1 #ifndef __cxxtest__ParenPrinter_h__
2 #define __cxxtest__ParenPrinter_h__
4 //
5 // The ParenPrinter is identical to the ErrorPrinter, except it
6 // prints the line number in a format expected by some compilers
7 // (notably, MSVC).
8 //
10 #include <cxxtest/ErrorPrinter.h>
12 namespace CxxTest
13 {
14 class ParenPrinter : public ErrorPrinter
15 {
16 public:
17 ParenPrinter( CXXTEST_STD(ostream) &o = CXXTEST_STD(cout) ) : ErrorPrinter( o, "(", ")" ) {}
18 };
19 }
21 #endif // __cxxtest__ParenPrinter_h__