1 /** \file
2 * Functions to/from NR::rotate.
3 */
4 #include <glib.h>
5 #include "libnr/nr-rotate-ops.h"
6 #include "libnr/nr-rotate-fns.h"
8 /**
9 * Returns a rotation matrix corresponding by the specified angle about the origin.
10 *
11 * Angle direction in Inkscape code: If you use the traditional mathematics convention that y
12 * increases upwards, then positive angles are anticlockwise as per the mathematics convention. If
13 * you take the common non-mathematical convention that y increases downwards, then positive angles
14 * are clockwise, as is common outside of mathematics.
15 */
16 NR::rotate
17 rotate_degrees(double degrees)
18 {
19 if (degrees < 0) {
20 return rotate_degrees(-degrees).inverse();
21 }
23 double const degrees0 = degrees;
24 if (degrees >= 360) {
25 degrees = fmod(degrees, 360);
26 }
28 NR::rotate ret(1., 0.);
30 if (degrees >= 180) {
31 NR::rotate const rot180(-1., 0.);
32 degrees -= 180;
33 ret = rot180;
34 }
36 if (degrees >= 90) {
37 NR::rotate const rot90(0., 1.);
38 degrees -= 90;
39 ret *= rot90;
40 }
42 if (degrees == 45) {
43 NR::rotate const rot45(M_SQRT1_2, M_SQRT1_2);
44 ret *= rot45;
45 } else {
46 double const radians = M_PI * ( degrees / 180 );
47 ret *= NR::rotate(cos(radians), sin(radians));
48 }
50 NR::rotate const raw_ret( M_PI * ( degrees0 / 180 ) );
51 g_return_val_if_fail(rotate_equalp(ret, raw_ret, 1e-8),
52 raw_ret);
53 return ret;
54 }
57 /*
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65 */
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