
Modified filter rendering area handling to better accommodate upcoming feOffset
[inkscape.git] / src / object-snapper.cpp
1 /**
2  *  \file object-snapper.cpp
3  *  \brief Snapping things to objects.
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  *   Carl Hetherington <>
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
9  *
10  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
11  */
13 #include "libnr/n-art-bpath.h"
14 #include "libnr/nr-rect-ops.h"
15 #include "document.h"
16 #include "sp-namedview.h"
17 #include "sp-path.h"
18 #include "sp-item-group.h"
19 #include "sp-use.h"
20 #include "display/curve.h"
21 #include "desktop.h"
22 #include "inkscape.h"
23 #include "splivarot.h"
26 Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::ObjectSnapper(SPNamedView const *nv, NR::Coord const d)
27     : Snapper(nv, d), _snap_to_nodes(true), _snap_to_paths(true)
28 {
30 }
33 /**
34  *  \param p Point we are trying to snap (desktop coordinates)
35  */
37 void Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_findCandidates(std::list<SPItem*>& c,
38                                               SPObject* r,
39                                               std::list<SPItem const *> const &it,
40                                               NR::Point const &p) const
41 {
42     if (ThisSnapperMightSnap()) {    
43         SPDesktop const *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
44         for (SPObject* o = sp_object_first_child(r); o != NULL; o = SP_OBJECT_NEXT(o)) {
45             if (SP_IS_ITEM(o) && !SP_ITEM(o)->isLocked() && !desktop->itemIsHidden(SP_ITEM(o))) {
47                 /* See if this item is on the ignore list */
48                 std::list<SPItem const *>::const_iterator i = it.begin();
49                 while (i != it.end() && *i != o) {
50                     i++;
51                 }
53                 if (i == it.end()) {
54                     /* See if the item is within range */
55                     if (SP_IS_GROUP(o)) {
56                         _findCandidates(c, o, it, p);
57                     } else {
58                         NR::Maybe<NR::Rect> b = sp_item_bbox_desktop(SP_ITEM(o));
59                         if ( b && NR::expand(*b, -getDistance()).contains(p) ) {
60                             c.push_back(SP_ITEM(o));
61                         }
62                     }
63                 }
65             }
66         }
67     }
68 }
71 void Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_snapNodes(Inkscape::SnappedPoint &s,
72                                          NR::Point const &p,
73                                          std::list<SPItem*> const &cand) const
74 {
75     /* FIXME: this seems like a hack.  Perhaps Snappers should be
76     ** in SPDesktop rather than SPNamedView?
77     */
78     SPDesktop const *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
80     for (std::list<SPItem*>::const_iterator i = cand.begin(); i != cand.end(); i++) {
82         NR::Matrix i2doc(NR::identity());
83         SPItem *root_item = NULL;
84         if (SP_IS_USE(*i)) {
85             i2doc = sp_use_get_root_transform(SP_USE(*i));
86             root_item = sp_use_root(SP_USE(*i));
87         } else { 
88             i2doc = sp_item_i2doc_affine(*i);
89             root_item = *i;
90         }
92         if (SP_IS_SHAPE(root_item)) {
94             SPShape const *sh = SP_SHAPE(root_item);
95             if (sh->curve) {
97                 int j = 0;
99                 while (SP_CURVE_BPATH(sh->curve)[j].code != NR_END) {
101                     /* Get this node in desktop coordinates */
102                     NArtBpath const &bp = SP_CURVE_BPATH(sh->curve)[j];
103                     NR::Point const n = desktop->doc2dt(bp.c(3) * i2doc);
105                     /* Try to snap to this node of the path */
106                     NR::Coord const dist = NR::L2(n - p);
107                     if (dist < getDistance() && dist < s.getDistance()) {
108                         s = SnappedPoint(n, dist);
109                     }
111                     j++;
112                 }
113             }
114         }
115     }
119 void Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_snapPaths(Inkscape::SnappedPoint &s,
120                                          NR::Point const &p,
121                                          std::list<SPItem*> const &cand) const
123     /* FIXME: this seems like a hack.  Perhaps Snappers should be
124     ** in SPDesktop rather than SPNamedView?
125     */
126     SPDesktop const *desktop = SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP;
128     NR::Point const p_doc = desktop->dt2doc(p);
130     for (std::list<SPItem*>::const_iterator i = cand.begin(); i != cand.end(); i++) {
132         /* Transform the requested snap point to this item's coordinates */
133         NR::Matrix i2doc(NR::identity());
134         SPItem *root_item = NULL;
135         /* We might have a clone at hand, so make sure we get the root item */        
136         if (SP_IS_USE(*i)) {
137             i2doc = sp_use_get_root_transform(SP_USE(*i));
138             root_item = sp_use_root(SP_USE(*i));
139         } else {
140             i2doc = sp_item_i2doc_affine(*i);
141             root_item = *i;
142         }
144         NR::Point const p_it = p_doc * i2doc.inverse();
146         Path *livarot_path = Path_for_item(root_item, false, false);
147         if (!livarot_path)
148             continue;
150         livarot_path->ConvertWithBackData(0.01);
152         /* Look for the nearest position on this SPItem to our snap point */
153         NR::Maybe<Path::cut_position> const o = get_nearest_position_on_Path(livarot_path, p_it);
154         if (o && o->t >= 0 && o->t <= 1) {
156             /* Convert the nearest point back to desktop coordinates */
157             NR::Point const o_it = get_point_on_Path(livarot_path, o->piece, o->t);
158             NR::Point const o_dt = desktop->doc2dt(o_it * i2doc);
160             NR::Coord const dist = NR::L2(o_dt - p);
161             if (dist < getDistance() && dist < s.getDistance()) {
162                 s = SnappedPoint(o_dt, dist);
163             }
164         }
166         delete livarot_path;
167     }
171 Inkscape::SnappedPoint Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_doFreeSnap(NR::Point const &p,
172                                                             std::list<SPItem const *> const &it) const
174     if ( NULL == _named_view ) {
175         return SnappedPoint(p, NR_HUGE);
176     }
178     /* Get a list of all the SPItems that we will try to snap to */
179     std::list<SPItem*> cand;
180     _findCandidates(cand, sp_document_root(_named_view->document), it, p);
182     SnappedPoint s(p, NR_HUGE);
184     if (_snap_to_nodes) {
185         _snapNodes(s, p, cand);
186     }
187     if (_snap_to_paths) {
188         _snapPaths(s, p, cand);
189     }
191     return s;
196 Inkscape::SnappedPoint Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::_doConstrainedSnap(NR::Point const &p,
197                                                                    ConstraintLine const &c,
198                                                                    std::list<SPItem const *> const &it) const
200     /* FIXME: this needs implementing properly; I think we have to do the
201     ** intersection of c with the objects.
202     */
203     return _doFreeSnap(p, it);
206 /**
207  *  \return true if this Snapper will snap at least one kind of point.
208  */
209 bool Inkscape::ObjectSnapper::ThisSnapperMightSnap() const
211     return (_enabled && _snap_to != 0 && (_snap_to_paths || _snap_to_nodes));
215 /*
216   Local Variables:
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222   End:
223 */
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