
Extensions. Removing tooltips from color>randomize (see Bug #676419).
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions / jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl.js
1 // Copyright 2008, 2009 Hannes Hochreiner
2 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
3 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
5 // (at your option) any later version.
6 //
7 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10 // GNU General Public License for more details.
11 //
12 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13 // along with this program.  If not, see
15 // Add event listener for initialisation.
16 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",  jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl_init, false);
18 /** Initialisation function.
19  *  
20  *  This function looks for the objects of the appropriate sub-type and hands them to another function that will add the required methods.
21  */
22 function jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl_init()
23 {
24         var elems = document.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "mousehandler");
26         for (var counter = 0; counter < elems.length; counter++)
27         {
28                 if (elems[counter].getAttributeNS("", "subtype") == "jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl")
29                         jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl(elems[counter]);
30         }
31 }
33 /** Function to initialise an object.
34  *
35  *  @param obj Object to be initialised.
36  */
37 function jessyInk_core_mouseHandler_zoomControl(obj)
38 {
39         // Last dragging position.
40         obj.dragging_last;
41         // Flag to indicate whether dragging is active currently.
42         obj.dragging_active = false;
43         // Flag to indicate whether dragging is working currently.
44         obj.dragging_working = false;
45         // Flag to indicate whether the user clicked.
46 = false;
48         /** Function supplying a custom mouse handler.
49          *
50          *  @returns A dictionary containing the new mouse handler functions.
51          */
52         obj.getMouseHandler = function ()
53         {
54                 var handlerDictio = new Object();
56                 handlerDictio[SLIDE_MODE] = new Object();
57                 handlerDictio[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_DOWN] = obj.mousedown;
58                 handlerDictio[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_MOVE] = obj.mousemove;
59                 handlerDictio[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_UP] = obj.mouseup;
60                 handlerDictio[SLIDE_MODE][MOUSE_WHEEL] = obj.mousewheel;
62                 return handlerDictio;
63         }
65         /** Event handler for mouse clicks.
66          *
67          *  @param e Event object.
68          */
69         obj.mouseclick = function (e)
70         {
71                 var elem = obj.getAdHocViewBbox(slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"], obj.getCoords(e));
73                 processingEffect = true;
75                 effectArray = new Array();
77                 effectArray[0] = new Object();
78                 effectArray[0]["effect"] = "view";
79                 effectArray[0]["dir"] = 1;
80                 effectArray[0]["element"] = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"];
81                 effectArray[0]["options"] = new Object();
82                 effectArray[0]["options"]["length"] = 200;
84                 if (elem == null)
85                         effectArray[0]["options"]["matrixNew"] = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGElements(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
86                 else
87                         effectArray[0]["options"]["matrixNew"] = obj.pointMatrixToTransformation(obj.rectToMatrix(elem)).mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(slides[activeSlide].viewGroup.getScreenCTM()).inv().mult((new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(elem.parentNode.getScreenCTM())).inv());
89                 transCounter = 0;
90                 startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
91                 lastFrameTime = null;
92                 effect(1);
94                 return false;
95         }
97         /** Function to search for the element the user clicked on.
98          *
99          *      This function searches for the element with the highest z-order, which encloses the point the user clicked on
100          *      and which view box fits entierly into the currently visible part of the slide.
101          *
102          *  @param elem Element to start the search from.
103          *  @param pnt Point where the user clicked.
104          *  @returns The element the user clicked on or null, if no element could be found.
105          */
106         obj.getAdHocViewBbox = function (elem, pnt)
107         {
108                 var children = elem.childNodes;
110                 for (var counter = 0; counter < children.length; counter++)
111                 {
112                         if (children[counter].getBBox)
113                         {
114                                 var childPointList = obj.projectRect(children[counter].getBBox(), children[counter].getScreenCTM());
116                                 var viewBbox = document.documentElement.createSVGRect();
118                                 viewBbox.x = 0.0;
119                                 viewBbox.y = 0.0;
120                                 viewBbox.width = WIDTH;
121                                 viewBbox.height = HEIGHT;
123                                 var screenPointList = obj.projectRect(viewBbox, slides[activeSlide]["element"].getScreenCTM());
125                                 if (obj.pointsWithinRect([pnt], childPointList) && obj.pointsWithinRect(childPointList, screenPointList))
126                                         return children[counter];
128                                 child = obj.getAdHocViewBbox(children[counter], pnt);
130                                 if (child != null)
131                                         return child;
132                         }
133                 }
135                 return null;
136         }
138         /** Function to project a rectangle using the projection matrix supplied.
139          *
140          *  @param rect The rectangle to project.
141          *  @param projectionMatrix The projection matrix.
142          *  @returns A list of the four corners of the projected rectangle starting from the upper left corner and going counter-clockwise.
143          */
144         obj.projectRect = function (rect, projectionMatrix)
145         {
146                 var pntUL = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
147                 pntUL.x = rect.x;
148                 pntUL.y = rect.y;
149                 pntUL = pntUL.matrixTransform(projectionMatrix);
151                 var pntLL = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
152                 pntLL.x = rect.x;
153                 pntLL.y = rect.y + rect.height;
154                 pntLL = pntLL.matrixTransform(projectionMatrix);
156                 var pntUR = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
157                 pntUR.x = rect.x + rect.width;
158                 pntUR.y = rect.y;
159                 pntUR = pntUR.matrixTransform(projectionMatrix);
161                 var pntLR = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
162                 pntLR.x = rect.x + rect.width;
163                 pntLR.y = rect.y + rect.height;
164                 pntLR = pntLR.matrixTransform(projectionMatrix);
166                 return [pntUL, pntLL, pntUR, pntLR];
167         }
169         /** Function to determine whether all the points supplied in a list are within a rectangle.
170          *
171          *  @param pnts List of points to check.
172          *  @param pointList List of points representing the four corners of the rectangle.
173          *  @return True, if all points are within the rectangle; false, otherwise.
174          */
175         obj.pointsWithinRect = function (pnts, pointList)
176         {
177                 var pntUL = pointList[0];
178                 var pntLL = pointList[1];
179                 var pntUR = pointList[2];
181                 var matrixOrig = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(pntUL.x, pntLL.x, pntUR.x, pntUL.y, pntLL.y, pntUR.y, 1, 1, 1);
182                 var matrixProj = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1);
184                 var matrixProjection = matrixProj.mult(matrixOrig.inv());
186                 for (var blockCounter = 0; blockCounter < Math.ceil(pnts.length / 3.0); blockCounter++)
187                 {
188                         var subPnts = new Array();
190                         for (var pntCounter = 0; pntCounter < 3.0; pntCounter++)
191                         {
192                                 if (blockCounter * 3.0 + pntCounter < pnts.length)
193                                         subPnts[pntCounter] = pnts[blockCounter * 3.0 + pntCounter];
194                                 else
195                                 {
196                                         var tmpPnt = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
198                                         tmpPnt.x = 0.0;
199                                         tmpPnt.y = 0.0;
201                                         subPnts[pntCounter] = tmpPnt;
202                                 }
203                         }
205                         var matrixPnt = (new matrixSVG).fromElements(subPnts[0].x, subPnts[1].x, subPnts[2].x, subPnts[0].y, subPnts[1].y, subPnts[2].y, 1, 1, 1);
206                         var matrixTrans = matrixProjection.mult(matrixPnt);
208                         for (var pntCounter = 0; pntCounter < 3.0; pntCounter++)
209                         {
210                                 if (blockCounter * 3.0 + pntCounter < pnts.length)
211                                 {
212                                         if ((pntCounter == 0) && !((matrixTrans.e11 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e11 < 0.99) && (matrixTrans.e21 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e21 < 0.99)))
213                                                 return false;
214                                         else if ((pntCounter == 1) && !((matrixTrans.e12 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e12 < 0.99) && (matrixTrans.e22 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e22 < 0.99)))
215                                                 return false;
216                                         else if ((pntCounter == 2) && !((matrixTrans.e13 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e13 < 0.99) && (matrixTrans.e23 > 0.01) && (matrixTrans.e23 < 0.99)))
217                                                 return false;
218                                 }
219                         }
220                 }
222                 return true;
223         }
225         /** Event handler for mouse movements.
226          *
227          *  @param e Event object.
228          */
229         obj.mousemove = function (e)
230         {
231        = false;
233                 if (!obj.dragging_active || obj.dragging_working)
234                         return false;
236                 obj.dragging_working = true;
238                 var p = obj.getCoords(e);
240                 if (slides[activeSlide].viewGroup.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems < 1)
241                 {
242                         var matrix = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
243                 }
244                 else
245                 {
246                         var matrix = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(slides[activeSlide].viewGroup.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix);
247                 }
249                 matrix.e13 += p.x - obj.dragging_last.x;
250                 matrix.e23 += p.y - obj.dragging_last.y;
252                 slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].setAttribute("transform", matrix.toAttribute());
254                 obj.dragging_last = p;
255                 obj.dragging_working = false;
257                 return false;
258         }
260         /** Event handler for mouse down.
261          *
262          *  @param e Event object.
263          */
264         obj.mousedown = function (e)
265         {
266                 if (obj.dragging_active)
267                         return false;
269                 var value = 0;
271                 if (e.button)
272                         value = e.button;
273                 else if (e.which)
274                         value = e.which;
276                 if (value == 1)
277                 {
278                         obj.dragging_last = obj.getCoords(e);
279                         obj.dragging_active = true;
280                = true;
281                 }
283                 return false;
284         }
286         /** Event handler for mouse up.
287          *
288          *  @param e Event object.
289          */
290         obj.mouseup = function (e)
291         {
292                 obj.dragging_active = false;
294                 if (
295                         return obj.mouseclick(e);
296                 else
297                         return false;
298         }
300         /** Function to get the coordinates of a point corrected for the offset of the viewport.
301          *
302          *  @param e Point.
303          *  @returns Coordinates of the point corrected for the offset of the viewport.
304          */
305         obj.getCoords = function (e)
306         {
307                 var svgPoint = document.documentElement.createSVGPoint();
308                 svgPoint.x = e.clientX + window.pageXOffset;
309                 svgPoint.y = e.clientY + window.pageYOffset;
311                 return svgPoint;
312         }
314         /** Event handler for scrolling.
315          *
316          *  @param e Event object.
317          */
318         obj.mousewheel = function(e)
319         {
320                 var p = obj.projectCoords(obj.getCoords(e));
322                 if (slides[activeSlide].viewGroup.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems < 1)
323                 {
324                         var matrix = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
325                 }
326                 else
327                 {
328                         var matrix = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(slides[activeSlide].viewGroup.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix);
329                 }
331                 if (e.wheelDelta)
332                 { // IE Opera
333                         delta = e.wheelDelta/120;
334                 }
335                 else if (e.detail)
336                 { // MOZ
337                         delta = -e.detail/3;
338                 }
340                 var widthOld = p.x * matrix.e11 + p.y * matrix.e12;
341                 var heightOld = p.x * matrix.e21 + p.y * matrix.e22;
343                 matrix.e11 *= (1.0 - delta / 20.0);
344                 matrix.e12 *= (1.0 - delta / 20.0);
345                 matrix.e21 *= (1.0 - delta / 20.0);
346                 matrix.e22 *= (1.0 - delta / 20.0);
348                 var widthNew = p.x * matrix.e11 + p.y * matrix.e12;
349                 var heightNew = p.x * matrix.e21 + p.y * matrix.e22;
351                 matrix.e13 += (widthOld - widthNew);
352                 matrix.e23 += (heightOld - heightNew);
354                 slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].setAttribute("transform", matrix.toAttribute());
356                 return false;
357         }
359         /** Function to project a point to screen coordinates.
360          *
361          *      @param Point.
362          *      @returns The point projected to screen coordinates.
363          */
364         obj.projectCoords = function(pnt)
365         {
366                 var matrix = slides[activeSlide]["element"].getScreenCTM();
368                 if (slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"])
369                         matrix = slides[activeSlide]["viewGroup"].getScreenCTM();
371                 pnt = pnt.matrixTransform(matrix.inverse());
372                 return pnt;
373         }
375         /** Function to convert a rectangle into a point matrix.
376          *
377          *      The function figures out a rectangle that encloses the rectangle given and has the same width/height ratio as the viewport of the presentation.
378          *
379          *  @param rect Rectangle.
380          *  @return The upper left, upper right and lower right corner of the rectangle in a point matrix.
381          */
382         obj.rectToMatrix = function(rect)
383         {
384                 rectWidth = rect.getBBox().width;
385                 rectHeight = rect.getBBox().height;
386                 rectX = rect.getBBox().x;
387                 rectY = rect.getBBox().y;
388                 rectXcorr = 0;
389                 rectYcorr = 0;
391                 scaleX = WIDTH / rectWidth;
392                 scaleY = HEIGHT / rectHeight;
394                 if (scaleX > scaleY)
395                 {
396                         scaleX = scaleY;
397                         rectXcorr -= (WIDTH / scaleX - rectWidth) / 2;
398                         rectWidth = WIDTH / scaleX;
399                 }       
400                 else
401                 {
402                         scaleY = scaleX;
403                         rectYcorr -= (HEIGHT / scaleY - rectHeight) / 2;
404                         rectHeight = HEIGHT / scaleY;
405                 }
407                 if (rect.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems < 1)
408                 {
409                         mRectTrans = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
410                 }
411                 else
412                 {
413                         mRectTrans = (new matrixSVG()).fromSVGMatrix(rect.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix);
414                 }
416                 newBasePoints = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(rectX, rectX, rectX, rectY, rectY, rectY, 1, 1, 1);
417                 newVectors = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(rectXcorr, rectXcorr + rectWidth, rectXcorr + rectWidth, rectYcorr, rectYcorr, rectYcorr + rectHeight, 0, 0, 0);
419                 return mRectTrans.mult(newBasePoints.add(newVectors));
420         }
422         /** Function to return a transformation matrix from a point matrix.
423          *
424          *      @param mPoints The point matrix.
425          *      @returns The transformation matrix.
426          */
427         obj.pointMatrixToTransformation = function(mPoints)
428         {
429                 mPointsOld = (new matrixSVG()).fromElements(0, WIDTH, WIDTH, 0, 0, HEIGHT, 1, 1, 1);
431                 return mPointsOld.mult(mPoints.inv());
432         }