
limit the smallest exponent in transforms; anything smaller is written as 0
[inkscape.git] / src / removeoverlap / generate-constraints.cpp
1 /**
2  * \brief Remove overlaps function
3  *
4  * Authors:
5  *   Tim Dwyer <>
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
8  *
9  * Released under GNU GPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
10  */
12 #include <set>
13 #include <cassert>
14 #include "generate-constraints.h"
15 #include "constraint.h"
17 #include "isnan.h" /* Include last */
19 using std::set;
20 using std::vector;
22 std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Rectangle &r) {
23         os << "{"<<r.minX<<","<<r.maxX<<","<<r.minY<<","<<r.maxY<<"},";
24         return os;
25 }
26 Rectangle::Rectangle(double x, double X, double y, double Y) 
27 : minX(x),maxX(X),minY(y),maxY(Y) {
28                 assert(x<=X);
29                 assert(y<=Y);
30 }
32 struct Node;
33 struct CmpNodePos { bool operator()(const Node* u, const Node* v) const; };
35 typedef set<Node*,CmpNodePos> NodeSet;
37 struct Node {
38         Variable *v;
39         Rectangle *r;
40         double pos;
41         Node *firstAbove, *firstBelow;
42         NodeSet *leftNeighbours, *rightNeighbours;
43         Node(Variable *v, Rectangle *r, double p) : v(v),r(r),pos(p) {
44                 firstAbove=firstBelow=NULL;
45                 leftNeighbours=rightNeighbours=NULL;
46                 assert(r->width()<1e40);
47         }
48         ~Node() {
49                 delete leftNeighbours;
50                 delete rightNeighbours;
51         }
52         void addLeftNeighbour(Node *u) {
53                 leftNeighbours->insert(u);
54         }
55         void addRightNeighbour(Node *u) {
56                 rightNeighbours->insert(u);
57         }
58         void setNeighbours(NodeSet *left, NodeSet *right) {
59                 leftNeighbours=left;
60                 rightNeighbours=right;
61                 for(NodeSet::iterator i=left->begin();i!=left->end();i++) {
62                         Node *v=*(i);
63                         v->addRightNeighbour(this);
64                 }
65                 for(NodeSet::iterator i=right->begin();i!=right->end();i++) {
66                         Node *v=*(i);
67                         v->addLeftNeighbour(this);
68                 }
69         }
70 };
71 bool CmpNodePos::operator() (const Node* u, const Node* v) const {
72         if (u->pos < v->pos) {
73                 return true;
74         }
75         if (v->pos < u->pos) {
76                 return false;
77         }
78         if (isNaN(u->pos) != isNaN(v->pos)) {
79                 return isNaN(u->pos);
80         }
81         return u < v;
83         /* I don't know how important it is to handle NaN correctly
84          * (e.g. we probably handle it badly in other code anyway, and
85          * in any case the best we can hope for is to reduce the
86          * badness of other nodes).
87          *
88          * Nevertheless, we try to do the right thing here and in
89          * event comparison.  The issue is that (on platforms with
90          * ieee floating point comparison) NaN compares neither less
91          * than nor greater than any other number, yet sort wants a
92          * well-defined ordering.  In particular, we want to ensure
93          * transitivity of equivalence, which normally wouldn't be
94          * guaranteed if the "middle" item in the transitivity
95          * involves a NaN.  (NaN is neither less than nor greater than
96          * other numbers, so tends to be considered as equal to all
97          * other numbers: even unequal numbers.)
98          */
99 }
101 NodeSet* getLeftNeighbours(NodeSet &scanline,Node *v) {
102         NodeSet *leftv = new NodeSet;
103         NodeSet::iterator i=scanline.find(v);
104         while(i--!=scanline.begin()) {
105                 Node *u=*(i);
106                 if(u->r->overlapX(v->r)<=0) {
107                         leftv->insert(u);
108                         return leftv;
109                 }
110                 if(u->r->overlapX(v->r)<=u->r->overlapY(v->r)) {
111                         leftv->insert(u);
112                 }
113         }
114         return leftv;
116 NodeSet* getRightNeighbours(NodeSet &scanline,Node *v) {
117         NodeSet *rightv = new NodeSet;
118         NodeSet::iterator i=scanline.find(v);
119         for(i++;i!=scanline.end(); i++) {
120                 Node *u=*(i);
121                 if(u->r->overlapX(v->r)<=0) {
122                         rightv->insert(u);
123                         return rightv;
124                 }
125                 if(u->r->overlapX(v->r)<=u->r->overlapY(v->r)) {
126                         rightv->insert(u);
127                 }
128         }
129         return rightv;
132 typedef enum {Open, Close} EventType;
133 struct Event {
134         EventType type;
135         Node *v;
136         double pos;
137         Event(EventType t, Node *v, double p) : type(t),v(v),pos(p) {};
138 };
139 Event **events;
140 int compare_events(const void *a, const void *b) {
141         Event *ea=*(Event**)a;
142         Event *eb=*(Event**)b;
143         if(ea->v->r==eb->v->r) {
144                 // when comparing opening and closing from the same rect
145                 // open must come first
146                 if(ea->type==Open) return -1;
147                 return 1;
148         } else if(ea->pos > eb->pos) {
149                 return 1;
150         } else if(ea->pos < eb->pos) {
151                 return -1;
152         } else if(isNaN(ea->pos) != isNaN(ea->pos)) {
153                 /* See comment in CmpNodePos. */
154                 return ( isNaN(ea->pos)
155                          ? -1
156                          : 1 );
157         }
158         return 0;
161 /**
162  * Prepares variables and constraints in order to apply VPSC horizontally.
163  * useNeighbourLists determines whether or not a heuristic is used to deciding whether to resolve
164  * all overlap in the x pass, or leave some overlaps for the y pass.
165  */
166 int generateXConstraints(Rectangle *rs[], double weights[], const int n, Variable **&vars, Constraint **&cs, bool useNeighbourLists) {
167         events=new Event*[2*n];
168         int i,m,ctr=0;
169         vector<Constraint*> constraints;
170         vars=new Variable*[n];
171         for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
172                 vars[i]=new Variable(i,rs[i]->getCentreX(),weights[i]);
173                 Node *v = new Node(vars[i],rs[i],rs[i]->getCentreX());
174                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,v,rs[i]->getMinY());
175                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,v,rs[i]->getMaxY());
176         }
177         qsort((Event*)events, (size_t)2*n, sizeof(Event*), compare_events );
179         NodeSet scanline;
180         for(i=0;i<2*n;i++) {
181                 Event *e=events[i];
182                 Node *v=e->v;
183                 if(e->type==Open) {
184                         scanline.insert(v);
185                         if(useNeighbourLists) {
186                                 v->setNeighbours(
187                                         getLeftNeighbours(scanline,v),
188                                         getRightNeighbours(scanline,v)
189                                 );
190                         } else {
191                                 NodeSet::iterator it=scanline.find(v);
192                                 if(it--!=scanline.begin()) {
193                                         Node *u=*it;
194                                         v->firstAbove=u;
195                                         u->firstBelow=v;
196                                 }
197                                 it=scanline.find(v);
198                                 if(++it!=scanline.end()) {
199                                         Node *u=*it;
200                                         v->firstBelow=u;
201                                         u->firstAbove=v;
202                                 }
203                         }
204                 } else {
205                         // Close event
206                         int r;
207                         if(useNeighbourLists) {
208                                 for(NodeSet::iterator i=v->leftNeighbours->begin();
209                                         i!=v->leftNeighbours->end();i++
210                                 ) {
211                                         Node *u=*i;
212                                         double sep = (v->r->width()+u->r->width())/2.0;
213                                         constraints.push_back(new Constraint(u->v,v->v,sep));
214                                         r=u->rightNeighbours->erase(v);
215                                 }
217                                 for(NodeSet::iterator i=v->rightNeighbours->begin();
218                                         i!=v->rightNeighbours->end();i++
219                                 ) {
220                                         Node *u=*i;
221                                         double sep = (v->r->width()+u->r->width())/2.0;
222                                         constraints.push_back(new Constraint(v->v,u->v,sep));
223                                         r=u->leftNeighbours->erase(v);
224                                 }
225                         } else {
226                                 Node *l=v->firstAbove, *r=v->firstBelow;
227                                 if(l!=NULL) {
228                                         double sep = (v->r->width()+l->r->width())/2.0;
229                                         constraints.push_back(new Constraint(l->v,v->v,sep));
230                                         l->firstBelow=v->firstBelow;
231                                 }
232                                 if(r!=NULL) {
233                                         double sep = (v->r->width()+r->r->width())/2.0;
234                                         constraints.push_back(new Constraint(v->v,r->v,sep));
235                                         r->firstAbove=v->firstAbove;
236                                 }
237                         }
238                         r=scanline.erase(v);
239                         delete v;
240                 }
241                 delete e;
242         }
243         delete [] events;
244         cs=new Constraint*[m=constraints.size()];
245         for(i=0;i<m;i++) cs[i]=constraints[i];
246         return m;
249 /**
250  * Prepares variables and constraints in order to apply VPSC vertically to remove ALL overlap.
251  */
252 int generateYConstraints(Rectangle *rs[], double weights[], const int n, Variable **&vars, Constraint **&cs) {
253         events=new Event*[2*n];
254         int ctr=0,i,m;
255         vector<Constraint*> constraints;
256         vars=new Variable*[n];
257         for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
258                 vars[i]=new Variable(i,rs[i]->getCentreY(),weights[i]);
259                 Node *v = new Node(vars[i],rs[i],rs[i]->getCentreY());
260                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,v,rs[i]->getMinX());
261                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,v,rs[i]->getMaxX());
262         }
263         qsort((Event*)events, (size_t)2*n, sizeof(Event*), compare_events );
264         NodeSet scanline;
265         for(i=0;i<2*n;i++) {
266                 Event *e=events[i];
267                 Node *v=e->v;
268                 if(e->type==Open) {
269                         scanline.insert(v);
270                         NodeSet::iterator i=scanline.find(v);
271                         if(i--!=scanline.begin()) {
272                                 Node *u=*i;
273                                 v->firstAbove=u;
274                                 u->firstBelow=v;
275                         }
276                         i=scanline.find(v);
277                         if(++i!=scanline.end())  {
278                                 Node *u=*i;
279                                 v->firstBelow=u;
280                                 u->firstAbove=v;
281                         }
282                 } else {
283                         // Close event
284                         Node *l=v->firstAbove, *r=v->firstBelow;
285                         if(l!=NULL) {
286                                 double sep = (v->r->height()+l->r->height())/2.0;
287                                 constraints.push_back(new Constraint(l->v,v->v,sep));
288                                 l->firstBelow=v->firstBelow;
289                         }
290                         if(r!=NULL) {
291                                 double sep = (v->r->height()+r->r->height())/2.0;
292                                 constraints.push_back(new Constraint(v->v,r->v,sep));
293                                 r->firstAbove=v->firstAbove;
294                         }
295                         scanline.erase(v);
296                         delete v;
297                 }
298                 delete e;
299         }
300         delete [] events;
301         cs=new Constraint*[m=constraints.size()];
302         for(i=0;i<m;i++) cs[i]=constraints[i];
303         return m;