
revert the PS rotation part of Adrian's patch for 437550, see discussion in the bug
[inkscape.git] / src / Makefile_insert
1 ## fragment, included by src/
3 ink_common_sources +=   \
4         algorithms/find-last-if.h                                       \
5         algorithms/longest-common-suffix.h                              \
6         approx-equal.h remove-last.h                                    \
7         arc-context.cpp arc-context.h                                   \
8         attributes.cpp attributes.h                                     \
9         axis-manip.cpp axis-manip.h                                     \
10         bad-uri-exception.h                                             \
11         box3d-context.cpp box3d-context.h                               \
12         box3d.cpp box3d.h                                               \
13         box3d-side.cpp box3d-side.h                                     \
14         brokenimage.xpm                                                 \
15         color.cpp color.h                                               \
16         color-profile.cpp color-profile.h                               \
17         color-profile-fns.h                                             \
18         color-rgba.h                                                    \
19         common-context.cpp common-context.h                             \
20         composite-undo-stack-observer.cpp                               \
21         composite-undo-stack-observer.h                                 \
22         conditions.cpp conditions.h                                     \
23         conn-avoid-ref.cpp conn-avoid-ref.h                             \
24         connection-pool.h                                               \
25         connector-context.cpp connector-context.h                       \
26         console-output-undo-observer.h console-output-undo-observer.cpp \
27         context-fns.cpp context-fns.h                                   \
28         decimal-round.h                                                 \
29         desktop.cpp desktop.h                                           \
30         desktop-events.cpp desktop-events.h                             \
31         desktop-handles.cpp desktop-handles.h                           \
32         desktop-style.cpp desktop-style.h                               \
33         device-manager.cpp device-manager.h                             \
34         dir-util.cpp dir-util.h                                         \
35         document.cpp document.h document-private.h                      \
36         document-subset.cpp document-subset.h                           \
37         document-undo.cpp                                               \
38         doxygen-main.cpp                                                \
39         draw-anchor.cpp draw-anchor.h                                   \
40         draw-context.cpp draw-context.h                                 \
41         dropper-context.cpp dropper-context.h                           \
42         dyna-draw-context.cpp dyna-draw-context.h                       \
43         ege-adjustment-action.cpp ege-adjustment-action.h               \
44         ege-color-prof-tracker.cpp ege-color-prof-tracker.h             \
45         ege-output-action.cpp ege-output-action.h                       \
46         ege-select-one-action.cpp ege-select-one-action.h               \
47         enums.h                                                         \
48         eraser-context.cpp eraser-context.h                             \
49         event-context.cpp event-context.h                               \
50         event-log.cpp event-log.h event.h                               \
51         extract-uri.cpp extract-uri.h                                   \
52         file.cpp file.h                                                 \
53         fill-or-stroke.h                                                \
54         filter-chemistry.cpp filter-chemistry.h                         \
55         filter-enums.cpp filter-enums.h                                 \
56         fixes.cpp                                                       \
57         flood-context.cpp flood-context.h                               \
58         forward.h                                                       \
59         gc-allocator.h                                                  \
60         gc-alloc.h                                                      \
61         gc-anchored.h gc-anchored.cpp                                   \
62         gc-core.h                                                       \
63         gc.cpp                                                          \
64         gc-finalized.h gc-finalized.cpp                                 \
65         gc-managed.h                                                    \
66         gc-soft-ptr.h                                                   \
67         gradient-chemistry.cpp gradient-chemistry.h                     \
68         gradient-context.cpp gradient-context.h                         \
69         gradient-drag.cpp gradient-drag.h                               \
70         guide-snapper.cpp guide-snapper.h                               \
71         help.cpp help.h                                                 \
72         helper-fns.h                                                    \
73         helper/pixbuf-ops.cpp                                           \
74         helper/pixbuf-ops.h                                             \
75         icon-size.h                                                     \
76         id-clash.cpp id-clash.h                                         \
77         ige-mac-menu.h ige-mac-menu.c                                   \
78         ink-action.cpp                                                  \
79         ink-action.h                                                    \
80         inkscape.cpp inkscape.h inkscape-private.h                      \
81         interface.cpp interface.h                                       \
82         isinf.h                                                         \
83         isnormal.h                                                      \
84         knot.cpp knot.h                                                 \
85         knot-enums.h                                                    \
86         knotholder.cpp knotholder.h                                     \
87         knot-holder-entity.h knot-holder-entity.cpp                     \
88         layer-fns.cpp layer-fns.h                                       \
89         layer-manager.cpp layer-manager.h                               \
90         line-geometry.cpp line-geometry.h                               \
91         line-snapper.cpp line-snapper.h                                 \
92         lpe-tool-context.cpp lpe-tool-context.h                         \
93         macros.h                                                        \
94         main-cmdlineact.cpp main-cmdlineact.h                           \
95         marker.cpp marker.h                                             \
96         media.cpp media.h                                               \
97         memeq.h                                                         \
98         menus-skeleton.h                                                \
99         message-context.cpp message-context.h                           \
100         message.h                                                       \
101         message-stack.cpp message-stack.h                               \
102         mod360.cpp mod360.h                                             \
103         modifier-fns.h                                                  \
104         node-context.cpp node-context.h                                 \
105         nodepath.cpp nodepath.h                                         \
106         object-edit.cpp object-edit.h                                   \
107         object-hierarchy.cpp object-hierarchy.h                         \
108         object-snapper.cpp object-snapper.h                             \
109         path-chemistry.cpp path-chemistry.h                             \
110         path-prefix.h                                                   \
111         pencil-context.cpp pencil-context.h                             \
112         pen-context.cpp pen-context.h                                   \
113         persp3d.cpp persp3d.h                                           \
114         persp3d-reference.cpp persp3d-reference.h                       \
115         perspective-line.cpp perspective-line.h                         \
116         preferences.cpp preferences.h                                   \
117         preferences-skeleton.h                                          \
118         prefix.cpp prefix.h                                             \
119         print.cpp print.h                                               \
120         profile-manager.cpp profile-manager.h                           \
121         proj_pt.cpp proj_pt.h                                           \
122         rdf.cpp rdf.h                                                   \
123         rect-context.cpp rect-context.h                                 \
124         require-config.h                                                \
125         round.h                                                         \
126         rubberband.cpp rubberband.h                                     \
127         satisfied-guide-cns.cpp satisfied-guide-cns.h                   \
128         selcue.cpp selcue.h                                             \
129         select-context.cpp select-context.h                             \
130         selection-chemistry.cpp selection-chemistry.h                   \
131         selection.cpp selection.h                                       \
132         selection-describer.cpp selection-describer.h                   \
133         seltrans.cpp seltrans.h                                         \
134         seltrans-handles.cpp seltrans-handles.h                         \
135         shape-editor.cpp shape-editor.h                                 \
136         shortcuts.cpp shortcuts.h                                       \
137         snap.cpp snap.h                                                 \
138         snapped-curve.cpp snapped-curve.h                               \
139         snapped-line.cpp snapped-line.h                                 \
140         snapped-point.cpp snapped-point.h                               \
141         snapper.cpp snapper.h                                           \
142         snap-preferences.cpp snap-preferences.h                         \
143         sp-anchor.cpp sp-anchor.h                                       \
144         sp-clippath.cpp sp-clippath.h                                   \
145         sp-conn-end.cpp sp-conn-end.h                                   \
146         sp-conn-end-pair.cpp sp-conn-end-pair.h                         \
147         sp-cursor.cpp sp-cursor.h                                       \
148         sp-defs.cpp sp-defs.h                                           \
149         sp-desc.cpp sp-desc.h                                           \
150         sp-ellipse.cpp sp-ellipse.h                                     \
151         sp-filter.cpp sp-filter.h number-opt-number.h                   \
152         sp-filter-fns.h                                                 \
153         sp-filter-primitive.cpp sp-filter-primitive.h                   \
154         sp-filter-reference.cpp sp-filter-reference.h                   \
155         sp-filter-units.h                                               \
156         sp-flowdiv.h sp-flowdiv.cpp                                     \
157         sp-flowregion.h sp-flowregion.cpp                               \
158         sp-flowtext.h sp-flowtext.cpp                                   \
159         sp-font.cpp sp-font.h                                           \
160         sp-font-face.cpp sp-font-face.h                                 \
161         sp-gaussian-blur.cpp sp-gaussian-blur.h                         \
162         sp-gaussian-blur-fns.h                                          \
163         sp-glyph.cpp sp-glyph.h                                         \
164         sp-glyph-kerning.cpp sp-glyph-kerning.h                         \
165         sp-gradient.cpp sp-gradient.h                                   \
166         sp-gradient-fns.h                                               \
167         sp-gradient-reference.cpp sp-gradient-reference.h               \
168         sp-gradient-spread.h                                            \
169         sp-gradient-units.h                                             \
170         sp-gradient-vector.h                                            \
171         sp-guide-attachment.h                                           \
172         sp-guide-constraint.h                                           \
173         sp-guide.cpp sp-guide.h                                         \
174         sp-image.cpp sp-image.h                                         \
175         spiral-context.cpp spiral-context.h                             \
176         sp-item.cpp sp-item.h                                           \
177         sp-item-group.cpp sp-item-group.h                               \
178         sp-item-notify-moveto.cpp sp-item-notify-moveto.h               \
179         sp-item-rm-unsatisfied-cns.cpp sp-item-rm-unsatisfied-cns.h     \
180         sp-item-transform.cpp sp-item-transform.h                       \
181         sp-item-update-cns.cpp sp-item-update-cns.h                     \
182         sp-linear-gradient-fns.h                                        \
183         sp-linear-gradient.h                                            \
184         sp-line.cpp sp-line.h                                           \
185         splivarot.cpp splivarot.h                                       \
186         sp-lpe-item.cpp sp-lpe-item.h                                   \
187         sp-marker-loc.h                                                 \
188         sp-mask.cpp sp-mask.h                                           \
189         sp-metadata.cpp sp-metadata.h                                   \
190         sp-metric.h                                                     \
191         sp-metrics.cpp sp-metrics.h                                     \
192         sp-missing-glyph.cpp sp-missing-glyph.h \
193         sp-namedview.cpp sp-namedview.h         \
194         sp-object.cpp sp-object.h               \
195         sp-object-group.cpp sp-object-group.h   \
196         sp-object-repr.cpp sp-object-repr.h     \
197         sp-offset.cpp sp-offset.h               \
198         sp-paint-server.cpp sp-paint-server.h   \
199         sp-path.cpp sp-path.h                   \
200         sp-pattern.cpp sp-pattern.h             \
201         sp-polygon.cpp sp-polygon.h             \
202         sp-polyline.cpp sp-polyline.h           \
203         sp-radial-gradient-fns.h                \
204         sp-radial-gradient.h                    \
205         sp-rect.cpp sp-rect.h                   \
206         sp-root.cpp sp-root.h                   \
207         sp-script.cpp sp-script.h               \
208         sp-shape.cpp sp-shape.h                 \
209         sp-spiral.cpp sp-spiral.h               \
210         sp-star.cpp sp-star.h                   \
211         sp-stop-fns.h                           \
212         sp-stop.h                               \
213         sp-string.cpp sp-string.h               \
214         sp-style-elem.cpp sp-style-elem.h       \
215         sp-switch.cpp sp-switch.h               \
216         sp-symbol.cpp sp-symbol.h               \
217         sp-text.cpp sp-text.h                   \
218         sp-textpath.h                           \
219         sp-title.cpp sp-title.h                 \
220         sp-tref.cpp sp-tref.h                   \
221         sp-tref-reference.cpp sp-tref-reference.h                       \
222         sp-tspan.cpp sp-tspan.h                 \
223         sp-use.cpp sp-use.h                     \
224         sp-use-reference.cpp sp-use-reference.h \
225         star-context.cpp star-context.h         \
226         streq.h                                 \
227         strneq.h                                \
228         style.cpp style.h                       \
229         svg-profile.h                           \
230         svg-view.cpp svg-view.h                 \
231         svg-view-widget.cpp svg-view-widget.h   \
232         syseq.h                                 \
233         text-chemistry.cpp text-chemistry.h     \
234         text-context.cpp text-context.h         \
235         text-editing.cpp text-editing.h         \
236         text-tag-attributes.h                   \
237         tools-switch.cpp tools-switch.h         \
238         transf_mat_3x4.cpp transf_mat_3x4.h     \
239         tweak-context.h tweak-context.cpp       \
240         unclump.cpp unclump.h                   \
241         undo-stack-observer.h                   \
242         unicoderange.cpp unicoderange.h         \
243         unit-constants.h                        \
244         uri.cpp uri.h                           \
245         uri-references.cpp uri-references.h     \
246         vanishing-point.cpp vanishing-point.h   \
247         verbs.cpp verbs.h                       \
248         version.cpp version.h                   \
249         zoom-context.cpp zoom-context.h
251 # Additional dependencies
253 desktop.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
254 document.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
255 inkscape.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
256 knot.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
257 selection.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
258 sp-object.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
259 view.$(OBJEXT): helper/sp-marshal.h
261 # ######################
262 # ### CxxTest stuff ####
263 # ######################
264 CXXTEST_TESTSUITES +=                   \
265         $(srcdir)/MultiPrinter.h        \
266         $(srcdir)/TRPIFormatter.h       \
267         $(srcdir)/PylogFormatter.h      \
268         $(srcdir)/attributes-test.h     \
269         $(srcdir)/color-profile-test.h  \
270         $(srcdir)/dir-util-test.h       \
271         $(srcdir)/extract-uri-test.h    \
272         $(srcdir)/mod360-test.h         \
273         $(srcdir)/round-test.h          \
274         $(srcdir)/preferences-test.h    \
275         $(srcdir)/sp-gradient-test.h    \
276         $(srcdir)/sp-style-elem-test.h  \
277         $(srcdir)/style-test.h          \
278         $(srcdir)/test-helpers.h        \
279         $(srcdir)/verbs-test.h