
Translations. French translation minor update.
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / straightener.cpp
1 /*
2 ** vim: set cindent
3 ** vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
4 */
5 /**
6  * \brief Functions to automatically generate constraints for the
7  * rectangular node overlap removal problem.
8  *
9  * Authors:
10  *   Tim Dwyer <>
11  *
12  * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
13  *
14  * Released under GNU LGPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
15  */
17 #include <set>
18 #include <list>
19 #include <cassert>
20 #include "straightener.h"
21 #include <iostream>
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <cstdlib>
25 using std::set;
26 using std::vector;
27 using std::list;
29 namespace straightener {
31     // is point p on line a-b?
32     static bool pointOnLine(double px,double py, double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, double& tx) {
33         double dx=bx-ax;
34         double dy=by-ay;
35         double ty=0;
36         if(fabs(dx)<0.0001&&fabs(dy)<0.0001) {
37             // runty line!
38             tx=px-ax;
39             ty=py-ay;
40         } else {
41             if(fabs(dx)<0.0001) {
42                 //vertical line
43                 if(fabs(px-ax)<0.01) {
44                    tx=(py-ay)/dy;
45                 } 
46             } else {
47                 tx=(px-ax)/dx;
48             } 
49             if(fabs(dy)<0.0001) {
50                 //horizontal line
51                 if(fabs(py-ay)<0.01) {
52                    ty=tx;
53                 } 
54             } else {
55                 ty=(py-ay)/dy;
56             }
57         }
58         //printf("      tx=%f,ty=%f\n",tx,ty);
59         if(fabs(tx-ty)<0.001 && tx>0 && tx<=1) {
60             return true;
61         }
62         return false;
63     }
64     void Edge::nodePath(vector<Node*>& nodes) {
65         list<unsigned> ds(dummyNodes.size());
66         copy(dummyNodes.begin(),dummyNodes.end(),ds.begin());
67         //printf("Edge::nodePath: (%d,%d) dummyNodes:%d\n",startNode,endNode,ds.size());
68         path.clear();
69         path.push_back(startNode);
70         for(unsigned i=1;i<route->n;i++) {
71             //printf("  checking segment %d-%d\n",i-1,i);
72             set<pair<double,unsigned> > pntsOnLineSegment;
73             for(list<unsigned>::iterator j=ds.begin();j!=ds.end();) {
74                 double px=nodes[*j]->x;
75                 double py=nodes[*j]->y;
76                 double ax=route->xs[i-1];
77                 double ay=route->ys[i-1];
78                 double bx=route->xs[i];
79                 double by=route->ys[i];
80                 double t=0;
81                 list<unsigned>::iterator copyit=j++;
82                 //printf("     px=%f, py=%f, ax=%f, ay=%f, bx=%f, by=%f\n",px,py,ax,ay,bx,by);
83                 if(pointOnLine(px,py,ax,ay,bx,by,t)) {
84                     //printf(" got node %d\n",*copyit);
85                     pntsOnLineSegment.insert(make_pair(t,*copyit));
86                     ds.erase(copyit);
87                 }
88             }
89             for(set<pair<double,unsigned> >::iterator j=pntsOnLineSegment.begin();j!=pntsOnLineSegment.end();j++) {
90                 path.push_back(j->second);
91             }
92             //printf("\n");
93         }
94         path.push_back(endNode);
95         assert(ds.empty());
96     }
98     typedef enum {Open, Close} EventType;
99     struct Event {
100         EventType type;
101         Node *v;
102         Edge *e;
103         double pos;
104         Event(EventType t, Node *v, double p) : type(t),v(v),e(NULL),pos(p) {};
105         Event(EventType t, Edge *e, double p) : type(t),v(NULL),e(e),pos(p) {};
106     };
107     Event **events;
108     int compare_events(const void *a, const void *b) {
109         Event *ea=*(Event**)a;
110         Event *eb=*(Event**)b;
111         if(ea->v!=NULL&&ea->v==eb->v||ea->e!=NULL&&ea->e==eb->e) {
112             // when comparing opening and closing from object
113             // open must come first
114             if(ea->type==Open) return -1;
115             return 1;
116         } else if(ea->pos > eb->pos) {
117             return 1;
118         } else if(ea->pos < eb->pos) {
119             return -1;
120         }       
121         return 0;
122     }
124     void sortNeighbours(Node* v, Node* l, Node* r, 
125             double conjpos, vector<Edge*>& openEdges, 
126             vector<Node*>& L,vector<Node*>& nodes, Dim dim) {
127         double minpos=-DBL_MAX, maxpos=DBL_MAX;
128         if(l!=NULL) {
129             L.push_back(l);
130             minpos=l->scanpos;
131         }
132         typedef pair<double,Edge*> PosEdgePair;
133         set<PosEdgePair> sortedEdges;
134         for(unsigned i=0;i<openEdges.size();i++) {
135             Edge *e=openEdges[i];
136             vector<double> bs;
137             if(dim==HORIZONTAL) {
138                 e->xpos(conjpos,bs);
139             } else {
140                 e->ypos(conjpos,bs);
141             }
142             //cerr << "edge(intersections="<<bs.size()<<":("<<e->startNode<<","<<e->endNode<<"))"<<endl;
143             for(vector<double>::iterator it=bs.begin();it!=bs.end();it++) {
144                 sortedEdges.insert(make_pair(*it,e));
145             }
146         }
147         for(set<PosEdgePair>::iterator i=sortedEdges.begin();i!=sortedEdges.end();i++) {
148             double pos=i->first;
149             if(pos < minpos) continue;
150             if(pos > v->scanpos) break;
151             // if edge is connected (start or end) to v then skip
152             // need to record start and end positions of edge segment!
153             Edge* e=i->second; 
154             if(e->startNode==v->id||e->endNode==v->id) continue;
155             //if(l!=NULL&&(e->startNode==l->id||e->endNode==l->id)) continue;
156             //cerr << "edge("<<e->startNode<<","<<e->endNode<<",pts="<<e->pts<<")"<<endl;
157             Node* d=dim==HORIZONTAL?
158                 new Node(nodes.size(),pos,conjpos,e):
159                 new Node(nodes.size(),conjpos,pos,e);
160             L.push_back(d);
161             nodes.push_back(d);
162         }
163         L.push_back(v);
165         if(r!=NULL) {
166             maxpos=r->scanpos;
167         }
168         for(set<PosEdgePair>::iterator i=sortedEdges.begin();i!=sortedEdges.end();i++) {
169             if(i->first < v->scanpos) continue;
170             if(i->first > maxpos) break;
171             double pos=i->first;
172             // if edge is connected (start or end) to v then skip
173             // need to record start and end positions of edge segment!
174             Edge* e=i->second; 
175             if(e->startNode==v->id||e->endNode==v->id) continue;
176             //if(r!=NULL&&(e->startNode==r->id||e->endNode==r->id)) continue;
177             //cerr << "edge("<<e->startNode<<","<<e->endNode<<",pts="<<e->pts<<")"<<endl;
178             Node* d=dim==HORIZONTAL?
179                 new Node(nodes.size(),pos,conjpos,e):
180                 new Node(nodes.size(),conjpos,pos,e);
181             L.push_back(d);
182             nodes.push_back(d);
183         }
184         if(r!=NULL) {
185             L.push_back(r);
186         }
187     }
188     static SimpleConstraint* createConstraint(Node* u, Node* v, Dim dim) {
189         double g=dim==HORIZONTAL?(u->width+v->width):(u->height+v->height);
190         g/=2;
191         //cerr << "Constraint: "<< u->id << "+"<<g<<"<="<<v->id<<endl;
192         return new SimpleConstraint(u->id,v->id,g);
193     }
195     void generateConstraints(vector<Node*>& nodes, vector<Edge*>& edges,vector<SimpleConstraint*>& cs,Dim dim) {
196         unsigned nevents=2*nodes.size()+2*edges.size();
197         events=new Event*[nevents];
198         unsigned ctr=0;
199         if(dim==HORIZONTAL) {
200             //cout << "Scanning top to bottom..." << endl;
201             for(unsigned i=0;i<nodes.size();i++) {
202                 Node *v=nodes[i];
203                 v->scanpos=v->x;
204                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,v,v->ymin+0.01);
205                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,v,v->ymax-0.01);
206             }
207             for(unsigned i=0;i<edges.size();i++) {
208                 Edge *e=edges[i];
209                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,e,e->ymin-1);
210                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,e,e->ymax+1);
211             }
212         } else {
213             //cout << "Scanning left to right..." << endl;
214             for(unsigned i=0;i<nodes.size();i++) {
215                 Node *v=nodes[i];
216                 v->scanpos=v->y;
217                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,v,v->xmin+0.01);
218                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,v,v->xmax-0.01);
219             }
220             for(unsigned i=0;i<edges.size();i++) {
221                 Edge *e=edges[i];
222                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Open,e,e->xmin-1);
223                 events[ctr++]=new Event(Close,e,e->xmax+1);
224             }
225         }
226         qsort((Event*)events, (size_t)nevents, sizeof(Event*), compare_events );
228         NodeSet openNodes;
229         vector<Edge*> openEdges;
230         for(unsigned i=0;i<nevents;i++) {
231             Event *e=events[i];
232             Node *v=e->v;
233             if(v!=NULL) {
234                 v->open = true;
235                 //printf("NEvent@%f,nid=%d,(%f,%f),w=%f,h=%f,openn=%d,opene=%d\n",e->pos,v->id,v->x,v->y,v->width,v->height,(int)openNodes.size(),(int)openEdges.size());
236                 Node *l=NULL, *r=NULL;
237                 if(!openNodes.empty()) {
238                     // it points to the first node to the right of v
239                     NodeSet::iterator it=openNodes.lower_bound(v);
240                     // step left to find the first node to the left of v
241                     if(it--!=openNodes.begin()) {
242                         l=*it;
243                         //printf("l=%d\n",l->id);
244                     }
245                     it=openNodes.upper_bound(v);
246                     if(it!=openNodes.end()) {
247                         r=*it;
248                     }
249                 }
250                 vector<Node*> L;
251                 sortNeighbours(v,l,r,e->pos,openEdges,L,nodes,dim);
252                 //printf("L=[");
253                 for(unsigned i=0;i<L.size();i++) {
254                     //printf("%d ",L[i]->id);
255                 }
256                 //printf("]\n");
258                 // Case A: create constraints between adjacent edges skipping edges joined
259                 // to l,v or r.
260                 Node* lastNode=NULL;
261                 for(vector<Node*>::iterator i=L.begin();i!=L.end();i++) {
262                     if((*i)->dummy) {
263                         // node is on an edge
264                         Edge *edge=(*i)->edge;
265                         if(!edge->isEnd(v->id)
266                                 &&(l!=NULL&&!edge->isEnd(l->id)||l==NULL)
267                                 &&(r!=NULL&&!edge->isEnd(r->id)||r==NULL)) {
268                             if(lastNode!=NULL) {
269                                 //printf("  Rule A: Constraint: v%d +g <= v%d\n",lastNode->id,(*i)->id);
270                                 cs.push_back(createConstraint(lastNode,*i,dim));
271                             }
272                             lastNode=*i;
273                         }
274                     } else {
275                         // is an actual node
276                         lastNode=NULL;
277                     }
278                 }
279                 // Case B: create constraints for all the edges connected to the right of
280                 // their own end, also in the scan line
281                 vector<Node*> skipList;
282                 lastNode=NULL;
283                 for(vector<Node*>::iterator i=L.begin();i!=L.end();i++) {
284                     if((*i)->dummy) {
285                         // node is on an edge
286                         if(lastNode!=NULL) {
287                             if((*i)->edge->isEnd(lastNode->id)) {
288                                 skipList.push_back(*i);
289                             } else {
290                                 for(vector<Node*>::iterator j=skipList.begin();
291                                         j!=skipList.end();j++) {
292                                     //printf("  Rule B: Constraint: v%d +g <= v%d\n",(*j)->id,(*i)->id);
293                                     cs.push_back(createConstraint(*j,*i,dim));
294                                 }
295                                 skipList.clear();
296                             }
297                         }
298                     } else {
299                         // is an actual node
300                         skipList.clear();
301                         skipList.push_back(*i);
302                         lastNode=*i;
303                     }
304                 }
305                 skipList.clear();
306                 // Case C: reverse of B
307                 lastNode=NULL;
308                 for(vector<Node*>::reverse_iterator i=L.rbegin();i!=L.rend();i++) {
309                     if((*i)->dummy) {
310                         // node is on an edge
311                         if(lastNode!=NULL) {
312                             if((*i)->edge->isEnd(lastNode->id)) {
313                                 skipList.push_back(*i);
314                             } else {
315                                 for(vector<Node*>::iterator j=skipList.begin();
316                                         j!=skipList.end();j++) {
317                                     //printf("  Rule C: Constraint: v%d +g <= v%d\n",(*i)->id,(*j)->id);
318                                     cs.push_back(createConstraint(*i,*j,dim));
319                                 }
320                                 skipList.clear();
321                             }
322                         }
323                     } else {
324                         // is an actual node
325                         skipList.clear();
326                         skipList.push_back(*i);
327                         lastNode=*i;
328                     }
329                 }
330                 if(e->type==Close) {
331                     if(l!=NULL) cs.push_back(createConstraint(l,v,dim));
332                     if(r!=NULL) cs.push_back(createConstraint(v,r,dim));
333                 }
334             }
335             if(e->type==Open) {
336                 if(v!=NULL) {
337                     openNodes.insert(v);
338                 } else {
339                     //printf("EdgeOpen@%f,eid=%d,(u,v)=(%d,%d)\n", e->pos,e->e->id,e->e->startNode,e->e->endNode);
340                     e->e->openInd=openEdges.size();
341                     openEdges.push_back(e->e);
342                 }
343             } else {
344                 // Close
345                 if(v!=NULL) {
346                     openNodes.erase(v);
347                     v->open=false;
348                 } else {
349                     //printf("EdgeClose@%f,eid=%d,(u,v)=(%d,%d)\n", e->pos,e->e->id,e->e->startNode,e->e->endNode);
350                     unsigned i=e->e->openInd;
351                     openEdges[i]=openEdges[openEdges.size()-1];
352                     openEdges[i]->openInd=i;
353                     openEdges.resize(openEdges.size()-1);
354                 }
355             }
356             delete e;
357         }
358         delete [] events;
359     }