image->aspect_align == SP_ASPECT_NONE) {
1120             sp_print_image_R8G8B8A8_N(ctx, px, w, h, rs, &t, SP_OBJECT_STYLE (item));
1121         } else { // preserveAspectRatio
1122             sp_print_image_R8G8B8A8_N(ctx, px + image->trimx*pixskip + image->trimy*rs, image->trimwidth, image->trimheight, rs, &t, SP_OBJECT_STYLE(item));
1123         }
1124     }
1127 static gchar *
1128 sp_image_description(SPItem *item)
1130     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE(item);
1131     char *href_desc;
1132     if (image->href) {
1133         href_desc = (strncmp(image->href, "data:", 5) == 0)
1134             ? g_strdup(_("embedded"))
1135             : xml_quote_strdup(image->href);
1136     } else {
1137         g_warning("Attempting to call strncmp() with a null pointer.");
1138         href_desc = g_strdup("(null_pointer)"); // we call g_free() on href_desc
1139     }
1141     char *ret = ( image->pixbuf == NULL
1142                   ? g_strdup_printf(_("<b>Image with bad reference</b>: %s"), href_desc)
1143                   : g_strdup_printf(_("<b>Image</b> %d &#215; %d: %s"),
1144                                     gdk_pixbuf_get_width(image->pixbuf),
1145                                     gdk_pixbuf_get_height(image->pixbuf),
1146                                     href_desc) );
1147     g_free(href_desc);
1148     return ret;
1151 static NRArenaItem *
1152 sp_image_show (SPItem *item, NRArena *arena, unsigned int /*key*/, unsigned int /*flags*/)
1154     SPImage * image = SP_IMAGE(item);
1155     NRArenaItem *ai = NRArenaImage::create(arena);
1157     if (image->pixbuf) {
1158         int pixskip = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(image->pixbuf) * gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample(image->pixbuf) / 8;
1159         int rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(image->pixbuf);
1160         nr_arena_image_set_style(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai), SP_OBJECT_STYLE(SP_OBJECT(item)));
1161         if (image->aspect_align == SP_ASPECT_NONE) {
1162             nr_arena_image_set_pixels(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai),
1163                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(image->pixbuf),
1164                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_width(image->pixbuf),
1165                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_height(image->pixbuf),
1166                                        rs);
1167         } else { // preserveAspectRatio
1168             nr_arena_image_set_pixels(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai),
1169                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(image->pixbuf) + image->trimx*pixskip + image->trimy*rs,
1170                                        image->trimwidth,
1171                                        image->trimheight,
1172                                        rs);
1173         }
1174     } else {
1175         nr_arena_image_set_pixels(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai), NULL, 0, 0, 0);
1176     }
1177     if (image->aspect_align == SP_ASPECT_NONE) {
1178         nr_arena_image_set_geometry(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai), image->x.computed, image->y.computed, image->width.computed, image->height.computed);
1179     } else { // preserveAspectRatio
1180         nr_arena_image_set_geometry(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(ai), image->viewx, image->viewy, image->viewwidth, image->viewheight);
1181     }
1183     return ai;
1186 /*
1187  * utility function to try loading image from href
1188  *
1189  * docbase/relative_src
1190  * absolute_src
1191  *
1192  */
1194 GdkPixbuf *sp_image_repr_read_image( time_t& modTime, char*& pixPath, const gchar *href, const gchar *absref, const gchar *base )
1196     GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = 0;
1197     modTime = 0;
1198     if ( pixPath ) {
1199         g_free(pixPath);
1200         pixPath = 0;
1201     }
1203     const gchar *filename = href;
1204     if (filename != NULL) {
1205         if (strncmp (filename,"file:",5) == 0) {
1206             gchar *fullname = g_filename_from_uri(filename, NULL, NULL);
1207             if (fullname) {
1208                 // TODO check this. Was doing a UTF-8 to filename conversion here.
1209                 pixbuf = Inkscape::IO::pixbuf_new_from_file (fullname, modTime, pixPath, NULL);
1210                 if (pixbuf != NULL) {
1211                     return pixbuf;
1212                 }
1213             }
1214         } else if (strncmp (filename,"data:",5) == 0) {
1215             /* data URI - embedded image */
1216             filename += 5;
1217             pixbuf = sp_image_repr_read_dataURI (filename);
1218             if (pixbuf != NULL) {
1219                 return pixbuf;
1220             }
1221         } else {
1223             if (!g_path_is_absolute (filename)) {
1224                 /* try to load from relative pos combined with document base*/
1225                 const gchar *docbase = base;
1226                 if (!docbase) {
1227                     docbase = ".";
1228                 }
1229                 gchar *fullname = g_build_filename(docbase, filename, NULL);
1231                 // document base can be wrong (on the temporary doc when importing bitmap from a
1232                 // different dir) or unset (when doc is not saved yet), so we check for base+href existence first,
1233                 // and if it fails, we also try to use bare href regardless of its g_path_is_absolute
1234                 if (g_file_test (fullname, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && !g_file_test (fullname, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
1235                     pixbuf = Inkscape::IO::pixbuf_new_from_file( fullname, modTime, pixPath, NULL );
1236                     g_free (fullname);
1237                     if (pixbuf != NULL) {
1238                         return pixbuf;
1239                     }
1240                 }
1241             }
1243             /* try filename as absolute */
1244             if (g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) && !g_file_test (filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
1245                 pixbuf = Inkscape::IO::pixbuf_new_from_file( filename, modTime, pixPath, NULL );
1246                 if (pixbuf != NULL) {
1247                     return pixbuf;
1248                 }
1249             }
1250         }
1251     }
1253     /* at last try to load from sp absolute path name */
1254     filename = absref;
1255     if (filename != NULL) {
1256         // using absref is outside of SVG rules, so we must at least warn the user
1257         if ( base != NULL && href != NULL ) {
1258             g_warning ("<image xlink:href=\"%s\"> did not resolve to a valid image file (base dir is %s), now trying sodipodi:absref=\"%s\"", href, base, absref);
1259         } else {
1260             g_warning ("xlink:href did not resolve to a valid image file, now trying sodipodi:absref=\"%s\"", absref);
1261         }
1263         pixbuf = Inkscape::IO::pixbuf_new_from_file( filename, modTime, pixPath, NULL );
1264         if (pixbuf != NULL) {
1265             return pixbuf;
1266         }
1267     }
1268     /* Nope: We do not find any valid pixmap file :-( */
1269     pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data ((const gchar **) brokenimage_xpm);
1271     /* It should be included xpm, so if it still does not does load, */
1272     /* our libraries are broken */
1273     g_assert (pixbuf != NULL);
1275     return pixbuf;
1278 static GdkPixbuf *
1279 sp_image_pixbuf_force_rgba (GdkPixbuf * pixbuf)
1281     GdkPixbuf* result;
1282     if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf)) {
1283         result = pixbuf;
1284     } else {
1285         result = gdk_pixbuf_add_alpha(pixbuf, FALSE, 0, 0, 0);
1286         gdk_pixbuf_unref(pixbuf);
1287     }
1288     return result;
1291 /* We assert that realpixbuf is either NULL or identical size to pixbuf */
1293 static void
1294 sp_image_update_canvas_image (SPImage *image)
1296     SPItem *item = SP_ITEM(image);
1298     if (image->pixbuf) {
1299         /* fixme: We are slightly violating spec here (Lauris) */
1300         if (!image->width._set) {
1301             image->width.computed = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(image->pixbuf);
1302         }
1303         if (!image->height._set) {
1304             image->height.computed = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(image->pixbuf);
1305         }
1306     }
1308     for (SPItemView *v = item->display; v != NULL; v = v->next) {
1309         int pixskip = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(image->pixbuf) * gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample(image->pixbuf) / 8;
1310         int rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(image->pixbuf);
1311         nr_arena_image_set_style(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(v->arenaitem), SP_OBJECT_STYLE(SP_OBJECT(image)));
1312         if (image->aspect_align == SP_ASPECT_NONE) {
1313             nr_arena_image_set_pixels(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(v->arenaitem),
1314                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(image->pixbuf),
1315                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_width(image->pixbuf),
1316                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_height(image->pixbuf),
1317                                        rs);
1318             nr_arena_image_set_geometry(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(v->arenaitem),
1319                                          image->x.computed, image->y.computed,
1320                                          image->width.computed, image->height.computed);
1321         } else { // preserveAspectRatio
1322             nr_arena_image_set_pixels(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(v->arenaitem),
1323                                        gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(image->pixbuf) + image->trimx*pixskip + image->trimy*rs,
1324                                        image->trimwidth,
1325                                        image->trimheight,
1326                                        rs);
1327             nr_arena_image_set_geometry(NR_ARENA_IMAGE(v->arenaitem),
1328                                          image->viewx, image->viewy,
1329                                          image->viewwidth, image->viewheight);
1330         }
1331     }
1334 static void sp_image_snappoints(SPItem const *item, std::vector<Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint> &p, Inkscape::SnapPreferences const */*snapprefs*/)
1336     /* An image doesn't have any nodes to snap, but still we want to be able snap one image
1337     to another. Therefore we will create some snappoints at the corner, similar to a rect. If
1338     the image is rotated, then the snappoints will rotate with it. Again, just like a rect.
1339     */
1341     g_assert(item != NULL);
1342     g_assert(SP_IS_IMAGE(item));
1344     if (item->clip_ref->getObject()) {
1345         //We are looking at a clipped image: do not return any snappoints, as these might be
1346         //far far away from the visible part from the clipped image
1347         //TODO Do return snappoints, but only when within visual bounding box
1348     } else {
1349         // The image has not been clipped: return its corners, which might be rotated for example
1350         SPImage &image = *SP_IMAGE(item);
1351         double const x0 = image.x.computed;
1352         double const y0 = image.y.computed;
1353         double const x1 = x0 + image.width.computed;
1354         double const y1 = y0 + image.height.computed;
1355         Geom::Matrix const i2d (sp_item_i2d_affine (item));
1356         p.push_back(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point(x0, y0) * i2d, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_CORNER, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CORNER));
1357         p.push_back(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point(x0, y1) * i2d, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_CORNER, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CORNER));
1358         p.push_back(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point(x1, y1) * i2d, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_CORNER, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CORNER));
1359         p.push_back(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(Geom::Point(x1, y0) * i2d, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_CORNER, Inkscape::SNAPTARGET_CORNER));
1360     }
1363 /*
1364  * Initially we'll do:
1365  * Transform x, y, set x, y, clear translation
1366  */
1368 static Geom::Matrix
1369 sp_image_set_transform(SPItem *item, Geom::Matrix const &xform)
1371     SPImage *image = SP_IMAGE(item);
1373     /* Calculate position in parent coords. */
1374     Geom::Point pos( Geom::Point(image->x.computed, image->y.computed) * xform );
1376     /* This function takes care of translation and scaling, we return whatever parts we can't
1377        handle. */
1378     Geom::Matrix ret(Geom::Matrix(xform).without_translation());
1379     Geom::Point const scale(hypot(ret[0], ret[1]),
1380                             hypot(ret[2], ret[3]));
1381     if ( scale[Geom::X] > MAGIC_EPSILON ) {
1382         ret[0] /= scale[Geom::X];
1383         ret[1] /= scale[Geom::X];
1384     } else {
1385         ret[0] = 1.0;
1386         ret[1] = 0.0;
1387     }
1388     if ( scale[Geom::Y] > MAGIC_EPSILON ) {
1389         ret[2] /= scale[Geom::Y];
1390         ret[3] /= scale[Geom::Y];
1391     } else {
1392         ret[2] = 0.0;
1393         ret[3] = 1.0;
1394     }
1396     image->width = image->width.computed * scale[Geom::X];
1397     image->height = image->height.computed * scale[Geom::Y];
1399     /* Find position in item coords */
1400     pos = pos * ret.inverse();
1401     image->x = pos[Geom::X];
1402     image->y = pos[Geom::Y];
1404     item->requestDisplayUpdate(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
1406     return ret;
1409 static GdkPixbuf *
1410 sp_image_repr_read_dataURI (const gchar * uri_data)
1412     GdkPixbuf * pixbuf = NULL;
1414     gint data_is_image = 0;
1415     gint data_is_base64 = 0;
1417     const gchar * data = uri_data;
1419     while (*data) {
1420         if (strncmp(data,"base64",6) == 0) {
1421             /* base64-encoding */
1422             data_is_base64 = 1;
1423             data_is_image = 1; // Illustrator produces embedded images without MIME type, so we assume it's image no matter what
1424             data += 6;
1425         }
1426         else if (strncmp(data,"image/png",9) == 0) {
1427             /* PNG image */
1428             data_is_image = 1;
1429             data += 9;
1430         }
1431         else if (strncmp(data,"image/jpg",9) == 0) {
1432             /* JPEG image */
1433             data_is_image = 1;
1434             data += 9;
1435         }
1436         else if (strncmp(data,"image/jpeg",10) == 0) {
1437             /* JPEG image */
1438             data_is_image = 1;
1439             data += 10;
1440         }
1441         else { /* unrecognized option; skip it */
1442             while (*data) {
1443                 if (((*data) == ';') || ((*data) == ',')) {
1444                     break;
1445                 }
1446                 data++;
1447             }
1448         }
1449         if ((*data) == ';') {
1450             data++;
1451             continue;
1452         }
1453         if ((*data) == ',') {
1454             data++;
1455             break;
1456         }
1457     }
1459     if ((*data) && data_is_image && data_is_base64) {
1460         pixbuf = sp_image_repr_read_b64(data);
1461     }
1463     return pixbuf;
1466 static GdkPixbuf *
1467 sp_image_repr_read_b64 (const gchar * uri_data)
1469     GdkPixbuf * pixbuf = NULL;
1471     static const gchar B64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
1473     GdkPixbufLoader *loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new();
1474     if (loader) {
1475         bool eos = false;
1476         bool failed = false;
1477         const gchar* btr = uri_data;
1478         gchar ud[4];
1479         guchar bd[57];
1481         while (!eos) {
1482             gint ell = 0;
1483             for (gint j = 0; j < 19; j++) {
1484                 gint len = 0;
1485                 for (gint k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
1486                     while (isspace ((int) (*btr))) {
1487                         if ((*btr) == '\0') break;
1488                         btr++;
1489                     }
1490                     if (eos) {
1491                         ud[k] = 0;
1492                         continue;
1493                     }
1494                     if (((*btr) == '\0') || ((*btr) == '=')) {
1495                         eos = true;
1496                         ud[k] = 0;
1497                         continue;
1498                     }
1499                     ud[k] = 64;
1500                     for (gint b = 0; b < 64; b++) { /* There must a faster way to do this... ?? */
1501                         if (B64[b] == (*btr)) {
1502                             ud[k] = (gchar) b;
1503                             break;
1504                         }
1505                     }
1506                     if (ud[k] == 64) { /* data corruption ?? */
1507                         eos = true;
1508                         ud[k] = 0;
1509                         continue;
1510                     }
1511                     btr++;
1512                     len++;
1513                 }
1514                 guint32 bits = (guint32) ud[0];
1515                 bits = (bits << 6) | (guint32) ud[1];
1516                 bits = (bits << 6) | (guint32) ud[2];
1517                 bits = (bits << 6) | (guint32) ud[3];
1518                 bd[ell++] = (guchar) ((bits & 0xff0000) >> 16);
1519                 if (len > 2) {
1520                     bd[ell++] = (guchar) ((bits & 0xff00) >>  8);
1521                 }
1522                 if (len > 3) {
1523                     bd[ell++] = (guchar)  (bits & 0xff);
1524                 }
1525             }
1527             if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_write (loader, (const guchar *) bd, (size_t) ell, NULL)) {
1528                 failed = true;
1529                 break;
1530             }
1531         }
1533         gdk_pixbuf_loader_close (loader, NULL);
1535         if (!failed) {
1536             pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf (loader);
1537         }
1538     }
1540     return pixbuf;
1543 static void
1544 sp_image_set_curve(SPImage *image)
1546     //create a curve at the image's boundary for snapping
1547     if ((image->height.computed < MAGIC_EPSILON_TOO) || (image->width.computed < MAGIC_EPSILON_TOO) || (image->clip_ref->getObject())) {
1548         if (image->curve) {
1549             image->curve = image->curve->unref();
1550         }
1551     } else {
1552         NRRect rect;
1553         sp_image_bbox(image, &rect, Geom::identity(), 0);
1554         Geom::Rect rect2 = to_2geom(*rect.upgrade());
1555         SPCurve *c = SPCurve::new_from_rect(rect2, true);
1557         if (image->curve) {
1558             image->curve = image->curve->unref();
1559         }
1561         if (c) {
1562             image->curve = c->ref();
1564             c->unref();
1565         }
1566     }
1569 /**
1570  * Return duplicate of curve (if any exists) or NULL if there is no curve
1571  */
1572 SPCurve *
1573 sp_image_get_curve (SPImage *image)
1575     SPCurve *result = 0;
1576     if (image->curve) {
1577         result = image->curve->copy();
1578     }
1579     return result;
1582 void
1583 sp_embed_image(Inkscape::XML::Node *image_node, GdkPixbuf *pb, Glib::ustring const &mime_in)
1585     Glib::ustring format, mime;
1586     if (mime_in == "image/jpeg") {
1587         mime = mime_in;
1588         format = "jpeg";
1589     } else {
1590         mime = "image/png";
1591         format = "png";
1592     }
1594     gchar *data;
1595     gsize length;
1596     gdk_pixbuf_save_to_buffer(pb, &data, &length,, NULL, NULL);
1598     // Save base64 encoded data in image node
1599     // this formula taken from Glib docs
1600     guint needed_size = length * 4 / 3 + length * 4 / (3 * 72) + 7;
1601     needed_size += 5 + 8 + mime.size(); // 5 bytes for data:, 8 for ;base64,
1603     gchar *buffer = (gchar *) g_malloc(needed_size), *buf_work = buffer;
1604     buf_work += g_sprintf(buffer, "data:%s;base64,",;
1606     gint state = 0, save = 0;
1607     gsize written = 0;
1608     written += g_base64_encode_step((guchar*) data, length, TRUE, buf_work, &state, &save);
1609     written += g_base64_encode_close(TRUE, buf_work + written, &state, &save);
1610     buf_work[written] = 0; // null terminate
1612     image_node->setAttribute("xlink:href", buffer);
1613     g_free(buffer);
1616 void sp_image_refresh_if_outdated( SPImage* image )
1618     if ( image->href && image->lastMod ) {
1619         // It *might* change
1621         struct stat st;
1622         memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
1623         int val = g_stat(image->pixPath, &st);
1624         if ( !val ) {
1625             // stat call worked. Check time now
1626             if ( st.st_mtime != image->lastMod ) {
1627                 SPCtx *ctx = 0;
1628                 unsigned int flags = SP_IMAGE_HREF_MODIFIED_FLAG;
1629                 sp_image_update(image, ctx, flags);
1630             }
1631         }
1632     }
1635 /*
1636   Local Variables:
1637   mode:c++
1638   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
1639   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
1640   indent-tabs-mode:nil
1641   fill-column:99
1642   End:
1643 */
1644 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :