
IE Psot fix ....
[gosa.git] / include /
2005-07-12 hickertIE Psot fix ....
2005-07-11 hickertUnintialized var fixed
2005-07-11 hickertFixed some errors detected by Eclipse
2005-07-11 hickertFixed some Errors detected by eclipse.
2005-07-11 hickertFixed potential error with non existing binddn
2005-07-07 hickertfix
2005-07-07 hickertFixed Quota
2005-07-07 hickertFixed undefined index, in index
2005-07-07 hickerta kolab fix
2005-06-28 cajusSomeone was so kind to believe that a 2.0 in a long...
2005-06-28 hickertadded error lvl select to setup.
2005-06-28 cajusMade exact match for true/false
2005-06-28 hickertadded display error switch to gosa.conf
2005-06-27 opensidesUpdated french locale
2005-06-27 hickertadded schemacheck in index.php
2005-06-27 hickertadded Schema check, GOsa needs to know Schema setup
2005-06-25 cajusMade error message beeing displayed
2005-06-24 cajusFixed filtering for mail dialog
2005-06-24 hickertAddressbook clean
2005-06-24 hickertlast files, added summary
2005-06-24 hickertMass table tag fixing
2005-06-24 cajusRemoved some warnings from cyrus method
2005-06-24 cajusMoved error handler to php_setup in order to get an...
2005-06-24 cajusForce-enabled state for "report_memory_leaks"
2005-06-22 cajusRemoved warnings about non existing getacl functions
2005-06-22 cajusAdded handling of fatal errors
2005-06-22 hickertsome contrib creation fixes
2005-06-17 cajusFixed plugin design which was totaly different from...
2005-06-17 cajusMoved from obsolete SERVICE to TAB keywords.
2005-06-16 cajusReverted to non static version
2005-06-16 hickertchanged bgcolor
2005-06-16 cajusUpdated functionality for postmodify and passwords
2005-06-15 janwMade passwordMethod::get_available_methods() static
2005-06-15 hickertrenamed scandir_php4 to scan_directory
2005-06-14 hickertAdded alternative function for scandir( PHP 5 ), called...
2005-06-13 cajusMove background color to white
2005-06-13 hickerterror fixed
2005-06-13 hickertaddedprogressbar to M plugins/personal/mail/generic.tpl
2005-06-13 hickertadded new progressbar to info tab
2005-06-13 hickertnew progressbar function
2005-06-13 hickertremoved double title
2005-06-13 hickertLink contained ' removed
2005-06-13 hickerthr size 1 fpr helppage
2005-06-13 hickertsome changes, utf-8 design etc
2005-06-13 hickertUtf-8 error, caused by htmlentities() ... grml, fixed
2005-06-13 hickertadded prgressbar with colors and percentag to resultpag...
2005-06-10 hickertimages shown correct
2005-06-10 hickertshows headline now
2005-06-10 hickerthelpviewer now parse extern links
2005-06-10 cajusFixed translation
2005-06-10 hickerthelpviewer
2005-06-10 cajusisvalid should return only bool values
2005-06-10 hickertfixed undefined value, for return classes
2005-06-10 hickertStrings prepared for translation
2005-06-10 hickertAdded backward forward button, and W3c conform
2005-06-10 cajusAdded easy to replace constant for help base in functio...
2005-06-10 cajusRemoved old helpviewer include
2005-06-10 cajusModified file name space
2005-06-09 hickerttest change
2005-06-09 hickertrenamed helpviewer functions file
2005-06-09 hickertSplitted functions and code, from helppage
2005-06-07 hickertSetup create user
2005-06-07 hickertCertificate informations shown now
2005-06-07 hickertremoved error, Output startet at, class_certificate...
2005-06-07 hickertAdded certificate
2005-06-03 janwAdded warnings.
2005-06-03 janwclean_smarty_compile_dir works now for dirs, too
2005-06-03 janwclean_smarty_compile_dir works for files.
2005-06-03 janwAdded functions to automatically clean old smarty tempf...
2005-06-03 cajusAdded clean rump
2005-06-03 janwAdded XML check to,
2005-06-02 cajusRestored PHP 4.1 compatibilty
2005-06-01 cajusHide all muted errors for following releases
2005-06-01 cajusgit-svn-id:
2005-06-01 cajusAdded reverence to graphicsmagick-im-compat
2005-05-31 cajusFixes for password setting methods that call unused...
2005-05-31 hickertnmp check corrected
2005-05-31 hickertMailmethod, Cyrus tries to connect, without any informa...
2005-05-31 hickertGosa.conf, now will not have an entry for mail, if...
2005-05-31 hickertDummy mail Mehtod for setup
2005-05-31 hickertcheck inserted
2005-05-31 hickertsnmp
2005-05-31 hickertSnmp Module for PHP is neededd for monitoring.
2005-05-31 cajusFixed errors that appear to happen when specifiying...
2005-05-30 cajusMoved to LOG_INFO instead of LOG_WARNING
2005-05-30 cajusUpdates
2005-05-27 cajusFixed problem with case sensitivity in PHP5
2005-05-27 janwModified memory_limit check (8M -> 16M)
2005-05-26 cajusCode layout fixes
2005-05-26 cajusFixed code layout
2005-05-26 cajusFixed perl password generation line
2005-05-26 cajusHide size limit errors
2005-05-26 cajusFixed layout for error messages
2005-05-25 hickertchanges in fucntions inc --> there was & in a link...
2005-05-25 hickertLink must contain "&" instead of "&".
2005-05-25 hickertalt tag was twice present
2005-05-25 hickertlast middle for img is set
2005-05-25 hickertadded alt tag to
2005-05-25 hickertadded alt tag to php outpu in files:
2005-05-25 hickertusers page, some style fixed