objs = array( "FAIscript" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_script.png", "Tree" =>"ou=scripts,") , "FAIhook" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_hook.png" , "Tree" =>"ou=hooks,"), "FAIvariable" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_variable.png", "Tree" =>"ou=variables,") , "FAItemplate" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_template.png", "Tree" =>"ou=templates,") , "FAIpartitionTable" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_partitionTable.png", "Tree" =>"ou=disk,") , "FAIpackageList" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_packages.png", "Tree" =>"ou=packages,") , "FAIprofile" => array( "Image" =>"images/fai_profile.png", "Tree" =>"ou=profiles,")); if(count($this->FAIclass)){ /* Set Release */ if(preg_match("/:/",$this->FAIclass)){ if(preg_match("/:/",$this->FAIclass)){ $this->Release =trim( preg_replace("/^.*:/","",$this->FAIclass)); } } /* Get classes */ $tmp = split("\ ", preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$this->FAIclass)); foreach($tmp as $class){ if(!empty($class)){ $this->Classes[]= trim($class); } } } $_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] = 0; $this->Releases = array_flip($this->getBranches()); if(count($this->Classes) && (!empty($this->Release))){ foreach($this->Classes as $class){ $this->Result[$class] = $this->resolveObject($class); } } } /* returns an array with all possibly release types */ function getBranches($base = false,$prefix = "") { $ret = array("main"=>"/"); $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']); $faifilter = $_SESSION['faifilter']; if(!$base){ $base= "ou=fai,ou=configs,ou=systems,".$_SESSION['CurrentMainBase']; } $ldap->cd($base); $ldap->ls("(objectClass=FAIbranch)",$base); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if((isset($attrs['ou']))&&($attrs['dn']!=$base)){ $ret[$attrs['dn']]= $prefix.$attrs['ou'][0]; $ret = array_merge($ret,$this->getBranches($attrs['dn'],"".$prefix.$attrs['ou'][0]."/")); } } return($ret); } function execute() { $display = ""; $smarty = get_smarty(); $this->ObjectList = $this->createSummary($this->Result); $smarty->assign("objectList",$this->ObjectList); $display.= $smarty->fetch (get_template_path('faiSummary.tpl', TRUE, dirname(__FILE__))); return($display); } /* Create output of our resolved objects */ function createSummary($data) { /* Don't generate any output, if there is no result */ $str =" "; if(!count($this->Result)){ $str.="
"; $str.= (_("This object has no FAI classes assigned.")); $str.= "
"; return($str); } /* walk through all classes */ foreach($data as $key => $entry){ /* Check every kind of object type */ foreach($this->objs as $ok => $obj){ /* check of objectType is used */ if(isset($entry[$ok])){ $str.=""; /* Show open or close icon */ if( ! $entry[$ok]['Open'] ){ $str .= " "; $str .=" "; $str .= "".$entry[$ok]['Name'].""; $str .= " ".$entry[$ok]['String1']; }else{ $str .= " "; $str .=" "; $str .= "".$entry[$ok]['Name'].""; $str .= " ".$entry[$ok]['String1']; if(!empty($entry[$ok]['String2'])){ $str .= "".$entry[$ok]['String2']; } if(isset($data[$key][$ok]['data'])){ $str.=$this->createSummary($data[$key][$ok]['data']); } } $str .=""; } } } $str .=""; return($str); } /* resolve specified object to append it to our object tree calls prepare_"FAIclass" */ function resolveObject($class) { $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $dn = $this->Releases [$this->Release]; $res = array(); foreach($this->objs as $key => $obj){ $ldap->ls("(&(objectClass=".$key.")(cn=".$class."))",$obj['Tree'].$dn,array("*")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ switch($key){ case "FAIprofile": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIprofile($attrs);break; case "FAIscript": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIscript($attrs);break; case "FAIhook": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIhook($attrs);break; case "FAIvariable": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIvariable($attrs);break; case "FAItemplate": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAItemplate($attrs);break; case "FAIpackageList": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIpackageList($attrs);break; case "FAIpartitionTable": $tmp = $this->prepare_FAIpartitionTable($attrs);break; default : $tmp = array(); print_red(sprintf(_("Undefined FAI object '%s'."),$key)); } if(isset($tmp['Name'])){ $res[$key] = $tmp ; } } } return($res); } /* Prepare fai script */ function prepare_FAIscript($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* get subentries */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($data['dn']); $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=FAIscriptEntry)(FAIpriority=*))",array("cn","description","FAIpriority")); $scripts = array(); /* Create an array which is sortable by priority */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $scripts[$attrs['FAIpriority'][0]][] = $attrs; } /* Sort by priority */ ksort($scripts); /* append them to our list */ $image = " "; foreach($scripts as $prio => $script){ foreach($script as $attrs){ $res['String2'] .=""; if(isset($attrs['description'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['FAIpriority'][0]." - ".$attrs['cn'][0]." [".$attrs['description'][0]."]
"; }else{ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['FAIpriority'][0]." - ".$attrs['cn'][0]."
"; } $res['String2'] .="
"; } } return($res); } /* Prepare fai script */ function prepare_FAIpartitionTable($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* get subentries */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($data['dn']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIpartitionDisk)",array("cn","description")); $disks = array(); /* Create an array which is sortable by priority */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $disks[$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs; $disks[$attrs['cn'][0]]['partitions'] = array(); } /* Sort by priority */ foreach($disks as $key => $disk){ $ldap->cd($disk['dn']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIpartitionEntry)",array("*")); while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if(!isset($attrs['FAIfsOptions'][0])){ $attrs['FAIfsOptions'][0] = ""; } $disks[$key]['partitions'][$attrs['cn'][0]] = $attrs; } } $image = " "; foreach($disks as $disk){ $res['String2'] .= "
"; $res['String2'] .= $image."".$disk['cn'][0] .""; if(isset($disk['description'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= " [".$disk['description'][0]."]" ; } $res['String2'] .= "
"; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $i = 0; foreach($disk['partitions'] as $partition){ $i = !$i; if($i){ $c = " class='rowxp1'"; $d = " class='list1' style='border:0px;'"; }else{ $c = " class='rowxp0'"; $d = " class='list0' style='border:0px;'"; } $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; $res['String2'] .= ""; } $res['String2'] .= "
"._("No.").""._("Name").""._("FS options").""._("Mount options").""._("Size in MB").""._("Mount point").""._("Type")."
"; } return($res); } /* Create template entry */ function prepare_FAItemplate($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* get subentries */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($data['dn']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAItemplateEntry)",array("cn","description")); $scripts = array(); /* append them to our list */ $image = " "; /* Create an array which is sortable by priority */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $res['String2'] .=""; if(isset($attrs['description'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]." [".$attrs['description'][0]."]"; }else{ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]; } $res['String2'] .="
"; } return($res); } /* Create a package list */ function prepare_FAIpackageList($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* append them to our list */ $image = " "; /* add selected packages to our list */ if(isset($data['FAIpackage']['count'])) { unset($data['FAIpackage']['count']); foreach($data['FAIpackage'] as $entry){ $res['String2'].= $image.$entry."
"; } } return($res); } /* Create a variable entry */ function prepare_FAIvariable($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* get subentries */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($data['dn']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIvariableEntry)",array("cn","description","FAIvariableContent")); $scripts = array(); /* append them to our list */ $image = " "; /* Create an array which is sortable by priority */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ if(isset($attrs['description'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]." [".$attrs['description'][0]."]"; }else{ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]; } if(isset($attrs['FAIvariableContent'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= " \"".$attrs['FAIvariableContent'][0]."\" "; } $res['String2'] .= "
"; } return($res); } /* Create a hook entry */ function prepare_FAIhook($data) { /* Set basic attributes */ $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* get subentries */ $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link(); $ldap->cd($data['dn']); $ldap->search("(objectClass=FAIhookEntry)",array("cn","description")); $scripts = array(); /* append them to our list */ $image = " "; /* Create an array which is sortable by priority */ while($attrs = $ldap->fetch()){ $res['String2'] .=""; if(isset($attrs['description'][0])){ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]." [".$attrs['description'][0]."]
"; }else{ $res['String2'] .= $image.$attrs['cn'][0]."
"; } $res['String2'] .="
"; } return($res); } /* Create a new Profile entry */ function prepare_FAIprofile($data) { /* initialise basics */ $res = array(); $res['Name'] = $data['cn'][0]; if(isset($data['description'][0])){ $res['String1'] = $data['description'][0]; }else{ $res['String1'] = ""; } $res['Open'] = false; $res['id'] = ($_SESSION['faiSummaryTab']['UniqueID'] ++); $res['Resolved']= true; $res['String2'] = ""; /* Append empty data objects named by member classes */ $res['data'] = array(); if(isset($data['FAIclass'][0])){ $tmp = split("\ ",$data['FAIclass'][0]); foreach($tmp as $class){ $res['data'][trim($class)] = array(); } } return($res); } /* Open the tag with the given id .. so the entries of this tag will be shown */ function openTag($data, $id) { /* Walk through objects */ if(!count($data)) return(array()); foreach($data as $key => $dat){ /* Check all types of objects (FAIhook, FAIscript ..)*/ foreach($this->objs as $ok => $obj){ /* If this type of object is assigned */ if(isset($dat[$ok])){ /* check given id */ if($dat[$ok]['id'] == $id ){ /* Id was $id so set this leaf to open */ $data[$key][$ok]['Open'] = true; /* Check if the sub leafs are already readed if not, resolve the classes and append them to our tree */ if(isset($dat[$ok]['data'])){ foreach($data[$key][$ok]['data'] as $key1 => $dat1){ if(!count($dat1)){ $tmp = $this->resolveObject($key1); foreach($tmp as $r => $e) $data[$key][$ok]['data'][$key1][$r] = $e; } } } } /* Search sub tags for given id $id */ if(isset($data[$key][$ok]['data'])){ $data[$key][$ok]['data'] = $this->openTag($data[$key][$ok]['data'],$id); } } } } return($data); } /* Walk through all tags and close tag with id = $id*/ function closeTag($data, $id) { $found = false; /* The parameter data is given as specified */ // ClassName ['FAIprofile']['data'] /* Walk through all given classes */ foreach($data as $key => $dat){ /* Walk through all possible objectClasses */ foreach($this->objs as $ok => $obj){ /* If class is set, check if id matches */ if(isset($dat[$ok])){ if($dat[$ok]['id'] == $id ){ $data[$key][$ok]['Open'] = false; } /* Check subobjects for $id */ if(isset($dat[$ok]['data'])){ $data[$key][$ok]['data'] = $this->closeTag( $data[$key][$ok]['data'], $id); } } } } return($data); } /* Capture posts, and call opnen close tag */ function save_object() { $once = true; foreach($_POST as $name => $value ){ /* check for open tag request */ if(preg_match("/^open_/",$name) && $once){ $once = false; $value = preg_replace("/^open_/","",$name); $value = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$value); $this->Result = $this->openTag($this->Result,$value); } /* Check for close tag request */ if(preg_match("/^close_/",$name) && $once){ $once = false; $value = preg_replace("/^close_/","",$name); $value = preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$value); $this->Result = $this->closeTag($this->Result,$value); } } } } // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler: ?>