
webslicer effects now extends a commom WebSlicer_Effect class
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions / webslicer_create_rect.inx
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <inkscape-extension xmlns="">
3   <_name>Create a slicer rectangle</_name>
4   <id>org.inkscape.web.slicer.create-rect</id>
5   <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
6   <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
7   <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
8   <param name="name" type="string" _gui-text="Name"></param>
9   <param name="format" type="enum" _gui-text="Format">
10     <item value="png">PNG</item>
11     <item value="jpg">JPG</item>
12     <item value="gif">GIF</item>
13   </param>
14   <param name="dpi" type="float" min="1" max="9999" _gui-text="DPI">90</param>
15   <param name="dimension" type="string" _gui-text="Force Dimension"></param>
16   <_param name="help-dimension1" type="description">Force Dimension must be set as "&lt;width&gt;x&lt;height&gt;"</_param>
17   <_param name="help-dimension2" type="description">If had set, this will replace DPI.</_param>
18   <param name="bg-color" type="string" _gui-text="Background color"></param>
19   <param name="tab" type="notebook">
20     <page name="tabJPG" gui-text="JPG">
21       <_param name="help-jpg" type="description">JPG specific options</_param>
22       <param name="quality" type="int" min="0" max="100" _gui-text="Quality">85</param>
23       <_param name="help-quality" type="description">0 is the lowest image quality and highest compression, and 100 is the best quality but least effective compression</_param>
24     </page>
25     <page name="tabGIF" gui-text="GIF">
26       <_param name="help-gif" type="description">GIF specific options</_param>
27       <param name="gif-type" type="enum" _gui-text="Type">
28         <_item value="grayscale">Grayscale</_item>
29         <_item value="palette">Palette</_item>
30       </param>
31       <param name="palette-size" type="int" min="2" max="256" _gui-text="Palette size">256</param>
32     </page>
33     <page name="tabHTML" gui-text="HTML">
34       <param name="html-id" type="string" _gui-text="HTML id atribute"></param>
35       <param name="html-class" type="string" _gui-text="HTML class atribute"></param>
36       <_param name="help-gif" type="description">Options for HTML export</_param>
37       <param name="layout-disposition" type="enum" _gui-text="Layout disposition">
38         <_item value="bg-parent-repeat">Tiled Background (on parent group)</_item>
39         <_item value="bg-parent-repeat-x">Background — repeat horizontally (on parent group)</_item>
40         <_item value="bg-parent-repeat-y">Background — repeat vertically (on parent group)</_item>
41         <_item value="bg-parent-norepeat">Background — no repeat (on parent group)</_item>
42         <_item value="bg-div-norepeat">Positioned &lt;div&gt; width the image as Background</_item>
43         <_item value="img-pos">Positioned Image</_item>
44         <_item value="img-nonpos">Non Positioned Image</_item>
45         <_item value="img-float-left">Left Floated Image</_item>
46         <_item value="img-float-right">Right Floated Image</_item>
47       </param>
48       <param name="layout-position-anchor" type="enum" _gui-text="Position anchor">
49         <_item value="tl">Top and Left</_item>
50         <_item value="tr">Top and right</_item>
51         <_item value="bl">Bottom and Left</_item>
52         <_item value="br">Bottom and Right</_item>
53       </param>
54     </page>
55   </param>
56   <effect needs-live-preview="false">
57     <object-type>all</object-type>
58     <effects-menu>
59       <submenu _name="Web">
60         <submenu name="Slicer"/>
61       </submenu>
62     </effects-menu>
63   </effect>
64   <script>
65     <command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python"></command>
66   </script>
67 </inkscape-extension>