
Fix rrdtool-tcl paths to be compliant with the tcltk policy
[pkg-rrdtool.git] / doc / rrdgraph_examples.txt
1 RRDGRAPH_EXAMPLES(1)                rrdtool               RRDGRAPH_EXAMPLES(1)
5 N\bNA\bAM\bME\bE
6        rrdgraph_examples - Examples for rrdtool graph
8 S\bSY\bYN\bNO\bOP\bPS\bSI\bIS\bS
9        r\brr\brd\bdt\bto\boo\bol\bl g\bgr\bra\bap\bph\bh /\b/h\bho\bom\bme\be/\b/h\bht\btt\btp\bpd\bd/\b/h\bht\btm\bml\bl/\b/t\bte\bes\bst\bt.\b.p\bpn\bng\bg -\b--\b-i\bim\bmg\bg-\b-f\bfo\bor\brm\bma\bat\bt P\bPN\bNG\bG
11        followed by any of the examples below
13 D\bDE\bES\bSC\bCR\bRI\bIP\bPT\bTI\bIO\bON\bN
14        For your convenience some of the commands are explained here by using
15        detailed examples. They are not always cut-and-paste ready because com-
16        ments are intermixed with the examples.
18 E\bEX\bXA\bAM\bMP\bPL\bLE\bES\bS
19        D\bDa\bat\bta\ba w\bwi\bit\bth\bh m\bmu\bul\blt\bti\bip\bpl\ble\be r\bre\bes\bso\bol\blu\but\bti\bio\bon\bns\bs
21            --end now --start end-120000s --width 400
22            DEF:ds0a=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
23            DEF:ds0b=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:step=1800
24            DEF:ds0c=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:step=7200
25            LINE1:ds0a#0000FF:"default resolution\l"
26            LINE1:ds0b#00CCFF:"resolution 1800 seconds per interval\l"
27            LINE1:ds0c#FF00FF:"resolution 7200 seconds per interval\l"
29        N\bNi\bic\bce\bel\bly\by f\bfo\bor\brm\bma\bat\btt\bte\bed\bd l\ble\beg\bge\ben\bnd\bd s\bse\bec\bct\bti\bio\bon\bn
31            DEF:ds0=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
32            DEF:ds1=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE
33            VDEF:ds0max=ds0,MAXIMUM
34            VDEF:ds0avg=ds0,AVERAGE
35            VDEF:ds0min=ds0,MINIMUM
36            VDEF:ds0pct=ds0,95,PERCENT
37            VDEF:ds1max=ds1,MAXIMUM
38            VDEF:ds1avg=ds1,AVERAGE
39            VDEF:ds1min=ds1,MINIMUM
40            VDEF:ds1pct=ds1,95,PERCENT
42        Note: consolidation occurs here.
44            CDEF:ds0bits=ds0,8,*
45            CDEF:ds1bits=ds1,8,*
47        Note: 10 spaces to move text to the right
49            COMMENT:"          "
51        Note: the column titles have to be as wide as the columns
53            COMMENT:"Maximum    "
54            COMMENT:"Average    "
55            COMMENT:"Minimum    "
57            COMMENT:"95th percentile\l"
58            AREA:ds0bits#00C000:"Inbound "
59            GPRINT:ds0max:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
60            GPRINT:ds0avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
61            GPRINT:ds0min:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
62            GPRINT:ds0pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\l"
63            LINE1:ds1bits#0000FF:"Outbound"
64            GPRINT:ds1max:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
65            GPRINT:ds1avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
66            GPRINT:ds1min:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
67            GPRINT:ds1pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\l"
69        O\bOf\bff\bfs\bse\bet\btt\bti\bin\bng\bg a\ba l\bli\bin\bne\be o\bon\bn t\bth\bhe\be y\by-\b-a\bax\bxi\bis\bs
71        Depending on your needs you can do this in two ways:
73        ·   Offset the data, then graph this
75                DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE
77            Note: this will also influence any other command that uses "data"
79                CDEF:data=mydata,100,+
80                LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset"
82        ·   Graph the original data, with an offset
84                DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE
86            Note: no color in the first line so it is not visible
88                LINE1:100
90            Note: the second line gets stacked on top of the first one
92                LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset":STACK
94        T\bTi\bim\bme\be r\bra\ban\bng\bge\bes\bs
96            Last four weeks: --start end-4w --end 00:00
97            January 2001:    --start 20010101 --end start+31d
98            January 2001:    --start 20010101 --end 20010201
99            Last hour:       --start end-1h
100            Last 24 hours:   <nothing at all>
101            Yesterday:       --end 00:00
103        V\bVi\bie\bew\bwi\bin\bng\bg t\bth\bhe\be c\bcu\bur\brr\bre\ben\bnt\bt a\ban\bnd\bd p\bpr\bre\bev\bvi\bio\bou\bus\bs w\bwe\bee\bek\bk t\bto\bog\bge\bet\bth\bhe\ber\br
105            --end now --start end-1w
106            DEF:thisweek=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
107            DEF:lastweek=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:end=now-1w:start=end-1w
109        Shift the data forward by one week (604800 seconds)
111            SHIFT:lastweek:604800
112            [ more of the usual VDEF and CDEF stuff if you like ]
113            AREA:lastweek#0000FF:Last\ week
114            LINE1:thisweek#FF0000:This\ week
116 S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
117        rrdgraph gives an overview of how r\brr\brd\bdt\bto\boo\bol\bl g\bgr\bra\bap\bph\bh works.  rrdgraph_data
118        describes D\bDE\bEF\bF,C\bCD\bDE\bEF\bF and V\bVD\bDE\bEF\bF in detail.  rrdgraph_rpn describes the R\bRP\bPN\bN
119        language used in the x\bxD\bDE\bEF\bF statements.  rrdgraph_graph page describes
120        all the graph and print functions.
122        Make sure to read rrdgraph_examples for tips&tricks.
124 A\bAU\bUT\bTH\bHO\bOR\bR
125        Program by Tobias Oetiker <>
127        This manual page by Alex van den Bogaerdt <>
131 1.2.26                            2007-11-20              RRDGRAPH_EXAMPLES(1)