
Add translator hint.
[inkscape.git] / src / libcola / cola.cpp
1 #include "cola.h"
2 #include "conjugate_gradient.h"
3 #include "straightener.h"
4 #include "shortest_paths.h"
5 #include "isnan.h"
7 namespace cola {
9 /**
10  * Find the euclidean distance between a pair of dummy variables
11  */
12 inline double dummy_var_euclidean_dist(GradientProjection* gpx, GradientProjection* gpy, unsigned i) {
13     double dx = gpx->dummy_vars[i]->place_r - gpx->dummy_vars[i]->place_l,
14         dy = gpy->dummy_vars[i]->place_r - gpy->dummy_vars[i]->place_l;
15     return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
16 }
17 ConstrainedMajorizationLayout
18 ::ConstrainedMajorizationLayout(
19         vector<Rectangle*>& rs,
20         vector<Edge>& es,
21         double* eweights,
22         double idealLength,
23         TestConvergence& done)
24     : constrainedLayout(false),
25       n(rs.size()),
26       lapSize(n), lap2(new double*[lapSize]), 
27       Q(lap2), Dij(new double*[lapSize]),
28       tol(0.0001),
29       done(done),
30       X(new double[n]),
31       Y(new double[n]),
32       clusters(NULL),
33       linearConstraints(NULL),
34       gpX(NULL),
35       gpY(NULL),
36       straightenEdges(NULL)
37 {
38     assert(rs.size()==n);
39     boundingBoxes = new Rectangle*[rs.size()];
40     copy(rs.begin(),rs.end(),boundingBoxes);
42     done.reset();
44     double** D=new double*[n];
45     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
46         D[i]=new double[n];
47     }
48     shortest_paths::johnsons(n,D,es,eweights);
49     edge_length = idealLength;
50     // Lij_{i!=j}=1/(Dij^2)
51     //
52     for(unsigned i = 0; i<n; i++) {
53         X[i]=rs[i]->getCentreX();
54         Y[i]=rs[i]->getCentreY();
55         double degree = 0;
56         lap2[i]=new double[n];
57         Dij[i]=new double[n];
58         for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++) {
59             double w = edge_length * D[i][j];
60             Dij[i][j]=w;
61             if(i==j) continue;
62             degree+=lap2[i][j]=w>1e-30?1.f/(w*w):0;
63         }
64         lap2[i][i]=-degree;
65         delete [] D[i];
66     }
67     delete [] D;
68 }
70 void 
71 ConstrainedMajorizationLayout
72 ::setupDummyVars() {
73     if(clusters==NULL) return;
74     double* coords[2]={X,Y};
75     GradientProjection* gp[2]={gpX,gpY};
76     for(unsigned k=0;k<2;k++) {
77         gp[k]->clearDummyVars();
78         if(clusters) {
79             for(Clusters::iterator cit=clusters->begin();
80                     cit!=clusters->end(); ++cit) {
81                 Cluster *c = *cit;
82                 DummyVarPair* p = new DummyVarPair(edge_length);
83                 gp[k]->dummy_vars.push_back(p);
84                 double minPos=DBL_MAX, maxPos=-DBL_MAX;
85                 for(Cluster::iterator vit=c->begin();
86                         vit!=c->end(); ++vit) {
87                     double pos = coords[k][*vit];
88                     minPos=min(pos,minPos);
89                     maxPos=max(pos,maxPos);
90                     p->leftof.push_back(make_pair(*vit,0)); 
91                     p->rightof.push_back(make_pair(*vit,0)); 
92                 }
93                 p->place_l = minPos;
94                 p->place_r = maxPos;
95             }
96         }
97     }
98     for(unsigned k=0;k<2;k++) {
99         unsigned n_d = gp[k]->dummy_vars.size();
100         if(n_d > 0) {
101             for(unsigned i=0; i<n_d; i++) {
102                 gp[k]->dummy_vars[i]->computeLinearTerm(dummy_var_euclidean_dist(gpX, gpY, i));
103             }
104         }
105     }
107 void ConstrainedMajorizationLayout::majlayout(
108         double** Dij, GradientProjection* gp, double* coords) 
110     double b[n];
111     fill(b,b+n,0);
112     majlayout(Dij,gp,coords,b);
114 void ConstrainedMajorizationLayout::majlayout(
115         double** Dij, GradientProjection* gp, double* coords, double* b) 
117     double L_ij,dist_ij,degree;
118     /* compute the vector b */
119     /* multiply on-the-fly with distance-based laplacian */
120     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
121         degree = 0;
122         if(i<lapSize) {
123             for (unsigned j = 0; j < lapSize; j++) {
124                 if (j == i) continue;
125                 dist_ij = euclidean_distance(i, j);
126                 if (dist_ij > 1e-30 && Dij[i][j] > 1e-30) {     /* skip zero distances */
127                     /* calculate L_ij := w_{ij}*d_{ij}/dist_{ij} */
128                     L_ij = 1.0 / (dist_ij * Dij[i][j]);
129                     degree -= L_ij;
130                     b[i] += L_ij * coords[j];
131                 }
132             }
133             b[i] += degree * coords[i];
134         }
135         assert(!isNaN(b[i]));
136     }
137     if(constrainedLayout) {
138         setupDummyVars();
139         gp->solve(b);
140     } else {
141         conjugate_gradient(lap2, coords, b, n, tol, n);
142     }
143     moveBoundingBoxes();
145 inline double ConstrainedMajorizationLayout
146 ::compute_stress(double **Dij) {
147     double sum = 0, d, diff;
148     for (unsigned i = 1; i < lapSize; i++) {
149         for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; j++) {
150             d = Dij[i][j];
151             diff = d - euclidean_distance(i,j);
152             sum += diff*diff / (d*d);
153         }
154     }
155     if(clusters!=NULL) {
156         for(unsigned i=0; i<gpX->dummy_vars.size(); i++) {
157             sum += gpX->dummy_vars[i]->stress(dummy_var_euclidean_dist(gpX, gpY, i));
158         }
159     }
160     return sum;
162 /*
163 void ConstrainedMajorizationLayout
164 ::addLinearConstraints(LinearConstraints* linearConstraints) {
165     n=lapSize+linearConstraints->size();
166     Q=new double*[n];
167     X=new double[n];
168     Y=new double[n];
169     for(unsigned i = 0; i<n; i++) {
170         X[i]=rs[i]->getCentreX();
171         Y[i]=rs[i]->getCentreY();
172         Q[i]=new double[n];
173         for(unsigned j=0; j<n; j++) {
174             if(i<lapSize&&j<lapSize) {
175                 Q[i][j]=lap2[i][j];
176             } else {
177                 Q[i][j]=0;
178             }
179         }
180     }
181     for(LinearConstraints::iterator i=linearConstraints->begin();
182            i!= linearConstraints->end();i++) {
183         LinearConstraint* c=*i;
184         Q[c->u][c->u]+=c->w*c->duu;
185         Q[c->u][c->v]+=c->w*c->duv;
186         Q[c->u][c->b]+=c->w*c->dub;
187         Q[c->v][c->u]+=c->w*c->duv;
188         Q[c->v][c->v]+=c->w*c->dvv;
189         Q[c->v][c->b]+=c->w*c->dvb;
190         Q[c->b][c->b]+=c->w*c->dbb;
191         Q[c->b][c->u]+=c->w*c->dub;
192         Q[c->b][c->v]+=c->w*c->dvb;
193     }
195 */
197 bool ConstrainedMajorizationLayout::run() {
198     /*
199     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
200         for(unsigned j=0;j<n;j++) {
201             cout << lap2[i][j] << " ";
202         }
203         cout << endl;
204     }
205     */
206     do {
207         /* Axis-by-axis optimization: */
208         if(straightenEdges) {
209             straighten(*straightenEdges,HORIZONTAL);
210             straighten(*straightenEdges,VERTICAL);
211         } else {
212             majlayout(Dij,gpX,X);
213             majlayout(Dij,gpY,Y);
214         }
215     } while(!done(compute_stress(Dij),X,Y));
216     return true;
218 static bool straightenToProjection=true;
219 void ConstrainedMajorizationLayout::straighten(vector<straightener::Edge*>& sedges, Dim dim) {
220         vector<straightener::Node*> snodes;
221         for (unsigned i=0;i<lapSize;i++) {
222                 snodes.push_back(new straightener::Node(i,boundingBoxes[i]));
223         }
224     SimpleConstraints cs;
225     straightener::generateConstraints(snodes,sedges,cs,dim);
226     n=snodes.size();
227     Q=new double*[n];
228     delete [] X;
229     delete [] Y;
230     X=new double[n];
231     Y=new double[n];
232     for(unsigned i = 0; i<n; i++) {
233         X[i]=snodes[i]->x;
234         Y[i]=snodes[i]->y;
235         Q[i]=new double[n];
236         for(unsigned j=0; j<n; j++) {
237             if(i<lapSize&&j<lapSize) {
238                 Q[i][j]=lap2[i][j];
239             } else {
240                 Q[i][j]=0;
241             }
242         }
243     }
244     LinearConstraints linearConstraints;
245     for(unsigned i=0;i<sedges.size();i++) {
246         sedges[i]->nodePath(snodes);
247         vector<unsigned>& path=sedges[i]->path;
248         // take u and v as the ends of the line
249         //unsigned u=path[0];
250         //unsigned v=path[path.size()-1];
251         double total_length=0;
252         for(unsigned j=1;j<path.size();j++) {
253             unsigned u=path[j-1], v=path[j];
254             total_length+=euclidean_distance(u,v);
255         }
256         for(unsigned j=1;j<path.size()-1;j++) {
257             // find new u and v for each line segment
258             unsigned u=path[j-1];
259             unsigned b=path[j];
260             unsigned v=path[j+1];
261             double weight=-0.01;
262             double wub=euclidean_distance(u,b)/total_length;
263             double wbv=euclidean_distance(b,v)/total_length;
264             linearConstraints.push_back(new cola::LinearConstraint(u,v,b,weight,wub,wbv,X,Y));
265         }
266     }
267     //cout << "Generated "<<linearConstraints.size()<< " linear constraints"<<endl;
268     assert(snodes.size()==lapSize+linearConstraints.size());
269     double b[n],*coords=dim==HORIZONTAL?X:Y,dist_ub,dist_bv;
270     fill(b,b+n,0);
271     for(LinearConstraints::iterator i=linearConstraints.begin();
272            i!= linearConstraints.end();i++) {
273         LinearConstraint* c=*i;
274         if(straightenToProjection) {
275             Q[c->u][c->u]+=c->w*c->duu;
276             Q[c->u][c->v]+=c->w*c->duv;
277             Q[c->u][c->b]+=c->w*c->dub;
278             Q[c->v][c->u]+=c->w*c->duv;
279             Q[c->v][c->v]+=c->w*c->dvv;
280             Q[c->v][c->b]+=c->w*c->dvb;
281             Q[c->b][c->b]+=c->w*c->dbb;
282             Q[c->b][c->u]+=c->w*c->dub;
283             Q[c->b][c->v]+=c->w*c->dvb;
284         } else {
285             double wub=edge_length*c->frac_ub;
286             double wbv=edge_length*c->frac_bv;
287             dist_ub=euclidean_distance(c->u,c->b)*wub;
288             dist_bv=euclidean_distance(c->b,c->v)*wbv;
289             wub=max(wub,0.00001);
290             wbv=max(wbv,0.00001);
291             dist_ub=max(dist_ub,0.00001);
292             dist_bv=max(dist_bv,0.00001);
293             wub=1/(wub*wub);
294             wbv=1/(wbv*wbv);
295             Q[c->u][c->u]-=wub;
296             Q[c->u][c->b]+=wub;
297             Q[c->v][c->v]-=wbv;
298             Q[c->v][c->b]+=wbv;
299             Q[c->b][c->b]-=wbv+wub;
300             Q[c->b][c->u]+=wub;
301             Q[c->b][c->v]+=wbv;
303             b[c->u]+=(coords[c->b]-coords[c->u]) / dist_ub;
304             b[c->v]+=(coords[c->b]-coords[c->v]) / dist_bv;
305             b[c->b]+=coords[c->u] / dist_ub + coords[c->v] / dist_bv
306                    - coords[c->b] / dist_ub - coords[c->b] / dist_bv;
307         }
308     }
309         GradientProjection gp(dim,n,Q,coords,tol,100,
310             (AlignmentConstraints*)NULL,false,(vpsc::Rectangle**)NULL,(PageBoundaryConstraints*)NULL,&cs);
311     constrainedLayout = true;
312     majlayout(Dij,&gp,coords,b);
313     for(unsigned i=0;i<sedges.size();i++) {
314         sedges[i]->createRouteFromPath(X,Y);
315         sedges[i]->dummyNodes.clear();
316         sedges[i]->path.clear();
317     }
318     for(unsigned i=0;i<cs.size();i++) {
319         delete cs[i];
320     }
321     for(unsigned i=0;i<linearConstraints.size();i++) {
322         delete linearConstraints[i];
323     }
324     for(unsigned i=0;i<snodes.size();i++) {
325         delete snodes[i];
326     }
327     for(unsigned i = 0; i<n; i++) {
328         delete [] Q[i];
329     }
330     delete [] Q;
331     snodes.resize(lapSize);
334 void ConstrainedMajorizationLayout::setupConstraints(
335         AlignmentConstraints* acsx, AlignmentConstraints* acsy,
336         bool avoidOverlaps, 
337         PageBoundaryConstraints* pbcx, PageBoundaryConstraints* pbcy,
338         SimpleConstraints* scx, SimpleConstraints* scy,
339         Clusters* cs,
340         vector<straightener::Edge*>* straightenEdges) {
341     constrainedLayout = true;
342     this->avoidOverlaps = avoidOverlaps;
343     if(cs) {
344         clusters=cs;
345     }
346         gpX=new GradientProjection(
347             HORIZONTAL,n,Q,X,tol,100,acsx,avoidOverlaps,boundingBoxes,pbcx,scx);
348         gpY=new GradientProjection(
349             VERTICAL,n,Q,Y,tol,100,acsy,avoidOverlaps,boundingBoxes,pbcy,scy);
350     this->straightenEdges = straightenEdges;
352 } // namespace cola
353 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4