1 #define __NR_MATRIX_C__
3 /** \file
4 * Various matrix routines. Currently includes some NR::rotate etc. routines too.
5 */
7 /*
8 * Authors:
9 * Lauris Kaplinski <lauris@kaplinski.com>
10 *
11 * This code is in public domain
12 */
14 #include <cstdlib>
15 #include "nr-matrix.h"
16 #include "nr-matrix-fns.h"
20 /**
21 * Implement NR functions and methods
22 */
23 namespace NR {
29 /**
30 * Multiply two matrices together
31 */
32 Matrix operator*(Matrix const &m0, Matrix const &m1)
33 {
34 NR::Coord const d0 = m0[0] * m1[0] + m0[1] * m1[2];
35 NR::Coord const d1 = m0[0] * m1[1] + m0[1] * m1[3];
36 NR::Coord const d2 = m0[2] * m1[0] + m0[3] * m1[2];
37 NR::Coord const d3 = m0[2] * m1[1] + m0[3] * m1[3];
38 NR::Coord const d4 = m0[4] * m1[0] + m0[5] * m1[2] + m1[4];
39 NR::Coord const d5 = m0[4] * m1[1] + m0[5] * m1[3] + m1[5];
41 Matrix ret( d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 );
43 return ret;
44 }
50 /**
51 * Return the inverse of this matrix. If an inverse is not defined,
52 * then return the identity matrix.
53 */
54 Matrix Matrix::inverse() const
55 {
56 Matrix d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
58 NR::Coord const det = _c[0] * _c[3] - _c[1] * _c[2];
59 if (!NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(det, 0.0, NR_EPSILON)) {
61 NR::Coord const idet = 1.0 / det;
62 NR::Coord *dest = d._c;
64 /*0*/ *dest++ = _c[3] * idet;
65 /*1*/ *dest++ = -_c[1] * idet;
66 /*2*/ *dest++ = -_c[2] * idet;
67 /*3*/ *dest++ = _c[0] * idet;
68 /*4*/ *dest++ = -_c[4] * d._c[0] - _c[5] * d._c[2];
69 /*5*/ *dest = -_c[4] * d._c[1] - _c[5] * d._c[3];
71 } else {
72 d.set_identity();
73 }
75 return d;
76 }
82 /**
83 * Set this matrix to Identity
84 */
85 void Matrix::set_identity()
86 {
87 NR::Coord *dest = _c;
89 *dest++ = 1.0; //0
90 *dest++ = 0.0; //1
91 *dest++ = 0.0; //2
92 *dest++ = 1.0; //3
93 // translation
94 *dest++ = 0.0; //4
95 *dest = 0.0; //5
96 }
102 /**
103 * return an Identity matrix
104 */
105 Matrix identity()
106 {
107 Matrix ret(1.0, 0.0,
108 0.0, 1.0,
109 0.0, 0.0);
110 return ret;
111 }
117 /**
118 *
119 */
120 Matrix from_basis(Point const x_basis, Point const y_basis, Point const offset)
121 {
122 Matrix const ret(x_basis[X], y_basis[X],
123 x_basis[Y], y_basis[Y],
124 offset[X], offset[Y]);
125 return ret;
126 }
131 /**
132 * Returns a rotation matrix corresponding by the specified angle (in radians) about the origin.
133 *
134 * \see NR::rotate_degrees
135 *
136 * Angle direction in Inkscape code: If you use the traditional mathematics convention that y
137 * increases upwards, then positive angles are anticlockwise as per the mathematics convention. If
138 * you take the common non-mathematical convention that y increases downwards, then positive angles
139 * are clockwise, as is common outside of mathematics.
140 */
141 rotate::rotate(NR::Coord const theta) :
142 vec(cos(theta),
143 sin(theta))
144 {
145 }
151 /**
152 * Return the determinant of the Matrix
153 */
154 NR::Coord Matrix::det() const
155 {
156 return _c[0] * _c[3] - _c[1] * _c[2];
157 }
163 /**
164 * Return the scalar of the descriminant of the Matrix
165 */
166 NR::Coord Matrix::descrim2() const
167 {
168 return fabs(det());
169 }
175 /**
176 * Return the descriminant of the Matrix
177 */
178 NR::Coord Matrix::descrim() const
179 {
180 return sqrt(descrim2());
181 }
187 /**
188 *
189 */
190 bool Matrix::is_translation(Coord const eps) const {
191 return ( fabs(_c[0] - 1.0) < eps &&
192 fabs(_c[3] - 1.0) < eps &&
193 fabs(_c[1]) < eps &&
194 fabs(_c[2]) < eps );
195 }
198 /**
199 *
200 */
201 bool Matrix::is_scale(Coord const eps) const {
202 return ( (fabs(_c[0] - 1.0) > eps || fabs(_c[3] - 1.0) > eps) &&
203 fabs(_c[1]) < eps &&
204 fabs(_c[2]) < eps );
205 }
208 /**
209 *
210 */
211 bool Matrix::is_rotation(Coord const eps) const {
212 return ( fabs(_c[1]) > eps &&
213 fabs(_c[2]) > eps &&
214 fabs(_c[1] + _c[2]) < 2 * eps);
215 }
221 /**
222 *
223 */
224 bool Matrix::test_identity() const {
225 return matrix_equalp(*this, NR_MATRIX_IDENTITY, NR_EPSILON);
226 }
232 /**
233 *
234 */
235 double expansion(Matrix const &m) {
236 return sqrt(fabs(m.det()));
237 }
243 /**
244 *
245 */
246 bool transform_equalp(Matrix const &m0, Matrix const &m1, NR::Coord const epsilon) {
247 return
248 NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[0], m1[0], epsilon) &&
249 NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[1], m1[1], epsilon) &&
250 NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[2], m1[2], epsilon) &&
251 NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[3], m1[3], epsilon);
252 }
258 /**
259 *
260 */
261 bool translate_equalp(Matrix const &m0, Matrix const &m1, NR::Coord const epsilon) {
262 return NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[4], m1[4], epsilon) && NR_DF_TEST_CLOSE(m0[5], m1[5], epsilon);
263 }
269 /**
270 *
271 */
272 bool matrix_equalp(Matrix const &m0, Matrix const &m1, NR::Coord const epsilon) {
273 return transform_equalp(m0, m1, epsilon) && translate_equalp(m0, m1, epsilon);
274 }
278 } //namespace NR
282 /*
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290 */
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