Suggest (instead of recommend) mpd as suggested in #447781.
debian/control: Added Homepage and Vcs-{Git,Browser} fields.
* "Homepage:" has been moved from the package description to the source
* Added versioned build dependency on dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.6).
* "Homepage:" has been moved from the package description to the source
* Added versioned build dependency on dpkg-dev (>= 1.14.6).
Build-depends must be a single line according to section 5.1 of the policy.
Append "-I/usr/include/ncursesw" to CFLAGS.
Removed unnecessary dirs and docs files.
Updated changelog.
Updated standards version to 3.7.2.
Rewrote rules to not use cdbs.
Adapted build dependencies.
Adapted build dependencies.
Removed unnecessary ${misc:Depends}.
Lines should not be longer than 79 characters ;-)
Adapted copyright to my personal style.
New maintainer (Sebastian Harl).
Initially added adopted ncmpc-0.11.1+svn-r3965-1.
Originally maintained by Rene van Bevern.
Originally maintained by Rene van Bevern.