
moving trunk for module inkscape
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 
2 '''
3 Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Spike,
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
21 drawwave() was translated into python from the postscript version
22 described at and located
23 at . 
24 shows another method for
25 approximating sine with beziers.
27 The orginal postscript version displayed the following copyright 
28 notice and was released under the terms of the GPL:
29 Copyright (C) 2001-3 Toby Thain,
30 '''
31 import inkex, simplepath, simplestyle
32 from math import *
33 from random import *
35 def drawwave(samples, periods, width, height, left, top, 
36                 fx = "sin(x)", fpx = "cos(x)", fponum = True):
38         # step is the distance between nodes on x
39         step = 2*pi / samples
40         third = step / 3.0
42         # coords and scales based on the source rect
43         xoff = left
44         yoff = top + (height / 2)
45         scalex = width / (2*pi * periods)
46         scaley = height / 2
47         procx = lambda x: x * scalex + xoff
48         procy = lambda y: y * scaley + yoff
50         # functions specified by the user
51         if fx != "":
52                 f = eval('lambda x: ' + fx)
53         if fpx != "":
54                 fp = eval('lambda x: ' + fpx)
56         # initialize function and derivative for 0;
57         # they are carried over from one iteration to the next, to avoid extra function calculations            
58         y0 = f(0) 
59         if fponum == True: # numerical derivative, using 0.001*step as the small differential
60                 d0 = (f(0 + 0.001*step) - y0)/(0.001*step)
61         else: # derivative given by the user
62                 d0 = fp(0)
64         a = [] # path array 
65         a.append(['M',[procx(0.0), procy(y0)]]) # initial moveto
67         for i in range(int(samples * periods)):
68                 x = i * step 
69                 y1 = f(x + step)
70                 if fponum == True: # numerical derivative
71                         d1 = (y1 - f(x + step - 0.001*step))/(0.001*step)
72                 else: # derivative given by the user
73                         d1 = fp(x + step)
74                 # create curve
75                 a.append(['C',[procx(x + third), procy(y0 + (d0 * third)), 
76                         procx(x + (step - third)), procy(y1 - (d1 * third)),
77                         procx(x + step), procy(y1)]])
78                 y0 = y1 # next segment's y0 is this segment's y1
79                 d0 = d1 # we assume the function is smooth everywhere, so carry over the derivative too
81         return a
83 class Wavy(inkex.Effect):
84         def __init__(self):
85                 inkex.Effect.__init__(self)
86                 self.OptionParser.add_option("-p", "--periods",
87                                                 action="store", type="float", 
88                                                 dest="periods", default=4.0,
89                                                 help="Periods (2*Pi each)")
90                 self.OptionParser.add_option("-s", "--samples",
91                                                 action="store", type="int", 
92                                                 dest="samples", default=8,
93                                                 help="Samples per period")      
94                 self.OptionParser.add_option("--fofx",
95                                                 action="store", type="string", 
96                                                 dest="fofx", default="sin(x)",
97                                                 help="f(x) for plotting")       
98                 self.OptionParser.add_option("--fponum",
99                                                 action="store", type="inkbool", 
100                                                 dest="fponum", default=True,
101                                                 help="Calculate the first derivative numerically")      
102                 self.OptionParser.add_option("--fpofx",
103                                                 action="store", type="string", 
104                                                 dest="fpofx", default="cos(x)",
105                                                 help="f'(x) for plotting")      
106         def effect(self):
107                 for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():
108                         if node.tagName == 'rect':
109                                 new = self.document.createElement('svg:path')
110                                 x = float(node.attributes.getNamedItem('x').value)
111                                 y = float(node.attributes.getNamedItem('y').value)
112                                 w = float(node.attributes.getNamedItem('width').value)
113                                 h = float(node.attributes.getNamedItem('height').value)
115                                 s = node.attributes.getNamedItem('style').value
116                                 new.setAttribute('style', s)
117                                 try:
118                                         t = node.attributes.getNamedItem('transform').value
119                                         new.setAttribute('transform', t)
120                                 except AttributeError:
121                                         pass
122                                 new.setAttribute('d', simplepath.formatPath(
123                                                         drawwave(self.options.samples, 
124                                                                 self.options.periods,
125                                                                 w,h,x,y,
126                                                                 self.options.fofx, 
127                                                                 self.options.fpofx,
128                                                                 self.options.fponum)))
129                                 node.parentNode.appendChild(new)
130                                 node.parentNode.removeChild(node)
132 e = Wavy()
133 e.affect()