
PNG output for Cairo renderer
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / straightener.h
1 /*
2 ** vim: set cindent 
3 ** vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
4 */
7 #include <set>
8 #include <libvpsc/generate-constraints.h>
9 #include "gradient_projection.h"
10 namespace straightener {
11     struct Route {
12         Route(unsigned n) : n(n), xs(new double[n]), ys(new double[n]) {}
13         ~Route() {
14             delete [] xs;
15             delete [] ys;
16         }
17         void boundingBox(double &xmin,double &ymin,double &xmax,double &ymax) {
18             xmin=ymin=DBL_MAX;
19             xmax=ymax=-DBL_MAX;
20             for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
21                 xmin=min(xmin,xs[i]);
22                 xmax=max(xmax,xs[i]);
23                 ymin=min(ymin,ys[i]);
24                 ymax=max(ymax,ys[i]);
25             } 
26         }
27         unsigned n;
28         double *xs;
29         double *ys;
30     };
31     class Node;
32     struct Edge {
33         unsigned id;
34         unsigned openInd; // position in openEdges
35         unsigned startNode, endNode;
36         Route* route;
37         double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
38         vector<unsigned> dummyNodes;
39         vector<unsigned> path;
40         Edge(unsigned id, unsigned start, unsigned end, Route* route)
41         : id(id), startNode(start), endNode(end), route(route)
42         {
43             route->boundingBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax);
44         }
45         ~Edge() {
46             delete route;
47         }
48         void setRoute(Route* r) {
49             delete route;
50             route=r;
51             route->boundingBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax);
52         }
53         bool isEnd(unsigned n) {
54             if(startNode==n||endNode==n) return true;
55             return false;
56         }
57         void nodePath(vector<Node*>& nodes);
58         void createRouteFromPath(double* X, double* Y) {
59             Route* r=new Route(path.size());
60             for(unsigned i=0;i<path.size();i++) {
61                 r->xs[i]=X[path[i]];
62                 r->ys[i]=Y[path[i]];
63             }
64             setRoute(r);
65         }
66         void xpos(double y, vector<double>& xs) {
67             // search line segments for intersection points with y pos
68             for(unsigned i=1;i<route->n;i++) {
69                 double ax=route->xs[i-1], bx=route->xs[i], ay=route->ys[i-1], by=route->ys[i];
70                 double r=(y-ay)/(by-ay);
71                 // as long as y is between ay and by then r>0
72                 if(r>0&&r<=1) {
73                     xs.push_back(ax+(bx-ax)*r);
74                 }
75             }
76         }
77         void ypos(double x, vector<double>& ys) {
78             // search line segments for intersection points with x pos
79             for(unsigned i=1;i<route->n;i++) {
80                 double ax=route->xs[i-1], bx=route->xs[i], ay=route->ys[i-1], by=route->ys[i];
81                 double r=(x-ax)/(bx-ax);
82                 // as long as y is between ax and bx then r>0
83                 if(r>0&&r<=1) {
84                     ys.push_back(ay+(by-ay)*r);
85                 }
86             }
87         }
88     };
89     class Node {
90     public:
91         unsigned id;
92         double x,y;
93         double scanpos;
94         double width, height;
95         double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
96         Edge *edge;
97         bool dummy;
98         double weight;
99         bool open;
100         Node(unsigned id, vpsc::Rectangle* r) :
101             id(id),x(r->getCentreX()),y(r->getCentreY()), width(r->width()), height(r->height()),
102             xmin(x-width/2),xmax(x+width/2),
103             ymin(y-height/2),ymax(y+height/2),
104             edge(NULL),dummy(false),weight(-0.1),open(false) { }
105     private:
106         friend void sortNeighbours(Node* v, Node* l, Node* r, 
107             double conjpos, vector<Edge*>& openEdges, 
108             vector<Node*>& L,vector<Node*>& nodes, Dim dim);
109         Node(unsigned id, double x, double y, Edge* e) : 
110             id(id),x(x),y(y), width(4), height(width),
111             xmin(x-width/2),xmax(x+width/2),
112             ymin(y-height/2),ymax(y+height/2),
113             edge(e),dummy(true),weight(-0.1)  {
114                 e->dummyNodes.push_back(id);
115             }
116     };
117     struct CmpNodePos {
118         bool operator() (const Node* u, const Node* v) const {
119             if (u->scanpos < v->scanpos) {
120                 return true;
121             }
122             if (v->scanpos < u->scanpos) {
123                 return false;
124             }
125             return u < v;
126         }
127     };
128     typedef std::set<Node*,CmpNodePos> NodeSet;
129     void generateConstraints(vector<Node*>& nodes, vector<Edge*>& edges,vector<SimpleConstraint*>& cs, Dim dim);
130     void nodePath(Edge& e,vector<Node*>& nodes, vector<unsigned>& path);
133 #endif