JUNOSC(1) ========= Sebastian "tokkee" Harl version {package_version}, {build_date} :doctype: manpage NAME ---- junosc - a JUNOScript client application SYNOPSIS -------- *junosc -H* '' ['options'] '' DESCRIPTION ----------- *junosc* is a client application to connect to routers running JUNOS software. It may be used to issue JUNOScript method and display the response to the user. OPTIONS ------- *-H* '':: Specify the hostname to connect to. Unless disabled by the *-n* option, the hostname will be used to lookup further connection options in the netrc(5) file. *-u* '':: Specify the username to connect with. Using this option will overwrite any username specified the netrc(5) file. *-p* '':: Specify the password to connect with. Using this option will overwrite any password specified in the netrc(5) file. *-n*:: If specified, no attempt will be made to lookup information in the netrc(5) file. *-h*:: Display a usage and help summary and exit. *-V*:: Display the version number and copyright information. EXIT CODES ---------- *0*:: Success. *1*:: Failure (syntax or usage error). BUGS ---- None known. AUTHOR ------ junosc was written by Sebastian "tokkee" Harl . COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright (C) 2012 Sebastian "tokkee" Harl This is free software under the terms of the BSD license, see the source for copying conditions. There is NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // vim: set tw=78 sw=4 ts=4 noexpandtab spell spelllang=en_us :