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[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / gradient_projection.h
4 #include <libvpsc/solve_VPSC.h>
5 #include <libvpsc/variable.h>
6 #include <libvpsc/constraint.h>
7 #include <libvpsc/generate-constraints.h>
8 #include <vector>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <math.h>
12 using namespace std;
14 typedef vector<vpsc::Constraint*> Constraints;
15 typedef vector<vpsc::Variable*> Variables;
16 typedef vector<pair<unsigned,double> > OffsetList;
18 class SimpleConstraint {
19 public:
20     SimpleConstraint(unsigned l, unsigned r, double g) 
21         : left(l), right(r), gap(g)  {}
22     unsigned left;
23     unsigned right;
24     double gap;
25 };
26 typedef vector<SimpleConstraint*> SimpleConstraints;
27 class AlignmentConstraint {
28 friend class GradientProjection;
29 public:
30     AlignmentConstraint(double pos) : position(pos), variable(NULL) {}
31     void updatePosition() {
32         position = variable->position();
33     }
34     OffsetList offsets;
35     void* guide;
36     double position;
37 private:
38     vpsc::Variable* variable;
39 };
40 typedef vector<AlignmentConstraint*> AlignmentConstraints;
42 class PageBoundaryConstraints {
43 public:
44     PageBoundaryConstraints(double lm, double rm, double w)
45         : leftMargin(lm), rightMargin(rm), weight(w) { }
46     void createVarsAndConstraints(Variables &vs, Constraints &cs) {
47         vpsc::Variable* vl, * vr;
48         // create 2 dummy vars, based on the dimension we are in
49         vs.push_back(vl=new vpsc::Variable(vs.size(), leftMargin, weight));
50         vs.push_back(vr=new vpsc::Variable(vs.size(), rightMargin, weight));
52         // for each of the "real" variables, create a constraint that puts that var
53         // between our two new dummy vars, depending on the dimension.
54         for(OffsetList::iterator o=offsets.begin(); o!=offsets.end(); ++o)  {
55             cs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(vl, vs[o->first], o->second));
56             cs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(vs[o->first], vr, o->second));
57         }
58     }
59     OffsetList offsets;
60 private:
61     double leftMargin;
62     double rightMargin;
63     double weight;
64 };
66 typedef vector<pair<unsigned,double> > CList;
67 /**
68  * A DummyVarPair is a pair of variables with an ideal distance between them and which have no
69  * other interaction with other variables apart from through constraints.  This means that
70  * the entries in the laplacian matrix for dummy vars and other vars would be 0 - thus, sparse
71  * matrix techniques can be used in laplacian operations.
72  * The constraints are specified by a two lists of pairs of variable indexes and required separation.
73  * The two lists are:
74  *   leftof: variables to which left must be to the left of, 
75  *   rightof: variables to which right must be to the right of. 
76  */
77 class DummyVarPair {
78 public:
79     DummyVarPair(double desiredDist) : dist(desiredDist), lap2(1.0/(desiredDist*desiredDist)) { }
80     CList leftof; // variables to which left dummy var must be to the left of
81     CList rightof; // variables to which right dummy var must be to the right of
82     double place_l;
83     double place_r;
84     void computeLinearTerm(double euclideanDistance) {   
85         if(euclideanDistance > 1e-30) {
86             b = place_r - place_l;
87             b /= euclideanDistance * dist;
88         } else { b=0; }
89     }
90     double stress(double euclideanDistance) {
91         double diff = dist - euclideanDistance;
92         return diff*diff / (dist*dist);
93     }
94 private:
95 friend class GradientProjection; 
96     /**
97      * Setup vars and constraints for an instance of the VPSC problem.
98      * Adds generated vars and constraints to the argument vectors.
99      */
100     void setupVPSC(Variables &vars, Constraints &cs) {
101         double weight=1;
102         left = new vpsc::Variable(vars.size(),place_l,weight);
103         vars.push_back(left);
104         right = new vpsc::Variable(vars.size(),place_r,weight);
105         vars.push_back(right);
106         for(CList::iterator cit=leftof.begin();
107                 cit!=leftof.end(); ++cit) {
108             vpsc::Variable* v = vars[(*cit).first];
109             cs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(left,v,(*cit).second)); 
110         }
111         for(CList::iterator cit=rightof.begin();
112                 cit!=rightof.end(); ++cit) {
113             vpsc::Variable* v = vars[(*cit).first];
114             cs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(v,right,(*cit).second)); 
115         }
116     }
117     /**
118      * Extract the result of a VPSC solution to the variable positions
119      */
120     void updatePosition() {
121         place_l=left->position();
122         place_r=right->position();
123     }
124     /**
125      * Compute the descent vector, also copying the current position to old_place for
126      * future reference
127      */
128     void computeDescentVector() {
129         old_place_l=place_l;
130         old_place_r=place_r;
131         g = 2.0 * ( b + lap2 * ( place_l - place_r ) );
132     }
133     /** 
134      * move in the direction of steepest descent (based on g computed by computeGradient)
135      * alpha is the step size.
136      */
137     void steepestDescent(double alpha) {
138         place_l -= alpha*g;
139         place_r += alpha*g;
140         left->desiredPosition=place_l;
141         right->desiredPosition=place_r;
142     }
143     /**
144      * add dummy vars' contribution to numerator and denominator for 
145      * beta step size calculation
146      */
147     void betaCalc(double &numerator, double &denominator) {
148         double dl = place_l-old_place_l,
149                dr = place_r-old_place_r,
150                r = 2.0 * lap2 * ( dr - dl );
151         numerator += g * ( dl - dr );
152         denominator += r*dl - r * dr;
153     }
154     /**
155      * move by stepsize beta from old_place to place
156      */
157     void feasibleDescent(double beta) {
158         left->desiredPosition = place_l = old_place_l + beta*(place_l - old_place_l);
159         right->desiredPosition = place_r = old_place_r + beta*(place_r - old_place_r);
160     }
161     double absoluteDisplacement() {
162         return fabs(place_l - old_place_l) + fabs(place_r - old_place_r);
163     }
164     double dist; // ideal distance between vars
165     double b; // linear coefficient in quad form for left (b_right = -b)
166     vpsc::Variable* left; // Variables used in constraints
167     vpsc::Variable* right;
168     double lap2; // laplacian entry
169     double g; // descent vec for quad form for left (g_right = -g)
170     double old_place_l; // old_place is where the descent vec g was computed
171     double old_place_r;
172 };
173 typedef vector<DummyVarPair*> DummyVars;
175 enum Dim { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL };
177 class GradientProjection {
178 public:
179         GradientProjection(
180         const Dim k,
181                 unsigned n, 
182                 double** A,
183                 double* x,
184                 double tol,
185                 unsigned max_iterations,
186         AlignmentConstraints* acs=NULL,
187         bool nonOverlapConstraints=false,
188         vpsc::Rectangle** rs=NULL,
189         PageBoundaryConstraints *pbc = NULL,
190         SimpleConstraints *sc = NULL)
191             : k(k), n(n), A(A), place(x), rs(rs),
192               nonOverlapConstraints(nonOverlapConstraints),
193               tolerance(tol), acs(acs), max_iterations(max_iterations),
194               g(new double[n]), d(new double[n]), old_place(new double[n]),
195               constrained(false)
196     {
197         for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
198             vars.push_back(new vpsc::Variable(i,1,1));
199         }
200         if(acs) {
201             for(AlignmentConstraints::iterator iac=acs->begin();
202                     iac!=acs->end();++iac) {
203                 AlignmentConstraint* ac=*iac;
204                 vpsc::Variable *v=ac->variable=new vpsc::Variable(vars.size(),ac->position,0.0001);
205                 vars.push_back(v);
206                 for(OffsetList::iterator o=ac->offsets.begin();
207                         o!=ac->offsets.end();
208                         o++) {
209                     gcs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(v,vars[o->first],o->second,true));
210                 }
211             }
212         }
213         if (pbc)  {          
214             pbc->createVarsAndConstraints(vars,gcs);
215         }
216         if (sc) {
217             for(SimpleConstraints::iterator c=sc->begin(); c!=sc->end();++c) {
218                 gcs.push_back(new vpsc::Constraint(
219                         vars[(*c)->left],vars[(*c)->right],(*c)->gap));
220             }
221         }
222         if(!gcs.empty() || nonOverlapConstraints) {
223             constrained=true;
224         }
225         }
226     virtual ~GradientProjection() {
227         delete [] g;
228         delete [] d;
229         delete [] old_place;
230         for(Constraints::iterator i(gcs.begin()); i!=gcs.end(); i++) {
231             delete *i;
232         }
233         gcs.clear();
234         for(unsigned i=0;i<vars.size();i++) {
235             delete vars[i];
236         }
237     }
238     void clearDummyVars();
239         unsigned solve(double* b);
240     DummyVars dummy_vars; // special vars that must be considered in Lapl.
241 private:
242     vpsc::IncSolver* setupVPSC();
243     void destroyVPSC(vpsc::IncSolver *vpsc);
244     Dim k;
245         unsigned n; // number of actual vars
246         double** A; // Graph laplacian matrix
247     double* place;
248         Variables vars; // all variables
249                           // computations
250     Constraints gcs; /* global constraints - persist throughout all
251                                 iterations */
252     Constraints lcs; /* local constraints - only for current iteration */
253     vpsc::Rectangle** rs;
254     bool nonOverlapConstraints;
255     double tolerance;
256     AlignmentConstraints* acs;
257     unsigned max_iterations;
258         double* g; /* gradient */
259         double* d;
260         double* old_place;
261     bool constrained;
262 };
264 #endif /* _GRADIENT_PROJECTION_H */
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