
Previously graph layout was done using the Kamada-Kawai layout algorithm
[inkscape.git] / src / libvpsc / solve_VPSC.cpp
1 /**
2  * \brief Solve an instance of the "Variable Placement with Separation
3  * Constraints" problem.
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  *   Tim Dwyer <>
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
9  *
10  * Released under GNU LGPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
11  */
13 #include <cassert>
14 #include "constraint.h"
15 #include "block.h"
16 #include "blocks.h"
17 #include "solve_VPSC.h"
18 #include <math.h>
19 #include <sstream>
21 #include <fstream>
22 using std::ios;
23 using std::ofstream;
24 using std::endl;
25 #endif
27 using std::ostringstream;
28 using std::list;
29 using std::set;
31 static const double ZERO_UPPERBOUND=-0.0000001;
33 IncVPSC::IncVPSC(const unsigned n, Variable* const vs[], const unsigned m, Constraint *cs[]) 
34         : VPSC(n,vs,m,cs) {
35         inactive.assign(cs,cs+m);
36         for(ConstraintList::iterator i=inactive.begin();i!=inactive.end();++i) {
37                 (*i)->active=false;
38         }
39 }
40 VPSC::VPSC(const unsigned n, Variable* const vs[], const unsigned m, Constraint *cs[]) : m(m), cs(cs), n(n), vs(vs) {
41         bs=new Blocks(n, vs);
43         printBlocks();
44         assert(!constraintGraphIsCyclic(n,vs));
45 #endif
46 }
47 VPSC::~VPSC() {
48         delete bs;
49 }
51 // useful in debugging
52 void VPSC::printBlocks() {
54         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
55         for(set<Block*>::iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
56                 Block *b=*i;
57                 f<<"  "<<*b<<endl;
58         }
59         for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
60                 f<<"  "<<*cs[i]<<endl;
61         }
62 #endif
63 }
64 /**
65 * Produces a feasible - though not necessarily optimal - solution by
66 * examining blocks in the partial order defined by the directed acyclic
67 * graph of constraints. For each block (when processing left to right) we
68 * maintain the invariant that all constraints to the left of the block
69 * (incoming constraints) are satisfied. This is done by repeatedly merging
70 * blocks into bigger blocks across violated constraints (most violated
71 * first) fixing the position of variables inside blocks relative to one
72 * another so that constraints internal to the block are satisfied.
73 */
74 void VPSC::satisfy() {
75         list<Variable*> *vs=bs->totalOrder();
76         for(list<Variable*>::iterator i=vs->begin();i!=vs->end();++i) {
77                 Variable *v=*i;
78                 if(!v->block->deleted) {
79                         bs->mergeLeft(v->block);
80                 }
81         }
82         bs->cleanup();
83         for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
84                 if(cs[i]->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND) {
86                         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
87                         f<<"Error: Unsatisfied constraint: "<<*cs[i]<<endl;
88 #endif
89                         //assert(cs[i]->slack()>-0.0000001);
90                         throw "Unsatisfied constraint";
91                 }
92         }
93         delete vs;
94 }
96 void VPSC::refine() {
97         bool solved=false;
98         // Solve shouldn't loop indefinately
99         // ... but just to make sure we limit the number of iterations
100         unsigned maxtries=100;
101         while(!solved&&maxtries>=0) {
102                 solved=true;
103                 maxtries--;
104                 for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
105                         Block *b=*i;
106                         b->setUpInConstraints();
107                         b->setUpOutConstraints();
108                 }
109                 for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
110                         Block *b=*i;
111                         Constraint *c=b->findMinLM();
112                         if(c!=NULL && c->lm<0) {
114                                 ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
115                                 f<<"Split on constraint: "<<*c<<endl;
116 #endif
117                                 // Split on c
118                                 Block *l=NULL, *r=NULL;
119                                 bs->split(b,l,r,c);
120                                 bs->cleanup();
121                                 // split alters the block set so we have to restart
122                                 solved=false;
123                                 break;
124                         }
125                 }
126         }
127         for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
128                 if(cs[i]->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND) {
129                         assert(cs[i]->slack()>ZERO_UPPERBOUND);
130                         throw "Unsatisfied constraint";
131                 }
132         }
134 /**
135  * Calculate the optimal solution. After using satisfy() to produce a
136  * feasible solution, refine() examines each block to see if further
137  * refinement is possible by splitting the block. This is done repeatedly
138  * until no further improvement is possible.
139  */
140 void VPSC::solve() {
141         satisfy();
142         refine();
145 void IncVPSC::solve() {
147         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
148         f<<"solve_inc()..."<<endl;
149 #endif
150         double lastcost,cost = bs->cost();
151         do {
152                 lastcost=cost;
153                 satisfy();
154                 splitBlocks();
155                 cost = bs->cost();
157         f<<"  cost="<<cost<<endl;
158 #endif
159         } while(fabs(lastcost-cost)>0.0001);
161 /**
162  * incremental version of satisfy that allows refinement after blocks are
163  * moved.
164  *
165  *  - move blocks to new positions
166  *  - repeatedly merge across most violated constraint until no more
167  *    violated constraints exist
168  *
169  * Note: there is a special case to handle when the most violated constraint
170  * is between two variables in the same block.  Then, we must split the block
171  * over an active constraint between the two variables.  We choose the 
172  * constraint with the most negative lagrangian multiplier. 
173  */
174 void IncVPSC::satisfy() {
176         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
177         f<<"satisfy_inc()..."<<endl;
178 #endif
179         splitBlocks();
180         long splitCtr = 0;
181         Constraint* v = NULL;
182         while((v=mostViolated(inactive))&&(v->equality || v->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND)) {
183                 assert(!v->active);
184                 Block *lb = v->left->block, *rb = v->right->block;
185                 if(lb != rb) {
186                         lb->merge(rb,v);
187                 } else {
188                         if(splitCtr++>10000) {
189                                 throw "Cycle Error!";
190                         }
191                         // constraint is within block, need to split first
192                         inactive.push_back(lb->splitBetween(v->left,v->right,lb,rb));
193                         lb->merge(rb,v);
194                         bs->insert(lb);
195                 }
196         }
198         f<<"  finished merges."<<endl;
199 #endif
200         bs->cleanup();
201         for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
202                 v=cs[i];
203                 if(v->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND) {
204                         ostringstream s;
205                         s<<"Unsatisfied constraint: "<<*v;
207                         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
208                         f<<s.str()<<endl;
209 #endif
210                         throw s.str().c_str();
211                 }
212         }
214         f<<"  finished cleanup."<<endl;
215         printBlocks();
216 #endif
218 void IncVPSC::moveBlocks() {
220         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
221         f<<"moveBlocks()..."<<endl;
222 #endif
223         for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i(bs->begin());i!=bs->end();++i) {
224                 Block *b = *i;
225                 b->wposn = b->desiredWeightedPosition();
226                 b->posn = b->wposn / b->weight;
227         }
229         f<<"  moved blocks."<<endl;
230 #endif
232 void IncVPSC::splitBlocks() {
234         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
235 #endif
236         moveBlocks();
237         splitCnt=0;
238         // Split each block if necessary on min LM
239         for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i(bs->begin());i!=bs->end();++i) {
240                 Block* b = *i;
241                 Constraint* v=b->findMinLM();
242                 if(v!=NULL && v->lm < ZERO_UPPERBOUND) {
243                         assert(!v->equality);
245                         f<<"    found split point: "<<*v<<" lm="<<v->lm<<endl;
246 #endif
247                         splitCnt++;
248                         Block *b = v->left->block, *l=NULL, *r=NULL;
249                         assert(v->left->block == v->right->block);
250                         double pos = b->posn;
251                         b->split(l,r,v);
252                         l->posn=r->posn=pos;
253                         l->wposn = l->posn * l->weight;
254                         r->wposn = r->posn * r->weight;
255                         bs->insert(l);
256                         bs->insert(r);
257                         b->deleted=true;
258                         inactive.push_back(v);
260                         f<<"  new blocks: "<<*l<<" and "<<*r<<endl;
261 #endif
262                 }
263         }
265         f<<"  finished splits."<<endl;
266 #endif
267         bs->cleanup();
270 /**
271  * Scan constraint list for the most violated constraint, or the first equality
272  * constraint
273  */
274 Constraint* IncVPSC::mostViolated(ConstraintList &l) {
275         double minSlack = DBL_MAX;
276         Constraint* v=NULL;
278         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
279         f<<"Looking for most violated..."<<endl;
280 #endif
281         ConstraintList::iterator end = l.end();
282         ConstraintList::iterator deletePoint = end;
283         for(ConstraintList::iterator i=l.begin();i!=end;++i) {
284                 Constraint *c=*i;
285                 double slack = c->slack();
286                 if(c->equality || slack < minSlack) {
287                         minSlack=slack; 
288                         v=c;
289                         deletePoint=i;
290                         if(c->equality) break;
291                 }
292         }
293         // Because the constraint list is not order dependent we just
294         // move the last element over the deletePoint and resize
295         // downwards.  There is always at least 1 element in the
296         // vector because of search.
297         if(deletePoint != end && (minSlack<ZERO_UPPERBOUND||v->equality)) {
298                 *deletePoint = l[l.size()-1];
299                 l.resize(l.size()-1);
300         }
302         f<<"  most violated is: "<<*v<<endl;
303 #endif
304         return v;
307 #include <map>
308 using std::map;
309 using std::vector;
310 struct node {
311         set<node*> in;
312         set<node*> out;
313 };
314 // useful in debugging - cycles would be BAD
315 bool VPSC::constraintGraphIsCyclic(const unsigned n, Variable *vs[]) {
316         map<Variable*, node*> varmap;
317         vector<node*> graph;
318         for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
319                 node *u=new node;
320                 graph.push_back(u);
321                 varmap[vs[i]]=u;
322         }
323         for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
324                 for(vector<Constraint*>::iterator c=vs[i]->in.begin();c!=vs[i]->in.end();++c) {
325                         Variable *l=(*c)->left;
326                         varmap[vs[i]]->in.insert(varmap[l]);
327                 }
329                 for(vector<Constraint*>::iterator c=vs[i]->out.begin();c!=vs[i]->out.end();++c) {
330                         Variable *r=(*c)->right;
331                         varmap[vs[i]]->out.insert(varmap[r]);
332                 }
333         }
334         while(graph.size()>0) {
335                 node *u=NULL;
336                 vector<node*>::iterator i=graph.begin();
337                 for(;i!=graph.end();++i) {
338                         u=*i;
339                         if(u->in.size()==0) {
340                                 break;
341                         }
342                 }
343                 if(i==graph.end() && graph.size()>0) {
344                         //cycle found!
345                         return true;
346                 } else {
347                         graph.erase(i);
348                         for(set<node*>::iterator j=u->out.begin();j!=u->out.end();++j) {
349                                 node *v=*j;
350                                 v->in.erase(u);
351                         }
352                         delete u;
353                 }
354         }
355         for(unsigned i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
356                 delete graph[i];
357         }
358         return false;
361 // useful in debugging - cycles would be BAD
362 bool VPSC::blockGraphIsCyclic() {
363         map<Block*, node*> bmap;
364         vector<node*> graph;
365         for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
366                 Block *b=*i;
367                 node *u=new node;
368                 graph.push_back(u);
369                 bmap[b]=u;
370         }
371         for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
372                 Block *b=*i;
373                 b->setUpInConstraints();
374                 Constraint *c=b->findMinInConstraint();
375                 while(c!=NULL) {
376                         Block *l=c->left->block;
377                         bmap[b]->in.insert(bmap[l]);
378                         b->deleteMinInConstraint();
379                         c=b->findMinInConstraint();
380                 }
382                 b->setUpOutConstraints();
383                 c=b->findMinOutConstraint();
384                 while(c!=NULL) {
385                         Block *r=c->right->block;
386                         bmap[b]->out.insert(bmap[r]);
387                         b->deleteMinOutConstraint();
388                         c=b->findMinOutConstraint();
389                 }
390         }
391         while(graph.size()>0) {
392                 node *u=NULL;
393                 vector<node*>::iterator i=graph.begin();
394                 for(;i!=graph.end();++i) {
395                         u=*i;
396                         if(u->in.size()==0) {
397                                 break;
398                         }
399                 }
400                 if(i==graph.end() && graph.size()>0) {
401                         //cycle found!
402                         return true;
403                 } else {
404                         graph.erase(i);
405                         for(set<node*>::iterator j=u->out.begin();j!=u->out.end();++j) {
406                                 node *v=*j;
407                                 v->in.erase(u);
408                         }
409                         delete u;
410                 }
411         }
412         for(unsigned i=0; i<graph.size(); i++) {
413                 delete graph[i];
414         }
415         return false;