
Changed usage output to show -4 and -6 are mutually exclusive. You can only
[nagiosplug.git] /
1 package Helper;
2 use strict;
4 use Exporter();
5 use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
6 $VERSION = 0.01;
7 @ISA=qw(Exporter);
8 @EXPORT=qw(&get_option);
10 sub get_option ($$) {
11     my $file = 'Cache';
12     my $response;
13     my $var = shift;
15     require "$";
16     if(defined($Cache::{$var})){
17                         $response=$Cache::{$var};
18                         return $$response;
19                 }
21                 my $request = shift;
22                 my $filename;
23                 my $path;
24                 foreach $path (@INC) {
25                         $filename="$path/$";
26                         last if (-e $filename);
27                 }
28                 print STDERR "Enter $request\n";
29                 $response=<STDIN>;
30                 chop($response);
31                 open(CACHE,"<$filename") or die "Cannot open cache for reading";
32                 undef $/;
33                 my $cache = <CACHE>;
34                 $/="\n";
35                 close CACHE;
36                 $cache =~ s/^(\@EXPORT\s*=\s*qw\(\s*[^\)]*)\)\s*;/$1 $var\)\;/msg;
37                 $cache =~ s/^1;[\n\s]*\Z/\$$var=\"$response\"\;\n1\;\n/msg;
38                 open(CACHE,">$filename") or die "Cannot open cache for writing";
39                 print CACHE $cache;
40                 close CACHE;
41                 return $response;
42 }
44 1;