
2006-05-12 octoBumped version to 0.1.1 liboping-0.1.1
2006-05-12 octoAdded note about 0.1.1 to ChangeLog
2006-05-12 octoocto@huhu:~/liboping $ svn merge -r2:3 trunk branches...
2006-05-12 octoocto@huhu:~/liboping $ svn cp tags/liboping-0.1.0 branc...
2006-05-12 octoOnly display statistics in oping if packets have been...
2006-05-11 octoAdded the calculation of `mdev' to `oping'
2006-05-09 octoFixed that nasty bug in the `sequence' code: Comparing...
2006-05-08 octoCopied trunk/ to tags/liboping-0.1.0 liboping-0.1.0
2006-05-08 octoCreated standard subversion directories.