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5 <title>rrdgraph_examples</title>
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10 <body style="background-color: white">
13 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
14 <div name="index">
15 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
16 <!--
18 <ul>
20 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
22 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#examples">EXAMPLES</a></li>
24 <ul>
26 <li><a href="#data_with_multiple_resolutions">Data with multiple resolutions</a></li>
27 <li><a href="#nicely_formatted_legend_section">Nicely formatted legend section</a></li>
28 <li><a href="#offsetting_a_line_on_the_y_axis">Offsetting a line on the y-axis</a></li>
29 <li><a href="#drawing_dashed_lines">Drawing dashed lines</a></li>
30 <li><a href="#time_ranges">Time ranges</a></li>
31 <li><a href="#viewing_the_current_and_previous_week_together">Viewing the current and previous week together</a></li>
32 <li><a href="#aberrant_behaviour_detection">Aberrant Behaviour Detection</a></li>
33 <ul>
35 <li><a href="#a_note_on_data_reduction_">A note on data reduction:</a></li>
36 </ul>
38 </ul>
40 <li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li>
41 <li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a></li>
42 </ul>
44 -->
47 </div>
48 <!-- INDEX END -->
50 <p>
51 </p>
52 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
53 <p>rrdgraph_examples - Examples for rrdtool graph</p>
54 <p>
55 </p>
56 <hr />
57 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
58 <p><strong>rrdtool graph /home/httpd/html/test.png --img-format PNG</strong></p>
59 <p>followed by any of the examples below</p>
60 <p>
61 </p>
62 <hr />
63 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
64 <p>For your convenience some of the commands are explained here
65 by using detailed examples. They are not always cut-and-paste
66 ready because comments are intermixed with the examples.</p>
67 <p>
68 </p>
69 <hr />
70 <h1><a name="examples">EXAMPLES</a></h1>
71 <p>
72 </p>
73 <h2><a name="data_with_multiple_resolutions">Data with multiple resolutions</a></h2>
74 <pre>
75 --end now --start end-120000s --width 400
76 DEF:ds0a=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
77 DEF:ds0b=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:step=1800
78 DEF:ds0c=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:step=7200
79 LINE1:ds0a#0000FF:"default resolution\l"
80 LINE1:ds0b#00CCFF:"resolution 1800 seconds per interval\l"
81 LINE1:ds0c#FF00FF:"resolution 7200 seconds per interval\l"</pre>
82 <p>
83 </p>
84 <h2><a name="nicely_formatted_legend_section">Nicely formatted legend section</a></h2>
85 <pre>
86 DEF:ds0=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
87 DEF:ds1=/home/rrdtool/data/router1.rrd:ds1:AVERAGE
88 VDEF:ds0max=ds0,MAXIMUM
89 VDEF:ds0avg=ds0,AVERAGE
90 VDEF:ds0min=ds0,MINIMUM
91 VDEF:ds0pct=ds0,95,PERCENT
92 VDEF:ds1max=ds1,MAXIMUM
93 VDEF:ds1avg=ds1,AVERAGE
94 VDEF:ds1min=ds1,MINIMUM
95 VDEF:ds1pct=ds1,95,PERCENT</pre>
96 <p>Note: consolidation occurs here.</p>
97 <pre>
98 CDEF:ds0bits=ds0,8,*
99 CDEF:ds1bits=ds1,8,*</pre>
100 <p>Note: 10 spaces to move text to the right</p>
101 <pre>
102 COMMENT:" "</pre>
103 <p>Note: the column titles have to be as wide as the columns</p>
104 <pre>
105 COMMENT:"Maximum "
106 COMMENT:"Average "
107 COMMENT:"Minimum "</pre>
108 <pre>
109 COMMENT:"95th percentile\l"
110 AREA:ds0bits#00C000:"Inbound "
111 GPRINT:ds0max:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
112 GPRINT:ds0avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
113 GPRINT:ds0min:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
114 GPRINT:ds0pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\l"
115 LINE1:ds1bits#0000FF:"Outbound"
116 GPRINT:ds1max:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
117 GPRINT:ds1avg:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
118 GPRINT:ds1min:"%6.2lf %Sbps"
119 GPRINT:ds1pct:"%6.2lf %Sbps\l"</pre>
120 <p>
121 </p>
122 <h2><a name="offsetting_a_line_on_the_y_axis">Offsetting a line on the y-axis</a></h2>
123 <p>Depending on your needs you can do this in two ways:</p>
124 <ul>
125 <li>
126 <p>Offset the data, then graph this</p>
127 <pre>
128 DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE</pre>
129 <p>Note: this will also influence any other command that uses "data"</p>
130 <pre>
131 CDEF:data=mydata,100,+
132 LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset"</pre>
133 </li>
134 <li>
135 <p>Graph the original data, with an offset</p>
136 <pre>
137 DEF:mydata=my.rrd:ds:AVERAGE</pre>
138 <p>Note: no color in the first line so it is not visible</p>
139 <pre>
140 LINE1:100</pre>
141 <p>Note: the second line gets stacked on top of the first one</p>
142 <pre>
143 LINE1:data#FF0000:"Data with offset":STACK</pre>
144 </li>
145 </ul>
146 <p>
147 </p>
148 <h2><a name="drawing_dashed_lines">Drawing dashed lines</a></h2>
149 <p>Also works for HRULE and VRULE</p>
150 <ul>
151 <li>
152 <p>default style: - - - - -
153 LINE1:data#FF0000:"dashed line":dashes</p>
154 </li>
155 <li>
156 <p>more fancy style with offset: - - --- - --- -
157 LINE1:data#FF0000:"another dashed line":dashes=15,5,5,10:dash-offset=10</p>
158 </li>
159 </ul>
160 <p>
161 </p>
162 <h2><a name="time_ranges">Time ranges</a></h2>
163 <pre>
164 Last four weeks: --start end-4w --end 00:00
165 January 2001: --start 20010101 --end start+31d
166 January 2001: --start 20010101 --end 20010201
167 Last hour: --start end-1h
168 Last 24 hours: <nothing at all>
169 Yesterday: --end 00:00</pre>
170 <p>
171 </p>
172 <h2><a name="viewing_the_current_and_previous_week_together">Viewing the current and previous week together</a></h2>
173 <pre>
174 --end now --start end-1w
175 DEF:thisweek=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE
176 DEF:lastweek=router.rrd:ds0:AVERAGE:end=now-1w:start=end-1w</pre>
177 <p>Shift the data forward by one week (604800 seconds)</p>
178 <pre>
179 SHIFT:lastweek:604800
180 [ more of the usual VDEF and CDEF stuff if you like ]
181 AREA:lastweek#0000FF:Last\ week
182 LINE1:thisweek#FF0000:This\ week</pre>
183 <p>
184 </p>
185 <h2><a name="aberrant_behaviour_detection">Aberrant Behaviour Detection</a></h2>
186 <p>If the specialized function <strong>RRAs</strong> exist for aberrant behavior detection, they
187 can be used to generate the graph of a time series with confidence bands and
188 failures.</p>
189 <pre>
190 rrdtool graph example.png \
191 DEF:obs=monitor.rrd:ifOutOctets:AVERAGE \
192 DEF:pred=monitor.rrd:ifOutOctets:HWPREDICT \
193 DEF:dev=monitor.rrd:ifOutOctets:DEVPREDICT \
194 DEF:fail=monitor.rrd:ifOutOctets:FAILURES \
195 TICK:fail#ffffa0:1.0:"Failures\: Average bits out" \
196 CDEF:scaledobs=obs,8,* \
197 CDEF:upper=pred,dev,2,*,+ \
198 CDEF:lower=pred,dev,2,*,- \
199 CDEF:scaledupper=upper,8,* \
200 CDEF:scaledlower=lower,8,* \
201 LINE2:scaledobs#0000ff:"Average bits out" \
202 LINE1:scaledupper#ff0000:"Upper Confidence Bound: Average bits out" \
203 LINE1:scaledlower#ff0000:"Lower Confidence Bound: Average bits out"</pre>
204 <p>This example generates a graph of the data series in blue (LINE2 with the scaledobs
205 virtual data source), confidence bounds in red (scaledupper and scaledlower virtual
206 data sources), and potential failures (i.e. potential aberrant aberrant behavior)
207 marked by vertical yellow lines (the fail data source).</p>
208 <p>The raw data comes from an AVERAGE <strong>RRA</strong>, the finest resolution of the observed
209 time series (one consolidated data point per primary data point). The predicted
210 (or smoothed) values are stored in the HWPREDICT <strong>RRA</strong>. The predicted deviations
211 (think standard deviation) values are stored in the DEVPREDICT <strong>RRA</strong>. Finally,
212 the FAILURES <strong>RRA</strong> contains indicators, with 1 denoting a potential failure.</p>
213 <p>All of the data is rescaled to bits (instead of Octets) by multiplying by 8.
214 The confidence bounds are computed by an offset of 2 deviations both above
215 and below the predicted values (the CDEFs upper and lower). Vertical lines
216 indicated potential failures are graphed via the TICK graph element, which
217 converts non-zero values in an <strong>RRA</strong> into tick marks. Here an axis-fraction
218 argument of 1.0 means the tick marks span the entire y-axis, and hence become
219 vertical lines on the graph.</p>
220 <p>The choice of 2 deviations (a scaling factor) matches the default used internally
221 by the FAILURES <strong>RRA</strong>. If the internal value is changed (see <a href="././rrdtune.html">the rrdtune manpage</a>), this
222 graphing command should be changed to be consistent.</p>
223 <p>
224 </p>
225 <h3><a name="a_note_on_data_reduction_">A note on data reduction:</a></h3>
226 <p>The <strong>rrdtool</strong> <em>graph</em> command is designed to plot data at a specified temporal
227 resolution, regardless of the actually resolution of the data in the RRD file.
228 This can present a problem for the specialized consolidation functions which
229 maintain a one-to-one mapping between primary data points and consolidated
230 data points. If a graph insists on viewing the contents of these <strong>RRAs</strong> on a
231 coarser temporal scale, the <em>graph</em> command tries to do something intelligent,
232 but the confidence bands and failures no longer have the same meaning and may
233 be misleading.</p>
234 <p>
235 </p>
236 <hr />
237 <h1><a name="see_also">SEE ALSO</a></h1>
238 <p><a href="././rrdgraph.html">the rrdgraph manpage</a> gives an overview of how <strong>rrdtool graph</strong> works.
239 <a href="././rrdgraph_data.html">the rrdgraph_data manpage</a> describes <strong>DEF</strong>,<strong>CDEF</strong> and <strong>VDEF</strong> in detail.
240 <a href="././rrdgraph_rpn.html">the rrdgraph_rpn manpage</a> describes the <strong>RPN</strong> language used in the <strong>xDEF</strong> statements.
241 <a href="././rrdgraph_graph.html">the rrdgraph_graph manpage</a> page describes all the graph and print functions.</p>
242 <p>
243 </p>
244 <hr />
245 <h1><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h1>
246 <p>Program by Tobias Oetiker <<a href="mailto:tobi@oetiker.ch">tobi@oetiker.ch</a>></p>
247 <p>This manual page by Alex van den Bogaerdt <<a href="mailto:alex@vandenbogaerdt.nl">alex@vandenbogaerdt.nl</a>>
248 with corrections and/or additions by several people</p>
250 </body>
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