
now that selection description includes style (filtered, clipped), we need to update...
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / shortest_paths.h
1 // vim: set cindent 
2 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
3 #include <vector>
4 using namespace std;
5 template <class T>
6 class PairNode;
7 namespace shortest_paths {
9 struct Node {
10     unsigned id;
11     double d;
12     Node* p; // predecessor    
13     vector<Node*> neighbours;
14     vector<double> nweights;
15     PairNode<Node*>* qnode;
16 };
17 inline bool compareNodes(Node *const &u, Node *const &v) {
18         return u->d < v->d;
19 }
21 typedef pair<unsigned,unsigned> Edge;
22 void floyd_warshall(unsigned n, double** D,
23         vector<Edge>& es,double* eweights); 
24 void johnsons(unsigned n, double** D,
25         vector<Edge>& es, double* eweights);
26 void dijkstra(unsigned s, unsigned n, double* d, 
27         vector<Edge>& es, double* eweights);
28 }