
merging gsoc 2009 color management work by Felipe Sanches (a.k.a. JucaBlues)
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions / scour.inx
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <inkscape-extension xmlns="">
3     <_name>Optimized SVG Output</_name>
4     <id>org.inkscape.output.scour</id>
5     <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
6     <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
7     <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
8     <param name="tab" type="notebook">
9         <page name="Options" _gui-text="Options">            
10             <param name="simplify-colors"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Simplify colors">true</param>
11             <param name="style-to-xml"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Style to xml">true</param>
12             <param name="group-collapsing"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Group collapsing">true</param>
13             <param name="enable-id-stripping"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Enable id stripping">false</param>
14             <param name="embed-rasters"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Embed rasters">true</param>
15             <param name="keep-editor-data"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Keep editor data">false</param>
16             <param name="strip-xml-prolog"  type="boolean" _gui-text="Strip xml prolog">false</param>
17             <param name="set-precision"  type="int" _gui-text="Set precision">5</param>
18             <param name="indent" type="enum" _gui-text="Indent">
19                 <_item value="space">Space</_item>
20                 <_item value="tab">Tab</_item>
21                 <_item value="none">None</_item>
22             </param>
23         </page>
24         <page name="Help" _gui-text="Help">
25             <_param name="instructions" type="description" xml:space="preserve">This extension optimize the SVG file according to the following options:
26     * Simplify colors: convert all colors to #RRGGBB format.
27     * Style to xml: convert styles into XML attributes.
28     * Group collapsing: collapse &lt;g&gt; elements.
29     * Enable id stripping: remove all un-referenced ID attributes.
30     * Embed rasters: embed rasters as base64-encoded data.
31     * Keep editor data: don't remove Inkscape, Sodipodi or Adobe Illustrator elements and attributes.
32     * Strip xml prolog: don't output the xml prolog.
33     * Set precision: set number of significant digits (default: 5).
34     * Indent: indentation of the output: none, space, tab (default: space).</_param>
35         </page>
36     </param>        
37     <output>
38         <extension>.svg</extension>
39         <mimetype>image/svg+xml</mimetype>
40         <_filetypename>Optimized SVG (*.svg)</_filetypename>
41         <_filetypetooltip>Scalable Vector Graphics</_filetypetooltip>
42     </output>
43     <script>
44         <command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python"></command>
45     </script>
46 </inkscape-extension>