
Extensions. Compressed+media export improvements (see Bug #386664, Gather Resources...
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions / interp_att_g.inx
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <inkscape-extension xmlns="">
3     <_name>Interpolate Attribute in a group</_name>
4     <id>org.inkscape.filter.interp-att-g</id>
5     <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
6     <dependency type="executable" location="extensions"></dependency>
7         <param name="tab" type="notebook">
8         <page name="Options" _gui-text="Options">
9             <param name="att" type="enum" _gui-text="Attribute to Interpolate:">
10                 <_item value="width">Width</_item>
11                 <_item value="height">Height</_item>
12                 <_item value="scale">Scale</_item>
13                 <_item value="trans-x">Translate X</_item>
14                 <_item value="trans-y">Translate Y</_item>
15                 <_item value="fill">Fill</_item>
16                 <_item value="opacity">Opacity</_item>
17                 <_item value="other">Other</_item>
18             </param>
19             <_param name="other-info" type="description">If you select "Other", you must know the SVG attributes to identify here this "other".</_param>
20             <param name="att-other" type="string" _gui-text="Other Attribute:"></param>
21             <param name="att-other-type" type="enum" _gui-text="Other Attribute type:">
22                 <_item value="color">Color</_item>
23                 <_item value="int">Integer Number</_item>
24                 <_item value="float">Float Number</_item>
25             </param>
26             <param name="att-other-where" type="enum" _gui-text="Apply to:">
27                 <_item value="tag">Tag</_item>
28                 <_item value="style">Style</_item>
29                 <_item value="transform">Transformation</_item>
30             </param>
31             <_param name="sep" type="description">••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••</_param>
32             <param name="start-val" type="string" _gui-text="Start Value:"></param>
33             <param name="end-val" type="string" _gui-text="End Value:"></param>
34             <param name="unit" type="enum" _gui-text="Unit:">
35                 <_item value="none">No Unit</_item>
36                 <_item value="color">Color</_item>
37                 <item>px</item>
38                 <item>pt</item>
39                 <item>in</item>
40                 <item>cm</item>
41                 <item>mm</item>
42             </param>
43         </page>
44         <page name="Help" _gui-text="Help">
45             <_param name="intro" type="description">This effect applies a value for any interpolatable attribute for all elements inside the selected group or for all elements in a multiple selection.</_param>
46         </page>
47     </param>
48     <effect>
49         <object-type>all</object-type>
50         <effects-menu>
51             <submenu _name="Modify Path"/>
52         </effects-menu>
53     </effect>
54     <script>
55         <command reldir="extensions" interpreter="python"></command>
56     </script>
57 </inkscape-extension>