
2022-02-26 Sebastian HarlUpdate to version 2.5.5-1.
2022-02-26 Sebastian HarlUpdate homepage field.
2021-01-05 Sebastian HarlRelease changelog.
2021-01-05 Sebastian HarlUpdate standards-version to 4.5.1 and compat to 12...
2021-01-05 Sebastian HarlDon't update CFLAGS if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contains noopt.
2021-01-05 Sebastian HarlUpdate to tig 2.5.1-1.
2018-11-08 Sebastian HarlRelease changelog for 2.4.1-1.
2018-11-08 Sebastian Harlmaintscript: Clean up obsolete /etc/bash_completion...
2018-11-08 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Update standards version to 4.2.1.
2018-11-08 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Build depend on readline >= 6.3.
2018-11-08 Sebastian HarlUpdate to 2.4.1-1.
2017-10-22 Sebastian HarlRelease the changelog to unstable. tig-2.3.0-1
2017-10-22 Sebastian HarlUpdate standards version to 4.1.1; no changes.
2017-10-22 Sebastian HarlUpdate watch file to check the release tarballs.
2017-10-22 Sebastian HarlUpdate changelog and copyright for 2.3.0-1.
2017-10-22 Sebastian Harldebian/watch: Update to use the new Github location.
2016-09-24 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Update standards version to 4.9.8; no changes. tig-2.2-1
2016-09-24 Sebastian HarlRelease the 2.2-1 changelog.
2016-09-24 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Updated for version 2.2.
2016-09-24 Sebastian Harlrules: Install sample tigrc files from contrib as examples.
2016-09-24 Satish BysanyFix lintian warnings (W: package-installs-into-obsolete...
2016-09-24 Sebastian HarlUpdate changelog to 2.2-1.
2014-11-23 Sebastian HarlUpload to experimental because of the Jessie freeze. tig-2.0.3-1
2014-11-23 Sebastian Harlpatches: Removed bts757692-topo-order: included upstream.
2014-11-23 Sebastian HarlMerged branch 'jessie'.
2014-11-22 Sebastian Harlpatches: Added bts757692-topo-order. jessie tig-2.0.2-2
2014-11-04 Sebastian HarlReleased changelog.
2014-11-04 Sebastian Harlchangelog: 2.0.3 fixes #757692.
2014-11-04 Sebastian Harlrules: Manually clean doc/manual.tex
2014-11-04 Sebastian HarlUpdated changelog to 2.0.3-1.
2014-07-23 Sebastian HarlRelease changelog. tig-2.0.2-1
2014-07-23 Sebastian Harlrules: Use dh_prep instead of 'dh_clean -k'.
2014-07-23 Sebastian Harlrules: Don't install contrib/tigrc as example any more.
2014-07-23 Sebastian Harlrules: Use NEWS.adoc in place of NEWS and remove BUGS
2014-07-15 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Build-depend on libreadline-dev.
2014-07-12 Trent W. Buckcontrol: Improved short description to better match...
2014-07-12 Trent W. Buckcontrol: tig enhances git.
2014-07-12 Trent W. BuckBump compat to 9.
2014-07-12 Sebastian HarlUpdated copyright for 2.0.2.
2014-07-12 Sebastian HarlUpdated changelog to 2.0.2-1, closing #746560.
2013-11-23 Sebastian HarlReleased changelog. tig-1.2.1-1
2013-11-23 Sebastian HarlRemove auto-generated doc from installed tmp directory.
2013-11-23 Sebastian Harlrules: Updated path names to documentation.
2013-11-23 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Updated for 1.2.1.
2013-11-23 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 1.2.1-1.
2013-11-23 Sebastian HarlReupload to unstable as 1.1-2. tig-1.1-2
2013-01-29 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Released to experimental. tig-1.1-1
2013-01-29 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated standards-version to 3.9.4 -- no changes.
2013-01-28 Sebastian Harlpatches: Removed bts680442-broken-graph.patch; applied...
2013-01-28 Sebastian Harlchangelog: 1.1 fixes #682766 by improving tigrc(5).
2013-01-28 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Updated for 1.1.
2013-01-28 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 1.1-1.
2012-07-15 Sebastian HarlPrepared changelog for release. tig-1.0-2
2012-07-15 Sebastian Harlsource/format: Change to '3.0 (quilt)' format in order...
2012-07-15 Sebastian Harlpatches/: Added bts680442-broken-graph.patch.
2012-05-18 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Fixed distribution of last changelog entry.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlrules: Enabled harding build flags (use dpkg-buildflags). tig-1.0-1
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated standards-version to 3.9.3 -- no changes.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlrules: Split build target into build-{arch,indep} as...
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlchangelog: The new upstream release also fixes #626124.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlrules: Don't try to install TODO.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlrules: Don't remove 'test-graph'.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlchangelog: New upstream release fixes #656810.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlchangelog: 0.18 fixed #635546.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Updated for 1.0.
2012-05-17 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 1.0-1.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlrules: Install 'NEWS' as upstream changelog, rather... tig-0.17-1
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlrules: Do not install 'test-graph' to the package.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Point to GPL-2 and GPL-3 in common-licenses.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlrules: (Again) pass -I/usr/include/ncursesw to CFLAGS.
2011-03-08 Sebastian HarlUpdated copyright.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlchangelog: 0.17 fixes #611876 and #617318.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Uploading to unstable.
2011-03-08 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 0.17-1.
2010-09-21 Sebastian HarlRemoved debian/README.source. tig-0.16.2-1
2010-09-21 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 0.16.2.
2010-09-20 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.1 -- no changes.
2010-09-20 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Uploading to experimental because of the...
2010-09-20 Sebastian Harlpatches: Removed bts594549-pager-segfault -- included...
2010-09-20 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 0.16.1-1.
2010-09-03 Sebastian HarlAdded debian/README.source. tig-0.16-2
2010-09-03 Sebastian Harlpatches: Added bts594549-pager-segfault.
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Depend on ${misc:Depends}, as recommended... tig-0.16-1
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Added epoch to versioned dependency on git...
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated standards-version to 3.8.4 -- no changes.
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated versioned build-dep on asciidoc to...
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlcopyright: Updated for 0.16.
2010-06-22 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated to 0.16-1.
2009-11-23 Sebastian HarlAdded debian/tig.doc-base. tig-0.15-1
2009-11-23 Sebastian HarlThe new upstream release closes #557575.
2009-11-21 Sebastian Harlpatches: Removed asciidoc-8.4.dpatch.
2009-11-21 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.3 - no changes.
2009-11-21 Sebastian Harlcontrol: No longer build-depend on git-core
2009-11-21 Sebastian HarlUpdated changelog to 0.15-1.
2009-06-21 Sebastian Harlchangelog: Updated standards-version to 3.8.2. tig-0.14.1-2
2009-06-21 Sebastian HarlUse my E-mail address.
2009-06-21 Sebastian Harlpatches: Added asciidoc-8.4.dpatch.
2009-04-03 Sebastian Harlcontrol: Updated standards-version to 3.8.1. tig-0.14.1-1
2009-04-03 Sebastian Harlpatches: Removed quoted-config-opts-fix.dpatch.
2009-04-03 Sebastian Harlpatches/: Removed tigrc-example-fix.dpatch.