1 /**
2 * Whiteboard session manager
3 * XML node tracking facility
4 *
5 * Authors:
6 * David Yip <yipdw@rose-hulman.edu>
7 *
8 * Copyright (c) 2005 Authors
9 *
10 * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
11 */
16 #include "jabber_whiteboard/tracker-node.h"
17 #include "jabber_whiteboard/defines.h"
19 #include <bitset>
20 #include <cstring>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <glibmm.h>
24 namespace Inkscape {
26 namespace Whiteboard {
28 class SessionManager;
30 /**
31 * std::less-like functor for C-style strings.
32 */
33 struct strcmpless : public std::binary_function< char const*, char const*, bool >
34 {
35 bool operator()(char const* _x, char const* _y) const
36 {
37 return (strcmp(_x, _y) < 0);
38 }
39 };
42 // TODO: This is a pretty heinous mess of methods that accept
43 // both pointers and references -- a lot of it has to do with
44 // XML::Node& in the node observer and XML::Node* elsewhere,
45 // although some of it (like Glib::ustring const& vs.
46 // Glib::ustring const*) is completely mea culpa. When possible
47 // it'd be good to thin this class out.
49 /**
50 * XMLNodeTracker generates and watches unique IDs for XML::Nodes for use in
51 * document event serialization and deserialization.
52 *
53 * More specifically, it has three tasks:
54 * <ol>
55 * <li>Association XML::Nodes with string IDs, and vice versa.</li>
56 * <li>Facilitation of lookup of a string ID or XML::Node given the other key.</li>
57 * <li>Generation of new string IDs for XML::Nodes.</li>
58 * </ol>
59 *
60 * XML::Nodes are assigned an ID that follows one of two forms:
61 * <ol>
62 * <li>unsigned integer;user JID</li>
63 * <li>unsigned integer;chatroom@conference server/handle</li>
64 * </ol>
65 *
66 * Form 1 is used in user-to-user sessions; form 2 is used in chatroom sessions.
67 */
68 class XMLNodeTracker {
69 public:
70 /**
71 * Constructor.
72 */
73 XMLNodeTracker();
75 /**
76 * Constructor.
77 *
78 * \param sm The SessionManager with which an XMLNodeTracker instance is to be associated with.
79 */
80 XMLNodeTracker(SessionManager* sm);
82 virtual ~XMLNodeTracker();
84 void setSessionManager(const SessionManager *val);
86 /**
87 * Insert a (key,node) pair into the tracker.
88 *
89 * \param key The key to associate with the node.
90 * \param node The node to associate with the key.
91 */
92 void put(const Glib::ustring &key, const XML::Node &node);
94 /**
95 * Process a list of node actions to add and remove nodes from the tracker.
96 *
97 * \param actions The action list to process.
98 */
99 void process(const KeyToNodeActionList& actions);
101 /**
102 * Retrieve an XML::Node given a key.
103 *
104 * \param key Reference to a const string key.
105 * \return Pointer to an XML::Node, or NULL if no associated node could be found.
106 */
107 XML::Node* get(const Glib::ustring &key);
109 /**
110 * Retrieve a string key given a reference to an XML::Node.
111 *
112 * \param node Reference to a const XML::Node.
113 * \return The associated string key, or an empty string if no associated key could be found.
114 */
115 Glib::ustring get(const XML::Node &node);
117 /**
118 * Remove an entry from the tracker based on key.
119 *
120 * \param The key of the entry to remove.
121 */
122 void remove(const Glib::ustring& key);
124 /**
125 * Remove an entry from the tracker based on XML::Node.
126 *
127 * \param A reference to the XML::Node associated with the entry to remove.
128 */
129 void remove(const XML::Node& node);
131 /**
132 * Return whether or not a (key,node) pair is being tracked, given a string key.
133 *
134 * \param The key associated with the pair to check.
135 * \return Whether or not the pair is being tracked.
136 */
137 bool isTracking(const Glib::ustring &key);
139 /**
140 * Return whether or not a (key,node) pair is being tracked, given a node.
141 *
142 * \param The node associated with the pair to check.
143 * \return Whether or not the pair is being tracked.
144 */
145 bool isTracking(const XML::Node & node);
147 /**
148 * Return whether or not a node identified by a given name is a special node.
149 *
150 * \see Inkscape::Whiteboard::specialnodekeys
151 * \see Inkscape::Whiteboard::specialnodenames
152 *
153 * \param The name associated with the node.
154 * \return Whether or not the node is a special node.
155 */
156 bool isSpecialNode(Glib::ustring const& name);
158 /**
159 * Retrieve the key of a special node given the name of a special node.
160 *
161 * \see Inkscape::Whiteboard::specialnodekeys
162 * \see Inkscape::Whiteboard::specialnodenames
163 *
164 * \param The name associated with the node.
165 * \return The key of the special node.
166 */
167 Glib::ustring getSpecialNodeKeyFromName(
168 const Glib::ustring &name);
170 /**
171 * Returns whether or not the given node is the root node of the SPDocument associated
172 * with an XMLNodeTracker's SessionManager.
173 *
174 * \param Reference to an XML::Node to test.
175 * \return Whether or not the given node is the document root node.
176 */
177 bool isRootNode(const XML::Node& node);
179 /**
180 * Generate a node key given a JID.
181 *
182 * \param The JID to use in the key.
183 * \return A node string key.
184 */
185 Glib::ustring generateKey(gchar const* JID);
187 /**
188 * Generate a node key given the JID specified in the SessionData structure associated
189 * with an XMLNodeTracker's SessionManager.
190 *
191 * \return A node string key.
192 */
193 Glib::ustring generateKey();
195 // TODO: remove debugging function
196 void dump();
197 void reset();
199 private:
200 //common code called by constructors
201 void init();
203 void createSpecialNodeTables();
204 void _clear();
206 unsigned int _counter;
207 SessionManager* _sm;
209 //KeyNodeTable keyNodeTable;
211 std::map< char const*, char const*, strcmpless > _specialnodes;
213 // Keys for special nodes
214 Glib::ustring _rootKey;
215 Glib::ustring _defsKey;
216 Glib::ustring _namedviewKey;
217 Glib::ustring _metadataKey;
219 // noncopyable, nonassignable
220 XMLNodeTracker(XMLNodeTracker const&);
221 XMLNodeTracker& operator=(XMLNodeTracker const&);
222 };
224 }
226 }
229 #endif
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