Updated standards-version to 3.7.3.
No changes were necessary.
No changes were necessary.
Added copyright holder for src/vigra_impex/iccjpeg.[ch].
Added "freeglut3-dev" build dependency.
Added libglew1.4-dev as option to libglew-dev build dependency.
Added type_mismatch.dpatch to fix a failure to instantiate std::max().
* Use dpatch in debian/rules.
* Added dpatch to build dependencies.
* Use dpatch in debian/rules.
* Added dpatch to build dependencies.
Enblend enhances hugin - added appropriate field to debian/control.
Fixed a typo in debian/control.
Moved "Homepage" field to the source stanza and added Vcs-* fields.
Added versioned (>= 1.14.6) dpkg-dev build dependency.
Added versioned (>= 1.14.6) dpkg-dev build dependency.
Added initial version.