
LPE: implement NEW path-along-path effect, i think that old one has become obsolete...
[inkscape.git] / src / live_effects / parameter / path.cpp
3 /*
4  * Copyright (C) Johan Engelen 2007 <>
5  *
6  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
7  */
9 #include "live_effects/parameter/path.h"
10 #include "live_effects/effect.h"
11 #include "live_effects/n-art-bpath-2geom.h"
12 #include "svg/svg.h"
13 #include <2geom/svg-path-parser.h>
14 #include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h>
15 #include <2geom/d2.h>
17 #include "ui/widget/point.h"
18 #include "widgets/icon.h"
19 #include <gtk/gtkstock.h>
20 #include "selection-chemistry.h"
22 #include "desktop.h"
23 #include "inkscape.h"
24 #include "message-stack.h"
25 #include "verbs.h"
26 #include "document.h"
28 // needed for on-canvas editting:
29 #include "tools-switch.h"
30 #include "shape-editor.h"
31 #include "node-context.h"
32 #include "desktop-handles.h"
33 #include "selection.h"
35 namespace Inkscape {
37 namespace LivePathEffect {
39 PathParam::PathParam( const Glib::ustring& label, const Glib::ustring& tip,
40                       const Glib::ustring& key, Inkscape::UI::Widget::Registry* wr,
41                       Effect* effect, const gchar * default_value)
42     : Parameter(label, tip, key, wr, effect)
43 {
44     _widget = NULL;
45     _tooltips = NULL;
46     edit_button = NULL;
47     defvalue = g_strdup(default_value);
48     param_readSVGValue(defvalue);
49     oncanvas_editable = true;
50 }
52 PathParam::~PathParam()
53 {
54     if (_tooltips)
55         delete _tooltips;
56     // _widget is managed by GTK so do not delete!
58     g_free(defvalue);
59 }
61 void
62 PathParam::param_set_default()
63 {
64     param_readSVGValue(defvalue);
65 }
67 bool
68 PathParam::param_readSVGValue(const gchar * strvalue)
69 {
70     if (strvalue) {
71         Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > newpath;
72         std::vector<Geom::Path> temppath = SVGD_to_2GeomPath(strvalue);
73         for (unsigned int i=0; i < temppath.size(); i++) {
74             newpath.concat( temppath[i].toPwSb() );
75         }
76         *( dynamic_cast<Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > *> (this) ) = newpath;
77         signal_path_changed.emit();
78         return true;
79     }
81     return false;
82 }
84 gchar *
85 PathParam::param_writeSVGValue() const
86 {
87     const std::vector<Geom::Path> temppath =
88         Geom::path_from_piecewise(* dynamic_cast<const Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > *> (this), LPE_CONVERSION_TOLERANCE);
89     gchar * svgd = SVGD_from_2GeomPath( temppath );
90     return svgd;
91 }
93 Gtk::Widget *
94 PathParam::param_getWidget()
95 {
96     if (!_widget) {
97         _widget = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox());
98         _tooltips = new Gtk::Tooltips();
100         Gtk::Label* pLabel = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(param_label));
101         static_cast<Gtk::HBox*>(_widget)->pack_start(*pLabel, true, true);
102         _tooltips->set_tip(*pLabel, param_tooltip);
104         Gtk::Widget*  pIcon = Gtk::manage( sp_icon_get_icon( "draw_node", Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) );
105         Gtk::Button * pButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button());
106         pButton->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
107         pIcon->show();
108         pButton->add(*pIcon);
109         pButton->show();
110         pButton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PathParam::on_edit_button_click));
111         static_cast<Gtk::HBox*>(_widget)->pack_start(*pButton, true, true);
112         _tooltips->set_tip(*pButton, _("Edit on-canvas"));
113         edit_button = pButton;
115         pIcon = Gtk::manage( sp_icon_get_icon( GTK_STOCK_PASTE, Inkscape::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) );
116         pButton = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button());
117         pButton->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
118         pIcon->show();
119         pButton->add(*pIcon);
120         pButton->show();
121         pButton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PathParam::on_paste_button_click));
122         static_cast<Gtk::HBox*>(_widget)->pack_start(*pButton, true, true);
123         _tooltips->set_tip(*pButton, _("Paste path"));
125         static_cast<Gtk::HBox*>(_widget)->show_all_children();
127     }
128     return dynamic_cast<Gtk::Widget *> (_widget);
131 void
132 PathParam::param_editOncanvas(SPItem * item, SPDesktop * dt)
134     // If not already in nodecontext, goto it!
135     if (!tools_isactive(dt, TOOLS_NODES)) {
136         tools_switch_current(TOOLS_NODES);
137     }
139     ShapeEditor * shape_editor = SP_NODE_CONTEXT( dt->event_context )->shape_editor;
140     shape_editor->set_item_livepatheffect_parameter(item, SP_OBJECT(param_effect->getLPEObj()), param_key.c_str());
143 void
144 PathParam::param_write_to_repr(const char * svgd)
146     param_effect->getRepr()->setAttribute(param_key.c_str(), svgd);
150 void
151 PathParam::param_set_and_write_new_value (Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > newpath)
153     const std::vector<Geom::Path> temppath = Geom::path_from_piecewise(newpath, LPE_CONVERSION_TOLERANCE);
154     gchar * svgd = SVGD_from_2GeomPath( temppath );
155     param_write_to_repr(svgd);
156     g_free(svgd);
160 void
161 PathParam::on_edit_button_click()
163     SPItem * item = sp_desktop_selection(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP)->singleItem();
164     if (item != NULL) {
165         param_editOncanvas(item, SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP);
166     }
169 void
170 PathParam::on_paste_button_click()
172     // check if something is in the clipboard
173     GSList * clipboard = sp_selection_get_clipboard();
174     if (clipboard == NULL || clipboard->data == NULL) {
175         SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Nothing on the clipboard."));
176         return;
177     }
179     Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = (Inkscape::XML::Node *) clipboard->data;
180     if (!strcmp (repr->name(), "svg:path")) {
181         const char * svgd = repr->attribute("d");
182         if (svgd) {
183             if (strchr(svgd,'A')) { // FIXME: temporary hack until 2Geom supports arcs in SVGD
184                 SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->messageStack()->flash( Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE,
185                             _("This effect does not support arcs yet, try to convert to path.") );
186                 return;
187             } else {
188                 param_write_to_repr(svgd);
189                 signal_path_pasted.emit();
190                 sp_document_done(param_effect->getSPDoc(), SP_VERB_DIALOG_LIVE_PATH_EFFECT, 
191                                  _("Paste path parameter"));
192             }
193         }
194     } else {
195         SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::WARNING_MESSAGE, _("Clipboard does not contain a path."));
196         return;
197     }
201 } /* namespace LivePathEffect */
203 } /* namespace Inkscape */
205 /*
206   Local Variables:
207   mode:c++
208   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
209   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
210   indent-tabs-mode:nil
211   fill-column:99
212   End:
213 */
214 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :