
2011-01-07 cajusUpdated string
2011-01-07 cajusUpdated select field background color
2011-01-07 cajusUpdated smarty to 3.0.6
2010-12-17 cajusRemoved remaining space
2010-12-17 cajusRename wording
2010-12-17 cajusTest
2010-12-17 cajusTest
2010-12-17 cajusUpdated schema
2010-12-17 cajusUpdate test
2010-12-17 cajusComit test
2010-12-17 cajusAdded quota for webdav
2010-12-15 hickertApplied patches from lhm commits
2010-12-15 hickertApplied patches from lhm commits
2010-12-15 hickertApplied patches from lhm commits
2010-12-15 hickertUpdated Problems With Mail Shared Folders
2010-12-15 hickertUpdated POST handling for mail shared folders.
2010-12-14 hickertUpdated samba plugin
2010-12-14 hickertUpdated expiration handling
2010-12-14 hickertUpdated connectivity tab
2010-12-13 hickertRemoved password length restriction from setup template
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated ACL handling
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated shared folders
2010-12-10 hickertRemoved Groupware stuff from contrib/gosa.conF
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated groupware shared folder plugin
2010-12-10 hickertFixed sorting for ACL Role categories
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated list cloumn width for acls.
2010-12-10 hickertApplied patches from branches/2.7
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated default sorting for ACL-Sections
2010-12-10 hickertUpdated schema check
2010-12-10 hickertAdded php5-curl dependency
2010-12-09 cajusFixed layout issue
2010-12-06 hickertRemoved help path
2010-12-06 hickertUpdated externals
2010-12-06 hickertRemoved help generation
2010-12-06 hickertRemoved guide.xml files
2010-12-03 cajusUpdate FAQ
2010-12-03 hickertFixed locking of Samba hashes closes #1118
2010-12-03 cajusUpdated FAQ
2010-12-02 hickertFixed smarty error in setup
2010-12-02 cajusUpdated FAQ
2010-12-02 hickertAdded core file
2010-12-02 cajusUpdated version in README
2010-12-02 cajusRemoved space
2010-12-02 cajusUpdated debian stuff
2010-12-02 cajusAdded mailto for contacts
2010-12-02 cajusUpdated locales
2010-12-02 cajusAdded "You're not allowed..."
2010-12-02 cajusUpdated template
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated locales
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated messages
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated locales
2010-12-01 cajusAdded locale for goto-ng
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated ACL handling in info page
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated externals
2010-12-01 hickertRemoved new-config mangement
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated plugin dec
2010-12-01 hickertRenamed plugin
2010-12-01 hickertRemoved accidentally checked in file:contrib/resolution
2010-12-01 hickertAdded goto-ng
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated infoPage
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated goto locales
2010-12-01 hickertAdded command info
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated messages
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated a couple of messages
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated FAQ
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated the FAQ
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated plugin messages
2010-12-01 cajusFixed string
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated strings
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated info page
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusUpdated description
2010-12-01 cajusAdd italic
2010-12-01 cajusMinor cleanup
2010-12-01 cajusAdded year and revision
2010-12-01 cajusRemoved welcome message
2010-12-01 cajusUpdate flush
2010-12-01 hickertupdated build script
2010-12-01 hickertdetect correct version
2010-12-01 hickertupdated patch
2010-12-01 hickertupdated patch
2010-12-01 hickertUpdated patches and build script
2010-11-30 cajusUpdated plproperties
2010-11-30 cajusplProperty updates
2010-11-30 cajusplProperty updates
2010-11-30 cajusplProperty updates