
Avoid crash by uninitialized perspectives.
[inkscape.git] / src / 2geom / elliptical-arc.cpp
1 /*
2  * SVG Elliptical Arc Class
3  *
4  * Copyright 2008  Marco Cecchetti <mrcekets at>
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
9  * (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
10  * Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
11  * notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
12  * the MPL or the LGPL.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
15  * in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  * You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
18  * in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
19  *
20  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
21  * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
22  * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
23  *
24  *
25  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
26  * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
27  * the specific language governing rights and limitations.
28  */
31 #include <2geom/elliptical-arc.h>
32 #include <2geom/bezier-curve.h>
33 #include <2geom/poly.h>
34 #include <2geom/sbasis-math.h>
36 #include <cfloat>
37 #include <limits>
42 namespace Geom
43 {
46 OptRect EllipticalArc::boundsExact() const
47 {
48         std::vector<double> extremes(4);
49         double cosrot = std::cos(rotation_angle());
50         double sinrot = std::sin(rotation_angle());
51         extremes[0] = std::atan2( -ray(Y) * sinrot, ray(X) * cosrot );
52         extremes[1] = extremes[0] + M_PI;
53         if ( extremes[0] < 0 ) extremes[0] += 2*M_PI;
54         extremes[2] = std::atan2( ray(Y) * cosrot, ray(X) * sinrot );
55         extremes[3] = extremes[2] + M_PI;
56         if ( extremes[2] < 0 ) extremes[2] += 2*M_PI;
59         std::vector<double>arc_extremes(4);
60         arc_extremes[0] = initialPoint()[X];
61         arc_extremes[1] = finalPoint()[X];
62         if ( arc_extremes[0] < arc_extremes[1] )
63                 std::swap(arc_extremes[0], arc_extremes[1]);
64         arc_extremes[2] = initialPoint()[Y];
65         arc_extremes[3] = finalPoint()[Y];
66         if ( arc_extremes[2] < arc_extremes[3] )
67                 std::swap(arc_extremes[2], arc_extremes[3]);
70         if ( start_angle() < end_angle() )
71         {
72                 if ( sweep_flag() )
73                 {
74                         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < extremes.size(); ++i )
75                         {
76                                 if ( start_angle() < extremes[i] && extremes[i] < end_angle() )
77                                 {
78                                         arc_extremes[i] = pointAtAngle(extremes[i])[i >> 1];
79                                 }
80                         }
81                 }
82                 else
83                 {
84                         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < extremes.size(); ++i )
85                         {
86                                 if ( start_angle() > extremes[i] || extremes[i] > end_angle() )
87                                 {
88                                         arc_extremes[i] = pointAtAngle(extremes[i])[i >> 1];
89                                 }
90                         }
91                 }
92         }
93         else
94         {
95                 if ( sweep_flag() )
96                 {
97                         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < extremes.size(); ++i )
98                         {
99                                 if ( start_angle() < extremes[i] || extremes[i] < end_angle() )
100                                 {
101                                         arc_extremes[i] = pointAtAngle(extremes[i])[i >> 1];
102                                 }
103                         }
104                 }
105                 else
106                 {
107                         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < extremes.size(); ++i )
108                         {
109                                 if ( start_angle() > extremes[i] && extremes[i] > end_angle() )
110                                 {
111                                         arc_extremes[i] = pointAtAngle(extremes[i])[i >> 1];
112                                 }
113                         }
114                 }
115         }
117         return Rect( Point(arc_extremes[1], arc_extremes[3]) ,
118                              Point(arc_extremes[0], arc_extremes[2]) );
123 std::vector<double>
124 EllipticalArc::roots(double v, Dim2 d) const
126         if ( d > Y )
127         {
128                 THROW_RANGEERROR("dimention out of range");
129         }
131         std::vector<double> sol;
132         if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
133         {
134                 if ( center(d) == v )
135                         sol.push_back(0);
136                 return sol;
137         }
139         const char* msg[2][2] =
140         {
141                 { "d == X; ray(X) == 0; "
142                   "s = (v - center(X)) / ( -ray(Y) * std::sin(rotation_angle()) ); "
143                   "s should be contained in [-1,1]",
144                   "d == X; ray(Y) == 0; "
145                   "s = (v - center(X)) / ( ray(X) * std::cos(rotation_angle()) ); "
146                   "s should be contained in [-1,1]"
147                 },
148                 { "d == Y; ray(X) == 0; "
149                   "s = (v - center(X)) / ( ray(Y) * std::cos(rotation_angle()) ); "
150                   "s should be contained in [-1,1]",
151                   "d == Y; ray(Y) == 0; "
152                   "s = (v - center(X)) / ( ray(X) * std::sin(rotation_angle()) ); "
153                   "s should be contained in [-1,1]"
154                 },
155         };
157         for ( unsigned int dim = 0; dim < 2; ++dim )
158         {
159                 if ( are_near(ray(dim), 0) )
160                 {
162                         if ( initialPoint()[d] == v && finalPoint()[d] == v )
163                         {
164                                 THROW_INFINITESOLUTIONS(0);
165                         }
166                         if ( (initialPoint()[d] < finalPoint()[d])
167                                  && (initialPoint()[d] > v || finalPoint()[d] < v) )
168                         {
169                                 return sol;
170                         }
171                         if ( (initialPoint()[d] > finalPoint()[d])
172                                  && (finalPoint()[d] > v || initialPoint()[d] < v) )
173                         {
174                                 return sol;
175                         }
176                         double ray_prj;
177                         switch(d)
178                         {
179                                 case X:
180                                         switch(dim)
181                                         {
182                                                 case X: ray_prj = -ray(Y) * std::sin(rotation_angle());
183                                                                 break;
184                                                 case Y: ray_prj = ray(X) * std::cos(rotation_angle());
185                                                                 break;
186                                         }
187                                         break;
188                                 case Y:
189                                         switch(dim)
190                                         {
191                                                 case X: ray_prj = ray(Y) * std::cos(rotation_angle());
192                                                                 break;
193                                                 case Y: ray_prj = ray(X) * std::sin(rotation_angle());
194                                                                 break;
195                                         }
196                                         break;
197                         }
199                         double s = (v - center(d)) / ray_prj;
200                         if ( s < -1 || s > 1 )
201                         {
202                                 THROW_LOGICALERROR(msg[d][dim]);
203                         }
204                         switch(dim)
205                         {
206                                 case X:
207                                         s = std::asin(s); // return a value in [-PI/2,PI/2]
208                                         if ( logical_xor( sweep_flag(), are_near(start_angle(), M_PI/2) )  )
209                                         {
210                                                 if ( s < 0 ) s += 2*M_PI;
211                                         }
212                                         else
213                                         {
214                                                 s = M_PI - s;
215                                                 if (!(s < 2*M_PI) ) s -= 2*M_PI;
216                                         }
217                                         break;
218                                 case Y:
219                                         s = std::acos(s); // return a value in [0,PI]
220                                         if ( logical_xor( sweep_flag(), are_near(start_angle(), 0) ) )
221                                         {
222                                                 s = 2*M_PI - s;
223                                                 if ( !(s < 2*M_PI) ) s -= 2*M_PI;
224                                         }
225                                         break;
226                         }
228                         //std::cerr << "s = " << rad_to_deg(s);
229                         s = map_to_01(s);
230                         //std::cerr << " -> t: " << s << std::endl;
231                         if ( !(s < 0 || s > 1) )
232                                 sol.push_back(s);
233                         return sol;
234                 }
235         }
237         double rotx, roty;
238         switch(d)
239         {
240                 case X:
241                         rotx = std::cos(rotation_angle());
242                         roty = -std::sin(rotation_angle());
243                         break;
244                 case Y:
245                         rotx = std::sin(rotation_angle());
246                         roty = std::cos(rotation_angle());
247                         break;
248         }
249         double rxrotx = ray(X) * rotx;
250         double c_v = center(d) - v;
252         double a = -rxrotx + c_v;
253         double b = ray(Y) * roty;
254         double c = rxrotx + c_v;
255         //std::cerr << "a = " << a << std::endl;
256         //std::cerr << "b = " << b << std::endl;
257         //std::cerr << "c = " << c << std::endl;
259         if ( are_near(a,0) )
260         {
261                 sol.push_back(M_PI);
262                 if ( !are_near(b,0) )
263                 {
264                         double s = 2 * std::atan(-c/(2*b));
265                         if ( s < 0 ) s += 2*M_PI;
266                         sol.push_back(s);
267                 }
268         }
269         else
270         {
271                 double delta = b * b - a * c;
272                 //std::cerr << "delta = " << delta << std::endl;
273                 if ( are_near(delta, 0) )
274                 {
275                         double s = 2 * std::atan(-b/a);
276                         if ( s < 0 ) s += 2*M_PI;
277                         sol.push_back(s);
278                 }
279                 else if ( delta > 0 )
280                 {
281                         double sq = std::sqrt(delta);
282                         double s = 2 * std::atan( (-b - sq) / a );
283                         if ( s < 0 ) s += 2*M_PI;
284                         sol.push_back(s);
285                         s = 2 * std::atan( (-b + sq) / a );
286                         if ( s < 0 ) s += 2*M_PI;
287                         sol.push_back(s);
288                 }
289         }
291         std::vector<double> arc_sol;
292         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); ++i )
293         {
294                 //std::cerr << "s = " << rad_to_deg(sol[i]);
295                 sol[i] = map_to_01(sol[i]);
296                 //std::cerr << " -> t: " << sol[i] << std::endl;
297                 if ( !(sol[i] < 0 || sol[i] > 1) )
298                         arc_sol.push_back(sol[i]);
299         }
300         return arc_sol;
303 //      return SBasisCurve(toSBasis()).roots(v, d);
306 // D(E(t,C),t) = E(t+PI/2,O)
307 Curve* EllipticalArc::derivative() const
309         EllipticalArc* result = new EllipticalArc(*this);
310         result->m_center[X] = result->m_center[Y] = 0;
311         result->m_start_angle += M_PI/2;
312         if( !( result->m_start_angle < 2*M_PI ) )
313         {
314                 result->m_start_angle -= 2*M_PI;
315         }
316         result->m_end_angle += M_PI/2;
317         if( !( result->m_end_angle < 2*M_PI ) )
318         {
319                 result->m_end_angle -= 2*M_PI;
320         }
321         result->m_initial_point = result->pointAtAngle( result->start_angle() );
322         result->m_final_point = result->pointAtAngle( result->end_angle() );
323         return result;
327 std::vector<Point>
328 EllipticalArc::pointAndDerivatives(Coord t, unsigned int n) const
330     unsigned int nn = n+1; // nn represents the size of the result vector.
331         std::vector<Point> result;
332         result.reserve(nn);
333         double angle = map_unit_interval_on_circular_arc(t, start_angle(),
334                                                                  end_angle(), sweep_flag());
335         EllipticalArc ea(*this);
336         ea.m_center = Point(0,0);
337         unsigned int m = std::min(nn, 4u);
338         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m; ++i )
339         {
340                 result.push_back( ea.pointAtAngle(angle) );
341                 angle += M_PI/2;
342                 if ( !(angle < 2*M_PI) ) angle -= 2*M_PI;
343         }
344         m = nn / 4;
345         for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < m; ++i )
346         {
347                 for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j )
348                         result.push_back( result[j] );
349         }
350         m = nn - 4 * m;
351         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m; ++i )
352         {
353                 result.push_back( result[i] );
354         }
355         if ( !result.empty() ) // nn != 0
356                 result[0] = pointAtAngle(angle);
357         return result;
360 D2<SBasis> EllipticalArc::toSBasis() const
362     // the interval of parametrization has to be [0,1]
363     Coord et = start_angle() + ( sweep_flag() ? sweep_angle() : -sweep_angle() );
364     Linear param(start_angle(), et);
365     Coord cos_rot_angle = std::cos(rotation_angle());
366     Coord sin_rot_angle = std::sin(rotation_angle());
367     // order = 4 seems to be enough to get a perfect looking elliptical arc
368     // should it be choosen in function of the arc length anyway ?
369     // or maybe a user settable parameter: toSBasis(unsigned int order) ?
370     SBasis arc_x = ray(X) * cos(param,4);
371     SBasis arc_y = ray(Y) * sin(param,4);
372     D2<SBasis> arc;
373     arc[0] = arc_x * cos_rot_angle - arc_y * sin_rot_angle + Linear(center(X),center(X));
374     arc[1] = arc_x * sin_rot_angle + arc_y * cos_rot_angle + Linear(center(Y),center(Y));
375     return arc;
379 bool EllipticalArc::containsAngle(Coord angle) const
381         if ( sweep_flag() )
382                 if ( start_angle() < end_angle() )
383                         return ( !( angle < start_angle() || angle > end_angle() ) );
384                 else
385                         return ( !( angle < start_angle() && angle > end_angle() ) );
386         else
387                 if ( start_angle() > end_angle() )
388                         return ( !( angle > start_angle() || angle < end_angle() ) );
389                 else
390                         return ( !( angle > start_angle() && angle < end_angle() ) );
394 double EllipticalArc::valueAtAngle(Coord t, Dim2 d) const
396     double sin_rot_angle = std::sin(rotation_angle());
397     double cos_rot_angle = std::cos(rotation_angle());
398     if ( d == X )
399     {
400         return    ray(X) * cos_rot_angle * std::cos(t)
401                 - ray(Y) * sin_rot_angle * std::sin(t)
402                 + center(X);
403     }
404     else if ( d == Y )
405     {
406         return    ray(X) * sin_rot_angle * std::cos(t)
407                 + ray(Y) * cos_rot_angle * std::sin(t)
408                 + center(Y);
409     }
410     THROW_RANGEERROR("dimension parameter out of range");
414 Curve* EllipticalArc::portion(double f, double t) const
416         if (f < 0) f = 0;
417         if (f > 1) f = 1;
418         if (t < 0) t = 0;
419         if (t > 1) t = 1;
420         if ( are_near(f, t) )
421         {
422                 EllipticalArc* arc = new EllipticalArc();
423                 arc->m_center = arc->m_initial_point = arc->m_final_point = pointAt(f);
424                 arc->m_start_angle = arc->m_end_angle = m_start_angle;
425                 arc->m_rot_angle = m_rot_angle;
426                 arc->m_sweep = m_sweep;
427                 arc->m_large_arc = m_large_arc;
428         }
429     EllipticalArc* arc = new EllipticalArc( *this );
430     arc->m_initial_point = pointAt(f);
431     arc->m_final_point = pointAt(t);
432     double sa = sweep_flag() ? sweep_angle() : -sweep_angle();
433     arc->m_start_angle = m_start_angle + sa * f;
434     if ( !(arc->m_start_angle < 2*M_PI) )
435         arc->m_start_angle -= 2*M_PI;
436     if ( arc->m_start_angle < 0 )
437         arc->m_start_angle += 2*M_PI;
438     arc->m_end_angle = m_start_angle + sa * t;
439     if ( !(arc->m_end_angle < 2*M_PI) )
440         arc->m_end_angle -= 2*M_PI;
441     if ( arc->m_end_angle < 0 )
442         arc->m_end_angle += 2*M_PI;
443     if ( f > t ) arc->m_sweep = !sweep_flag();
444     if ( large_arc_flag() && (arc->sweep_angle() < M_PI) )
445         arc->m_large_arc = false;
446     return arc;
449 // NOTE: doesn't work with 360 deg arcs
450 void EllipticalArc::calculate_center_and_extreme_angles()
452     // as stated in the svg standard the rotation angle parameter
453     // value must be modulo 2*PI
454     m_rot_angle = std::fmod(m_rot_angle, 2*M_PI);
455     if (m_rot_angle < 0) m_rot_angle += 2*M_PI;
457     if ( are_near(initialPoint(), finalPoint()) )
458     {
459         if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
460         {
461                 m_start_angle = m_end_angle = 0;
462                 m_center = initialPoint();
463                 return;
464         }
465         else
466         {
467                 THROW_RANGEERROR("initial and final point are the same");
468         }
469     }
470         if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
471         { // but initialPoint != finalPoint
472                 THROW_RANGEERROR(
473                         "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
474                         "ray(X) == 0 && ray(Y) == 0 but initialPoint != finalPoint"
475                 );
476         }
477         if ( are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
478         {
479                 Point v = initialPoint() - finalPoint();
480                 if ( are_near(L2sq(v), 4*ray(X)*ray(X)) )
481                 {
482                         double angle = std::atan2(v[Y], v[X]);
483                         if (angle < 0) angle += 2*M_PI;
484                         if ( are_near( angle, rotation_angle() ) )
485                         {
486                                 m_start_angle = 0;
487                                 m_end_angle = M_PI;
488                                 m_center = v/2 + finalPoint();
489                                 return;
490                         }
491                         angle -= M_PI;
492                         if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI;
493                         if ( are_near( angle, rotation_angle() ) )
494                         {
495                                 m_start_angle = M_PI;
496                                 m_end_angle = 0;
497                                 m_center = v/2 + finalPoint();
498                                 return;
499                         }
500                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
501                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
502                                 "ray(Y) == 0 "
503                                 "and slope(initialPoint - finalPoint) != rotation_angle "
504                                 "and != rotation_angle + PI"
505                         );
506                 }
507                 if ( L2sq(v) > 4*ray(X)*ray(X) )
508                 {
509                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
510                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
511                                 "ray(Y) == 0 and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) > 2*ray(X)"
512                         );
513                 }
514                 else
515                 {
516                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
517                                 "there is infinite ellipses that satisfy the given constraints: "
518                                 "ray(Y) == 0  and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) < 2*ray(X)"
519                         );
520                 }
522         }
524         if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) )
525         {
526                 Point v = initialPoint() - finalPoint();
527                 if ( are_near(L2sq(v), 4*ray(Y)*ray(Y)) )
528                 {
529                         double angle = std::atan2(v[Y], v[X]);
530                         if (angle < 0) angle += 2*M_PI;
531                         double rot_angle = rotation_angle() + M_PI/2;
532                         if ( !(rot_angle < 2*M_PI) ) rot_angle -= 2*M_PI;
533                         if ( are_near( angle, rot_angle ) )
534                         {
535                                 m_start_angle = M_PI/2;
536                                 m_end_angle = 3*M_PI/2;
537                                 m_center = v/2 + finalPoint();
538                                 return;
539                         }
540                         angle -= M_PI;
541                         if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI;
542                         if ( are_near( angle, rot_angle ) )
543                         {
544                                 m_start_angle = 3*M_PI/2;
545                                 m_end_angle = M_PI/2;
546                                 m_center = v/2 + finalPoint();
547                                 return;
548                         }
549                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
550                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
551                                 "ray(X) == 0 "
552                                 "and slope(initialPoint - finalPoint) != rotation_angle + PI/2 "
553                                 "and != rotation_angle + (3/2)*PI"
554                         );
555                 }
556                 if ( L2sq(v) > 4*ray(Y)*ray(Y) )
557                 {
558                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
559                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints: "
560                                 "ray(X) == 0 and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) > 2*ray(Y)"
561                         );
562                 }
563                 else
564                 {
565                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
566                                 "there is infinite ellipses that satisfy the given constraints: "
567                                 "ray(X) == 0  and distance(initialPoint, finalPoint) < 2*ray(Y)"
568                         );
569                 }
571         }
573     double sin_rot_angle = std::sin(rotation_angle());
574     double cos_rot_angle = std::cos(rotation_angle());
576     Point sp = sweep_flag() ? initialPoint() : finalPoint();
577     Point ep = sweep_flag() ? finalPoint() : initialPoint();
579     Matrix m( ray(X) * cos_rot_angle, ray(X) * sin_rot_angle,
580              -ray(Y) * sin_rot_angle, ray(Y) * cos_rot_angle,
581               0,                      0 );
582     Matrix im = m.inverse();
583     Point sol = (ep - sp) * im;
584     double half_sum_angle = std::atan2(-sol[X], sol[Y]);
585     double half_diff_angle;
586     if ( are_near(std::fabs(half_sum_angle), M_PI/2) )
587     {
588         double anti_sgn_hsa = (half_sum_angle > 0) ? -1 : 1;
589         double arg = anti_sgn_hsa * sol[X] / 2;
590         // if |arg| is a little bit > 1 acos returns nan
591         if ( are_near(arg, 1) )
592             half_diff_angle = 0;
593         else if ( are_near(arg, -1) )
594             half_diff_angle = M_PI;
595         else
596         {
597                 if ( !(-1 < arg && arg < 1) )
598                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
599                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints"
600                         );
601             // assert( -1 < arg && arg < 1 );
602             // if it fails
603             // => there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints
604             half_diff_angle = std::acos( arg );
605         }
607         half_diff_angle = M_PI/2 - half_diff_angle;
608     }
609     else
610     {
611         double  arg = sol[Y] / ( 2 * std::cos(half_sum_angle) );
612         // if |arg| is a little bit > 1 asin returns nan
613         if ( are_near(arg, 1) )
614             half_diff_angle = M_PI/2;
615         else if ( are_near(arg, -1) )
616             half_diff_angle = -M_PI/2;
617         else
618         {
619                 if ( !(-1 < arg && arg < 1) )
620                         THROW_RANGEERROR(
621                                 "there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints"
622                         );
623             // assert( -1 < arg && arg < 1 );
624             // if it fails
625             // => there is no ellipse that satisfies the given constraints
626             half_diff_angle = std::asin( arg );
627         }
628     }
630     if (   ( m_large_arc && half_diff_angle > 0 )
631         || (!m_large_arc && half_diff_angle < 0 ) )
632     {
633         half_diff_angle = -half_diff_angle;
634     }
635     if ( half_sum_angle < 0 ) half_sum_angle += 2*M_PI;
636     if ( half_diff_angle < 0 ) half_diff_angle += M_PI;
638     m_start_angle = half_sum_angle - half_diff_angle;
639     m_end_angle =  half_sum_angle + half_diff_angle;
640     // 0 <= m_start_angle, m_end_angle < 2PI
641     if ( m_start_angle < 0 ) m_start_angle += 2*M_PI;
642     if( !(m_end_angle < 2*M_PI) ) m_end_angle -= 2*M_PI;
643     sol[0] = std::cos(m_start_angle);
644     sol[1] = std::sin(m_start_angle);
645     m_center = sp - sol * m;
646     if ( !sweep_flag() )
647     {
648         double angle = m_start_angle;
649         m_start_angle = m_end_angle;
650         m_end_angle = angle;
651     }
654 Coord EllipticalArc::map_to_02PI(Coord t) const
656     if ( sweep_flag() )
657     {
658         Coord angle = start_angle() + sweep_angle() * t;
659         if ( !(angle < 2*M_PI) )
660             angle -= 2*M_PI;
661         return angle;
662     }
663     else
664     {
665         Coord angle = start_angle() - sweep_angle() * t;
666         if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI;
667         return angle;
668     }
671 Coord EllipticalArc::map_to_01(Coord angle) const
673         return map_circular_arc_on_unit_interval(angle, start_angle(),
674                                                          end_angle(), sweep_flag());
678 std::vector<double> EllipticalArc::
679 allNearestPoints( Point const& p, double from, double to ) const
681         if ( from > to ) std::swap(from, to);
682         if ( from < 0 || to > 1 )
683         {
684                 THROW_RANGEERROR("[from,to] interval out of range");
685         }
686         std::vector<double> result;
687         if ( ( are_near(ray(X), 0) && are_near(ray(Y), 0) )  || are_near(from, to) )
688         {
689                 result.push_back(from);
690                 return result;
691         }
692         else if ( are_near(ray(X), 0) || are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
693         {
694                 LineSegment seg(pointAt(from), pointAt(to));
695                 Point np = seg.pointAt( seg.nearestPoint(p) );
696                 if ( are_near(ray(Y), 0) )
697                 {
698                         if ( are_near(rotation_angle(), M_PI/2)
699                                  || are_near(rotation_angle(), 3*M_PI/2) )
700                         {
701                                 result = roots(np[Y], Y);
702                         }
703                         else
704                         {
705                                 result = roots(np[X], X);
706                         }
707                 }
708                 else
709                 {
710                         if ( are_near(rotation_angle(), M_PI/2)
711                                  || are_near(rotation_angle(), 3*M_PI/2) )
712                         {
713                                 result = roots(np[X], X);
714                         }
715                         else
716                         {
717                                 result = roots(np[Y], Y);
718                         }
719                 }
720                 return result;
721         }
722         else if ( are_near(ray(X), ray(Y)) )
723         {
724                 Point r = p - center();
725                 if ( are_near(r, Point(0,0)) )
726                 {
727                         THROW_INFINITESOLUTIONS(0);
728                 }
729                 // TODO: implement case r != 0
730 //              Point np = ray(X) * unit_vector(r);
731 //              std::vector<double> solX = roots(np[X],X);
732 //              std::vector<double> solY = roots(np[Y],Y);
733 //              double t;
734 //              if ( are_near(solX[0], solY[0]) || are_near(solX[0], solY[1]))
735 //              {
736 //                      t = solX[0];
737 //              }
738 //              else
739 //              {
740 //                      t = solX[1];
741 //              }
742 //              if ( !(t < from || t > to) )
743 //              {
744 //                      result.push_back(t);
745 //              }
746 //              else
747 //              {
748 //
749 //              }
750         }
752         // solve the equation <D(E(t),t)|E(t)-p> == 0
753         // that provides min and max distance points
754         // on the ellipse E wrt the point p
755         // after the substitutions:
756         // cos(t) = (1 - s^2) / (1 + s^2)
757         // sin(t) = 2t / (1 + s^2)
758         // where s = tan(t/2)
759         // we get a 4th degree equation in s
760         /*
761          *      ry s^4 ((-cy + py) Cos[Phi] + (cx - px) Sin[Phi]) +
762          *      ry ((cy - py) Cos[Phi] + (-cx + px) Sin[Phi]) +
763          *      2 s^3 (rx^2 - ry^2 + (-cx + px) rx Cos[Phi] + (-cy + py) rx Sin[Phi]) +
764          *      2 s (-rx^2 + ry^2 + (-cx + px) rx Cos[Phi] + (-cy + py) rx Sin[Phi])
765          */
767         Point p_c = p - center();
768         double rx2_ry2 = (ray(X) - ray(Y)) * (ray(X) + ray(Y));
769         double cosrot = std::cos( rotation_angle() );
770         double sinrot = std::sin( rotation_angle() );
771         double expr1 = ray(X) * (p_c[X] * cosrot + p_c[Y] * sinrot);
772         Poly coeff;
773         coeff.resize(5);
774         coeff[4] = ray(Y) * ( p_c[Y] * cosrot - p_c[X] * sinrot );
775         coeff[3] = 2 * ( rx2_ry2 + expr1 );
776         coeff[2] = 0;
777         coeff[1] = 2 * ( -rx2_ry2 + expr1 );
778         coeff[0] = -coeff[4];
780 //      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
781 //              std::cerr << "c[" << i << "] = " << coeff[i] << std::endl;
783         std::vector<double> real_sol;
784         // gsl_poly_complex_solve raises an error
785         // if the leading coefficient is zero
786         if ( are_near(coeff[4], 0) )
787         {
788                 real_sol.push_back(0);
789                 if ( !are_near(coeff[3], 0) )
790                 {
791                         double sq = -coeff[1] / coeff[3];
792                         if ( sq > 0 )
793                         {
794                                 double s = std::sqrt(sq);
795                                 real_sol.push_back(s);
796                                 real_sol.push_back(-s);
797                         }
798                 }
799         }
800         else
801         {
802                 real_sol = solve_reals(coeff);
803         }
804 //      else
805 //      {
806 //              double sol[8];
807 //              gsl_poly_complex_workspace * w = gsl_poly_complex_workspace_alloc(5);
808 //              gsl_poly_complex_solve(coeff, 5, w, sol );
809 //              gsl_poly_complex_workspace_free(w);
810 //
811 //              for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
812 //              {
813 //                      if ( sol[2*i+1] == 0 ) real_sol.push_back(sol[2*i]);
814 //              }
815 //      }
817         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < real_sol.size(); ++i )
818         {
819                 real_sol[i] = 2 * std::atan(real_sol[i]);
820                 if ( real_sol[i] < 0 ) real_sol[i] += 2*M_PI;
821         }
822         // when s -> Infinity then <D(E)|E-p> -> 0 iff coeff[4] == 0
823         // so we add M_PI to the solutions being lim arctan(s) = PI when s->Infinity
824         if ( (real_sol.size() % 2) != 0 )
825         {
826                 real_sol.push_back(M_PI);
827         }
829         double mindistsq1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
830         double mindistsq2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
831         double dsq;
832         unsigned int mi1, mi2;
833         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < real_sol.size(); ++i )
834         {
835                 dsq = distanceSq(p, pointAtAngle(real_sol[i]));
836                 if ( mindistsq1 > dsq )
837                 {
838                         mindistsq2 = mindistsq1;
839                         mi2 = mi1;
840                         mindistsq1 = dsq;
841                         mi1 = i;
842                 }
843                 else if ( mindistsq2 > dsq )
844                 {
845                         mindistsq2 = dsq;
846                         mi2 = i;
847                 }
848         }
850         double t = map_to_01( real_sol[mi1] );
851         if ( !(t < from || t > to) )
852         {
853                 result.push_back(t);
854         }
856         bool second_sol = false;
857         t = map_to_01( real_sol[mi2] );
858         if ( real_sol.size() == 4 && !(t < from || t > to) )
859         {
860         if ( result.empty() || are_near(mindistsq1, mindistsq2) )
861         {
862                 result.push_back(t);
863                 second_sol = true;
864         }
865         }
867         // we need to test extreme points too
868         double dsq1 = distanceSq(p, pointAt(from));
869         double dsq2 = distanceSq(p, pointAt(to));
870         if ( second_sol )
871         {
872                 if ( mindistsq2 > dsq1 )
873                 {
874                         result.clear();
875                         result.push_back(from);
876                         mindistsq2 = dsq1;
877                 }
878                 else if ( are_near(mindistsq2, dsq) )
879                 {
880                         result.push_back(from);
881                 }
882                 if ( mindistsq2 > dsq2 )
883                 {
884                         result.clear();
885                         result.push_back(to);
886                 }
887                 else if ( are_near(mindistsq2, dsq2) )
888                 {
889                         result.push_back(to);
890                 }
892         }
893         else
894         {
895                 if ( result.empty() )
896                 {
897                         if ( are_near(dsq1, dsq2) )
898                         {
899                                 result.push_back(from);
900                                 result.push_back(to);
901                         }
902                         else if ( dsq2 > dsq1 )
903                         {
904                                 result.push_back(from);
905                         }
906                         else
907                         {
908                                 result.push_back(to);
909                         }
910                 }
911         }
913         return result;
917 } // end namespace Geom
920 /*
921   Local Variables:
922   mode:c++
923   c-file-style:"stroustrup"
924   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
925   indent-tabs-mode:nil
926   fill-column:99
927   End:
928 */
929 // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:encoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :