
Added Shared-Folder-Plugin for the new Groupware extension
authorhickert <hickert@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Tue, 12 Oct 2010 07:52:41 +0000 (07:52 +0000)
committerhickert <hickert@594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8>
Tue, 12 Oct 2010 07:52:41 +0000 (07:52 +0000)
git-svn-id: 594d385d-05f5-0310-b6e9-bd551577e9d8

gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/ [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/generic.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]
gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/initFailed.tpl [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/ b/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ec0db61
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+class GroupwareSharedFolder extends plugin
+    public $view_logged = FALSE;
+    // Error hanlding related attributes.
+    private $initialized  = FALSE;
+    private $rpcError = FALSE;
+    private $rpcErrorMessage = "";
+    // Attribute definition 
+    public $attributes = array('primaryMailAddress','alternateAddresses','memberList','mailSizeLimit');
+    public $mailSizeLimit = NULL;
+    public $primaryMailAddress = "";
+    public $alternateAddresses = array();
+    public $memberList = array();   
+    // Feature handling
+    private $featuresEnabled = array();
+    /*! \brief  Constructs the plugin, loads required parent values 
+     *           and initiates the initialization.
+     */
+    function __construct($config, $dn, $attrs = NULL)
+    {
+        plugin::plugin($config, $dn, $attrs);
+        // Get attributes from parent object
+        foreach(array("uid","cn") as $attr){
+            if(isset($this->parent->by_object['group']) && isset($this->parent->by_object['group']->$attr)){
+                $this->$attr = &$this->parent->by_object['group']->$attr;
+            }elseif(isset($this->attrs[$attr])){
+                $this->$attr = $this->attrs[$attr][0];
+            }
+            $orig = "orig_{$attr}";
+            $this->$orig = "{$this->$attr}";
+        }
+        // Initialize the distribution list using the gosa-ng backend 
+        $this->init();
+    }
+    /*! \brief      Check whether a feature is enabled or not.
+     *  @param      The feature name to check for
+     *  @return     TRUE on success else FALSE
+     */
+    function featureEnabled($name)
+    {
+        return(isset($this->featuresEnabled[$name]) && $this->featuresEnabled[$name]);
+    }
+    /*! \brief      Try to initialize the plugin using a json-rpc connection
+     *               to the gosa-ng server.
+     */
+    function init()
+    {
+        // Detect supported capabilities 
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle();
+        $capabilities = $rpc->gwGetCapabilities();
+        if(!$rpc->success()){
+            $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+            $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+            $message = sprintf(_("Failed to load supported capabilities from server! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                    $rpc->get_error());
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            return;
+        }
+        // Detect features we can use
+        $map['alternateAddresses'] = array('distGetAlternateMailAddresses','distSetAlternateMailAddresses');
+        $map['mailSizeLimit'] = array('distGetMailLimit','distGetMailLimit');
+        foreach($map as $name => $required){
+            $this->featuresEnabled[$name] = TRUE;
+            foreach($required as $func){
+                $this->featuresEnabled[$name] &= isset($capabilities[$func]) && $capabilities[$func];
+            }
+        }
+        // Check whether a mathing distribution-list exsits or not?
+        $is_account = $rpc->gwDistExists($this->orig_cn);
+        $this->rpcError = FALSE;
+        // An error occured abort here
+        if(!$rpc->success()){
+            $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+            $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+            $message = sprintf(_("Failed to check existence for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                    $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            return;
+        }
+        // We've detected a valid distribution list, now load all
+        //  configured members, so we're able to update the memberlist
+        //  on save();
+        $memberList = array();
+        $primaryMailAddress = "";
+        $mailSizeLimit = NULL;
+        $alternateAddresses = array();
+        if($is_account){
+            // Load list of members 
+            $memberList = $rpc->gwDistGetMembers($this->orig_cn);
+            if(!$rpc->success()){
+                $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+                $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+                $message = sprintf(_("Failed to load members for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                        $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                return;
+            }
+            // Now get the primary mail address
+            $primaryMailAddress = $rpc->gwDistGetPrimaryMailAddress($this->orig_cn); 
+            if(!$rpc->success()){
+                $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+                $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+                $message = sprintf(_("Failed to load the primary mail address for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                        $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                return;
+            }
+            // Load alternate mail address 
+            if($this->featureEnabled('alternateAddresses')){
+                $alternateAddresses = $rpc->gwDistGetAlternateMailAddresses($this->orig_cn); 
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+                    $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to load alternate mail addresses for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            // Load mail size limitation settings 
+            if($this->featureEnabled('mailSizeLimit')){
+                $mailSizeLimit = $rpc->gwDistGetMailLimit($this->orig_cn); 
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+                    $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to load mail size limit for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                    return;
+                }
+                $mailSizeLimit = $mailSizeLimit['receive'];
+            }
+        }
+        // Store values as current and initial values (saved_attributes) 
+        //  to be able to keep track och changes.
+        $this->is_account = $this->initially_was_account = $is_account;
+        $this->saved_attributes = array();
+        $this->memberList = $this->saved_attributes['memberList'] = $memberList;
+        $this->primaryMailAddress = $this->saved_attributes['primaryMailAddress'] = $primaryMailAddress;
+        $this->alternateAddresses = $this->saved_attributes['alternateAddresses'] = $alternateAddresses;
+        $this->mailSizeLimit = $this->saved_attributes['mailSizeLimit'] = $mailSizeLimit;
+        $this->capabilities = $capabilities;        
+        $this->initialized = TRUE;
+    }
+    /*!  \brief     Gets the uids for the ogroups members.
+     */
+    function getOgroupMemberList()
+    {
+        $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+        $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
+        $members = array();
+        foreach($this->parent->by_object['ogroup']->memberList as $dn => $data){
+            if($data['type'] == 'U'){
+                $ldap->cat($dn, array('uid'));
+                if($ldap->count()){
+                    $attrs = $ldap->fetch();
+                    if(isset($attrs['uid'][0])) $members[] = $attrs['uid'][0];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return($members);
+    }
+    function execute()
+    {
+        plugin::execute();
+        // Initialization failed - Display a stripped template which allows 
+        //  to retry initialization
+        if(!$this->initialized){
+            $smarty = get_smarty();
+            $smarty->assign('rpcError' , $this->rpcError);
+            $smarty->assign('rpcErrorMessage' , $this->rpcErrorMessage);
+            return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('DistributionList/initFailed.tpl', TRUE)));
+        }
+        // Log account access
+        if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
+            $this->view_logged = TRUE;
+            new log("view","ogroups/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
+        }
+        // Allow to add or remove the distribution list extension 
+        if(isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
+            if($this->is_account && $this->acl_is_removeable()){
+                $this->is_account= FALSE;
+            }elseif(!$this->is_account && $this->acl_is_createable()){
+                $this->is_account= TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        // Show account status-changer
+        if ($this->parent !== NULL){
+            if ($this->is_account){
+                $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove distribution list"),
+                        msgPool::featuresEnabled(_("distribution list")));
+            } else {
+                $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Create distribution list"),
+                        msgPool::featuresDisabled(_("distribution list")));
+                return ($display);
+            }
+        }
+        /****************
+          Alternate addresses
+         ****************/
+        // Add manually inserted alternate mail address.
+        if (isset($_POST['addAlternateAddress'])){
+            $valid= FALSE;
+            if (!tests::is_email($_POST['alternateAddressInput'])){
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::invalid(_("Mail address"),
+                            "","",""),ERROR_DIALOG);
+            } else {
+                $valid= TRUE;
+            }
+            if ($valid && ($user= $this->addAlternate (get_post('alternateAddressInput'))) != ""){
+                $ui= get_userinfo();
+                $addon= "";
+                if ($user[0] == "!") {
+                    $addon= sprintf(_("Address is already in use by group '%s'."), mb_substr($user, 1));
+                } else {
+                    $addon= sprintf(_("Address is already in use by user '%s'."), $user);
+                }
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"), msgPool::duplicated(_("Mail address"))."<br><br><i>".
+                        "$addon</i>", ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        // Remove alternate mail address.
+        if (isset($_POST['deleteAlternateAddress']) && isset($_POST['alternateAddressList'])){
+            $this->delAlternate ($_POST['alternateAddressList']);
+        }
+        /****************
+          Generate HTML output
+         ****************/
+        $smarty = get_smarty();
+        $smarty->assign('rpcError' , $this->rpcError);
+        foreach(array("primaryMailAddress","alternateAddresses","mailSizeLimit") as $attr){
+            $smarty->assign("{$attr}ACL", $this->getacl($attr));
+            $smarty->assign($attr, set_post($this->$attr));
+        }
+        foreach(array('mailSizeLimit','alternateAddresses') as $feature){
+            $smarty->assign("{$feature}_isActive", $this->featureEnabled($feature));
+        }
+        $smarty->assign("useMailSizeLimit", ($this->mailSizeLimit != NULL));
+        $smarty->assign("memberList", set_post($this->memberList));
+        $smarty->assign('rpcErrorMessage' , $this->rpcErrorMessage);
+        return($display.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path('DistributionList/generic.tpl', TRUE)));
+    }
+    /*! \brief  ACL settings
+     */
+    static function plInfo()
+    {
+        return (array(
+                    "plShortName"     => _("Distribution list"),
+                    "plDescription"   => _("Groupware distribution lists"),
+                    "plSelfModify"    => FALSE,
+                    "plDepends"       => array("ogroup"),                     // This plugin depends on
+                    "plPriority"      => 4,                                 // Position in tabs
+                    "plSection"     => array("administration"),
+                    "plCategory"    => array("ogroups"),
+                    "plOptions"       => array(),
+                    "plProvidedAcls"  => array(
+                        "primaryMailAddress"   => _("Mail address"),
+                        "mailSizeLimit"   => _("Mail size limit"),
+                        "alternateAddresses"   => _("Alternate mail addresses"))
+                    ));
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Get posted values and check which are interesting for us.
+     */ 
+    function save_object()
+    {
+        if(isset($_POST['DistributionList_posted'])){
+            if(isset($_POST['retryInit'])){
+                $this->init();
+            }
+            if(!isset($_POST['useMailSizeLimit'])) $this->mailSizeLimit = NULL;
+            plugin::save_object();
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Add given mail address to the list of alternate adresses ,
+     *           check if this mal address is used, skip adding in this case
+     */
+    function addAlternate($address)
+    {
+        if(empty($address)) return;
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("alternateAddresses")){
+            $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
+            $address= strtolower($address);
+            /* Is this address already assigned in LDAP? */
+            $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
+            $ldap->search ("(&(!(objectClass=gosaUserTemplate))(objectClass=gosaMailAccount)(|(mail=$address)".
+                    "(alias=$address)(gosaMailAlternateAddress=$address)))", array("uid", "cn"));
+            if ($ldap->count() > 0){
+                $attrs= $ldap->fetch ();
+                if (!isset($attrs["uid"])) {
+                    return ("!".$attrs["cn"][0]);
+                }
+                return ($attrs["uid"][0]);
+            }
+            if (!in_array($address, $this->alternateAddresses)){
+                $this->alternateAddresses[]= $address;
+                $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+            }
+            sort ($this->alternateAddresses);
+            reset ($this->alternateAddresses);
+            return ("");
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    /*!   \brief    Removes the distribution list extension for the current 
+     *               object group.
+     */  
+    function remove_from_parent()
+    {
+        // Do nothing if this asn't an active account before.
+        if(!$this->initially_was_account) return;
+        // Remove distribution list 
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle();
+        $rpc->gwDistDel($this->orig_cn);
+        // An error occured abort here
+        if(!$rpc->success()){
+            $this->rpcError = TRUE;
+            $this->rpcErrorMessage = $rpc->get_error();
+            $message = sprintf(_("Failed to remove the distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                    $this->orig_cn, $rpc->get_error());
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /*!   \brief    Saves the distribution list extension for the current 
+     *               object group.
+     */  
+    function save()
+    {
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle();
+        if(!$this->initially_was_account){
+            $rpc->gwDistAdd($this->cn, $this->primaryMailAddress);
+            if(!$rpc->success()){
+                $message = sprintf(_("Failed to add distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                        $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        // Rename distribution list if cn has changed.
+        if($this->cn != $this->orig_cn && $this->initially_was_account){
+            $rpc->gwDistRename($this->orig_cn, $this->cn);
+            if(!$rpc->success()){
+                $message = sprintf(_("Failed to rename distribution list '%s' to '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                        $this->orig_cn,$this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        // Updated primaryMailAddress value, if needed:  
+        //  -> is a new distribution list or
+        //  -> the value for 'primaryMailAddress' has changed.
+        if(!$this->initially_was_account || $this->primaryMailAddress != $this->saved_attributes['primaryMailAddress']){
+            $rpc->gwDistSetPrimaryMailAddress($this->cn, $this->primaryMailAddress);
+            if(!$rpc->success()){
+                $message = sprintf(_("Failed to update the primary mail address for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                        $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        // Updated mail size limitations, if needed:  
+        //  -> is a new distribution list or
+        //  -> the value for 'mailSizeLimit' has changed.
+        if($this->featureEnabled('mailSizeLimit')){
+            if(!$this->initially_was_account || $this->mailSizeLimit != $this->saved_attributes['mailSizeLimit']){
+                $rpc->gwDistSetMailLimit($this->cn, $this->mailSizeLimit);
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to update mail size limitations for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Updated alternate mail addresses, if needed:  
+        //  -> is a new distribution list or
+        //  -> the value for 'alternateAddresses' has changed.
+        if($this->featureEnabled('alternateAddresses')){
+            sort($this->alternateAddresses);
+            sort($this->saved_attributes['alternateAddresses']);
+            $changed = array_differs($this->alternateAddresses,$this->saved_attributes['alternateAddresses']);
+            if(!$this->initially_was_account || $changed){
+                $rpc->gwDistSetAlternateMailAddresses($this->cn, $this->alternateAddresses);
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to update alternate addresses for distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Check which accounts have valid groupware mail addresses.
+        $uids = $this->getOgroupMemberList();
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle(); 
+        $verified = $rpc->gwVerifyAcct($uids);
+        $hasExt = array();
+        if(!$rpc->success()){
+            $messages[] = sprintf(_("Failed to verify account ids! Error was: '%s'."),$rpc->get_error());
+        }else{
+            $hasExt = array();
+            foreach($verified as $uid => $mail){
+                if(!empty($mail)) $hasExt[] = $mail;
+            }   
+        }
+        $all = array_merge($hasExt, $this->saved_attributes['memberList']);
+        foreach($all as $member){
+            if(!in_array($member,$hasExt)){
+                $rpc->gwDistDelMember($this->cn, $member);
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to remove member '%s' from distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $member, $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                }
+            }elseif(!in_array($member,$this->saved_attributes['memberList'])){
+                $rpc->gwDistAddMember($this->cn, $member);
+                if(!$rpc->success()){
+                    $message = sprintf(_("Failed to add member '%s' to distribution list '%s'! Error was: '%s'."), 
+                            $member, $this->cn, $rpc->get_error());
+                    msg_dialog::display(_("Error"),msgPool::rpcError($message), ERROR_DIALOG);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*! \brief  Removes the given mail address from the alternate addresses list
+     */
+    function delAlternate($addresses)
+    {
+        if($this->acl_is_writeable("alternateAddresses")){
+            $this->alternateAddresses= array_remove_entries ($addresses,$this->alternateAddresses);
+            $this->is_modified= TRUE;
+        }else{
+            msg_dialog::display(_("Permission error"), _("You have no permission to modify these addresses!"), ERROR_DIALOG);
+        }
+    }
+    function check()
+    {
+        $messages = plugin::check();
+        // Check which accounts have valid groupware mail addresses.
+        $uids = $this->getOgroupMemberList();
+        $rpc = $this->config->getRpcHandle(); 
+        $verified = $rpc->gwVerifyAcct($uids);
+        if(!$rpc->success()){
+            $messages[] = sprintf(_("Failed to verify account ids! Error was: '%s'."),$rpc->get_error());
+        }else{
+            $noExt = array();
+            foreach($verified as $uid => $mail){
+                if(empty($mail)) $noExt[] = $uid;
+            }   
+            if(count($noExt)){
+                $message = sprintf(_("The following object group members do not have a valid groupware extension and will be ignored as distribution list members: %s"),msgPool::buildList($noExt));
+                msg_dialog::display(_("Info"),$message, INFO_DIALOG);
+            }
+        }
+        return($messages);
+    }
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/generic.tpl b/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/generic.tpl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..085ed73
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<table summary="{t}Groupware{/t}" width="100%">
+    <tr>
+        <td style='width:50%; vertical-align: top;'>
+            <h3>{t}Groupware{/t}</h3>
+            {t}Mail address{/t}:
+            {render acl=$primaryMailAddressACL}
+                <input type='text' name="primaryMailAddress" value="{$primaryMailAddress}">
+            {/render}
+            {if $mailSizeLimit_isActive}
+                <hr>
+                {render acl=$mailSizeLimitACL}
+                    <input type='checkbox' name="useMailSizeLimit" 
+                        onClick="changeState('mailSizeLimit')" 
+                        {if $useMailSizeLimit} checked {/if} value="1">
+                {/render}
+                {t}Use incoming mail size limitation{/t}
+                {render acl=$mailSizeLimitACL}
+                    <input type='text' name='mailSizeLimit' id="mailSizeLimit" 
+                        {if $useMailSizeLimit} value="{$mailSizeLimit}" {else} value="" disabled {/if}>
+                {/render}
+            {/if}
+        </td>
+        {if $alternateAddresses_isActive}
+            <td style='width:50%; vertical-align: top; padding-left:5px;' class='left-border'>
+                <h3><label for="alternateAddressList">{t}Alternative addresses{/t}</label></h3>
+                {render acl=$alternateAddressesACL}
+                    <select id="alternateAddressList" style="width:100%;height:100px;" name="alternateAddressList[]" size="15" multiple
+                        title="{t}List of alternative mail addresses{/t}">
+                        {html_options values=$alternateAddresses output=$alternateAddresses}
+                        <option disabled>&nbsp;</option>
+                    </select>
+                    <br>
+                {/render}
+                {render acl=$alternateAddressesACL}
+                    <input type='text' name="alternateAddressInput">
+                {/render}
+                {render acl=$alternateAddressesACL}
+                    <button type='submit' name='addAlternateAddress'>{msgPool type=addButton}</button>
+                {/render}
+                {render acl=$alternateAddressesACL}
+                    <button type='submit' name='deleteAlternateAddress'>{msgPool type=delButton}</button>
+                {/render}
+            </td>
+        {/if}
+    </tr>
+<input type="hidden" name="DistributionList_posted" value="1">
diff --git a/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/initFailed.tpl b/gosa-plugins/groupware/admin/groups/GroupwareSharedFolder/initFailed.tpl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..96404d4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{msgPool type=rpcError text=$rpcErrorMessage}
+&nbsp;<button name='retryInit'>{t}Retry{/t}</button>