
Patch by Johan to fix 391368
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / cycle_detector.h
4 #include <map>
5 #include <vector>
6 #include <stack>
7 #include <cola.h>
9 typedef unsigned TimeStamp;
10 typedef std::vector<cola::Edge> Edges;
11 typedef std::vector<bool> CyclicEdges;
13 class Node  {
14   public:
15     enum StatusType { NotVisited, BeingVisited, DoneVisiting };
17     unsigned id;
18     TimeStamp stamp;
19     Node *cyclicAncestor;
20     std::vector<unsigned> dests;
21     StatusType status;
23     Node(unsigned id)  { this->id = id; cyclicAncestor = NULL; status = NotVisited; }
24     virtual ~Node()  {}
25 };
27 class CycleDetector  {
28   public:
29     CycleDetector(unsigned numVertices, Edges *edges);
30     virtual ~CycleDetector();
31     std::vector<bool> *detect_cycles();
32     void mod_graph(unsigned numVertices, Edges *edges);
33     unsigned getV()  { return this->V; }
34     Edges *getEdges()  { return this->edges; }
36   private:
37     // attributes
38     unsigned V;
39     Edges *edges;
41     // internally used variables.
42     std::vector<Node *> *nodes; // the nodes in the graph
43     std::vector<bool> *cyclicEdgesMapping; // the cyclic edges in the graph.
44     std::vector<unsigned> traverse; // nodes still left to visit in the graph
45     std::stack<unsigned> seenInRun; // nodes visited in a single pass.
47     // internally used methods
48     void make_matrix();
49     void visit(unsigned k);
50     bool isSink(Node *node);
51     bool find_node(std::vector<Node *> *& list, unsigned k);
52     std::pair< bool, std::vector<unsigned>::iterator > find_node(std::vector<unsigned>& list, unsigned k);
53 };
55 #endif