1 /** \file
2 * Contains Doxygen documentation - main page.
3 *
4 * Authors:
5 * Ralf Stephan <ralf@ark.in-berlin.de>
6 *
7 * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 authors
8 *
9 * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
10 */
12 /** \mainpage The Inkscape Source Code Documentation
13 * While the standard doxygen documentation can be accessed through the links
14 * in the header, the following documents are additionally available to the
15 * interested reader.
16 *
17 * \section groups Main directory documentation
18 * Inkscape's classes and files in the main directory can be grouped into
19 * the following categories:
20 *
21 * - \subpage ObjectTree - inkscape's SVG canvas
22 * - \subpage Tools - the tools UI
23 * - \subpage UI - inkscape's user interface
24 * - \subpage XmlTree - XML backbone of the document
25 * - \subpage Rendering - rendering and buffering
26 * - \subpage OtherServices - what doesn't fit in the above
27 *
28 * See also the <a href="dirs.html">other directories</a> until doxygen
29 * allows setting links to those doc files.
30 *
31 * \section extlinks Links to external documentation
32 *
33 * \subsection liblinks External documentation on libraries used in inkscape
34 *
35 * <a href="http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/">Gtkmm</a>
36 * <a href="http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/reference/html/dir_000003.html">atkmm</a>
37 * <a href="http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/reference/html/dir_000009.html">gdkmm</a>
38 * <a href="http://www.gtkmm.org/gtkmm2/docs/reference/html/dir_000007.html">pangomm</a>
39 * <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/libsigc1_2/reference/html/modules.html">libsigc++</a>
40 * <a href="http://www.gtk.org/api/">GTK+</a>
41 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gdk-pixbuf/index.html">gdk-pixbuf</a>
42 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/index.html">GObject</a>
43 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/atk/index.html">atk</a>
44 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/pango/index.html">pango</a>
45 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gnome-vfs-2.0/">GnomeVFS</a>
46 * <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/libsigc2/docs/index.html">libsigc</a>
47 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/ORBit/index.html">ORBit</a>
48 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/libbonobo/index.html">bonobo</a>
49 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/bonobo-activation/index.html">bonobo-activation</a>
50 * <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/html/libxslt-lib.html#LIBXSLT-LIB">libxslt</a>
51 * <a href="http://xmlsoft.org/html/index.html">libxml2</a>
52 *
53 * \subsection stdlinks External standards documentation
54 *
55 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/">SVG1.1</a>
56 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG12/">SVG1.2</a>
57 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile/">SVGMobile</a>
58 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/Test/">SVGTest</a>
59 * <a href="http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/">PNG</a>
60 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a>
61 * <a href="http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/ps/index_specs.html">PS</a>
62 * <a href="http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/">Gnome-HIG</a>
63 */
65 /** \page ObjectTree Object Tree Classes and Files
66 * Inkscape::ObjectHierarchy [\ref object-hierarchy.cpp, \ref object-hierarchy.h]
67 * - SPObject [\ref sp-object.cpp, \ref sp-object.h, \ref object-edit.cpp, \ref sp-object-repr.cpp]
68 * - SPDefs [\ref sp-defs.cpp, \ref sp-defs.h]
69 * - SPFlowline [\ref sp-flowdiv.cpp, \ref sp-flowdiv.h]
70 * - SPFlowregionbreak [\ref sp-flowdiv.cpp, \ref sp-flowdiv.h]
71 * - SPGuide [\ref sp-guide.cpp, \ref sp-guide.h]
72 * - SPItem [\ref sp-item.cpp, \ref sp-item.h, \ref sp-item-notify-moveto.cpp, \ref sp-item-rm-unsatisfied-cns.cpp, \ref sp-item-transform.cpp, \ref sp-item-update-cns.cpp, ]
73 * - SPFlowdiv [\ref sp-flowdiv.cpp, \ref sp-flowdiv.h]
74 * - SPFlowpara [\ref sp-flowdiv.cpp, \ref sp-flowdiv.h]
75 * - SPFlowregion [\ref sp-flowregion.cpp, \ref sp-flowregion.h]
76 * - SPFlowregionExclude [\ref sp-flowregion.cpp, \ref sp-flowregion.h]
77 * - SPFlowtext [\ref sp-flowtext.cpp, \ref sp-flowtext.h]
78 * - SPFlowtspan [\ref sp-flowdiv.cpp, \ref sp-flowdiv.h]
79 * - SPGroup [\ref sp-item-group.cpp, \ref sp-item-group.h]
80 * - SPAnchor [\ref sp-anchor.cpp, \ref sp-anchor.h]
81 * - SPMarker [\ref marker.cpp, \ref marker.h]
82 * - SPRoot [\ref sp-root.cpp, \ref sp-root.h]
83 * - SPSymbol [\ref sp-symbol.cpp, \ref sp-symbol.h]
84 * - SPImage [\ref sp-image.cpp, \ref sp-image.h]
85 * - SPShape [\ref sp-shape.cpp, \ref sp-shape.h]
86 * - SPGenericEllipse [\ref sp-ellipse.cpp, \ref sp-ellipse.h]
87 * - SPArc
88 * - SPCircle
89 * - SPEllipse
90 * - SPLine [\ref sp-line.cpp, \ref sp-line.h]
91 * - SPOffset [\ref sp-offset.cpp, \ref sp-offset.h]
92 * - SPPath [\ref sp-path.cpp, \ref sp-path.h, \ref path-chemistry.cpp, \ref nodepath.cpp, \ref nodepath.h, \ref splivarot.cpp]
93 * - SPPolygon [\ref sp-polygon.cpp, \ref sp-polygon.h]
94 * - SPStar [\ref sp-star.cpp, \ref sp-star.h]
95 * - SPPolyLine [\ref sp-polyline.cpp, \ref sp-polyline.h]
96 * - SPRect [\ref sp-rect.cpp, \ref sp-rect.h]
97 * - SPSpiral [\ref sp-spiral.cpp, \ref sp-spiral.h]
98 * - SPText [\ref sp-text.cpp, \ref sp-text.h, \ref text-chemistry.cpp, \ref text-editing.cpp]
99 * - SPTextPath [\ref sp-tspan.cpp, \ref sp-tspan.h]
100 * - SPTSpan [\ref sp-tspan.cpp, \ref sp-tspan.h]
101 * - SPUse [\ref sp-use.cpp, \ref sp-use.h]
102 * - SPMetadata [\ref sp-metadata.cpp, \ref sp-metadata.h]
103 * - SPObjectGroup [\ref sp-object-group.cpp, \ref sp-object-group.h]
104 * - SPClipPath [\ref sp-clippath.cpp, \ref sp-clippath.h]
105 * - SPMask [\ref sp-mask.cpp, \ref sp-mask.h]
106 * - SPNamedView [\ref sp-namedview.cpp, \ref sp-namedview.h]
107 * - SPPaintServer [\ref sp-paint-server.cpp, \ref sp-paint-server.h]
108 * - SPGradient [\ref sp-gradient.cpp, \ref sp-gradient.h, \ref gradient-chemistry.cpp, \ref sp-gradient-reference.h, \ref sp-gradient-spread.h, \ref sp-gradient-units.h, \ref sp-gradient-vector.h]
109 * - SPLinearGradient
110 * - SPRadialGradient
111 * - SPPattern [\ref sp-pattern.cpp, \ref sp-pattern.h]
112 * - SPSkeleton [\ref sp-skeleton.cpp, \ref sp-skeleton.h]
113 * - SPStop [\ref sp-stop.h]
114 * - SPString [\ref sp-string.cpp, \ref sp-string.h]
115 * - SPStyleElem [\ref sp-style-elem.cpp, \ref sp-style-elem.h]
116 *
117 */
118 /** \page Tools Tools Related Classes and Files
119 *
120 * SelCue [\ref selcue.cpp, \ref selcue.h, \ref rubberband.cpp]
121 * Inkscape::Selection [\ref selection.cpp, \ref selection.h, \ref selection-chemistry.cpp]
122 * SPSelTrans [\ref seltrans.cpp, \ref seltrans.h]
123 *
124 * \section Event Context Class Hierarchy
125 *
126 *- SPEventContext[\ref event-context.cpp, \ref event-context.h]
127 * - SPArcContext [\ref arc-context.cpp, \ref arc-context.h]
128 * - SPDrawContext [\ref draw-context.cpp, \ref draw-context.h]
129 * - SPPenContext [\ref pen-context.cpp, \ref pen-context.h]
130 * - SPPencilContext [\ref pencil-context.cpp, \ref pencil-context.h]
131 * - SPConnectorContext [\ref connector-context.cpp, \ref connector-context.h, \ref sp-conn-end.cpp, \ref sp-conn-end-pair.cpp]
132 * - SPGradientContext [\ref gradient-context.cpp, \ref gradient-context.h, \ref gradient-drag.cpp, \ref gradient-toolbar.cpp]
133 * - SPRectContext [\ref rect-context.cpp, \ref rect-context.h]
134 * - SPSelectContext [\ref select-context.cpp, \ref select-context.h]
135 * - SPSpiralContext [\ref spiral-context.cpp, \ref spiral-context.h]
136 * - SPStarContext [\ref star-context.cpp, \ref star-context.h]
137 *
138 * SPNodeContext [\ref node-context.cpp, \ref node-context.h]
139 *
140 * SPZoomContext [\ref zoom-context.cpp, \ref zoom-context.h]
141 *
142 * SPDynaDrawContext [\ref dyna-draw-context.cpp, \ref dyna-draw-context.h]
143 *
144 * SPDropperContext [\ref dropper-context.cpp, \ref dropper-context.h]
145 */
146 /** \page UI User Interface Classes and Files
147 *
148 * - Inkscape::UI::View::View [\ref ui/view/view.cpp, \ref ui/view/view.h]
149 * - Inkscape::UI::View::Edit [\ref ui/view/edit.cpp, \ref ui/view/edit.h]
150 * - SPDesktop [\ref desktop.cpp, \ref desktop-affine.cpp, \ref desktop-events.cpp, \ref desktop-handles.cpp, \ref desktop-style.cpp, \ref desktop.h, \ref desktop-affine.h, \ref desktop-events.h, \ref desktop-handles.h, \ref desktop-style.h]
151 * - SPSVGView [\ref svg-view.cpp, \ref svg-view.h]
152 *
153 * SPDesktopWidget [\ref desktop-widget.h] SPSVGSPViewWidget [\ref svg-view.cpp]
154 * SPDocument [\ref document.cpp, \ref document.h]
155 *
156 * SPDrawAnchor [\ref draw-anchor.cpp, \ref draw-anchor.h]
157 * SPKnot [\ref knot.cpp, \ref knot.h, \ref knot-enums.h]
158 * SPKnotHolder [\ref knotholder.cpp, \ref knotholder.h, \ref knot-holder-entity.h]
159 *
160 * [\ref layer-fns.cpp, \ref selection-describer.h]
161 * Inkscape::MessageContext [\ref message-context.h]
162 * Inkscape::MessageStack [\ref message-stack.h, \ref message.h]
163 *
164 * Snapper, GridSnapper, GuideSnapper [\ref snap.cpp, \ref snap.h]
165 *
166 * SPGuide [\ref sp-guide.cpp, \ref sp-guide.h, \ref satisfied-guide-cns.cpp, \ref sp-guide-attachment.h, \ref sp-guide-constraint.h]
167 *
168 * [\ref help.cpp] [\ref inkscape.cpp] [\ref inkscape-stock.cpp]
169 * [\ref interface.cpp, \ref memeq.h] [\ref main.cpp, \ref winmain.cpp]
170 * [\ref menus-skeleton.h, \ref preferences-skeleton.h]
171 * [\ref context-menu.cpp] [\ref select-toolbar.cpp] [\ref shortcuts.cpp]
172 * [\ref sp-cursor.cpp] [\ref text-edit.cpp] [\ref toolbox.cpp, \ref ui/widget/toolbox.cpp]
173 * Inkscape::Verb [\ref verbs.h]
174 *
175 */
176 /** \page XmlTree CSS/XML Tree Classes and Files
177 *
178 * SPStyle [\ref style.cpp, \ref style.h]
179 * Media [\ref media.cpp, \ref media.h]
180 * [\ref attributes.cpp, \ref attributes.h]
181 *
182 * - Inkscape::URIReference [\ref uri-references.cpp, \ref uri-references.h]
183 * - SPClipPathReference [\ref sp-clippath.h]
184 * - SPGradientReference [\ref sp-gradient-reference.h]
185 * - SPMarkerReference [\ref marker.h]
186 * - SPMaskReference [\ref sp-mask.h]
187 * - SPUseReference [\ref sp-use-reference.h]
188 * - SPUsePath
189 */
190 /** \page Rendering Rendering Related Classes and Files
191 *
192 * SPColor [\ref color.cpp, \ref color.h, \ref color-rgba.h]
193 * [\ref geom.cpp] [\ref isnan.h] [\ref mod360.cpp]
194 */
195 /** \page OtherServices Classes and Files From Other Services
196 * [\ref inkview.cpp, \ref slideshow.cpp] [\ref sp-animation.cpp]
197 *
198 * Inkscape::GC
199 *
200 * [\ref sp-metrics.cpp, \ref sp-metrics.h]
201 *
202 * [\ref prefs-utils.cpp] [\ref print.cpp]
203 *
204 * - Inkscape::GZipBuffer [\ref streams-gzip.h]
205 * - Inkscape::JarBuffer [\ref streams-jar.h]
206 * - Inkscape::ZlibBuffer [\ref streams-zlib.h]
207 * - Inkscape::URIHandle [\ref streams-handles.h]
208 * - Inkscape::FileHandle
209 * [\ref dir-util.cpp] [\ref file.cpp]
210 * Inkscape::URI [\ref uri.h, \ref extract-uri.cpp, \ref uri-references.cpp]
211 * Inkscape::BadURIException [\ref bad-uri-exception.h]
212 *
213 * Inkscape::Whiteboard::UndoStackObserver [\ref undo-stack-observer.cpp, \ref composite-undo-stack-observer.cpp]
214 * [\ref document-undo.cpp]
215 *
216 * {\ref dialogs/} [\ref approx-equal.h] [\ref decimal-round.h] [\ref enums.h] [\ref unit-constants.h]
217 */
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227 End:
228 */
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