
Layout algorithm is now applied to each connected component in the
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / cola.h
1 #ifndef COLA_H
2 #define COLA_H
4 #include <utility>
5 #include <iterator>
6 #include <vector>
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cmath>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <cassert>
11 #include "shortest_paths.h"
12 #include "gradient_projection.h"
13 #include <libvpsc/generate-constraints.h>
14 #include "straightener.h"
17 typedef vector<unsigned> Cluster;
18 typedef vector<Cluster*> Clusters;
20 using vpsc::Rectangle;
22 namespace cola {
23     typedef pair<unsigned, unsigned> Edge;
25     // a graph component with a list of node_ids giving indices for some larger list of nodes
26     // for the nodes in this component, and a list of edges - node indices relative to this component
27     struct Component {
28         vector<unsigned> node_ids;
29         vector<Rectangle*> rects;
30         vector<Edge> edges;
31     };
32     // for a graph of n nodes, return connected components
33     void connectedComponents(
34             vector<Rectangle*> &rs,
35             vector<Edge> &es, 
36             vector<Component*> &components);
38     // defines references to three variables for which the goal function
39     // will be altered to prefer points u-b-v are in a linear arrangement
40     // such that b is placed at u+t(v-u).
41     struct LinearConstraint {
42         LinearConstraint(unsigned u, unsigned v, unsigned b, double w, 
43                 double frac_ub, double frac_bv,
44                 double* X, double* Y) 
45             : u(u),v(v),b(b),w(w),frac_ub(frac_ub),frac_bv(frac_bv),
46               tAtProjection(true) 
47         {
48             assert(frac_ub<=1.0);
49             assert(frac_bv<=1.0);
50             assert(frac_ub>=0);
51             assert(frac_bv>=0);
52             if(tAtProjection) {
53                 double uvx = X[v] - X[u],
54                        uvy = Y[v] - Y[u],
55                        vbx = X[b] - X[u],
56                        vby = Y[b] - Y[u];
57                 t = uvx * vbx + uvy * vby;
58                 t/= uvx * uvx + uvy * uvy;
59                 // p is the projection point of b on line uv
60                 //double px = scalarProj * uvx + X[u];
61                 //double py = scalarProj * uvy + Y[u];
62                 // take t=|up|/|uv|
63             } else {
64                 double numerator=X[b]-X[u];
65                 double denominator=X[v]-X[u];
66                 if(fabs(denominator)<0.001) {
67                     // if line is close to vertical then use Y coords to compute T
68                     numerator=Y[b]-Y[u];
69                     denominator=Y[v]-Y[u];
70                 }
71                 if(fabs(denominator)<0.0001) {
72                     denominator=1;
73                 }
74                 t=numerator/denominator;
75             }
76             duu=(1-t)*(1-t);
77             duv=t*(1-t);
78             dub=t-1;
79             dvv=t*t;
80             dvb=-t;
81             dbb=1;
82              //printf("New LC: t=%f\n",t); 
83         }
84         unsigned u;
85         unsigned v;
86         unsigned b;
87         double w; // weight
88         double t;
89         // 2nd partial derivatives of the goal function
90         //   (X[b] - (1-t) X[u] - t X[v])^2
91         double duu;
92         double duv;
93         double dub;
94         double dvv;
95         double dvb;
96         double dbb;
97         // Length of each segment as a fraction of the total edge length
98         double frac_ub;
99         double frac_bv;
100         bool tAtProjection;
101     };
102     typedef vector<LinearConstraint*> LinearConstraints;
104         class TestConvergence {
105     public:
106         double old_stress;
107                 TestConvergence(const double& tolerance = 0.001, const unsigned maxiterations = 1000)
108                         : old_stress(DBL_MAX),
109               tolerance(tolerance),
110               maxiterations(maxiterations),
111               iterations(0) { }
112         virtual ~TestConvergence() {}
114                 virtual bool operator()(double new_stress, double* X, double* Y) {
115             //std::cout<<"iteration="<<iterations<<", new_stress="<<new_stress<<std::endl;
116                         if (old_stress == DBL_MAX) {
117                                 old_stress = new_stress;
118                 if(++iterations>=maxiterations) {;
119                     return true;
120                 } else {
121                                 return false;
122                 }
123                         }
124             bool converged = 
125                 fabs(new_stress - old_stress) / (new_stress + 1e-10) < tolerance
126                 || ++iterations > maxiterations;
127             old_stress = new_stress;
128                         return converged;
129                 }
130         private:
131         double tolerance;
132         unsigned maxiterations;
133         unsigned iterations;
134         };
135     static TestConvergence defaultTest(0.0001,100);
136         class ConstrainedMajorizationLayout {
137     public:
138                 ConstrainedMajorizationLayout(
139                 vector<Rectangle*>& rs,
140                 vector<Edge>& es,
141                                 double* eweights,
142                 double idealLength,
143                                 TestConvergence& done=defaultTest)
144                         : constrainedLayout(false),
145               n(rs.size()),
146               lapSize(n), lap2(new double*[lapSize]), 
147               Q(lap2), Dij(new double*[lapSize]),
148               tol(0.0001),
149               done(done),
150               X(new double[n]),
151               Y(new double[n]),
152               clusters(NULL),
153               linearConstraints(NULL),
154               gpX(NULL),
155               gpY(NULL),
156               straightenEdges(NULL)
157         {
158             assert(rs.size()==n);
159             boundingBoxes = new Rectangle*[rs.size()];
160             copy(rs.begin(),rs.end(),boundingBoxes);
162             double** D=new double*[n];
163             for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
164                 D[i]=new double[n];
165             }
166             shortest_paths::johnsons(n,D,es,eweights);
167             edge_length = idealLength;
168             // Lij_{i!=j}=1/(Dij^2)
169             //
170             for(unsigned i = 0; i<n; i++) {
171                 X[i]=rs[i]->getCentreX();
172                 Y[i]=rs[i]->getCentreY();
173                 double degree = 0;
174                 lap2[i]=new double[n];
175                 Dij[i]=new double[n];
176                 for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++) {
177                     double w = edge_length * D[i][j];
178                     Dij[i][j]=w;
179                     if(i==j) continue;
180                     degree+=lap2[i][j]=w>1e-30?1.f/(w*w):0;
181                 }
182                 lap2[i][i]=-degree;
183                 delete [] D[i];
184             }
185             delete [] D;
186         }
188         void moveBoundingBoxes() {
189             for(unsigned i=0;i<lapSize;i++) {
190                 boundingBoxes[i]->moveCentreX(X[i]);
191                 boundingBoxes[i]->moveCentreY(Y[i]);
192             }
193         }
195         void setupConstraints(
196                 AlignmentConstraints* acsx, AlignmentConstraints* acsy,
197                 bool avoidOverlaps, 
198                 PageBoundaryConstraints* pbcx = NULL,
199                 PageBoundaryConstraints* pbcy = NULL,
200                 SimpleConstraints* scx = NULL,
201                 SimpleConstraints* scy = NULL,
202                 Clusters* cs = NULL,
203                 vector<straightener::Edge*>* straightenEdges = NULL);
205         void addLinearConstraints(LinearConstraints* linearConstraints);
207         void setupDummyVars();
209         ~ConstrainedMajorizationLayout() {
210             if(boundingBoxes) {
211                 delete [] boundingBoxes;
212             }
213             if(constrainedLayout) {
214                 delete gpX;
215                 delete gpY;
216             }
217             for(unsigned i=0;i<lapSize;i++) {
218                 delete [] lap2[i];
219                 delete [] Dij[i];
220             }
221             delete [] lap2;
222             delete [] Dij;
223             delete [] X;
224             delete [] Y;
225         }
226                 bool run();
227         void straighten(vector<straightener::Edge*>&, Dim);
228         bool avoidOverlaps;
229         bool constrainedLayout;
230     private:
231         double euclidean_distance(unsigned i, unsigned j) {
232             return sqrt(
233                 (X[i] - X[j]) * (X[i] - X[j]) +
234                 (Y[i] - Y[j]) * (Y[i] - Y[j]));
235         }
236         double compute_stress(double **Dij);
237         void majlayout(double** Dij,GradientProjection* gp, double* coords);
238         void majlayout(double** Dij,GradientProjection* gp, double* coords, 
239                 double* b);
240         unsigned n; // is lapSize + dummyVars
241         unsigned lapSize; // lapSize is the number of variables for actual nodes
242         double** lap2; // graph laplacian
243         double** Q; // quadratic terms matrix used in computations
244         double** Dij;
245         double tol;
246                 TestConvergence& done;
247         Rectangle** boundingBoxes;
248         double *X, *Y;
249         Clusters* clusters;
250         double edge_length;
251         LinearConstraints *linearConstraints;
252         GradientProjection *gpX, *gpY;
253         vector<straightener::Edge*>* straightenEdges;
254         };
256 #endif                          // COLA_H
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