
Upgrading to trunk
[inkscape.git] / src / live_effects / lpe-knot.cpp
1 /** @file
2  * @brief LPE knot effect implementation
3  */
4 /* Authors:
5  *   Jean-Francois Barraud <>
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2007 Authors
8  *
9  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
10  */
12 #include "sp-shape.h"
13 #include "sp-path.h"
14 #include "display/curve.h"
15 #include "live_effects/lpe-knot.h"
16 #include "svg/svg.h"
17 #include "style.h"
18 #include "knot-holder-entity.h"
20 #include <2geom/sbasis-to-bezier.h>
21 #include <2geom/sbasis.h>
22 #include <2geom/d2.h>
23 #include <2geom/d2-sbasis.h>
24 #include <2geom/path.h>
25 //#include <2geom/crossing.h>
26 #include <2geom/bezier-to-sbasis.h>
27 #include <2geom/basic-intersection.h>
28 #include <2geom/exception.h>
30 // for change crossing undo
31 #include "verbs.h"
32 #include "document.h"
34 #include <exception>
36 namespace Inkscape {
37 namespace LivePathEffect {
39 class KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher : public LPEKnotHolderEntity
40 {
41 public:
42     virtual ~KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher() {}
44     virtual void knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &origin, guint state);
45     virtual Geom::Point knot_get();
46     virtual void knot_click(guint state);
47 };
50 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 //LPEKnot specific Interval manipulation.
52 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 //remove an interval from an union of intervals.
55 //TODO: is it worth moving it to 2Geom?
56 static
57 std::vector<Geom::Interval> complementOf(Geom::Interval I, std::vector<Geom::Interval> domain){
58     std::vector<Geom::Interval> ret;
59     if (!domain.empty()) {
60         double min = domain.front().min();
61         double max = domain.back().max();
62         Geom::Interval I1 = Geom::Interval(min,I.min());
63         Geom::Interval I2 = Geom::Interval(I.max(),max);
65         for (unsigned i = 0; i<domain.size(); i++){
66             boost::optional<Geom::Interval> I1i = intersect(,I1);
67             if (I1i && !I1i->isSingular()) ret.push_back(I1i.get());
68             boost::optional<Geom::Interval> I2i = intersect(,I2);
69             if (I2i && !I2i->isSingular()) ret.push_back(I2i.get());
70         }
71     }
72     return ret;
73 }
75 //find the time interval during which patha is hidden by pathb near a given crossing.
76 // Warning: not accurate!
77 static
78 Geom::Interval
79 findShadowedTime(Geom::Path const &patha, std::vector<Geom::Point> const &pt_and_dir,
80                  double const ta, double const width){
81     using namespace Geom;
82     Point T = unit_vector(pt_and_dir[1]);
83     Point N =;
84     Point A = pt_and_dir[0]-3*width*T, B = A+6*width*T;
86     Matrix mat = from_basis( T, N, pt_and_dir[0] );
87     mat = mat.inverse();
88     Path p = patha * mat;
90     std::vector<double> times;
92     //TODO: explore the path fwd/backward from ta (worth?)
93     for (unsigned i=0; i<patha.size(); i++){
94         D2<SBasis> f = p[i].toSBasis();
95         std::vector<double> times_i, temptimes;
96         temptimes = roots(f[Y]-width);
97         times_i.insert(times_i.end(), temptimes.begin(), temptimes.end() ); 
98         temptimes = roots(f[Y]+width);
99         times_i.insert(times_i.end(), temptimes.begin(), temptimes.end() ); 
100         temptimes = roots(f[X]-3*width);
101         times_i.insert(times_i.end(), temptimes.begin(), temptimes.end() ); 
102         temptimes = roots(f[X]+3*width);
103         times_i.insert(times_i.end(), temptimes.begin(), temptimes.end() );
104         for (unsigned k=0; k<times_i.size(); k++){
105             times_i[k]+=i;
106         }
107         times.insert(times.end(), times_i.begin(), times_i.end() );
108     }
109     std::sort( times.begin(),  times.end() );
110     std::vector<double>::iterator new_end = std::unique( times.begin(),  times.end() );
111     times.resize( new_end - times.begin() );
113     double tmin = 0, tmax = patha.size();
114     double period = patha.size();//hm... Should this be patha.size()+1? 
115     if (times.size()>0){
116         unsigned rk = upper_bound( times.begin(),  times.end(), ta ) - times.begin();
117         if ( rk < times.size() ) 
118             tmax = times[rk];
119         else if ( patha.closed() ) 
120             tmax = times[0]+period;
122         if ( rk > 0 ) 
123             tmin = times[rk-1];
124         else if ( patha.closed() ) 
125             tmin = times.back()-period;
126     }
127     return Interval(tmin,tmax);
130 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 //LPEKnot specific Crossing Data manipulation.
132 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 //Yet another crossing data representation.
135 // an CrossingPoint stores
136 //    -an intersection point
137 //    -the involved path components
138 //    -for each component, the time at which this crossing occurs + the order of this crossing along the component (when starting from 0).
140 namespace LPEKnotNS {//just in case...
141 CrossingPoints::CrossingPoints(std::vector<Geom::Path> const &paths) : std::vector<CrossingPoint>(){
142 //    std::cout<<"\nCrossingPoints creation from path vector\n";
143     for( unsigned i=0; i<paths.size(); i++){
144         for( unsigned ii=0; ii<paths[i].size(); ii++){
145             for( unsigned j=i; j<paths.size(); j++){
146                 for( unsigned jj=(i==j?ii:0); jj<paths[j].size(); jj++){
147                     std::vector<std::pair<double,double> > times;
148                     if ( i==j && ii==jj){
150 //                         std::cout<<"--(self int)\n";
151 //                         std::cout << paths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::X] <<"\n";
152 //                         std::cout << paths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::Y] <<"\n";
154                         find_self_intersections( times, paths[i][ii].toSBasis() );
155                     }else{
156 //                         std::cout<<"--(pair int)\n";
157 //                         std::cout << paths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::X] <<"\n";
158 //                         std::cout << paths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::Y] <<"\n";
159 //                         std::cout<<"with\n";
160 //                         std::cout << paths[j][jj].toSBasis()[Geom::X] <<"\n";
161 //                         std::cout << paths[j][jj].toSBasis()[Geom::Y] <<"\n";
163                         find_intersections( times, paths[i][ii].toSBasis(), paths[j][jj].toSBasis() );
164                     }
165                     for (unsigned k=0; k<times.size(); k++){
166                         //std::cout<<"intersection "<<i<<"["<<ii<<"]("<<times[k].first<<")= "<<j<<"["<<jj<<"]("<<times[k].second<<")\n";
167                         if (times[k].first == times[k].first && times[k].second == times[k].second ){//is this the way to test NaN?
168                             double zero = 1e-4;
169                             if ( i==j && fabs(times[k].first+ii - times[k].second-jj)<=zero ){//this is just end=start of successive curves in a path.
170                                 continue;
171                             }
172                             if ( i==j && ii == 0 && jj==paths[i].size()-1 &&
173                                  paths[i].closed() &&
174                                  fabs(times[k].first) <= zero && 
175                                  fabs(times[k].second - 1) <= zero ){//this is just end=start of a closed path.
176                                 continue;
177                             }
178                             CrossingPoint cp;
179                    = paths[i][ii].pointAt(times[k].first);
180                             cp.sign = 1;
181                             cp.i = i;
182                             cp.j = j;
183                    = 0; cp.nj=0;//not set yet
184                             cp.ti = times[k].first + ii;
185                    = times[k].second + jj;
186                             push_back(cp);
187                         }else{
188                             std::cout<<"ooops: find_(self)_intersections returned NaN:";
189                             //std::cout<<"intersection "<<i<<"["<<ii<<"](NaN)= "<<j<<"["<<jj<<"](NaN)\n";
190                         }
191                     }
192                 }
193             }
194         }
195     }
196     for( unsigned i=0; i<paths.size(); i++){
197         std::map < double, unsigned > cuts;
198         for( unsigned k=0; k<size(); k++){
199             CrossingPoint cp = (*this)[k];
200             if (cp.i == i) cuts[cp.ti] = k;
201             if (cp.j == i) cuts[] = k;
202         }
203         unsigned count = 0;
204         for ( std::map < double, unsigned >::iterator m=cuts.begin(); m!=cuts.end(); m++ ){
205             if ( (*this)[m->second].i == i && (*this)[m->second].ti == m->first ){
206                 (*this)[m->second].ni = count;
207             }else{
208                 (*this)[m->second].nj = count;
209             }
210             count++;
211         }
212     }
215 CrossingPoints::CrossingPoints(std::vector<double> const &input) : std::vector<CrossingPoint>()
217     if (input.size()>0 && input.size()%9 ==0){
218         using namespace Geom;
219         for( unsigned n=0; n<input.size();  ){
220             CrossingPoint cp;
221   [X] = input[n++];
222   [Y] = input[n++];
223             cp.i = input[n++];
224             cp.j = input[n++];
225    = input[n++];
226             cp.nj = input[n++];
227             cp.ti = input[n++];
228    = input[n++];
229             cp.sign = input[n++];
230             push_back(cp);
231         }
232     }
235 std::vector<double>
236 CrossingPoints::to_vector()
238     using namespace Geom;
239     std::vector<double> result;
240     for( unsigned n=0; n<size(); n++){
241         CrossingPoint cp = (*this)[n];
242         result.push_back([X]);
243         result.push_back([Y]);
244         result.push_back(double(cp.i));
245         result.push_back(double(cp.j));
246         result.push_back(double(;
247         result.push_back(double(cp.nj));
248         result.push_back(double(cp.ti));
249         result.push_back(double(;
250         result.push_back(double(cp.sign));
251     }
252     return result;
255 //FIXME: rewrite to check success: return bool, put result in arg.
256 CrossingPoint
257 CrossingPoints::get(unsigned const i, unsigned const ni)
259     for (unsigned k=0; k<size(); k++){
260         if (
261             ((*this)[k].i==i && (*this)[k].ni==ni) ||
262             ((*this)[k].j==i && (*this)[k].nj==ni)
263             ) return (*this)[k];
264     }
265     g_warning("LPEKnotNS::CrossingPoints::get error. %uth crossing along string %u not found.",ni,i);
266     assert(false);//debug purpose...
267     return CrossingPoint();
270 unsigned
271 idx_of_nearest(CrossingPoints const &cpts, Geom::Point const &p)
273     double dist=-1;
274     unsigned result = cpts.size();
275     for (unsigned k=0; k<cpts.size(); k++){
276         double dist_k = Geom::L2(p-cpts[k].pt);
277         if (dist<0 || dist>dist_k){
278             result = k;
279             dist = dist_k;
280         }
281     }
282     return result;
285 //TODO: Find a way to warn the user when the topology changes.
286 //TODO: be smarter at guessing the signs when the topology changed?
287 void
288 CrossingPoints::inherit_signs(CrossingPoints const &other, int default_value)
290     bool topo_changed = false;
291     for (unsigned n=0; n<size(); n++){
292         if ( n<other.size() &&
293              other[n].i  == (*this)[n].i  &&
294              other[n].j  == (*this)[n].j  &&
295              other[n].ni == (*this)[n].ni &&
296              other[n].nj == (*this)[n].nj    )
297         {
298             (*this)[n].sign = other[n].sign;
299         }else{
300             topo_changed = true;
301             break;
302         }
303     }
304     if (topo_changed){
305         //TODO: Find a way to warn the user!!
306 //        std::cout<<"knot topolgy changed!\n";
307         for (unsigned n=0; n<size(); n++){
308             Geom::Point p = (*this)[n].pt;
309             unsigned idx = idx_of_nearest(other,p);
310             if (idx<other.size()){
311                 (*this)[n].sign = other[idx].sign;
312             }else{
313                 (*this)[n].sign = default_value;
314             }
315         }
316     }
321 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 //LPEKnot effect.
324 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
328 LPEKnot::LPEKnot(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) :
329     Effect(lpeobject),
330     // initialise your parameters here:
331     interruption_width(_("Fixed width"), _("Size of hidden region of lower string"), "interruption_width", &wr, this, 3),
332     prop_to_stroke_width(_("In units of stroke width"), _("Consider 'Interruption width' as a ratio of stroke width"), "prop_to_stroke_width", &wr, this, true),
333     add_stroke_width(_("Stroke width"), _("Add the stroke width to the interruption size"), "add_stroke_width", &wr, this, true),
334     add_other_stroke_width(_("Crossing path stroke width"), _("Add crossed stroke width to the interruption size"), "add_other_stroke_width", &wr, this, true),
335     switcher_size(_("Switcher size"), _("Orientation indicator/switcher size"), "switcher_size", &wr, this, 15),
336     crossing_points_vector(_("Crossing Signs"), _("Crossings signs"), "crossing_points_vector", &wr, this),
337     gpaths(),gstroke_widths()
339     // register all your parameters here, so Inkscape knows which parameters this effect has:
340     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&interruption_width) );
341     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&prop_to_stroke_width) );
342     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&add_stroke_width) );
343     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&add_other_stroke_width) );
344     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&switcher_size) );
345     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&crossing_points_vector) );
347     registerKnotHolderHandle(new KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher(), _("Drag to select a crossing, click to flip it"));
348     crossing_points = LPEKnotNS::CrossingPoints();
349     selectedCrossing = 0;
350     switcher = Geom::Point(0,0);
353 LPEKnot::~LPEKnot()
358 void
359 LPEKnot::updateSwitcher(){
360     if (selectedCrossing < crossing_points.size()){
361         switcher = crossing_points[selectedCrossing].pt;
362         //std::cout<<"placing switcher at "<<switcher<<" \n";
363     }else if (crossing_points.size()>0){
364         selectedCrossing = 0;
365         switcher = crossing_points[selectedCrossing].pt;
366         //std::cout<<"placing switcher at "<<switcher<<" \n";
367     }else{
368         //std::cout<<"hiding switcher!\n";
369         //TODO: is there a way to properly hide the helper.
370         //switcher = Geom::Point(Geom::infinity(),Geom::infinity());
371         switcher = Geom::Point(1e10,1e10);
372     }
375 std::vector<Geom::Path>
376 LPEKnot::doEffect_path (std::vector<Geom::Path> const &path_in)
378     using namespace Geom;
379     std::vector<Geom::Path> path_out;
381     if (gpaths.size()==0){
382         return path_in;
383     }
385     for (unsigned comp=0; comp<path_in.size(); comp++){
387         //find the relevant path component in gpaths (required to allow groups!)
388         //Q: do we always recieve the group members in the same order? can we rest on that?
389         unsigned i0 = 0;
390         for (i0=0; i0<gpaths.size(); i0++){
391             if (path_in[comp]==gpaths[i0]) break;
392         }
393         if (i0 == gpaths.size() ) {THROW_EXCEPTION("lpe-knot error: group member not recognized");}// this should not happen...
395         std::vector<Interval> dom;
396         dom.push_back(Interval(0.,gpaths[i0].size()));
397         for (unsigned p = 0; p < crossing_points.size(); p++){
398             if (crossing_points[p].i == i0 || crossing_points[p].j == i0){
399                 unsigned i = crossing_points[p].i;
400                 unsigned j = crossing_points[p].j;
401                 double ti = crossing_points[p].ti;
402                 double tj = crossing_points[p].tj;
404                 double curveidx, t;
406                 t = modf(ti, &curveidx);
407                 if(curveidx == gpaths[i].size() ) { curveidx--; t = 1.;}
408                 assert(curveidx >= 0 && curveidx < gpaths[i].size());
409                 std::vector<Point> flag_i = gpaths[i][curveidx].pointAndDerivatives(t,1);
411                 t = modf(tj, &curveidx);
412                 if(curveidx == gpaths[j].size() ) { curveidx--; t = 1.;}
413                 assert(curveidx >= 0 && curveidx < gpaths[j].size());
414                 std::vector<Point> flag_j = gpaths[j][curveidx].pointAndDerivatives(t,1);
417                 int geom_sign = ( cross(flag_i[1],flag_j[1]) > 0 ? 1 : -1);
419                 bool i0_is_under = false;
420                 if ( crossing_points[p].sign * geom_sign > 0 ){
421                     i0_is_under = ( i == i0 );
422                 }else if ( crossing_points[p].sign * geom_sign < 0 ){
423                     if (j == i0){
424                         std::swap( i, j);
425                         std::swap(ti, tj);
426                         std::swap(flag_i,flag_j);
427                         i0_is_under = true;
428                     }
429                 }
430                 if (i0_is_under){
431                     double width = interruption_width;
432                     if ( prop_to_stroke_width.get_value() ) {
433                         width *= gstroke_widths[i];
434                     }
435                     if ( add_stroke_width.get_value() ) {
436                         width += gstroke_widths[i];
437                     }
438                     if ( add_other_stroke_width.get_value() ) {
439                         width += gstroke_widths[j];
440                     }
441                     Interval hidden = findShadowedTime(gpaths[i0], flag_j, ti, width/2);
442                     double period  = gpaths[i0].size();//hm... Should this be gpaths[i0].size()+1?
443                     if (hidden.max() > period ) hidden -= period;
444                     if (hidden.min()<0){
445                         dom = complementOf( Interval(0,hidden.max()) ,dom);
446                         dom = complementOf( Interval(hidden.min()+period, period) ,dom);
447                     }else{
448                         dom = complementOf(hidden,dom);
449                     }
450                 }
451             }
452         }
454         //If the all component is hidden, continue.
455         if ( dom.size() == 0){
456             continue;
457         }
459         //If the current path is closed and the last/first point is still there, glue first and last piece.
460         unsigned beg_comp = 0, end_comp = dom.size();
461         if ( gpaths[i0].closed() && dom.front().min() == 0 && dom.back().max() ==  gpaths[i0].size() ){
462             if ( dom.size() == 1){
463                 path_out.push_back(gpaths[i0]);
464                 continue;
465             }else{
466 //                std::cout<<"fusing first and last component\n";
467                 beg_comp++;
468                 end_comp--;
469                 Path first = gpaths[i0].portion(dom.back());
470                 //FIXME: STITCH_DISCONTINUOUS should not be necessary (?!?)
471                 first.append(gpaths[i0].portion(dom.front()), Path::STITCH_DISCONTINUOUS);
472                 path_out.push_back(first);
473             }
474         }
475         for (unsigned comp = beg_comp; comp < end_comp; comp++){
476             assert( >=0 and <=;
477             path_out.push_back(gpaths[i0].portion(;
478         }
479     }
480     return path_out;
485 //recursively collect gpaths and stroke widths (stolen from "sp-lpe_item.cpp").
486 void collectPathsAndWidths (SPLPEItem const *lpeitem, std::vector<Geom::Path> &paths, std::vector<double> &stroke_widths){
487     if (SP_IS_GROUP(lpeitem)) {
488         GSList const *item_list = sp_item_group_item_list(SP_GROUP(lpeitem));
489         for ( GSList const *iter = item_list; iter; iter = iter->next ) {
490             SPObject *subitem = static_cast<SPObject *>(iter->data);
491             if (SP_IS_LPE_ITEM(subitem)) {
492                 collectPathsAndWidths(SP_LPE_ITEM(subitem), paths, stroke_widths);
493             }
494         }
495     }
496     else if (SP_IS_SHAPE(lpeitem)) {
497         SPCurve * c = NULL;
498         if (SP_IS_PATH(lpeitem)) {
499             c = sp_path_get_curve_for_edit(SP_PATH(lpeitem));
500         } else {
501             c = sp_shape_get_curve(SP_SHAPE(lpeitem));
502         }
503         if (c) {
504             Geom::PathVector subpaths = c->get_pathvector();
505             for (unsigned i=0; i<subpaths.size(); i++){
506                 paths.push_back(subpaths[i]);
507                 //FIXME: do we have to be more carefull when trying to access stroke width?
508                 stroke_widths.push_back(SP_ITEM(lpeitem)->style->stroke_width.computed);
509             }
510         }
511     }
515 void
516 LPEKnot::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem *lpeitem)
518     using namespace Geom;
519     original_bbox(lpeitem);
521     gpaths = std::vector<Geom::Path>();
522     gstroke_widths = std::vector<double>();
523     collectPathsAndWidths(lpeitem, gpaths, gstroke_widths);
525 //     std::cout<<"\nPaths on input:\n";
526 //     for (unsigned i=0; i<gpaths.size(); i++){
527 //         for (unsigned ii=0; ii<gpaths[i].size(); ii++){
528 //             std::cout << gpaths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::X] <<"\n";
529 //             std::cout << gpaths[i][ii].toSBasis()[Geom::Y] <<"\n";
530 //             std::cout<<"--\n";
531 //         }
532 //     }
534     //std::cout<<"crossing_pts_vect: "<<crossing_points_vector.param_getSVGValue()<<".\n";
535     //std::cout<<"prop_to_stroke_width: "<<prop_to_stroke_width.param_getSVGValue()<<".\n";
537     LPEKnotNS::CrossingPoints old_crdata(;
539 //     std::cout<<"\nVectorParam size:"<<<<"\n";
541 //     std::cout<<"\nOld crdata ("<<old_crdata.size()<<"): \n";
542 //     for (unsigned toto=0; toto<old_crdata.size(); toto++){
543 //         std::cout<<"(";
544 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].i<<",";
545 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].j<<",";
546 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].ni<<",";
547 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].nj<<",";
548 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].ti<<",";
549 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].tj<<",";
550 //         std::cout<<old_crdata[toto].sign<<"),";
551 //     }
553     //if ( old_crdata.size() > 0 ) std::cout<<"first crossing sign = "<<old_crdata[0].sign<<".\n";
554     //else std::cout<<"old data is empty!!\n";
555     crossing_points = LPEKnotNS::CrossingPoints(gpaths);
556 //     std::cout<<"\nNew crdata ("<<crossing_points.size()<<"): \n";
557 //     for (unsigned toto=0; toto<crossing_points.size(); toto++){
558 //         std::cout<<"(";
559 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].i<<",";
560 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].j<<",";
561 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].ni<<",";
562 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].nj<<",";
563 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].ti<<",";
564 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].tj<<",";
565 //         std::cout<<crossing_points[toto].sign<<"),";
566 //     }
567     crossing_points.inherit_signs(old_crdata);
568     crossing_points_vector.param_set_and_write_new_value(crossing_points.to_vector());
569     updateSwitcher();
573 static LPEKnot *
574 get_effect(SPItem *item)
576     Effect *effect = sp_lpe_item_get_current_lpe(SP_LPE_ITEM(item));
577     if (effect->effectType() != KNOT) {
578         g_print ("Warning: Effect is not of type LPEKnot!\n");
579         return NULL;
580     }
581     return static_cast<LPEKnot *>(effect);
584 void
585 LPEKnot::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem */*lpeitem*/, std::vector<Geom::PathVector> &hp_vec)
587     using namespace Geom;
588     double r = switcher_size*.1;
589     char const * svgd;
590     //TODO: use a nice path!
591     if (selectedCrossing >= crossing_points.size()||crossing_points[selectedCrossing].sign > 0){
592         //svgd = "M -10,0 A 10 10 0 1 0 0,-10 l  5,-1 -1,2";
593         svgd = "m -7.07,7.07 c 3.9,3.91 10.24,3.91 14.14,0 3.91,-3.9 3.91,-10.24 0,-14.14 -3.9,-3.91 -10.24,-3.91 -14.14,0 l 2.83,-4.24 0.7,2.12";
594     }else if (crossing_points[selectedCrossing].sign < 0){
595         //svgd = "M  10,0 A 10 10 0 1 1 0,-10 l -5,-1  1,2";
596         svgd = "m 7.07,7.07 c -3.9,3.91 -10.24,3.91 -14.14,0 -3.91,-3.9 -3.91,-10.24 0,-14.14 3.9,-3.91 10.24,-3.91 14.14,0 l -2.83,-4.24 -0.7,2.12";
597     }else{
598         //svgd = "M 10,0 A 10 10 0 1 0 -10,0 A 10 10 0 1 0 10,0 ";
599         svgd = "M 10,0 C 10,5.52 5.52,10 0,10 -5.52,10 -10,5.52 -10,0 c 0,-5.52 4.48,-10 10,-10 5.52,0 10,4.48 10,10 z";
600     }
601     PathVector pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(svgd);
602     pathv *= Matrix(r,0,0,r,0,0);
603     pathv+=switcher;
604     hp_vec.push_back(pathv);
607 void
608 KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher::knot_set(Geom::Point const &p, Geom::Point const &/*origin*/, guint /*state*/)
610     LPEKnot* lpe = get_effect(item);
612     lpe->selectedCrossing = idx_of_nearest(lpe->crossing_points,p);
613     lpe->updateSwitcher();
614     // FIXME: this should not directly ask for updating the item. It should write to SVG, which triggers updating.
615     sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect (SP_LPE_ITEM(item), false, true);
618 Geom::Point
619 KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher::knot_get()
621     LPEKnot* lpe = get_effect(item);
622     return snap_knot_position(lpe->switcher);
625 void
626 KnotHolderEntityCrossingSwitcher::knot_click(guint state)
628     LPEKnot* lpe = get_effect(item);
629     unsigned s = lpe->selectedCrossing;
630     if (s < lpe->crossing_points.size()){
631         if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK){
632             lpe->crossing_points[s].sign = 1;
633         }else{
634             int sign = lpe->crossing_points[s].sign;
635             lpe->crossing_points[s].sign = ((sign+2)%3)-1;
636             //std::cout<<"crossing set to"<<lpe->crossing_points[s].sign<<".\n";
637         }
638         lpe->crossing_points_vector.param_set_and_write_new_value(lpe->crossing_points.to_vector());
639         sp_document_done(lpe->getSPDoc(), SP_VERB_DIALOG_LIVE_PATH_EFFECT, /// @todo Is this the right verb?
640                  _("Change knot crossing"));
642         // FIXME: this should not directly ask for updating the item. It should write to SVG, which triggers updating.
643 //        sp_lpe_item_update_patheffect (SP_LPE_ITEM(item), false, true);
644     }
648 /* ######################## */
650 } // namespace LivePathEffect
651 } // namespace Inkscape
653 /*
654   Local Variables:
655   mode:c++
656   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
657   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
658   indent-tabs-mode:nil
659   fill-column:99
660   End:
661 */
662 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :