
when applying LPE to rect, convert it to path first
[inkscape.git] / src / CMakeLists.txt
2 arc-context.cpp
3 attributes.cpp
4 axis-manip.cpp
5 box3d-context.cpp
6 box3d.cpp
7 box3d-side.cpp
8 color.cpp
9 color-profile.cpp
10 composite-undo-stack-observer.cpp
11 conditions.cpp
12 conn-avoid-ref.cpp
13 connector-context.cpp
14 console-output-undo-observer.cpp
15 context-fns.cpp
16 deptool.cpp
17 desktop-affine.cpp
18 desktop.cpp
19 desktop-events.cpp
20 desktop-handles.cpp
21 desktop-style.cpp
22 dir-util.cpp
23 document.cpp
24 document-subset.cpp
25 document-undo.cpp
26 doxygen-main.cpp
27 draw-anchor.cpp
28 draw-context.cpp
29 dropper-context.cpp
30 dyna-draw-context.cpp
31 ege-adjustment-action.cpp
32 ege-color-prof-tracker.cpp
33 ege-output-action.cpp
34 ege-select-one-action.cpp
35 event-context.cpp
36 event-log.cpp
37 extract-uri.cpp
38 file.cpp
39 filter-chemistry.cpp
40 filter-enums.cpp
41 fixes.cpp
42 flood-context.cpp
43 fontsize-expansion.cpp
44 gc-anchored.cpp
45 gc.cpp
46 gc-finalized.cpp
47 gradient-chemistry.cpp
48 gradient-context.cpp
49 gradient-drag.cpp
50 guide-snapper.cpp
51 help.cpp
52 ink-action.cpp
53 inkscape.cpp
54 inkscape-stock.cpp
55 inkview.cpp
56 interface.cpp
57 knot.cpp
58 knotholder.cpp
59 layer-fns.cpp
60 layer-manager.cpp
61 line-geometry.cpp
62 line-snapper.cpp
63 main-cmdlineact.cpp
64 main.cpp
65 marker.cpp
66 media.cpp
67 message-context.cpp
68 message-stack.cpp
69 mod360.cpp
70 node-context.cpp
71 nodepath.cpp
72 object-edit.cpp
73 object-hierarchy.cpp
74 object-snapper.cpp
75 path-chemistry.cpp
76 pencil-context.cpp
77 pen-context.cpp
78 persp3d.cpp
79 persp3d-reference.cpp
80 perspective-line.cpp
81 preferences.cpp
82 prefix.cpp
83 prefs-utils.cpp
84 print.cpp
85 profile-manager.cpp
86 proj_pt.cpp
87 rect-context.cpp
88 registrytool.cpp
89 rubberband.cpp
90 satisfied-guide-cns.cpp
91 selcue.cpp
92 select-context.cpp
93 selection-chemistry.cpp
94 selection.cpp
95 selection-describer.cpp
96 seltrans.cpp
97 seltrans-handles.cpp
98 shape-editor.cpp
99 shortcuts.cpp
100 snap.cpp
101 snapped-line.cpp
102 snapped-point.cpp
103 snapper.cpp
104 sp-anchor.cpp
105 sp-animation.cpp
106 sp-clippath.cpp
107 sp-conn-end.cpp
108 sp-conn-end-pair.cpp
109 sp-cursor.cpp
110 sp-defs.cpp
111 sp-ellipse.cpp
112 sp-feblend.cpp
113 sp-fecolormatrix.cpp
114 sp-fecomponenttransfer.cpp
115 sp-fecomposite.cpp
116 sp-feconvolvematrix.cpp
117 sp-fediffuselighting.cpp
118 sp-fedisplacementmap.cpp
119 sp-fedistantlight.cpp
120 sp-feflood.cpp
121 sp-feimage.cpp
122 sp-femerge.cpp
123 sp-femergenode.cpp
124 sp-femorphology.cpp
125 sp-feoffset.cpp
126 sp-fepointlight.cpp
127 sp-fespecularlighting.cpp
128 sp-fespotlight.cpp
129 sp-fetile.cpp
130 sp-feturbulence.cpp
131 sp-filter.cpp
132 sp-filter-primitive.cpp
133 sp-filter-reference.cpp
134 sp-flowdiv.cpp
135 sp-flowregion.cpp
136 sp-flowtext.cpp
137 sp-gaussian-blur.cpp
138 sp-gradient.cpp
139 sp-gradient-reference.cpp
140 sp-guide.cpp
141 sp-image.cpp
142 spiral-context.cpp
143 sp-item.cpp
144 sp-item-group.cpp
145 sp-item-notify-moveto.cpp
146 sp-item-rm-unsatisfied-cns.cpp
147 sp-item-transform.cpp
148 sp-item-update-cns.cpp
149 sp-line.cpp
150 splivarot.cpp
151 sp-mask.cpp
152 sp-metadata.cpp
153 sp-metrics.cpp
154 sp-namedview.cpp
155 sp-object.cpp
156 sp-object-group.cpp
157 sp-object-repr.cpp
158 sp-offset.cpp
159 sp-paint-server.cpp
160 sp-path.cpp
161 sp-pattern.cpp
162 sp-polygon.cpp
163 sp-polyline.cpp
164 sp-rect.cpp
165 sp-root.cpp
166 sp-shape.cpp
167 sp-skeleton.cpp
168 sp-spiral.cpp
169 sp-star.cpp
170 sp-string.cpp
171 sp-style-elem.cpp
172 sp-switch.cpp
173 sp-symbol.cpp
174 sp-text.cpp
175 sp-tref.cpp
176 sp-tref-reference.cpp
177 sp-tspan.cpp
178 sp-use.cpp
179 sp-use-reference.cpp
180 star-context.cpp
181 streams-gzip.cpp
182 streams-handles.cpp
183 streams-jar.cpp
184 streams-zlib.cpp
185 style.cpp
186 style-test.cpp
187 svg-view.cpp
188 svg-view-widget.cpp
189 text-chemistry.cpp
190 text-context.cpp
191 text-editing.cpp
192 tools-switch.cpp
193 transf_mat_3x4.cpp
194 tweak-context.cpp
195 uri.cpp
196 uri-references.cpp
197 vanishing-point.cpp
198 verbs.cpp
199 version.cpp
200 winmain.cpp
201 zoom-context.cpp
204 # make executable for INKSCAPE
211 #)
217 #                ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/INKSCAPE.pc @ONLY IMMEDIATE )
221 # Add New folders in src folder here
222 SET(srcfolders
223 2geom
224 algorithms
225 api
226 application
227 bind
228 debug
229 dialogs
230 display
231 dom
232 extension
233 graphlayout
234 helper
235 inkjar
236 io
237 jabber_whiteboard
238 libavoid
239 libcola
240 libcroco
241 libgdl
242 libnr
243 libnrtype
244 libvpsc
245 livarot
246 live_effects
247 pedro
248 svg
249 pixmaps
250 trace
251 traits
252 ui
253 removeoverlap
254 utest
255 util
256 widgets
257 xml
259 \r
260 FOREACH(dirlist ${srcfolders})
261 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(${dirlist})
262 ENDFOREACH(dirlist)