
Added a bunch of comments to filter effects rendering code
[inkscape.git] / src / dom / work / cssprop.txt
1 azimuth
2 background
3 backgroundAttachment
4 backgroundColor
5 backgroundImage
6 backgroundPosition
7 backgroundRepeat
8 border
9 borderCollapse
10 borderColor
11 borderSpacing
12 borderStyle
13 borderTop
14 borderRight
15 borderBottom
16 borderLeft
17 borderTopColor
18 borderRightColor
19 borderBottomColor
20 borderLeftColor
21 borderTopStyle
22 borderRightStyle
23 borderBottomStyle
24 borderLeftStyle
25 borderTopWidth
26 borderRightWidth
27 borderBottomWidth
28 borderLeftWidth
29 borderWidth
30 bottom
31 captionSide
32 clear
33 clip
34 color
35 content
36 counterIncrement
37 counterReset
38 cue
39 cueAfter
40 cueBefore
41 cursor
42 direction
43 display
44 elevation
45 emptyCells
46 cssFloat
47 font
48 fontFamily
49 fontSize
50 fontSizeAdjust
51 fontStretch
52 fontStyle
53 fontVariant
54 fontWeight
55 height
56 left
57 letterSpacing
58 lineHeight
59 listStyle
60 listStyleImage
61 listStylePosition
62 listStyleType
63 margin
64 marginTop
65 marginRight
66 marginBottom
67 marginLeft
68 markerOffset
69 marks
70 maxHeight
71 maxWidth
72 minHeight
73 minWidth
74 orphans
75 outline
76 outlineColor
77 outlineStyle
78 outlineWidth
79 overflow
80 padding
81 paddingTop
82 paddingRight
83 paddingBottom
84 paddingLeft
85 page
86 pageBreakAfter
87 pageBreakBefore
88 pageBreakInside
89 pause
90 pauseAfter
91 pauseBefore
92 pitch
93 pitchRange
94 playDuring
95 position
97 richness
98 right
99 size
100 speak
101 speakHeader
102 speakNumeral
103 speakPunctuation
104 speechRate
105 stress
106 tableLayout
107 textAlign
108 textDecoration
109 textIndent
110 textShadow
111 textTransform
112 top
113 unicodeBidi
114 verticalAlign
115 visibility
116 voiceFamily
117 volume
118 whiteSpace
119 widows
120 width
121 wordSpacing
122 zIndex