
fix reading style from prefs for tools
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 
2 '''
3 Copyright (C) 2007 Tavmjong Bah,
4 Copyright (C) 2006 Georg Wiora,
5 Copyright (C) 2006 Johan Engelen,
6 Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Spike,
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
22 Changes:
23  * This program is a modified version of by Aaron Spike.
24  * 22-Dec-2006: Wiora : Added axis and isotropic scaling
25  * 21-Jun-2007: Tavmjong: Added polar coordinates
27 '''
28 import inkex, simplepath, simplestyle
29 from math import *
30 from random import *
32 def drawfunction(xstart, xend, ybottom, ytop, samples, width, height, left, bottom, 
33     fx = "sin(x)", fpx = "cos(x)", fponum = True, times2pi = False, polar = False, isoscale = True, drawaxis = True):
35     if times2pi == True:
36         xstart = 2 * pi * xstart
37         xend   = 2 * pi * xend   
39     # coords and scales based on the source rect
40     scalex = width / (xend - xstart)
41     xoff = left
42     coordx = lambda x: (x - xstart) * scalex + xoff  #convert x-value to coordinate
43     if polar :  # Set scale so that left side of rectangle is -1, right side is +1.
44                 # (We can't use xscale for both range and scale.)
45         centerx = left + width/2.0
46         polar_scalex = width/2.0
47         coordx = lambda x: x * polar_scalex + centerx  #convert x-value to coordinate
49     scaley = height / (ytop - ybottom)
50     yoff = bottom
51     coordy = lambda y: (ybottom - y) * scaley + yoff  #convert y-value to coordinate
53     # Check for isotropic scaling and use smaller of the two scales, correct ranges
54     if isoscale and not polar:
55       if scaley<scalex:
56         # compute zero location
57         xzero = coordx(0)
58         # set scale
59         scalex = scaley
60         # correct x-offset
61         xstart = (left-xzero)/scalex
62         xend = (left+width-xzero)/scalex
63       else :
64         # compute zero location
65         yzero = coordy(0)
66         # set scale
67         scaley = scalex
68         # correct x-offset
69         ybottom = (yzero-bottom)/scaley
70         ytop = (bottom+height-yzero)/scaley
72     # functions specified by the user
73     if fx != "":
74         f = eval('lambda x: ' + fx.strip('"'))
75     if fpx != "":
76         fp = eval('lambda x: ' + fpx.strip('"'))
78     # step is the distance between nodes on x
79     step = (xend - xstart) / (samples-1)
80     third = step / 3.0
81     ds = step * 0.001 # Step used in calculating derivatives
83     a = [] # path array 
84     # add axis
85     if drawaxis :
86       # check for visibility of x-axis
87       if ybottom<=0 and ytop>=0:
88         # xaxis
89         a.append(['M ',[left, coordy(0)]])
90         a.append([' l ',[width, 0]])
91       # check for visibility of y-axis
92       if xstart<=0 and xend>=0:
93         # xaxis
94         a.append([' M ',[coordx(0),bottom]])
95         a.append([' l ',[0, -height]])
97     # initialize function and derivative for 0;
98     # they are carried over from one iteration to the next, to avoid extra function calculations. 
99     x0 =   xstart
100     y0 = f(xstart)
101     if polar :
102         xp0 = y0 * cos( x0 )
103         yp0 = y0 * sin( x0 )
104         x0 = xp0
105         y0 = yp0
106     if fponum or polar: # numerical derivative, using 0.001*step as the small differential
107         x1 = xstart + ds # Second point AFTER first point (Good for first point)
108         y1 = f(x1)
109         if polar :
110             xp1 = y1 * cos( x1 )
111             yp1 = y1 * sin( x1 )
112             x1 = xp1
113             y1 = yp1
114         dx0 = (x1 - x0)/ds 
115         dy0 = (y1 - y0)/ds
116     else: # derivative given by the user
117         dx0 = 1 # Only works for rectangular coordinates
118         dy0 = fp(xstart)
120     # Start curve
121     a.append([' M ',[coordx(x0), coordy(y0)]]) # initial moveto
123     for i in range(int(samples-1)):
124         x1 = (i+1) * step + xstart
125         x2 = x1 - ds # Second point BEFORE first point (Good for last point)
126         y1 = f(x1)
127         y2 = f(x2)
128         if polar :
129             xp1 = y1 * cos( x1 )
130             yp1 = y1 * sin( x1 )
131             xp2 = y2 * cos( x2 )
132             yp2 = y2 * sin( x2 )
133             x1 = xp1
134             y1 = yp1
135             x2 = xp2
136             y2 = yp2
137         if fponum or polar: # numerical derivative
138             dx1 = (x1 - x2)/ds
139             dy1 = (y1 - y2)/ds
140         else: # derivative given by the user
141             dx1 = 1 # Only works for rectangular coordinates
142             dy1 = fp(x1)
143         # create curve
144         a.append([' C ',
145                   [coordx(x0 + (dx0 * third)), coordy(y0 + (dy0 * third)), 
146                    coordx(x1 - (dx1 * third)), coordy(y1 - (dy1 * third)),
147                    coordx(x1),                 coordy(y1)]
148                   ])
149         x0  = x1  # Next segment's start is this segments end
150         y0  = y1
151         dx0 = dx1 # Assume the function is smooth everywhere, so carry over the derivative too
152         dy0 = dy1    
153     return a
155 class FuncPlot(inkex.Effect):
156     def __init__(self):
157         inkex.Effect.__init__(self)
158         self.OptionParser.add_option("--xstart",
159                         action="store", type="float", 
160                         dest="xstart", default=0.0,
161                         help="Start x-value")
162         self.OptionParser.add_option("--xend",
163                         action="store", type="float", 
164                         dest="xend", default=1.0,
165                         help="End x-value")
166         self.OptionParser.add_option("--times2pi",
167                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
168                         dest="times2pi", default=True,
169                         help="Multiply x-range by 2*pi")    
170         self.OptionParser.add_option("--polar",
171                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
172                         dest="polar", default=False,
173                         help="Plot using polar coordinates")    
174         self.OptionParser.add_option("--ybottom",
175                         action="store", type="float", 
176                         dest="ybottom", default=-1.0,
177                         help="y-value of rectangle's bottom")
178         self.OptionParser.add_option("--ytop",
179                         action="store", type="float", 
180                         dest="ytop", default=1.0,
181                         help="y-value of rectangle's top")
182         self.OptionParser.add_option("-s", "--samples",
183                         action="store", type="int", 
184                         dest="samples", default=8,
185                         help="Samples")    
186         self.OptionParser.add_option("--fofx",
187                         action="store", type="string", 
188                         dest="fofx", default="sin(x)",
189                         help="f(x) for plotting")    
190         self.OptionParser.add_option("--fponum",
191                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
192                         dest="fponum", default=True,
193                         help="Calculate the first derivative numerically")    
194         self.OptionParser.add_option("--fpofx",
195                         action="store", type="string", 
196                         dest="fpofx", default="cos(x)",
197                         help="f'(x) for plotting") 
198         self.OptionParser.add_option("--remove",
199                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
200                         dest="remove", default=True,
201                         help="If True, source rectangle is removed") 
202         self.OptionParser.add_option("--isoscale",
203                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
204                         dest="isoscale", default=True,
205                         help="If True, isotropic scaling is used") 
206         self.OptionParser.add_option("--drawaxis",
207                         action="store", type="inkbool", 
208                         dest="drawaxis", default=True,
209                         help="If True, axis are drawn") 
210         self.OptionParser.add_option("--tab",
211                         action="store", type="string", 
212                         dest="tab", default="sampling",
213                         help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed") 
214         self.OptionParser.add_option("--funcplotuse",
215                         action="store", type="string", 
216                         dest="funcplotuse", default="",
217                         help="dummy") 
218         self.OptionParser.add_option("--pythonfunctions",
219                         action="store", type="string", 
220                         dest="pythonfunctions", default="",
221                         help="dummy") 
223     def effect(self):
224         for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():
225             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('rect','svg'):
226                 # create new path with basic dimensions of selected rectangle
227                 newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path','svg'))
228                 x = float(node.get('x'))
229                 y = float(node.get('y'))
230                 w = float(node.get('width'))
231                 h = float(node.get('height'))
233                 #copy attributes of rect
234                 s = node.get('style')
235                 if s:
236                     newpath.set('style', s)
238                 t = node.get('transform')
239                 if t:
240                     newpath.set('transform', t)
242                 # top and bottom were exchanged
243                 newpath.set('d', simplepath.formatPath(
244                             drawfunction(self.options.xstart,
245                                 self.options.xend,
246                                 self.options.ybottom,
247                                 self.options.ytop,
248                                 self.options.samples, 
249                                 w,h,x,y+h,
250                                 self.options.fofx, 
251                                 self.options.fpofx,
252                                 self.options.fponum,
253                                 self.options.times2pi,
254                                 self.options.polar,
255                                 self.options.isoscale,
256                                 self.options.drawaxis)))
257                 newpath.set('title', self.options.fofx)
259                 #newpath.setAttribute('desc', '!func;' + self.options.fofx + ';' 
260                 #                                      + self.options.fpofx + ';'
261                 #                                      + `self.options.fponum` + ';'
262                 #                                      + `self.options.xstart` + ';'
263                 #                                      + `self.options.xend` + ';'
264                 #                                      + `self.options.samples`)
266                 # add path into SVG structure
267                 node.getparent().append(newpath)
268                 # option wether to remove the rectangle or not.
269                 if self.options.remove:
270                     node.getparent().remove(node)
272 if __name__ == '__main__':
273     e = FuncPlot()
274     e.affect()
277 # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 encoding=utf-8 textwidth=99