
added functionality to for users to register jabber accounts within the whiteboard...
[inkscape.git] / src / jabber_whiteboard / connection-establishment.cpp
1 /**
2  * Whiteboard session manager
3  * Methods for establishing connections and notifying the user of events
4  *
5  * Authors:
6  * David Yip <>
7  *
8  * Copyright (c) 2005 Authors
9  *
10  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
11  */
13 #include "util/ucompose.hpp"
14 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
15 #include <gtkmm/dialog.h>
16 #include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
18 #include "desktop.h"
19 #include "file.h"
20 #include "document.h"
22 #include "prefs-utils.h"
24 #include "xml/repr.h"
26 #include "jabber_whiteboard/defines.h"
27 #include "jabber_whiteboard/typedefs.h"
28 #include "jabber_whiteboard/node-tracker.h"
29 #include "jabber_whiteboard/chat-handler.h"
30 #include "jabber_whiteboard/message-queue.h"
31 #include "jabber_whiteboard/session-manager.h"
32 #include "jabber_whiteboard/invitation-confirm-dialog.h"
34 namespace Inkscape {
36 namespace Whiteboard {
38 void
39 SessionManager::sendRequestToUser(std::string const& recipientJID)
40 {
41         /*
42         Glib::ustring doccopy;
43         if (document != NULL) {
44                 doccopy = *document;
45         }
46         */
47         this->session_data->status.set(WAITING_FOR_INVITE_RESPONSE, 1);
48         this->sendMessage(CONNECT_REQUEST_USER, 0, "", recipientJID.c_str(), false);
49 }
51 void
52 SessionManager::sendRequestToChatroom(Glib::ustring const& server, Glib::ustring const& chatroom, Glib::ustring const& handle, Glib::ustring const& password)
53 {
54         // We do not yet use the Basic MUC Protocol for connection establishment etc
55         // <>.  The protocol we use is the
56         // old GroupChat system; extension to MUC is TODO
58         // Compose room@service/nick string for "to" field
59         Glib::ustring dest = String::ucompose("%1@%2/%3", chatroom, server, handle);
60         LmMessage* presence_req = lm_message_new(, LM_MESSAGE_TYPE_PRESENCE);
62         // Add 'from' attribute
63         LmMessageNode* preq_root = lm_message_get_node(presence_req);
65         lm_message_node_set_attribute(preq_root, "from", this->session_data->jid.c_str());
67         // Add <x xmlns='' />
68         // (Not anymore: we don't speak it! -- yipdw)
69         LmMessageNode* xmlns_node = lm_message_node_add_child(preq_root, "x", "");
70         lm_message_node_set_attribute(xmlns_node, "xmlns", "");
72         // If a password was supplied, add it to xmlns_node
73         if (password != NULL) {
74                 lm_message_node_add_child(xmlns_node, "password", password.c_str());
75         }
77         // Create chat message handler and node tracker
78         if (!this->_myChatHandler) {
79                 this->_myChatHandler = new ChatMessageHandler(this);
80         }
82         // Flag ourselves as connecting to a chatroom (but not yet connected)
83         this->session_data->status.set(CONNECTING_TO_CHAT, 1);
84         // Send the message
85         GError *error = NULL;
86         if (!lm_connection_send(this->session_data->connection, presence_req, &error)) {
87                 g_error("Presence message could not be sent to %s: %s",, error->message);
88                 this->session_data->status.set(CONNECTING_TO_CHAT, 0);
89         }
91         this->session_data->chat_handle = handle;
92         this->session_data->chat_server = server;
93         this->session_data->chat_name = chatroom;
95         prefs_set_string_attribute("", "name", chatroom.c_str());
96         prefs_set_string_attribute("", "server", server.c_str());
97         //Commented out because you can use whiteboard.server.username
98         //prefs_set_string_attribute("", "handle", handle.c_str());
99         //store password here?
102         this->setRecipient(String::ucompose("%1@%2", chatroom, server).data());
104         lm_message_unref(presence_req);
107 void 
108 SessionManager::sendConnectRequestResponse(char const* recipientJID, gboolean accepted_request)
110         if (accepted_request == TRUE) {
111                 this->setRecipient(recipientJID);
112                 this->session_data->status.set(IN_WHITEBOARD, 1);
113         }
115         this->sendMessage(CONNECT_REQUEST_RESPONSE_USER, accepted_request, "", recipientJID, false);
118 // When this method is invoked, it means that the user has received an invitation from another peer
119 // to engage in a whiteboard session (i.e. 1:1 communication).  The user may accept or reject this invitation.
120 void
121 SessionManager::receiveConnectRequest(gchar const* requesterJID)
123         int x, y;
124         Gdk::ModifierType mt;
125         Gdk::Display::get_default()->get_pointer(x, y, mt);
127         if (mt & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) {
128                 // Attach a polling timeout
129                 this->_notify_incoming_request = Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::bind< 0 >(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &SessionManager::_pollReceiveConnectRequest), requesterJID), 50);
130                 return;
131         }
133         if (this->session_data->status[WAITING_FOR_INVITE_RESPONSE]) {
134                 // Whoops.  Someone tried to invite us while we were inviting someone else 
135                 // (maybe it was the someone we were trying to invite, maybe it was someone else).
136                 //
137                 // Our response is to reject the second request, as we can only handle one
138                 // invitation at a time.  Also, we notify the user (who is waiting for an invitation 
139                 // response) of the rejection event.
140                 this->sendMessage(CONNECT_REQUEST_REFUSED_BY_PEER, 0, "", requesterJID, false);
142                 Glib::ustring primary = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">";
144                 // TRANSLATORS: This string is used to inform an Inkboard user that the following
145                 // scenario has occurred:
146                 // 1.  Alice invites Bob to an Inkboard session.
147                 // 2.  While Alice's invitation is en route, Bob invites Alice to an Inkboard session.
148                 //
149                 // Or, we might have the following scenario:
150                 // 1.  Alice invites Bob to an Inkboard session.
151                 // 2.  While Alice is waiting for Bob's response, Carol sends Alice an invitation.
152                 //
153                 // In the current implementation, we can only handle one invitation at a time,
154                 // so we reject all others.  
155                 //
156                 // This is a fix for bug #1352522.  Probably not the friendliest, but it's about
157                 // the best we can do without changing the protocol.
158                 primary += _("<b>An invitation conflict has occurred.</b>");
159                 primary += "</span>\n\n";
161                 // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the JID of the user who sent us the invitation request.
162                 primary += String::ucompose(_("The Jabber user <b>%1</b> attempted to invite you to a whiteboard session while you were waiting on an invitation response.\n\nThe invitation from <b>%1</b> has been rejected."), requesterJID); 
164                 Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(primary, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, false);
165       ;
166                 return;
167         }
169         if (this->session_data->status[IN_WHITEBOARD]) {
170                 this->sendMessage(ALREADY_IN_SESSION, 0, "", requesterJID, false);
171                 return;
172         }
174         // Check to see if the user made any modifications to this document.  If so, 
175         // we want to give them the option of (1) letting us clear their document or (2)
176         // opening a new, blank document for the whiteboard session.
177         Glib::ustring primary = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" + String::ucompose(_("<b>%1</b> has invited you to a whiteboard session."), requesterJID) + "</span>\n\n";
178         Glib::ustring title = String::ucompose(_("Incoming whiteboard invitation from %1"), requesterJID);
180         if (sp_document_repr_root(this->_myDoc)->attribute("sodipodi:modified") == NULL) {
181                 primary += String::ucompose(_("Do you wish to accept <b>%1</b>'s whiteboard session invitation?"), requesterJID);
182         } else {
183                 primary += String::ucompose(_("Would you like to accept %1's invitation in a new document window?\nAccepting the invitation in your current window will discard unsaved changes."), requesterJID);
184         }
186         // Construct confirmation dialog
187         InvitationConfirmDialog dialog(primary);
189         dialog.add_button(_("Accept invitation"), ACCEPT_INVITATION);
190         dialog.add_button(_("Decline invitation"), DECLINE_INVITATION);
191         dialog.add_button(_("Accept invitation in new document window"), ACCEPT_INVITATION_IN_NEW_WINDOW);
193         bool undecided = true;
194         InvitationResponses resp = static_cast< InvitationResponses >(;
196         while(undecided) {
197                 if (resp == ACCEPT_INVITATION) {
198                         undecided = false;
199                         this->clearDocument();
201                         // Create a receive queue for the initiator of this request
202                         this->session_data->receive_queues[requesterJID] = new ReceiveMessageQueue(this);
204                         this->setupInkscapeInterface();
205                         if (dialog.useSessionFile()) {
206                                 this->session_data->sessionFile = dialog.getSessionFilePath();
207                                 this->_tryToStartLog();
208                         }
209                         this->sendConnectRequestResponse(requesterJID, TRUE);
211                 } else if (resp == ACCEPT_INVITATION_IN_NEW_WINDOW) {
212                         SPDesktop* newdesktop = sp_file_new_default();
213                         if (newdesktop != NULL) {
214                                 undecided = false;
216                                 // Swap desktops around
218                                 // Destroy the new desktop's session manager and add this one in
219                                 delete newdesktop->_whiteboard_session_manager;
220                                 newdesktop->_whiteboard_session_manager = this;
222                                 // Assign a new session manager to our old desktop
223                                 this->_myDesktop->_whiteboard_session_manager = new SessionManager(this->_myDesktop);
225                                 // Reset our desktop and document pointers
226                                 this->setDesktop(newdesktop);
228                                 // Prepare document and send acceptance notification
229                                 this->session_data->receive_queues[requesterJID] = new ReceiveMessageQueue(this);
230                                 this->clearDocument();
231                                 this->setupInkscapeInterface();
232                                 if (dialog.useSessionFile()) {
233                                         this->session_data->sessionFile = dialog.getSessionFilePath();
234                                         this->_tryToStartLog();
235                                 }
236                                 this->sendConnectRequestResponse(requesterJID, TRUE);
238                         } else {
239                                 // We could not create a new desktop; ask the user if she or he wants to 
240                                 // replace the current document and accept the invitation, or reject the invitation.
241                                 // TRANSLATORS: %1 is a userid here
242                                 Glib::ustring msg = "<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">" + String::ucompose(_("A new document window could not be opened for a whiteboard session with <b>%1</b>"), requesterJID) + ".</span>\n\nWould you like to accept the whiteboard connection in the active document or refuse the invitation?";
243                                 InvitationConfirmDialog replace_dialog(msg);
244                                 dialog.add_button(_("Accept invitation"), ACCEPT_INVITATION);
245                                 dialog.add_button(_("Decline invitation"), DECLINE_INVITATION);
246                                 resp = static_cast< InvitationResponses >(;
247                         }
248                 } else {
249                         undecided = false;
250                         this->sendMessage(CONNECT_REQUEST_REFUSED_BY_PEER, 0, "", requesterJID, false);
251                 }
252         }
255 // When this method is invoked, it means that the other peer
256 // has accepted our request.
257 void
258 SessionManager::receiveConnectRequestResponse(InvitationResponses response, std::string& sender)
260         this->session_data->status.set(WAITING_FOR_INVITE_RESPONSE, 0);
262         switch(response) {
263                 case ACCEPT_INVITATION:
264                         {
266                         // Create a receive queue for the other peer.
267                         this->session_data->receive_queues[sender] = new ReceiveMessageQueue(this);
269                         KeyToNodeMap newids;
270                         NodeToKeyMap newnodes;
271                         this->_myTracker = new XMLNodeTracker(this);
272                         this->setupInkscapeInterface();
273                         this->_tryToStartLog();
274                         this->resendDocument(this->session_data->recipient, newids, newnodes);
275                         this->_myTracker->put(newids, newnodes);
276 //                      this->_myTracker->dump();
277                         this->setupCommitListener();
278                         break;
279                         }
281                 case DECLINE_INVITATION:
282                         {
283                         // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the peer whom refused our invitation.
284                         Glib::ustring primary = String::ucompose(_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">The user <b>%1</b> has refused your whiteboard invitation.</span>\n\n"), sender);
286                         // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the peer whom refused our invitation, %2 is our Jabber identity.
287                         Glib::ustring secondary = String::ucompose(_("You are still connected to a Jabber server as <b>%2</b>, and may send an invitation to <b>%1</b> again, or you may send an invitation to a different user."), sender, this->session_data->jid);
289                         Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(primary + secondary, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, false);
290               ;
291                         break;
293                         }
295                 case PEER_ALREADY_IN_SESSION:
296                         {
297                         // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the peer whom we tried to contact, but is already in a whiteboard session.
298                         Glib::ustring primary = String::ucompose(_("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">The user <b>%1</b> is already in a whiteboard session.</span>\n\n"), sender);
300                         // TRANSLATORS: %1 is the peer whom we tried to contact, but is already in a whiteboard session.
301                         Glib::ustring secondary = String::ucompose(_("You are still connected to a Jabber server as <b>%1</b>, and may send an invitation to a different user."), sender);
302                         Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(primary + secondary, true, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, false);
303               ;
305                         break;
306                         }
307                 default:
308                         break;
309         }
312 void
313 SessionManager::receiveConnectRequestResponseChat(gchar const* recipient)
315         // When responding to connection request responses in chatrooms,
316         // the responding user is already established in the whiteboard session.
317         // Therefore we do not need to perform any setup of observers or dispatchers; the requesting user
318         // will do that.
320         KeyToNodeMap newids;
321         NodeToKeyMap newnodes;
322         this->resendDocument(recipient, newids, newnodes);
325 bool
326 SessionManager::_pollReceiveConnectRequest(Glib::ustring const recipientJID)
328         int x, y;
329         Gdk::ModifierType mt;
330         Gdk::Display::get_default()->get_pointer(x, y, mt);
332         if (mt & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) {
333                 return true;
334         } else {
335                 this->receiveConnectRequest(recipientJID.c_str());
336                 return false;
337         }
344 /*
345   Local Variables:
346   mode:c++
347   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
348   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
349   indent-tabs-mode:nil
350   fill-column:99
351   End:
352 */
353 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :