
Disable the page selector when there's only one page
[inkscape.git] / src / libnr / nr-rotate-test.h
1 #include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
3 #include <cmath>
4 #include <libnr/nr-matrix.h>
5 #include <libnr/nr-matrix-ops.h>
6 #include <libnr/nr-matrix-fns.h>        /* identity, matrix_equalp */
7 #include <libnr/nr-point-fns.h>
8 #include <libnr/nr-rotate.h>
9 #include <libnr/nr-rotate-fns.h>
10 #include <libnr/nr-rotate-ops.h>
11 using NR::X;
12 using NR::Y;
15 class NrRotateTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
16 {
17 public:
19     NrRotateTest() :
20         m_id( NR::identity() ),
21         r_id( 0.0 ),
22         rot234( .234 ),
23         b( -2.0, 3.0 ),
24         rot180( NR::Point(-1.0, 0.0) )
25     {
26     }
27     virtual ~NrRotateTest() {}
29 // createSuite and destroySuite get us per-suite setup and teardown
30 // without us having to worry about static initialization order, etc.
31     static NrRotateTest *createSuite() { return new NrRotateTest(); }
32     static void destroySuite( NrRotateTest *suite ) { delete suite; }
34     NR::Matrix const m_id;
35     NR::rotate const r_id;
36     NR::rotate const rot234;
37     NR::Point const b;
38     NR::rotate const rot180;
43     void testCtorsCompares(void)
44     {
45         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r_id, r_id );
46         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234, rot234 );
47         TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( rot234, r_id );
48         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r_id, NR::rotate(NR::Point(1.0, 0.0)) );
49         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( NR::Matrix(r_id), m_id );
50         TS_ASSERT( NR::Matrix(r_id).test_identity() );
52         TS_ASSERT(rotate_equalp(rot234, NR::rotate(NR::Point(cos(.234), sin(.234))), 1e-12));
53     }
55     void testAssignmentOp(void)
56     {
57         NR::rotate rot234_eq(r_id);
58         rot234_eq = rot234;
59         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234, rot234_eq );
60         TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS( rot234_eq, r_id );
61     }
63     void testInverse(void)
64     {
65         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r_id.inverse(), r_id );
66         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234.inverse(), NR::rotate(-.234) );
67     }
69     void testOpStarPointRotate(void)
70     {
71         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( b * r_id, b );
72         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( b * rot180, -b );
73         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( b * rot234, b * NR::Matrix(rot234) );
74         TS_ASSERT(point_equalp(b * NR::rotate(M_PI / 2),
75                                NR::rot90(b),
76                                1e-14));
77         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( b * rotate_degrees(90.), NR::rot90(b) );
78     }
80     void testOpStarRotateRotate(void)
81     {
82         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r_id * r_id, r_id );
83         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot180 * rot180, r_id );
84         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234 * r_id, rot234 );
85         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( r_id * rot234, rot234 );
86         TS_ASSERT( rotate_equalp(rot234 * rot234.inverse(), r_id, 1e-14) );
87         TS_ASSERT( rotate_equalp(rot234.inverse() * rot234, r_id, 1e-14) );
88         TS_ASSERT( rotate_equalp(( NR::rotate(0.25) * NR::rotate(.5) ),
89                                  NR::rotate(.75),
90                                  1e-10) );
91     }
93     void testOpDivRotateRotate(void)
94     {
95         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234 / r_id, rot234 );
96         TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rot234 / rot180, rot234 * rot180 );
97         TS_ASSERT( rotate_equalp(rot234 / rot234, r_id, 1e-14) );
98         TS_ASSERT( rotate_equalp(r_id / rot234, rot234.inverse(), 1e-14) );
99     }
101 };
103 /*
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