
- do not use shift to disable snapping while holding shift to rotate a guide
[inkscape.git] / cxxtest / cxxtest / QtGui.h
1 #ifndef __cxxtest__QtGui_h__
2 #define __cxxtest__QtGui_h__
4 //
5 // The QtGui displays a simple progress bar using the Qt Toolkit.  It
6 // has been tested with versions 2.x and 3.x.
7 // 
8 // Apart from normal Qt command-line arguments, it accepts the following options:
9 //   -minimized    Start minimized, pop up on error
10 //   -keep         Don't close the window at the end
11 //   -title TITLE  Set the window caption
12 //
13 // If both are -minimized and -keep specified, GUI will only keep the
14 // window if it's in focus.
15 //
17 #include <cxxtest/Gui.h>
19 #include <qapplication.h>
20 #include <qglobal.h>
21 #include <qlabel.h>
22 #include <qlayout.h>
23 #include <qmessagebox.h>
24 #include <qpixmap.h>
25 #include <qprogressbar.h>
26 #include <qstatusbar.h>
28 namespace CxxTest
29 {
30     class QtGui : public GuiListener
31     {
32     public:
33         void enterGui( int &argc, char **argv )
34         {
35             parseCommandLine( argc, argv );
36             createApplication( argc, argv );
37         }
39         void enterWorld( const WorldDescription &wd )
40         {
41             createWindow( wd );
42             processEvents();
43         }
45         void guiEnterSuite( const char *suiteName )
46         {
47             showSuiteName( suiteName );
48         }
50         void guiEnterTest( const char *suiteName, const char *testName )
51         {
52             setCaption( suiteName, testName );
53             advanceProgressBar();
54             showTestName( testName );
55             showTestsDone( _progressBar->progress() );
56             processEvents();
57         }
59         void yellowBar()
60         {
61             setColor( 255, 255, 0 );
62             setIcon( QMessageBox::Warning );
63             getTotalTests();
64             processEvents();
65         }
67         void redBar()
68         {
69             if ( _startMinimized && _mainWindow->isMinimized() )
70                 showNormal();
71             setColor( 255, 0, 0 );
72             setIcon( QMessageBox::Critical );
73             getTotalTests();
74             processEvents();
75         }
77         void leaveGui()
78         {
79             if ( keep() ) {
80                 showSummary();
81                 _application->exec();
82             }
83             else
84                 _mainWindow->close( true );
85         }
87     private:
88         QString _title;
89         bool _startMinimized, _keep;
90         unsigned _numTotalTests;
91         QString _strTotalTests;
92         QApplication *_application;
93         QWidget *_mainWindow;
94         QVBoxLayout *_layout;
95         QProgressBar *_progressBar;
96         QStatusBar *_statusBar;
97         QLabel *_suiteName, *_testName, *_testsDone;
99         void parseCommandLine( int argc, char **argv )
100         {
101             _startMinimized = _keep = false;
102             _title = argv[0];
104             for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++ i ) {
105                 QString arg( argv[i] );
106                 if ( arg == "-minimized" )
107                     _startMinimized = true;
108                 else if ( arg == "-keep" )
109                     _keep = true;
110                 else if ( arg == "-title" && (i + 1 < argc) )
111                     _title = argv[++i];
112             }
113         }
115         void createApplication( int &argc, char **argv )
116         {
117             _application = new QApplication( argc, argv );
118         }       
120         void createWindow( const WorldDescription &wd )
121         {
122             getTotalTests( wd );            
123             createMainWindow();
124             createProgressBar();
125             createStatusBar();
126             setMainWidget();
127             if ( _startMinimized )
128                 showMinimized();
129             else
130                 showNormal();
131         }
133         void getTotalTests()
134         {
135             getTotalTests( tracker().world() );
136         }
138         void getTotalTests( const WorldDescription &wd )
139         {
140             _numTotalTests = wd.numTotalTests();
141             char s[WorldDescription::MAX_STRLEN_TOTAL_TESTS];
142             _strTotalTests = wd.strTotalTests( s );
143         }
145         void createMainWindow()
146         {
147             _mainWindow = new QWidget();
148             _layout = new QVBoxLayout( _mainWindow );
149         }
151         void createProgressBar()
152         {
153             _layout->addWidget( _progressBar = new QProgressBar( _numTotalTests, _mainWindow ) );
154             _progressBar->setProgress( 0 );
155             setColor( 0, 255, 0 );
156             setIcon( QMessageBox::Information );
157         }
159         void createStatusBar()
160         {
161             _layout->addWidget( _statusBar = new QStatusBar( _mainWindow ) );
162             _statusBar->addWidget( _suiteName = new QLabel( _statusBar ), 2 );
163             _statusBar->addWidget( _testName = new QLabel( _statusBar ), 4 );
164             _statusBar->addWidget( _testsDone = new QLabel( _statusBar ), 1 );
165         }
167         void setMainWidget()
168         {
169             _application->setMainWidget( _mainWindow );
170         }
172         void showMinimized()
173         {
174             _mainWindow->showMinimized();
175         }
177         void showNormal()
178         {
179             _mainWindow->showNormal();
180             centerWindow();
181         }
183         void setCaption( const QString &suiteName, const QString &testName )
184         {
185             _mainWindow->setCaption( _title + " - " + suiteName + "::" + testName + "()" );
186         }
188         void showSuiteName( const QString &suiteName )
189         {
190             _suiteName->setText( "class " + suiteName );
191         }
193         void advanceProgressBar()
194         {
195             _progressBar->setProgress( _progressBar->progress() + 1 );
196         }
198         void showTestName( const QString &testName )
199         {
200             _testName->setText( testName + "()" );
201         }
203         void showTestsDone( unsigned testsDone )
204         {
205             _testsDone->setText( asString( testsDone ) + " of " + _strTotalTests );
206         }
208         static QString asString( unsigned n )
209         {
210             return QString::number( n );
211         }
213         void setColor( int r, int g, int b )
214         {
215             QPalette palette = _progressBar->palette();
216             palette.setColor( QColorGroup::Highlight, QColor( r, g, b ) );
217             _progressBar->setPalette( palette );
218         }
220         void setIcon( QMessageBox::Icon icon )
221         {
222 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
223             _mainWindow->setIcon( QMessageBox::standardIcon( icon ) );
224 #else // Qt version < 3.0.0
225             _mainWindow->setIcon( QMessageBox::standardIcon( icon, QApplication::style().guiStyle() ) );
226 #endif // QT_VERSION
227         }
229         void processEvents()
230         {
231             _application->processEvents();
232         }
234         void centerWindow()
235         {
236             QWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop();
237             int xCenter = desktop->x() + (desktop->width() / 2);
238             int yCenter = desktop->y() + (desktop->height() / 2);
240             int windowWidth = (desktop->width() * 4) / 5;
241             int windowHeight = _mainWindow->height();
242             _mainWindow->setGeometry( xCenter - (windowWidth / 2), yCenter - (windowHeight / 2), windowWidth, windowHeight );
243         }
245         bool keep()
246         {
247             if ( !_keep )
248                 return false;
249             if ( !_startMinimized )
250                 return true;
251             return (_mainWindow == _application->activeWindow());
252         }
254         void showSummary()
255         {
256             QString summary = _strTotalTests + (_numTotalTests == 1 ? " test" : " tests");
257             if ( tracker().failedTests() )
258                 summary = "Failed " + asString( tracker().failedTests() ) + " of " + summary;
259             else
260                 summary = summary + " passed";
262             _mainWindow->setCaption( _title + " - " + summary );
264             _statusBar->removeWidget( _suiteName );
265             _statusBar->removeWidget( _testName );
266             _testsDone->setText( summary );
267         }
268     };
269 };
271 #endif // __cxxtest__QtGui_h__