summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 07d4f35)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 07d4f35)
author | richard <richard@57a73879-2fb5-44c3-a270-3262357dd7e2> | |
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 07:45:40 +0000 (07:45 +0000) | ||
committer | richard <richard@57a73879-2fb5-44c3-a270-3262357dd7e2> | |
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 07:45:40 +0000 (07:45 +0000) |
sqlite too, but that doesn't care).
Probably should use BOOLEAN instead of INTEGER for the Boolean props.
Need to fix a bizzaro MySQL error (gee, how unusual)
Need to finish MySQL migration from "version 1" database schemas.
git-svn-id: 57a73879-2fb5-44c3-a270-3262357dd7e2
Probably should use BOOLEAN instead of INTEGER for the Boolean props.
Need to fix a bizzaro MySQL error (gee, how unusual)
Need to finish MySQL migration from "version 1" database schemas.
git-svn-id: 57a73879-2fb5-44c3-a270-3262357dd7e2
index a0d87577be6872d34e89e3e947c15538d148c18c..6e41516137b4e866eb1a3cb5b5e63b2ccdda7419 100755 (executable)
-# $Id:,v 1.66 2004-03-21 23:39:08 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.67 2004-03-22 07:45:39 richard Exp $
'''Metakit backend for Roundup, originally by Gordon McMillan.
Known Current Bugs:
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
# Enable this flag to break backwards compatibility (i.e. can't read old
# databases) but comply with more roundup features, like adding NULL support.
from roundup import hyperdb, date, password, roundupdb, security
import metakit
index c1d1680aa714d66b3253afd0649f054054821ccc..d5e5edc7ea29b1e21c944a512f98275d8095cf0b 100644 (file)
# disclaimer are retained in their original form.
-'''This module defines a backend implementation for MySQL.'''
+'''This module defines a backend implementation for MySQL.
+How to implement AUTO_INCREMENT:
+mysql> create table foo (num integer auto_increment primary key, name
+varchar(255)) AUTO_INCREMENT=1 type=InnoDB;
+ql> insert into foo (name) values ('foo5');
+Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
+mysql> SELECT num FROM foo WHERE num IS NULL;
+| num |
+| 4 |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+mysql> SELECT num FROM foo WHERE num IS NULL;
+Empty set (0.00 sec)
+NOTE: we don't need an index on the id column if it's PRIMARY KEY
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
from roundup.backends.rdbms_common import *
mysql_backend = 'InnoDB'
#mysql_backend = 'BDB'
+ hyperdb_to_sql_value = {
+ hyperdb.String : str,
+ # no fractional seconds for MySQL
+ hyperdb.Date : lambda x: x.formal(sep=' '),
+ hyperdb.Link : int,
+ hyperdb.Interval : lambda x: x.serialise(),
+ hyperdb.Password : str,
+ hyperdb.Boolean : int,
+ hyperdb.Number : lambda x: x,
+ }
def sql_open_connection(self):
db = getattr(self.config, 'MYSQL_DATABASE')
self.sql("CREATE TABLE schema (schema TEXT) TYPE=%s"%
- # TODO: use AUTO_INCREMENT for generating ids:
- #
- self.sql("CREATE TABLE ids (name varchar(255), num INT) TYPE=%s"%
- self.mysql_backend)
- self.sql("CREATE INDEX ids_name_idx ON ids(name)")
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE ids (name VARCHAR(255),
+ num INTEGER) TYPE=%s'''%self.mysql_backend)
+ self.cursor.execute('create index ids_name_idx on ids(name)')
def create_version_2_tables(self):
# OTK store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE otks (otk_key VARCHAR(255), '
- 'otk_value VARCHAR(255), otk_time FLOAT(20)) '
- 'TYPE=%s'%self.mysql_backend)
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE otks (otk_key VARCHAR(255),
+ otk_value VARCHAR(255), otk_time FLOAT(20))
+ TYPE=%s'''%self.mysql_backend)
self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX otks_key_idx ON otks(otk_key)')
# Sessions store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE sessions (session_key VARCHAR(255), '
- 'session_time FLOAT(20), session_value VARCHAR(255)) '
- 'TYPE=%s'%self.mysql_backend)
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX sessions_key_idx ON '
- 'sessions(session_key)')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ session_key VARCHAR(255), session_time FLOAT(20),
+ session_value VARCHAR(255)) TYPE=%s'''%self.mysql_backend)
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE INDEX sessions_key_idx ON
+ sessions(session_key)''')
# full-text indexing store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _textids (_class VARCHAR(255), '
- '_itemid VARCHAR(255), _prop VARCHAR(255), _textid INT) '
- 'TYPE=%s'%self.mysql_backend)
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _words (_word VARCHAR(30), '
- '_textid INT) TYPE=%s'%self.mysql_backend)
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON _words(_word)')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE __textids (_class VARCHAR(255),
+ _itemid VARCHAR(255), _prop VARCHAR(255), _textid INT)
+ TYPE=%s'''%self.mysql_backend)
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE __words (_word VARCHAR(30),
+ _textid INT) TYPE=%s'''%self.mysql_backend)
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON __words(_word)')
sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s,%s)'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, ('_textids', 1))
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, ('__textids', 1))
def add_actor_column(self):
- # update existing tables to have the new actor column
- tables = self.database_schema['tables']
- for name in tables.keys():
- self.cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE _%s add __actor '
- 'VARCHAR(255)'%name)
+ ''' While we're adding the actor column, we need to update the
+ tables to have the correct datatypes.'''
+ assert 0, 'FINISH ME!'
+ for spec in self.classes.values():
+ new_has =
+ new_spec = spec.schema()
+ new_spec[1].sort()
+ old_spec[1].sort()
+ if not force and new_spec == old_spec:
+ # no changes
+ return 0
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'update_class FIRING'
+ # detect multilinks that have been removed, and drop their table
+ old_has = {}
+ for name,prop in old_spec[1]:
+ old_has[name] = 1
+ if new_has(name) or not isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink):
+ continue
+ # it's a multilink, and it's been removed - drop the old
+ # table. First drop indexes.
+ self.drop_multilink_table_indexes(spec.classname, ml)
+ sql = 'drop table %s_%s'%(spec.classname, prop)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'update_class', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ old_has = old_has.has_key
+ # now figure how we populate the new table
+ if adding_actor:
+ fetch = ['_activity', '_creation', '_creator']
+ else:
+ fetch = ['_actor', '_activity', '_creation', '_creator']
+ properties = spec.getprops()
+ for propname,x in new_spec[1]:
+ prop = properties[propname]
+ if isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Multilink):
+ if force or not old_has(propname):
+ # we need to create the new table
+ self.create_multilink_table(spec, propname)
+ elif old_has(propname):
+ # we copy this col over from the old table
+ fetch.append('_'+propname)
+ # select the data out of the old table
+ fetch.append('id')
+ fetch.append('__retired__')
+ fetchcols = ','.join(fetch)
+ cn = spec.classname
+ sql = 'select %s from _%s'%(fetchcols, cn)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'update_class', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ olddata = self.cursor.fetchall()
+ # TODO: update all the other index dropping code
+ self.drop_class_table_indexes(cn, old_spec[0])
+ # drop the old table
+ self.cursor.execute('drop table _%s'%cn)
+ # create the new table
+ self.create_class_table(spec)
+ # do the insert of the old data - the new columns will have
+ # NULL values
+ args = ','.join([self.arg for x in fetch])
+ sql = 'insert into _%s (%s) values (%s)'%(cn, fetchcols, args)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'update_class', (self, sql, olddata[0])
+ for entry in olddata:
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, tuple(entry))
+ return 1
def __repr__(self):
return '<myroundsql 0x%x>'%id(self)
s = repr(self.database_schema)
self.sql('INSERT INTO schema VALUES (%s)', (s,))
- def save_journal(self, classname, cols, nodeid, journaldate,
- journaltag, action, params):
- params = repr(params)
- entry = (nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action, params)
- a = self.arg
- sql = 'insert into %s__journal (%s) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(classname,
- cols, a, a, a, a, a)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'addjournal', (self, sql, entry)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, entry)
- def load_journal(self, classname, cols, nodeid):
- sql = 'select %s from %s__journal where nodeid=%s'%(cols, classname,
- self.arg)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'getjournal', (self, sql, nodeid)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, (nodeid,))
- res = []
- for nodeid, date_stamp, user, action, params in self.cursor.fetchall():
- params = eval(params)
- res.append((nodeid, date.Date(date_stamp), user, action, params))
- return res
def create_class_table(self, spec):
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(
- cols.append('id')
- cols.append('__retired__')
- scols = ',' . join(['`%s` VARCHAR(255)'%x for x in cols])
- sql = 'CREATE TABLE `_%s` (%s) TYPE=%s'%(spec.classname, scols,
+ # add on our special columns
+ cols.append(('id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'))
+ cols.append(('__retired__', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'))
+ # create the base table
+ scols = ','.join(['%s %s'%x for x in cols])
+ sql = 'create table _%s (%s) type=%s'%(spec.classname, scols,
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql)
return cols, mls
def create_journal_table(self, spec):
- cols = ',' . join(['`%s` VARCHAR(255)'%x
- for x in 'nodeid date tag action params' . split()])
- sql = 'CREATE TABLE `%s__journal` (%s) TYPE=%s'%(spec.classname,
- cols, self.mysql_backend)
+ # journal table
+ cols = ','.join(['%s varchar'%x
+ for x in 'nodeid date tag action params'.split()])
+ sql = '''create table %s__journal (
+ nodeid integer, date timestamp, tag varchar(255),
+ action varchar(255), params varchar(255)) type=%s'''%(
+ spec.classname, self.mysql_backend)
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_journal_table', (self, sql)
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_index', (self, sql)
+ # old-skool id generation
+ def newid(self, classname):
+ ''' Generate a new id for the given class
+ '''
+ # get the next ID
+ sql = 'select num from ids where name=%s'%self.arg
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, classname)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, (classname, ))
+ newid = int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ # update the counter
+ sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
+ vals = (int(newid)+1, classname)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
+ # return as string
+ return str(newid)
+ def setid(self, classname, setid):
+ ''' Set the id counter: used during import of database
+ We add one to make it behave like the seqeunces in postgres.
+ '''
+ sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
+ vals = (int(setid)+1, classname)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setid', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
+ def create_class(self, spec):
+ rdbms_common.Database.create_class(self, spec)
+ sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s, %s)'
+ vals = (spec.classname, 1)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
class MysqlClass:
# we're overriding this method for ONE missing bit of functionality.
# look for "I can't believe it's not a toy RDBMS" below
l = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
# return the IDs (the first column)
- return [row[0] for row in l]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ return [str(row[0]) for row in l]
class Class(MysqlClass, rdbms_common.Class):
index a8537dfe2704ba75f4a82e2b0d00de6eb89e35c7..4882492c4393813cb3f6c5eab64420af69c63787 100644 (file)
self.sql("CREATE TABLE schema (schema TEXT)")
- self.sql("CREATE TABLE ids (name VARCHAR(255), num INT4)")
- self.sql("CREATE INDEX ids_name_idx ON ids(name)")
+ self.sql("CREATE TABLE dual (dummy integer)")
+ self.sql("insert into dual values (1)")
def create_version_2_tables(self):
# OTK store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE otks (otk_key VARCHAR(255), '
- 'otk_value VARCHAR(255), otk_time FLOAT(20))')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE otks (otk_key VARCHAR(255),
+ otk_value VARCHAR(255), otk_time FLOAT(20))''')
self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX otks_key_idx ON otks(otk_key)')
# Sessions store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE sessions (session_key VARCHAR(255), '
- 'session_time FLOAT(20), session_value VARCHAR(255))')
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX sessions_key_idx ON '
- 'sessions(session_key)')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ session_key VARCHAR(255), session_time FLOAT(20),
+ session_value VARCHAR(255))''')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE INDEX sessions_key_idx ON
+ sessions(session_key)''')
# full-text indexing store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _textids (_class VARCHAR(255), '
- '_itemid VARCHAR(255), _prop VARCHAR(255), _textid INT4) ')
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _words (_word VARCHAR(30), '
- '_textid INT4)')
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON _words(_word)')
- sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s,%s)'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, ('_textids', 1))
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE ___textids_ids')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE __textids (
+ _textid integer primary key, _class VARCHAR(255),
+ _itemid VARCHAR(255), _prop VARCHAR(255))''')
+ self.cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE __words (_word VARCHAR(30),
+ _textid integer)''')
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_idx ON __words(_word)')
def add_actor_column(self):
# update existing tables to have the new actor column
return self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
def create_class_table(self, spec):
- cols, mls = self.determine_columns(
- cols.append('id')
- cols.append('__retired__')
- scols = ',' . join(['"%s" VARCHAR(255)'%x for x in cols])
- sql = 'CREATE TABLE "_%s" (%s)' % (spec.classname, scols)
+ sql = 'CREATE SEQUENCE _%s_ids'%spec.classname
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class_table', (self, sql)
- self.create_class_table_indexes(spec)
- return cols, mls
+ return rdbms_common.Database.create_class_table(self, spec)
+ def drop_class_table(self, cn):
+ sql = 'drop table _%s'%cn
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ sql = 'drop sequence _%s_ids'%cn
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
def create_journal_table(self, spec):
cols = ',' . join(['"%s" VARCHAR(255)'%x
self.create_multilink_table_indexes(spec, ml)
+ def newid(self, classname):
+ sql = "select nextval('_%s_ids') from dual"%classname
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setid', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ return self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
+ def setid(self, classname, setid):
+ sql = "select setval('_%s_ids', %s) from dual"%(classname, int(setid))
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setid', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
class Class(rdbms_common.Class):
class IssueClass(rdbms_common.IssueClass):
index 360fd70b3216ee7b086e051d6990bd1c209bcae0..32f3d7c3bccfeedfe6c887bfc45a56394770fd48 100644 (file)
-# $Id:,v 1.19 2004-03-21 23:45:44 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.20 2004-03-22 07:45:39 richard Exp $
'''Implements a backend for SQLite.
See for pysqlite info
+NOTE: we use the rdbms_common table creation methods which define datatypes
+for the columns, but sqlite IGNORES these specifications.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import os, base64, marshal
-from roundup import hyperdb
+from roundup import hyperdb, date, password
from roundup.backends import rdbms_common
import sqlite
# char to use for positional arguments
arg = '%s'
+ hyperdb_to_sql_value = {
+ hyperdb.String : str,
+ hyperdb.Date : lambda x: x.serialise(),
+ hyperdb.Link : int,
+ hyperdb.Interval : lambda x: x.serialise(),
+ hyperdb.Password : str,
+ hyperdb.Boolean : int,
+ hyperdb.Number : lambda x: x,
+ }
+ sql_to_hyperdb_value = {
+ hyperdb.String : str,
+ hyperdb.Date : lambda x: date.Date(str(x)),
+# hyperdb.Link : int, # XXX numeric ids
+ hyperdb.Link : str,
+ hyperdb.Interval : date.Interval,
+ hyperdb.Password : lambda x: password.Password(encrypted=x),
+ hyperdb.Boolean : int,
+ hyperdb.Number : rdbms_common._num_cvt,
+ }
def sql_open_connection(self):
db = os.path.join(self.config.DATABASE, 'db')
conn = sqlite.connect(db=db)
# full-text indexing store
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _textids (_class varchar, '
- '_itemid varchar, _prop varchar, _textid integer) ')
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE _words (_word varchar, '
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE __textids (_class varchar, '
+ '_itemid varchar, _prop varchar, _textid integer primary key) ')
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE __words (_word varchar, '
'_textid integer)')
- self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON _words(_word)')
+ self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX words_word_ids ON __words(_word)')
sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s,%s)'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, ('_textids', 1))
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, ('__textids', 1))
def add_actor_column(self):
# update existing tables to have the new actor column
return 1
return 0
+ # old-skool id generation
+ def newid(self, classname):
+ ''' Generate a new id for the given class
+ '''
+ # get the next ID
+ sql = 'select num from ids where name=%s'%self.arg
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, classname)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, (classname, ))
+ newid = int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
+ # update the counter
+ sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
+ vals = (int(newid)+1, classname)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
+ # return as string
+ return str(newid)
+ def setid(self, classname, setid):
+ ''' Set the id counter: used during import of database
+ We add one to make it behave like the seqeunces in postgres.
+ '''
+ sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
+ vals = (int(setid)+1, classname)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setid', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
+ def create_class(self, spec):
+ rdbms_common.Database.create_class(self, spec)
+ sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s, %s)'
+ vals = (spec.classname, 1)
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
class sqliteClass:
def filter(self, search_matches, filterspec, sort=(None,None),
index 3528083d30731bd1eac48ef5fd991f23244e1e19..82437b14d1054bc4d753bebc5b8e9f3f70a9a41b 100644 (file)
# first, find the id of the (classname, itemid, property)
a = self.db.arg
- sql = 'select _textid from _textids where _class=%s and '\
+ sql = 'select _textid from __textids where _class=%s and '\
'_itemid=%s and _prop=%s'%(a, a, a)
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, identifier)
r = self.db.cursor.fetchone()
if not r:
- id = self.db.newid('_textids')
- sql = 'insert into _textids (_textid, _class, _itemid, _prop)'\
+ id = self.db.newid('__textids')
+ sql = 'insert into __textids (_textid, _class, _itemid, _prop)'\
' values (%s, %s, %s, %s)'%(a, a, a, a)
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (id, ) + identifier)
+ self.db.cursor.execute('select max(_textid) from __textids')
+ id = self.db.cursor.fetchone()[0]
id = int(r[0])
# clear out any existing indexed values
- sql = 'delete from _words where _textid=%s'%a
+ sql = 'delete from __words where _textid=%s'%a
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (id, ))
# ok, find all the words in the text
# for each word, add an entry in the db
for word in words:
# don't dupe
- sql = 'select * from _words where _word=%s and _textid=%s'%(a, a)
+ sql = 'select * from __words where _word=%s and _textid=%s'%(a, a)
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (word, id))
if self.db.cursor.fetchall():
- sql = 'insert into _words (_word, _textid) values (%s, %s)'%(a, a)
+ sql = 'insert into __words (_word, _textid) values (%s, %s)'%(a, a)
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, (word, id))
def find(self, wordlist):
l = [word.upper() for word in wordlist if 26 > len(word) > 2]
a = ','.join([self.db.arg] * len(l))
- sql = 'select distinct(_textid) from _words where _word in (%s)'%a
+ sql = 'select distinct(_textid) from __words where _word in (%s)'%a
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, tuple(l))
r = self.db.cursor.fetchall()
if not r:
return {}
a = ','.join([self.db.arg] * len(r))
- sql = 'select _class, _itemid, _prop from _textids '\
+ sql = 'select _class, _itemid, _prop from __textids '\
'where _textid in (%s)'%a
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, tuple([int(id) for (id,) in r]))
# self.search_index has the results as {some id: identifier} ...
index e7c4f42c2f165976a3a83f1c3a33fe4291bdeb53..56d0e1c0041a8a77c0bc5530b841a48e0a6ce541 100644 (file)
-# $Id:,v 1.83 2004-03-21 23:39:08 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.84 2004-03-22 07:45:39 richard Exp $
''' Relational database (SQL) backend common code.
# number of rows to keep in memory
+def _num_cvt(num):
+ num = str(num)
+ try:
+ return int(num)
+ except:
+ return float(num)
class Database(FileStorage, hyperdb.Database, roundupdb.Database):
''' Wrapper around an SQL database that presents a hyperdb interface.
+ hyperdb_to_sql_datatypes = {
+ hyperdb.String : 'VARCHAR(255)',
+ hyperdb.Date : 'TIMESTAMP',
+ hyperdb.Link : 'INTEGER',
+ hyperdb.Interval : 'VARCHAR(255)',
+ hyperdb.Password : 'VARCHAR(255)',
+ hyperdb.Boolean : 'INTEGER',
+ hyperdb.Number : 'REAL',
+ }
def determine_columns(self, properties):
''' Figure the column names and multilink properties from the spec
"properties" is a list of (name, prop) where prop may be an
instance of a hyperdb "type" _or_ a string repr of that type.
- cols = ['_actor', '_activity', '_creator', '_creation']
+ cols = [
+ ('_actor', 'INTEGER'),
+ ('_activity', 'DATE'),
+ ('_creator', 'INTEGER'),
+ ('_creation', 'DATE')
+ ]
mls = []
# add the multilinks separately
for col, prop in properties:
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
- elif isinstance(prop, type('')) and prop.find('Multilink') != -1:
- mls.append(col)
- else:
- cols.append('_'+col)
+ continue
+ if isinstance(prop, type('')):
+ raise ValueError, "string property spec!"
+ #and prop.find('Multilink') != -1:
+ #mls.append(col)
+ datatype = self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatypes[prop.__class__]
+ cols.append(('_'+col, datatype))
return cols, mls
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(
# add on our special columns
- cols.append('id')
- cols.append('__retired__')
+ cols.append(('id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'))
+ cols.append(('__retired__', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'))
# create the base table
- scols = ','.join(['%s varchar'%x for x in cols])
+ scols = ','.join(['%s %s'%x for x in cols])
sql = 'create table _%s (%s)'%(spec.classname, scols)
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql)
def create_class_table_indexes(self, spec):
''' create the class table for the given spec
- # create id index
- index_sql1 = 'create index _%s_id_idx on _%s(id)'%(
- spec.classname, spec.classname)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_index', (self, index_sql1)
- self.cursor.execute(index_sql1)
# create __retired__ index
index_sql2 = 'create index _%s_retired_idx on _%s(__retired__)'%(
spec.classname, spec.classname)
def create_class_table_key_index(self, cn, key):
''' create the class table for the given spec
+ sql = 'create index _%s_%s_idx on _%s(_%s)'%(cn, key, cn, key)
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'update_class setting keyprop %r'% \
- key
- index_sql3 = 'create index _%s_%s_idx on _%s(_%s)'%(cn, key,
- cn, key)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_index', (self, index_sql3)
- self.cursor.execute(index_sql3)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class_tab_key_index', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
def drop_class_table_key_index(self, cn, key):
table_name = '_%s'%cn
sql = 'drop index '+index_name
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_index', (self, sql)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class_tab_key_index', (self, sql)
def create_journal_table(self, spec):
# journal table
cols = ','.join(['%s varchar'%x
for x in 'nodeid date tag action params'.split()])
- sql = 'create table %s__journal (%s)'%(spec.classname, cols)
+ sql = '''create table %s__journal (
+ nodeid integer, date timestamp, tag varchar(255),
+ action varchar(255), params varchar(25))'''%spec.classname
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_journal_table', (self, sql)
for ml in mls:
self.create_multilink_table(spec, ml)
- # ID counter
- sql = 'insert into ids (name, num) values (%s,%s)'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- vals = (spec.classname, 1)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'create_class', (self, sql, vals)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
def drop_class(self, cn, spec):
''' Drop the given table from the database.
# drop class table and indexes
self.drop_class_table_indexes(cn, spec[0])
- sql = 'drop table _%s'%cn
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class', (self, sql)
- self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ self.drop_class_table(cn)
# drop journal table and indexes
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class', (self, sql)
+ def drop_class_table(self, cn):
+ sql = 'drop table _%s'%cn
+ if __debug__:
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'drop_class', (self, sql)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
# Classes
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'clear', (self, sql)
- #
- # Node IDs
- #
- def newid(self, classname):
- ''' Generate a new id for the given class
- '''
- # get the next ID
- sql = 'select num from ids where name=%s'%self.arg
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, classname)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, (classname, ))
- newid = int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
- # update the counter
- sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- vals = (int(newid)+1, classname)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'newid', (self, sql, vals)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
- # return as string
- return str(newid)
- def setid(self, classname, setid):
- ''' Set the id counter: used during import of database
- '''
- sql = 'update ids set num=%s where name=%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- vals = (setid, classname)
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setid', (self, sql, vals)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
# Nodes
+ hyperdb_to_sql_value = {
+ hyperdb.String : str,
+ hyperdb.Date : lambda x: x.formal(sep=' ', sec='%f'),
+ hyperdb.Link : int,
+ hyperdb.Interval : lambda x: x.serialise(),
+ hyperdb.Password : str,
+ hyperdb.Boolean : int,
+ hyperdb.Number : lambda x: x,
+ }
def addnode(self, classname, nodeid, node):
''' Add the specified node to its class's db.
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(
# we'll be supplied these props if we're doing an import
- if not node.has_key('creator'):
+ values = node.copy()
+ if not values.has_key('creator'):
# add in the "calculated" properties (dupe so we don't affect
# calling code's node assumptions)
- node = node.copy()
- node['creation'] = node['activity'] = date.Date()
- node['actor'] = node['creator'] = self.getuid()
+ values['creation'] = values['activity'] = date.Date()
+ values['actor'] = values['creator'] = self.getuid()
+ cl = self.classes[classname]
+ props = cl.getprops(protected=1)
+ del props['id']
# default the non-multilink columns
- for col, prop in
- if not node.has_key(col):
+ for col, prop in props.items():
+ if not values.has_key(col):
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
- node[col] = []
+ values[col] = []
- node[col] = None
+ values[col] = None
# clear this node out of the cache if it's in there
key = (classname, nodeid)
del self.cache[key]
- # make the node data safe for the DB
- node = self.serialise(classname, node)
+ # figure the values to insert
+ vals = []
+ for col,dt in cols:
+ prop = props[col[1:]]
+ value = values[col[1:]]
+ if value:
+ value = self.hyperdb_to_sql_value[prop.__class__](value)
+ vals.append(value)
+ vals.append(nodeid)
+ vals = tuple(vals)
# make sure the ordering is correct for column name -> column value
- vals = tuple([node[col[1:]] for col in cols]) + (nodeid, 0)
- s = ','.join([self.arg for x in cols]) + ',%s,%s'%(self.arg, self.arg)
- cols = ','.join(cols) + ',id,__retired__'
+ s = ','.join([self.arg for x in cols]) + ',%s'%self.arg
+ cols = ','.join([col for col,dt in cols]) + ',id'
# perform the inserts
sql = 'insert into _%s (%s) values (%s)'%(classname, cols, s)
values['activity'] = date.Date()
values['actor'] = self.getuid()
- # make db-friendly
- values = self.serialise(classname, values)
cl = self.classes[classname]
+ props = cl.getprops()
cols = []
mls = []
# add the multilinks separately
- props = cl.getprops()
for col in values.keys():
prop = props[col]
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
- cols.append('_'+col)
+ cols.append(col)
+ # figure the values to insert
+ vals = []
+ for col in cols:
+ prop = props[col]
+ value = values[col]
+ if value is not None:
+ value = self.hyperdb_to_sql_value[prop.__class__](value)
+ vals.append(value)
+ vals.append(int(nodeid))
+ vals = tuple(vals)
# if there's any updates to regular columns, do them
if cols:
# make sure the ordering is correct for column name -> column value
- sqlvals = tuple([values[col[1:]] for col in cols]) + (nodeid,)
- s = ','.join(['%s=%s'%(x, self.arg) for x in cols])
+ s = ','.join(['_%s=%s'%(x, self.arg) for x in cols])
cols = ','.join(cols)
# perform the update
sql = 'update _%s set %s where id=%s'%(classname, s, self.arg)
if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setnode', (self, sql, sqlvals)
- self.cursor.execute(sql, sqlvals)
+ print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'setnode', (self, sql, vals)
+ self.cursor.execute(sql, vals)
# now the fun bit, updating the multilinks ;)
for col, (add, remove) in multilink_changes.items():
sql = 'insert into %s (nodeid, linkid) values (%s,%s)'%(tn,
self.arg, self.arg)
for addid in add:
- self.sql(sql, (nodeid, addid))
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ self.sql(sql, (int(nodeid), int(addid)))
if remove:
sql = 'delete from %s where nodeid=%s and linkid=%s'%(tn,
self.arg, self.arg)
for removeid in remove:
- self.sql(sql, (nodeid, removeid))
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ self.sql(sql, (int(nodeid), int(removeid)))
# make sure we do the commit-time extra stuff for this node
self.transactions.append((self.doSaveNode, (classname, nodeid, values)))
+ sql_to_hyperdb_value = {
+ hyperdb.String : str,
+ hyperdb.Date : date.Date,
+# hyperdb.Link : int, # XXX numeric ids
+ hyperdb.Link : str,
+ hyperdb.Interval : date.Interval,
+ hyperdb.Password : lambda x: password.Password(encrypted=x),
+ hyperdb.Boolean : int,
+ hyperdb.Number : _num_cvt,
+ }
def getnode(self, classname, nodeid):
''' Get a node from the database.
# figure the columns we're fetching
cl = self.classes[classname]
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(
- scols = ','.join(cols)
+ scols = ','.join([col for col,dt in cols])
# perform the basic property fetch
sql = 'select %s from _%s where id=%s'%(scols, classname, self.arg)
# make up the node
node = {}
+ props = cl.getprops(protected=1)
for col in range(len(cols)):
- node[cols[col][1:]] = values[col]
+ name = cols[col][0][1:]
+ value = values[col]
+ if value is not None:
+ value = self.sql_to_hyperdb_value[props[name].__class__](value)
+ node[name] = value
# now the multilinks
for col in mls:
self.cursor.execute(sql, (nodeid,))
# extract the first column from the result
- node[col] = [x[0] for x in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- # un-dbificate the node data
- node = self.unserialise(classname, node)
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ node[col] = [str(x[0]) for x in self.cursor.fetchall()]
# save off in the cache
key = (classname, nodeid)
sql = 'delete from %s__journal where nodeid=%s'%(classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
- def serialise(self, classname, node):
- '''Copy the node contents, converting non-marshallable data into
- marshallable data.
- '''
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'serialise', classname, node
- properties = self.getclass(classname).getprops()
- d = {}
- for k, v in node.items():
- # if the property doesn't exist, or is the "retired" flag then
- # it won't be in the properties dict
- if not properties.has_key(k):
- d[k] = v
- continue
- # get the property spec
- prop = properties[k]
- if isinstance(prop, Password) and v is not None:
- d[k] = str(v)
- elif isinstance(prop, Date) and v is not None:
- d[k] = v.serialise()
- elif isinstance(prop, Interval) and v is not None:
- d[k] = v.serialise()
- else:
- d[k] = v
- return d
- def unserialise(self, classname, node):
- '''Decode the marshalled node data
- '''
- if __debug__:
- print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'unserialise', classname, node
- properties = self.getclass(classname).getprops()
- d = {}
- for k, v in node.items():
- # if the property doesn't exist, or is the "retired" flag then
- # it won't be in the properties dict
- if not properties.has_key(k):
- d[k] = v
- continue
- # get the property spec
- prop = properties[k]
- if isinstance(prop, Date) and v is not None:
- d[k] = date.Date(v)
- elif isinstance(prop, Interval) and v is not None:
- d[k] = date.Interval(v)
- elif isinstance(prop, Password) and v is not None:
- p = password.Password()
- p.unpack(v)
- d[k] = p
- elif isinstance(prop, Boolean) and v is not None:
- d[k] = int(v)
- elif isinstance(prop, Number) and v is not None:
- # try int first, then assume it's a float
- try:
- d[k] = int(v)
- except ValueError:
- d[k] = float(v)
- else:
- d[k] = v
- return d
def hasnode(self, classname, nodeid):
''' Determine if the database has a given node.
journaltag = self.getuid()
if creation:
- journaldate = creation.serialise()
+ journaldate = creation
- journaldate = date.Date().serialise()
+ journaldate = date.Date()
# create the journal entry
cols = ','.join('nodeid date tag action params'.split())
# make the params db-friendly
params = repr(params)
- entry = (nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action, params)
+ dc = self.hyperdb_to_sql_value[hyperdb.Date]
+ entry = (nodeid, dc(journaldate), journaltag, action, params)
# do the insert
a = self.arg
- sql = 'insert into %s__journal (%s) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(classname,
- cols, a, a, a, a, a)
+ sql = 'insert into %s__journal (%s) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(
+ classname, cols, a, a, a, a, a)
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'addjournal', (self, sql, entry)
self.cursor.execute(sql, entry)
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'load_journal', (self, sql, nodeid)
self.cursor.execute(sql, (nodeid,))
res = []
+ dc = self.sql_to_hyperdb_value[hyperdb.Date]
for nodeid, date_stamp, user, action, params in self.cursor.fetchall():
params = eval(params)
- res.append((nodeid, date.Date(date_stamp), user, action, params))
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ res.append((str(nodeid), dc(date_stamp), user, action, params))
return res
def pack(self, pack_before):
if self.do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(self.classname, newid, 'create', {})
- return newid
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ return str(newid)
def export_list(self, propnames, nodeid):
''' Export a node - generate a list of CSV-able data in the order
keyvalue, self.classname)
# return the id
- return row[0]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ return str(row[0])
def find(self, **propspec):
'''Get the ids of nodes in this class which link to the given nodes.
o = o[0]
t = ', '.join(tables)
- sql = 'select distinct(id) from %s where __retired__ <> %s and %s'%(t, a, o)
+ sql = 'select distinct(id) from %s where __retired__ <> %s and %s'%(
+ t, a, o)
self.db.sql(sql, allvalues)
- l = [x[0] for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ l = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'find ... ', l
return l
s, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, tuple(args))
- l = [x[0] for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ l = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'find ... ', l
return l
if __debug__:
print >>hyperdb.DEBUG, 'getnodeids', (self, sql, retired)
self.db.cursor.execute(sql, args)
- ids = [x[0] for x in self.db.cursor.fetchall()]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ ids = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.cursor.fetchall()]
return ids
def filter(self, search_matches, filterspec, sort=(None,None),
where.append('_%s=%s'%(k, a))
elif isinstance(propclass, Date):
+ dc = self.db.hyperdb_to_sql_value[hyperdb.Date]
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('_%s in (%s)'%(k, s))
- args = args + [date.Date(x).serialise() for x in v]
+ args = args + [dc(date.Date(v)) for x in v]
# Try to filter on range of dates
date_rng = Range(v, date.Date, offset=timezone)
- if (date_rng.from_value):
+ if date_rng.from_value:
where.append('_%s >= %s'%(k, a))
- args.append(date_rng.from_value.serialise())
- if (date_rng.to_value):
+ args.append(dc(date_rng.from_value))
+ if date_rng.to_value:
where.append('_%s <= %s'%(k, a))
- args.append(date_rng.to_value.serialise())
+ args.append(dc(date_rng.to_value))
except ValueError:
# If range creation fails - ignore that search parameter
# Try to filter on range of intervals
date_rng = Range(v, date.Interval)
- if (date_rng.from_value):
+ if date_rng.from_value:
where.append('_%s >= %s'%(k, a))
- if (date_rng.to_value):
+ if date_rng.to_value:
where.append('_%s <= %s'%(k, a))
except ValueError:
l = self.db.sql_fetchall()
# return the IDs (the first column)
- return [row[0] for row in l]
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ return [str(row[0]) for row in l]
def count(self):
'''Get the number of nodes in this class.
diff --git a/roundup/ b/roundup/
index 8f60a725e7eddfb56e73bea99a234b59931f6eda..60377117cb7da0afa4ff63ed26a983b5568df4a8 100644 (file)
--- a/roundup/
+++ b/roundup/
-# $Id:,v 1.60 2004-02-11 23:55:08 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.61 2004-03-22 07:45:39 richard Exp $
"""Date, time and time interval handling.
if type(spec) == type(''):
self.set(spec, offset=offset, add_granularity=add_granularity)
- else:
+ return
+ elif hasattr(spec, 'tuple'):
+ spec = spec.tuple()
+ try:
y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = spec
+ frac = S - int(S)
ts = calendar.timegm((y,m,d,H+offset,M,S,0,0,0))
self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second, x, x, x = time.gmtime(ts)
+ # we lost the fractional part
+ self.second = self.second + frac
+ except:
+ raise ValueError, 'Unknown spec %r'%spec
def set(self, spec, offset=0, date_re=re.compile(r'''
m = serialised_re.match(spec)
if m is not None:
# we're serialised - easy!
- self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, \
- self.second = map(int, m.groups()[:6])
+ g = m.groups()
+ (self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute,
+ self.second) = map(int, g[:6])
# not serialised data, try usual format
_add_granularity(info, 'SMHdmyab')
# get the current date as our default
- y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = time.gmtime(time.time())
+ ts = time.time()
+ frac = ts - int(ts)
+ y,m,d,H,M,S,x,x,x = time.gmtime(ts)
+ # gmtime loses the fractional seconds
+ S = S + frac
if info['y'] is not None or info['a'] is not None:
if info['y'] is not None:
S = S - 1
# now handle the adjustment of hour
+ frac = S - int(S)
ts = calendar.timegm((y,m,d,H,M,S,0,0,0))
self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, \
self.second, x, x, x = time.gmtime(ts)
+ # we lost the fractional part along the way
+ self.second = self.second + frac
if info.get('o', None):
def __str__(self):
"""Return this date as a string in the yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss format."""
- return '%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d'%(self.year, self.month,,
- self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
+ return self.formal()
+ def formal(self, sep='.', sec='%02d'):
+ f = '%%4d-%%02d-%%02d%s%%02d:%%02d:%s'%(sep, sec)
+ return f%(self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute,
+ self.second)
def pretty(self, format='%d %B %Y'):
''' print up the date date using a pretty format...
def timestamp(self):
''' return a UNIX timestamp for this date '''
- return calendar.timegm((self.year, self.month,, self.hour,
+ frac = self.second - int(self.second)
+ ts = calendar.timegm((self.year, self.month,, self.hour,
self.minute, self.second, 0, 0, 0))
+ # we lose the fractional part
+ return ts + frac
class Interval:
diff --git a/roundup/ b/roundup/
index a267e4223a211dc54d7fca773943cf3d519d76f1..14dbcda0da9338193fbd2b128dbf0881be899778 100644 (file)
--- a/roundup/
+++ b/roundup/
-# $Id:,v 1.11 2004-02-11 23:55:08 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.12 2004-03-22 07:45:39 richard Exp $
"""Password handling (encoding, decoding).
default_scheme = 'SHA' # new encryptions use this scheme
pwre = re.compile(r'{(\w+)}(.+)')
- def __init__(self, plaintext=None, scheme=None):
+ def __init__(self, plaintext=None, scheme=None, encrypted=None):
'''Call setPassword if plaintext is not None.'''
if scheme is None:
scheme = self.default_scheme
if plaintext is not None:
self.password = encodePassword(plaintext, self.default_scheme)
self.scheme = self.default_scheme
+ elif encrypted is not None:
+ self.unpack(encrypted)
self.password = None
self.scheme = self.default_scheme
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 193e145139f86c1fdbd83ec756e42a0c0ce2a8c0..3acc05b7b555088960014bff6e9161b6d1b47c9f 100644 (file)
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
-# $Id:,v 1.18 2004-03-19 04:47:59 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.19 2004-03-22 07:45:40 richard Exp $
import unittest, os, shutil, errno, imp, sys, time, pprint
i.set(id1, title='asfasd')
self.assertNotEqual(i.get(id1, 'creator'), i.get(id1, 'actor'))
- #
- # basic operations
- #
+ # ID number controls
def testIDGeneration(self):
id1 = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
id2 = self.db.issue.create(title="eggs", status='2')
self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2)
+ def testIDSetting(self):
+ # XXX numeric ids
+ self.db.setid('issue', 10)
+ id2 = self.db.issue.create(title="eggs", status='2')
+ self.assertEqual('11', id2)
+ #
+ # basic operations
+ #
def testEmptySet(self):
id1 = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
# test disabling journalling
# ... get the last entry
- time.sleep(1)
- entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
- (x, date_stamp, x, x, x) = entry
+ jlen = len(self.db.getjournal('user', '1'))
self.db.issue.set('1', title='hello world')
- entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
- (x, date_stamp2, x, x, x) = entry
# see if the change was journalled when it shouldn't have been
- self.assertEqual(date_stamp, date_stamp2)
- time.sleep(1)
+ self.assertEqual(jlen, len(self.db.getjournal('user', '1')))
+ jlen = len(self.db.getjournal('issue', '1'))
self.db.issue.set('1', title='hello world 2')
- entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
- (x, date_stamp2, x, x, x) = entry
# see if the change was journalled
- self.assertNotEqual(date_stamp, date_stamp2)
+ self.assertNotEqual(jlen, len(self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')))
def testJournalPreCommit(self):
id = self.db.user.create(username="mary")
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index dcdcf015e35ec6bd8b62ab21ad8185556aba92ab..371b7553327c713e121f0e2b2f3e887ff8d6007b 100644 (file)
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# $Id:,v 1.65 2004-03-19 04:47:59 richard Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.66 2004-03-22 07:45:40 richard Exp $
import unittest, tempfile, os, shutil, errno, imp, sys, difflib, rfc822
nosy: Chef, mary, richard
status: unread
title: Testing...
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
assignedto: -> mary
nosy: +john, mary
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
assignedto: -> mary
nosy: +john, mary
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
nosy: +john
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
nosy: +john
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
nosy: +john
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>
status: unread -> chatting
Roundup issue tracker <>