; Lines starting with "#" are defaults [server] ; ### ip ( ### ; IP to bind server #ip: ; ### port (15667) ### ; Port to bind server #port: 15667 ; ### ssl (false) ### ; Use SSL for server communication #ssl: false ; ### sslcert (no default) ### ; Read server key and certificate from this file ;sslcert: server.pem ; ### pidfile (/var/run/nagixsc_http2nagios.pid) ### ; Where to store pid file if daemonizing #pidfile: /var/run/nagixsc_http2nagios.pid ; ### mode (no default) ### ; Write checkresult files ("checkresult") or ; write passive checks to command file ("passive") mode: checkresult ; ### acl (false) ### ; Use ACLs to check if the user is allowed to submit check results for this ; host #acl: false [mode_passive] ; ### pipe ### ; File and path of Nagios command pipe pipe: /var/lib/nagios3/rw/nagios.cmd [mode_checkresult] ; ### dir ### ; Path to Nagios checkresult dir ; ; For Debian packages set to "/var/lib/nagios3/spool/checkresults" ; For local compiled Nagios set to "/usr/local/nagios/var/spool/checkresults" ; ; For quick start set to "/tmp/cr" dir: /tmp/cr [users] ; All users who are allowed to connect and post informations are stored here. ; Passwords must be md5 encrypted, for example in shell use: ; echo -n "Password" | md5sum - nagixsc: 019b0966d98fb71d1a4bc4ca0c81d5cc ; PW: nagixsc [acl_allowed_hosts_list] ; (List of) allowed host(s) per user ; Option "acl" in section "server" must be set to "true"! ; ; Format: : [, [, [...]]] ; ; Example (allow only "host1" for "nagixsc"): ;nagixsc: host1 ; "host2.foo.bar" of sample config not allowed [acl_allowed_hosts_re] ; Regular Expression of allowed host(s) per user ; Option "acl" in section "server" must be set to "true"! ; ; ATTENTION! ; - Needs more testing! ; - Python Regular Expressions, see http://docs.python.org/library/re.html ; ; Format: : ; ; Example (allow only "host1" for "nagixsc", same as above in "acl_allowed_hosts_list"): ;nagixsc: ^host1$